
27 Reviews
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Severance (2022– )
Sever From The Norm
15 April 2022
Looking for something different with top quality writing, acting directing and all around storytelling? This is it. With so much of the same ol story being told a semi different way this is a breath of fresh air. Can't say too much on this one but just watch it. It's worth the Severance from reality.

Hoping I don't have to wait over a year to see season 2...

  • SweeZ.
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Smiling All The Way Through
23 March 2022
Honestly what more are you asking for from Jackass? Loved the shows and movies as a kid so I was laughing the whole through. It's just fun. Enjoy it

  • SweeZ.
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Kimi (2022)
All Killer No Filler
18 February 2022
More so mostly filler, some thriller with a little killer...

"Kimi" is certainly worth a weekday night watch with the wife/husband when your favorite shows are caught up and nothing left to binge or begin at the moment. I didn't love it but definitely didn't hate it. Rather predictable but it doesn't drag on by any means so it's easy to stay with.

Kravitz does a descent job here. Didn't feel like there was a ton of depth to the character but for the story it plays descent enough. Honestly expected more from Soderbergh but they can't all be 10's.

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Some People Got No TEGRIDY!
16 December 2021
After reading the reviews for the first half of the Post Covid Special I couldn't believe how many people were whining and complaining about it. Saying it's not funny anymore or it's "too woke". Some even saying "I don't care if it's smart because it's not funny". I think people are really starting to lose their sense of humor much like Jimmy's character shows in the 1st half.

The special is awesome. If you've been watching all along and have always been a fan then you will love this one. I can't take recommendations from all these people who say "I'll admit I've never been a South Park fan" or "I haven't watched South Park in years but I gave this a try" and then proceed to crap on it. I mean why watch and rate a show that you either don't like or haven't followed just to down rate it? Some people are just plain sad imho.

Simple Answer: If you like South Park you will love this. If you don't then you won't. There are plenty of other shows to stream so why waste your time and rate something you don't get? GET SOME TEGRIDY PEOPLE!!

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True Story (III) (2021)
A Bit Suprised
3 December 2021
I'm a bit suprised at so many high ratings. Not because I didn't enjoy, I absolutely did, but because while I was watching I actually had the thought of wondering how other would review it.

So many outlandish and unrealistic events occur that I thought for sure many would not be able to enjoy the show for what it is and pan it for being over the top. But alas people are able to enjoy something if they like the people in it!

Kevin Hart is great in this role as he is able to bring some comedic presence to a serious role and doesn't come off as over the top. Wesley Snipes was FANTASTIC. No other way to put it. Billy Zane and the rest of the co-stars do a great job as well.

The story itself was rather predictable for me but you're still not 100% sure it's going to turn out a certain way. It's worth the watch for sure.

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Yellowjackets: The Dollhouse (2021)
Season 1, Episode 3
Have To Wait A WHOLE Week?!
1 December 2021
Worst part about this episode is having to wait a whole week to see where it goes from here. Haven't like a new show this much in a while. Show is off to a great start!

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I Learned Something Today
1 December 2021
An absolute classic start to one of the funniest, smartest shows of all time. A 10 out of 10 simply because this was the start of the most epic cartoon and all around classic show South Park. It's hilarious to even hear the "Go Jesus!", " Our Savior!" And "You know, I learned something today" quotes and to see for the most part the four main characters stayed the same even with the "they killed Kenny" mines albeit with Kenny looking like Cartman.

Cartman is one of my all time favorite television characters of all time so I'm glad they made the switch. I'd love to hear how they took this short and molded it into what it is today.

A definite must for any South Park fan. You can find it on YouTube.

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Surprised By Low Ratings
27 November 2021
Some reviewers shouldn't be leaving them if they didn't bother to watch the whole thing. I remember when Von Dutch blew up as a kid so maybe that's why I enjoyed it but it was still an interesting story. Shows the many sides of a business and how ruthless it can be. It's only 3 episodes so it's not a long ride but I enjoyed it.

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Yellowjackets (2021– )
Great Start
15 November 2021
This is based off the pilot alone so far but it's off to a booming beginning. Two stories rolled into one bigger story keeps you bouncing back and forth and wanting to see where each one is going and how the first affects the 2nd. I don't find it confusing at all but I've read some other have found it so. I don't see how but to each their own.

Can't wait to see where it's going!

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Yellowjackets: Pilot (2021)
Season 1, Episode 1
Great Start
15 November 2021
Thoroughly enjoyed the pilot and I'm dying to see the next episodes to see where it's going. I don't find it confusing at all how they switch back and forth to the 90's and now. It's something a little different. Has two stories wrapped into one big story and you can't wait to see where it's going. I'm in.

