
12 Reviews
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The Night Of (2016)
Storytelling to it's finest
10 January 2021
What makes The Night Of stand out compared with other series is not the plot. An innocent man get's arrested for a crime he didn't commit, with racial suspicions, he needs to fight against the sometimes absurd injustice of the American criminal system. Bring in a charismatic lawyer and a stubborn routinier detective and let the battle begin. Stories like these are often stuffed in a 2 hour movie where you often feel robbed at the end of it as you have seen it all before. So no, the plot of this HBO mini series is not original and might not intrigue you straight away . But the way the plot is told certainly should. It's storytelling from the top shelve of cinema.

The freedom of having 8 episodes to tell the story, gives the creators great liberty to create continuously tension and to develop great character building. The acting is sublime and made me think of True Detective in a way. Riz Ahmed fits the shoe perfectly as the innocent Pakistan student boy at the wrong place in the wrong time. I loved his breakthrough role next to Jake Gyllenhaal in Nightcrawler. I'm excited to see his new promising Sound of Metal movie. He absolutely takes the spotlight here and his transformation once he's incarcerated is realistic. (Although those tattoos were a bit much if you ask me). Also, I hope to see a lot more of Amara Karan. She's unbelievably talented (and stunning) and after her role in Wes Anderson's The Darjeeling Limited and this series she has proven her worth. But the absolutely star of the show is in my opinion John Torturro as his eczema tormented lawyer. Torturro is such an underrated actor and it's nice to see him in a role he deserves. He nailed it to the last drop.

I sat on the edge of my seat (bed mostly) every episode and I've not spotted a dull moment. To not get bored during a series is a unique sign of brilliant storytelling and tension building. Even though I thought the ending was a bit quick, I thought it was all brought to a beautiful conclusion and I was sad it was over. But the power here lies in the quote; Live fast, die young. Burn out and don't fade away. That's how you won't be forgotten and how people will remember you.
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A new personal favorite
1 January 2021
For a lifelong movie-buff there's nothing more fulfilling and satisfying then to find a little gem like this film to add to your personal favorite cinema collection. Such an inspiring epic tale of romance, war and family, all told through the wise words of the native One Stab.

I was quite hesitant before I started watching it as it seemed like such a long film. I was scared to get bored. The opposite happened. I felt inspired and intrigued, because this film is about life. About happiness and sadness, death and birth, loss and wisdom. A film about being wild and lost, about true love and family.

The screenplay is amazing and I simply cannot understand that Sir Anthony Hopkins didn't receive an Oscar nomination for his role; he's brilliant. 90s Brad Pitt is irresistible as usual with his blonde locks and the rest of the casting is perfect as well. I always feel a strong appreciation for the Native Americans and I love how they are so much involved in this epic.

The film can feel a little dated at times but the breathtaking cinematography of the wild Montana makes more than up for it. Dreaming away into the wilderness through your screen makes you forget that this movie is not perfect. Yes, it can be a little corny at times. And yes, there are credibility flaws. But man, it's poetic, romantic and dramatic in its greatest splendor. Just how life should be.
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Mosul (I) (2019)
Underrated and realistic modern-war piece
1 January 2021
Wow. I was positively surprised by this movie. After all the stereotyped, Americanized movies about the war in the Middle East this little film feels like a well-needed breath of fresh air. The action is packed and high class, the acting is sublime and even the plot itself is unique and interesting. It reminded me somewhat of the amazing Brazilian 'Elite Squad' movies, all-though this is a totally different war. The Iraqi actors are all doing an outstanding job in portraying the horrors of the war caused by the medieval terrorist machine that is ISIS. An absolute must-watch, not just for war-movies fans, but just for anyone to get a better view of the situation in this war-torn area of the world.
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1917 (2019)
Never forget WWI
15 January 2020
After seeing trailers and reading other reviews, I was determined to watch this new movie in cinema. And it did not disappoint a single bit; I was on the edge of my seat the whole film. Mendes creates an ultra-realistic piece of cinema by filming in what seems to be one shot and giving the viewer the feeling he is part of the protagonists mission. It's a two hour rollercoaster through the dirty trenches of France, with not a single moment to take a breath. A gift from the Gods for the movie enthusiast, but also a thrilling experience for even the strangers of cinema.

It remembered me a lot of Dunkirk, with similar claustrophobic feelings, by showing not only the true horror of war but also the pure loneliness it brings with it. The fear to die alone, to become a forgotten name, to become a meaningless casualty in a meaningless war. The film is so realistic that it often feels you're watching a documentary. The cinematography is a pure pleasure for the eyes; the glowing mist in the French hills, every detail is right, every expression and action of the extra's are right; I could go on forever, but long story short; Oscar Winner for best film 2019. And just in time released to make it a contender for one of the best movies of the last decade, if not off all times. Trust me, I'm not exaggerating. It's a true masterpiece.

I highly recommend to watch the Peter Jackson documentary 'They Shall Not Grow Old', which also gives a great insight in the First World War. A war that is often over shadowed by WWII. Not only by cinema, but also by general knowledge. Not many people actually know how horrible the dirty, muddy trench war was from 1914-1918. A high praise for Mendes to bring this world changing event so realistically to life, something that happened more than hundred years ago, but should never ever be forgotten.
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Messiah (2020)
Forget about your sins, Jesus wins
3 January 2020
I was really reluctant to start watching this series because of the early reviews that marked it down so bad. Then I realized that a tv show about religion would always be criticized by some people.

Let me start honest and frank. There are definitely better tv shows then Messiah. The filming is a bit messy, the script made me cringe a couple times, some characters are cliché and the tv show is at times predictable.

