
11 Reviews
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Absolute Garbage
4 December 2007
Having just wasted a couple of hours watching this and for 80% of that time in complete disbelief, I can give this garbage the turkey of the year award, no problem. To say the plot was unbelievable is some big understatement. Frankly I am lost for words to describe this utter tripe. Not only are the characters completely and utterly without any semblance of originality (this sort of stuff has been done much better in dozens of 'serial killer flicks')but the acting was dire. For those who pay to see this, I hope you get your money back, for those who were paid to do this, I hope you GIVE your money back. Believe me folks there are many new releases out there that are much, much better. Go see.
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A Collosal work of cinematic art
9 October 2005
I came across this film by accident whilst trying to locate another German made film and on discovering that the entire 7 hours is available free in real-time I began to watch. Those seven hours flew by and by the end I was left feeling stunned and somehow very insignificant. This is not a film to invite a few pals round for and throw pizza and beer in for good measure. This is a film to watch alone or maybe with someone who is interested in cinema as a means of transcending time and place. The images and audio presentations you will see and hear may well change your perceptions on life itself. Why this film is so little known is a mystery and perhaps it is only for the few and not the masses. It hits a spot somewhere deep inside and nestles in there and will never be entirely removed. See it and understand why 80 million Germans believed Hitler, a maniac, became for many, a god.
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A winner with anyone who loves a gamble
19 July 2005
This is one of the finest foreign films I have ever seen. The acting is generally very good by all concerned and the close camera work is superb. It is a pity the print on the rental DVD i had was fairly poor but the story line and the pace more than made up for the lack of technical quality. Bob is the kind of guy you just don't see anymore on film, a sort of Robin Hood type who is loved by all, even the cops love him.

The plot is helped along nicely by a brisk dialogue and some lovely comic moments.

Not a film to be taken too seriously but with a character as likable as Bob it really doesn't matter. If you like the looks of seedy old Paris in the mid-fifties you will love this film. A straight (pardon the pun)10.
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Focus (I) (2001)
Macy Makes it Worth Watching
13 June 2005
That just about sums it up. Macy's fine acting saves an otherwise poorly scripted film about a very serious subject. The idea that merely by putting-on or taking-off a pair of spectacles can change a person's life in the extreme, is frankly unbelievable. I mean if it did happen surely you would find a pair of spectacles that were less 'obvious'? Laura Dern looked particularly uncomfortable as a 'Jewish' looking non-Jew and the idea that a sexy blonde who drew attention and wolf-whistles wherever she went would fall for Macy is preposterous. It was as dumb a suggestion as Macy's other good looker falling for him in 'The Cooler'. Come on Hollywood, get your act together with a little more realism. Finally Meatloaf did good as the bigot next door.
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Lantana (2001)
Neat and Twisty Thriller with a lot of character
7 February 2005
This is one smart movie with plenty of substance and none of your Hollywood 'never happen in a million years' pairing of old men and teenage chicks stuff. These characters live and breath and I'm sure we all know at least 75% of them from our own experiences. The detective isn't driving a black Porche or toting a 30" gun in his designer denims and the female leads haven't got a weeks worth of grease and eye-liner slapped on. A well written, well acted 'mature' and intelligent movie with more twists and turns in the plot than a spiral staircase. I bet you get the ending wrong just like i did. Well done all round and please let's have some more like this. 8/10
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Stunning and Scary
21 January 2005
Having just watched The Fog Of War the first thing I did was to take a deep breath and watch it all over again. I remember the Cuban missile crisis very well and all those who I spoke to at the time thought the Americans would use nuclear weapons because they were having their 'bluff' called. It didn't happen or else I wouldn't be writing this but did this stand-off with Cuba and the U.S.S.R. cause the U.S. to enter into conflict with the North Vietnamese? The world saw the U.S.appear to 'climb down' over the Cuban issue and maybe the administration just had to show it's willingness to go to war and flex it's muscles without the risk of nuclear weapons becoming involved. In any event history shows us the Vietnam war was entered by the U.S. for the wrong reasons and then the problem, as in Iraq today, is how to get out again without losing face. McNamara would, by most people's definition be classed as a war criminal but one with good intentions rather than Saddan Hussein who had only evil intentions. Perhaps this film should be shown to all to illustrate that even as I write this, the war mongers still haven't ever read a history book.8/10
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Dog Days (2001)
Dark and Disturbing
17 January 2005
Warning: Spoilers
This film is in no way entertainment but more of a look deep into the depths of the darkest side of human behaviour. Loosely linking a half a dozen stories of the worst kind of depravities, perverted sex, greed, violence and intolerance. All the action is played out over a few very hot and sticky days during a heatwave in Vienna and the heat is maybe responsible for some of the anger and hate in the film. For me the treatment of the retarded girl by the security equipment salesman was about the worst episode, closely followed by the scenes of drunkenness and perversity in the 'slags' flat. You will be gripped and I hope horrified by this film. I hated it but I felt compelled to see it through. 1/10 for 'fun' 8/10 for displaying 'man' as he sometimes is.
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Affliction (1997)
One Hell of a Bad Flick
27 December 2004
Warning: Spoilers
I have to say that this is probably the worst flick I have seen Nick Nolte in. I am a big fan of his and of Jim Coburn too but neither deserve this, nor do the viewers. When you take away the abusive background to Nolte's character there is nothing left but a bleak snowy landscape populated by seemingly empty people. I simply could not get into this film at any level, the characters were either dull or leaden. As for a plot, there was a faint attempt at working in a possible murder motive but honestly I for one just couldn't be bothered if someone had been murdered! The whole thing was so slow and seemingly pointless.And the part played by Wilem Dafoe seemed to be totally unnecessary. Give it a miss, or be prepared for a big disappointment. 5/10
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Simply Wonderful
4 November 2004
Having just watched one of the most visually stunning and beautifully acted pieces of cinema in my long and varied life, I can only find praise for every facet of this fabulous tale. All of the pieces came together with a genuine and sincere feel for the period and the people. No fair-minded lover of the cinema can fault this production, it is simply right in every category and every magical frame. The only film so far this year to earn a 10/10 from me. Highly recommended and a tribute to ALL those involved.
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Mystic River (2003)
Plot, more holes than a Swiss cheese
25 October 2004
Having just watched Mystic River and been impressed by the acting of most of the main players I can't help feel being a little bit cheated by the story as a whole. The plot is full of holes and the real killers are so unrealistic and their part in the events simply unbelievable. I felt sorry for Tim Robbins' character and I felt Sean Penn played himself again, so no surprises there. If only Clint had put as much effort into the last 20 minutes as in the rest of the film and come up with a plausible reason for the 'kill' (maybe a sex-killing) which would at least be in keeping, then a great movie would have been born. all -in- all some fine acting but ultimately a let down, for me anyway.
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Wish It Had Been Longer
25 September 2004
I first saw 'Tunes' in 1990 having almost decided not to bother to set my video recorder. The film was showing at something like 2 a.m. and the synopsis in my paper didn't sound all that promising. When I watched it a couple of days later I was captivated by the quality of acting, storyline and genuine feel of the period. How I wish it had been 30 or 40 minutes longer to let the characters 'grow' just that little bit more. Lovers of a good 'masculine' film that's not full of over-played sex and foul language will love it.
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