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Does Everything Have To Be A Masterpiece?
3 October 2021
Does everything have to be a masterpiece for people to enjoy it? Could the film have been better? Sure. Most movies could. A couple years ago when I read about David Chase doing this movie I read it was going to be mainly about the race riots with the early Sopranos characters in it. Obviously he made it more about Dickie, showed some Tony and glimpses of his crew and family but come on. I don't see how a die hard Sopranos fan doesn't enjoy the ride.

All the nods to episodes and Easter eggs were great for me. I think it shows that legends are just that. Legend. Stories. Tony built up who's Dickie was probably the same as his father. Same as Christopher did to Tony and look how that turned out. I think it brought even more realness to the show as showing they were normal human beings not movie star gangsters. Some of the stories from The show clearly weren't remembered correctly or were embellished when told so when we see what really happened we're supposed to be disappointed? No thanks.

I don't want to leave any spoilers so I won't go on but the Sopranos is my single favorite show of all time and I watch everything. I thoroughly enjoyed it.

Gave it a 10 to try to weigh against the IMDB professional movie critics that love to explain why something with so much hype was no good.

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Great Standalone Series
26 September 2021
This series is FAR superior to Power Book 2: Ghost. The main reason being the young lead actor is much better than the kid who plays Tariq St. Patrick. I just find him incredibly unlikeable and I always know I'm watching an actor put on his character. Now the gentlemen who plays Kanaan is clearly doing his best 50 Cent impression but the surround cast is really, really good.

This is a solid standalone series on its own made even more intriguing for Power fans who were enthralled in the original series as it pulls some things together. I hope they show us when Kanaan met Ghost and Tommy and how all that got started.

If you were turned off the "Power Universe" like I was after the 2nd series about Ghost's son give this one a shot. If you're a fan of the original you'll like this one fore sure.

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Untold: Malice at the Palace (2021)
Season 1, Episode 1
New Insight Into The Malice At The Palace
5 September 2021
I remember being a little kid watching SportCenter on my tiny kitchen TV eating cereal before school and seeing the highlights from the "Malice In The Palace" and not believing my eyes. I remember them showing Ron Artest swinging on that fan in the stands repeatedly and thinking I've never seen anything like this in my life. Luckily it hasn't happened again

I really enjoyed the interviews with the players and people involved and respect them for telling their side. It was super easy to judge Artest and O'Neal at the time but man seeing how small they looked compared to a crowd of 30k+ people I'm sure it was a scary and threatening place to be. Obviously it shouldn't have happened in the first place but once something like that goes down all bets are off. Mob mentality is crazy. I was at the Kenmore Square riots after the Red Sox completed the greatest comeback in baseball history against the Yankees in 2004. Once one or two people start fighting or breaking things in a fueled up crowd it's like a chain reaction. Basic common sense is out the window.

Definitely a must watch for any basketball fan and people who enjoy documentaries.

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Titletown High (2021– )
Could Have Been A lot Better
5 September 2021
I am being generous by giving the football half of the show a 5 and the other half of teenage drama a 0. Just not for me but I'm sure the high school crowd who the show is aimed at will find it interesting.

I would've loved to see more of a docu-style dig into coach Probst and why Nub was so after him. Nub is a totally douche baby but it could've been more interesting with more of a backstory instead of a quick fill in about Probst's past at the end. Don't want to give anything away but it just looked like there was more story to be told of the coaches and players rather than rock for brains Grayson and his high school love triangle.

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Why Women Kill (2019–2021)
Watch It!! Season 1 Is Great!
5 June 2021
I'm sorry I put off watching this show as long as I did. It was nothing like what I had expected. Weaving 3 awesome stories into one show all interlacing with each other with amazing directing and some really good acting from most of the main characters makes this a fantastic show.

I finished the 1st season in 2 days and starting the 2nd season now at 2am bc it's that good. Can't decide if I want the 2nd season to follow the same kind of story raving that the 1st season did or want to see them try something different. Anyway watch the 1sr season you'll be be crazy not to love it.

  • SweeZ.
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The Boys (2019– )
I Am NOT A Marvel or Comic Guy
13 May 2021
I'm not a huge Marvel movie guy. After the first hundred marvel movies came out I couldn't tell what the difference was and what the point would be to try to catch up. This is NOT that. The Boys is fantastic. It's everything you want in a show that will keep you hooked from start to finish. You'll be bummed when it's over!

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Bad Trip (2021)
Watch It For What It Is
23 April 2021
The movie is hilarious. Don't take it too seriously and you will definitely enjoy it.
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Acting 101
6 February 2021
This is a must watch for any up and coming actor. Daniel Day Lewis is one of those actors that COMPLETELY inhabits his character. This is just my opinion but I don't know that this film would even be watchable without Lewis in it. The long shot scenes stay captivating simply because of the emotion that Lewis shows throughout. Much like James Gandolfini in The Sopranos you can always tell what the character is feeling by their face and body language. The story itself is intriguing but it's much more so because of the way Lewis portrays Daniel.