But all of this doesn't hold back that the concept of the series is original and really intriguing. The Savior returning to earth in times of doom and despair; I think everyone would be curious about how this would unfold; religious or not. And the makers of the series enucleate this in a great way.

With all that said, Messiah is bingeable and well worth the watch. After her roles in Source Code and True Detective, I was buzzing to see Michelle Monaghan in a leading part. And she does a grand job. All the criticism about Jesus being portrayed as a longhaired, bearded, but oh so handsome Calvin Klein model is unjustified in my opinion. I mean the guy has to be credible in 2020, right?
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The Two Popes (2019)
Holy shid, that was fun!
23 December 2019
How to make an entertaining movie of two hours about a serious, conflicted and, excuse my holy French, most of the time boring subject as the Pope and catholic church? Introduce; The Two Popes.

With the historic resignation of Benedict XVI as central event of the film, The Two Popes gives an exclusive look into the lives of two holy man of the church, with both completely different visions. One extreme conservative, the other a liberal football supporter, both men need each other to get redeemed while the trust and faith of 1.2 billion believers is at stake.

The script is written with a down to earth philosophy, but with heartwarming quotes about the mysterious journey we call life. Not too vague, but with the right dose of passion, it's another astonishing job by the man that previous wrote the screenplays of Bohemian Rhapsody and The Darkest Hour. And with intriguing camerawork by Meirelles (City of God), that gives the movie a documentary-like vibe, the film sucks you into the story without ever getting bored.

Of course the stars of the show are Hopkins and Pryice, two well seasoned actors, that prove once again that age is just a number. For anyone that ever wondered what happens in Vatican City or just wants to see Burt Monroe and governor Weatherby Swann have philosophical debate about life; watch!
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"Stop making stupid people famous!" but thanks for this one
19 December 2019
Warning: Spoilers
I was on the edge of my seat the whole show, shocked and fascinated by this new gripping true crime documentary. Not familiar with the story of Luka Magnotta, it blew me away from start to end. It's well edited, told over three episodes, without getting tedious.

The 2018 Netflix docu Evil Genius gave me a similar feeling of shock, fascination and bewilderment. The key recipes for a perfect true crime documentary. And Netflix does it once again with 'Don't f''k with cats', another astonishing character study and the untenable impact of the internet.

There are some sick people on this planet and they don't deserve any credit whatsoever. No one on earth with a healthy soul and a bit of love in his heart wants to watch animal cruelty. But seeing how in todays society, in the peak of the internet era, the desperation for fame can turn someone into a narcissistic psychopath, is truly fascinating and mindblowing.
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Beautiful heartwarming little gem
13 December 2019
Yes!! Big smiles and teary eyes with this little piece of cinema. The story is simple, but acted so thoroughly that it doesn't even feels like you're watching a movie. Shia is on his best and man oh man let's praise Zak for a wonderful performance.

Oh, and don't forget the soundtrack!!
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The Boys (2019– )
Forget Marvel, this is it
13 December 2019
Ah man, this is what we all needed! The antidote for all the Marvel blockbusters that we got shoved in our faces the last couple years. No offence, it was great. For kids. And conservative adults. But it's too well behaved. Where's the sex? The blood? The gore? The rock&roll? Introduce; The Boys.

Yes, there are many references to all known superheroes in this thrilling new series but from a different point of view which makes it different then all the other superheroes stuff. Billy Butcher would say, with strong New Zealand accent; "They're taking the p*ss". And that's exactly what makes The Boys so brilliant.

Long story short; superheroes are the new popstars of the world, admired as gods, keeping their social media appearance and their likes higher then Bieber and the Kardashians, while behind the scenes they're a bunch misbehaving rascals. But hey, what would you do if you got superpowers? Can't blame them for blowing off some steam after saving the world day in day out, right? Well, The Boys don't agree. And that's where s**t gets real.

Yeah, just watch this stuff. You won't regret it.
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Shoplifters (2018)
Choose your family
11 December 2019
This unique film about family love will be without a doubt a modern classic. It was fascinating, shocking but most of all heartwarming. An interesting look in the poorer outskirts of Japan tells the story of an, at first instance, normal Japanese family. As time progresses you slowly get drawn into a tale of survival told with a cheeky smile.

It was cute and naughty, but as hard as reality gets with suberb acting and a intriguing storyline.

Asian cinema just keeps giving us these hidden gems, don't they?
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The Post (2017)
The pen is mightier than the sword
11 December 2019
The history of the USA has always interested me. Especially the '60s/'70s have always been really fascinating to me, with the Vietnam war in particular. I'm a European, journalist and a devoted follower of the truth.

With the recent news developments on the glorification of the Afghanistan war, this film couldn't have come soon enough. It depicts the true power of the people in the high towers and the urge to keep the truth away from the public. A well needed watch on the essential meaning of freedom of speech. Streep and Hanks are good in their roles and with the unique directing touch of Spielberg, this film is an historical depiction of something we should never forget. The true power of the people of the press.

I've always wondered how the American people could believe so easily all the nonsense said by those old, shady criminals in suits, with their manipulative speeches, promising a peaceful world while they where waging war behind the curtains. Nixon is probably my all time favourite with his triumphant ego. I just can't help but love the fact how karma slapped that old crook in the face.
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Real movie about real people in a time of Kardashians
7 December 2019
This film is a great portrayal of real life in a time where society is drowned in a plastic polluted world of glitter and glamour. It's not your typical Hollywood blockbuster, but an a authentic piece of cinema, with an amazing script and suberb acting performances of Driver and Johansson.

I recommend it to anyone that's ever been in love, as it's not necessarily about divorce, but more about the struggle in love to give each other the happiness that your partner deserves. Sometimes it's better to go different paths, even though the romance isn't completely dead. I think this movie portrays this beautifully. Oscar contender without a doubt!
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