This is definitely a must watch for film buffs. For the Marvel and super hero people this is probably a skip a there is not a ton of action. There certainly is magic but it's the magic of one human being completely becoming another. Good stuff

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Palm Springs (2020)
Watch It
4 February 2021
Unlike any wedding rom-com I've ever seen. Didn't have any idea what the premise was when I started the movie and I was pleasantly surprised. Definitely worth the watch.

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Nothing New
3 February 2021
It's a descent doc for what it is but you don't walk away feeling like you learned anything new. In fact you hit the end and wonder if there's another episode where they really dig into the story behind the story. Many others have said it but it's true. Big opportunity missed here to make an impactful documentary that exposed people in this ring of disgusting human beings. Everyone knows there is much more to this story but this documentary does not deliver there.

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The GOAT Doc & The GOAT Baller
3 February 2021
This is one of the best sports documentaries you will ever see. Even if you're not a sports fan I'm sure you will still enjoy the story. If you love sports like I do then this is IT for you. The ultimate inside look at the way too short career of the best basketball player to ever step on a court. If you haven't seen this yet then stop reading right now and get to it. You won't be disappointed.
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Tiger (2021)
Tiger Goes Deep
3 February 2021
I have always been a big fan of Tiger Woods the golfer but never knew much about him outside of the game. When the whole scandal broke it came out as if he was just out there sleeping with anything that moved bc he was your typical athlete d-bag. "Tiger" explains why he most likely did what he did but more importantly, for Woods, it shows that it was as much of if not more of a mental connection for him than physical. He was obviously an insecure guy off the golf course and ended up repeating some things he hated in his idols. I won't go into detail but watch the doc it's great. My only complaint is I wish it was longer!

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Power Book II: Ghost (2020–2024)
Ghost This Spinoff
16 December 2020
You knew they were going to do a spin-off on Power since they've already got a built in audience but this was the wrong way to go. Tariq was one of the main characters I liked the least. Michael Rainey Jr. (Tariq) seemed to be one dimensional as an actor in Power. Always the same demeanor and facial expressions which isn't a huge deal for a side character, especially a young actor. But to make him the lead and main character was a bad choice in my opinion.

I never criticize shows for being "unrealistic" as most good shows have to be in some sort of way. Power made you believe these guys were so good they could pull off the crazy ish they do because the actors were so good. Naturi Naughton is a good actor but everything about the dynamic between the two just seems off to me. Tasha was tolerable in her role in Power but again as a lead it feels repetitive and she's not a character you root for.

I would have loved a prequel where they show how Tommy and Ghost came to be who they were in Power or even follow Tommy after he takes off for Cali. Power Book 2: Ghost is just too far for even me to believe, have zero interest in the main character and just keep hoping for Tommy to show up again. I gave the first season a try but I'm Ghostin' it for here out.

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The Flight Attendant (2020–2022)
Something Different
16 December 2020
This show is definitely worth watching imo. There's certainly something different about it than your typical comical mystery. I've heard so many people say they don't like it because of the lead actress but that's bs to me. I'm not a Big Bang fan at all. Not my type of show. I honestly didn't even realize it was the same actress at first. Her character is not like ale but that's by design. It's the whole point. How many people will really continue to to help her when she clearly only cares about herself? I think she did a great job and is nothing like the Big Bang character.

Of course the story is outlandish and completely unrealistic but if if a story being "real" is your criteria then stick to documentaries. Shows like this are supposed to crazy and keep your interest. I'm a fan for sure and wish it was more than 8 episodes.

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The Undoing (2020)
Surprised By The Negative Reviews
7 December 2020
Warning: Spoilers
I'm super surprised by the vast amount of negative reviews on this one. I was hooked from the first episode and disappointed when I found out it was only going to be 6 episodes all together. I bet people are disappointed by the ending after all the possible twists and turns the story could have gone in any direction but I found it actually surprising that Jonathan (Hugh Grant) was the killer. They did such a good job of convincing us it wasn't him that I kept trying to figure out who it could be even though all the evidence pointed to Jonathan.

I will admit that I didn't love the last episode and the ending itself, not the way the story turned out but the whole chase and final scene. Sure they could have "shocked" us all and had Henry (Noah Jupe) or Franklin (Donald Sutherland) wind up being the killer but people would have complained about that too. People still to this day complain about The Sopranos ending even though it's so well done as David Chase gave you everything you needed except actually showing Tony getting shot but you had to understand the point of view shots and people want the ending to anything great handed to them.

This show is definitely worth the watch in my opinion and held my attention throughout every scene as I tried to figure out what could have happened that night in the art studio. In the end it was the most obvious answer that surprised me the most and that's different than most stories like this.

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