
19 Reviews
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Master Cheng (2019)
A heartwarming excellent and at the same time crazy movie
8 June 2022
If you are not living in the North of Scandinavia And din't like chinees cultur and food, this movie is difficult to understand. For urban people 'Babette's Feast' with a French Chef comming to Denmark some hundret years ago. This film has heartwarming elements we see. Not often anymore, because the drama departement and action department does their job and can destroy any movie. This movie don't need 100 carcrashes and lots of drama to get tears in your eyes and get the human aspect in focus. Also how our health and the food we eat is totally connected. We have forgotten that aspect and just realy on Pharmaindustri and hope pills can save us.

No! Food is our medicin. Nothing else. A good and honest movie.
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Burning Questions: Star Trek: Picard (2022)
Season 2, Episode 9
This episode was an unnecessary timefiller.
1 May 2022
When writing an manuscript, it needs a minimum of knowledge about human mind and not just typical magazine psychology who knows nothing what happen inside a human mind and were feelings is something Big and dramatic and unknown - just to develop an character and his childhood. After being Psycho Therapist for 30+ years and love good SciFi too, it seems disturbing and annoying when amateurs are guessing the human mind and wasting time with their lack of knowledge and guessing how the human mind is working.

Having a good and thrilling story don't need to go into an area in Picards mind they have no or just little knowledge about.

There are so much unnessecary shows about our time, with so little knowledge about human mind on all streaming channels. It seems unnecessary flying back in time and filling up time, repeating all the trivial stuff from shows in our time.

There could be do much they wondered about who are solved in the future on a much better way....etc.
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The Orville (2017–2022)
It seems like a cheep parody of more serious SciFi series.
1 May 2022
Perhaps the JackAss humor and spoofing is fun for the generation born in the 70s and 80s. To me it is boring. When Mom and Dad showes up on the screen snd Mom is asking the captain about very intime contitions, it is a unnecessary and stupid kind of humor. Humor is somethingj different then just using - only for Americans - 'dirty words in a row. It seems childish to us. Still being in the oral and anal phase the 30's or 40s is rediculous and mostly pretty awkward.

For us who did experience great SciFi in all the years, now also this genre is getting victim of flat humor and little knowledge about the human mind, about the fin art of communication and the deeper psychology in a merriage or in a crew, working together... This is plastic playing and most jokes seems taking from the millions of shallow shows already available played in just different context...
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Don't Look Up (2021)
A perfect, absolutt perfect description of our time! Thank you guy's
1 January 2022
Our kids generation in the 30s and 40s may not like to be exposed like this, the politics may not like it to be exposed like this, the people who refuse everything may not like the film either, but seeing the world tru the young, unbiased eyes of Kate Dibiasky, is how I experience the entire Corona situation right now. And also in our present time the world is hoping some billionairs will save our sad asses. And when it goes wrong with the artificial virus and vaccine after vaccine, they will disappear and left us back.

A brilliant film, and the best metaphor for our time, even to the smallest details. Brilliant actors and a fantastic script.

The pro vaccine tribe will not understand the movie, they still hope others will fix things, we have not to work together, AI and Pharmaindustry, Butox and Silicone and all the pills and chemicals from Big Pharma and all the Datacollectors from Facebook and Google are our saviors - like Peter Isherwill in the Movie. Together with The Matrix and Avatar this is showing us our Present and our Future - when the 1% of the population get their Will and the 99& only wait and first wake up when it is too late and the threat is obvious.

The greatest film in ages! Thank you Adam McKay You are a Genious!

Thank you all Acters. I love you all!

I hope you all get a so much better 2022!

You and we deserve it ! <3.
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Finch (2021)
Excellent play, excellent story and excellent movie
6 November 2021
There is long between this kind of hardwarming movies, for our generation, born before 1980. When I start a streaming service, it takes a few days and no interessting movies left. Just Horror and vampire and violend movies, where a blood thirsty crowd is rating, how many people got ripped apart - like they hate the world and like to see as many dead as possible.

Here is finally someone who like build a robot with AI who helps him to survive in a world, where we see the result of this short thinking, where violents and Ego - me me me did destrøy the planet. What we see right now are people building the world largest Data storage and AI in US and the largest data storage and AI in Scandinavia - only with the purpose to take away all democratic rights from the next generation and establishing total control. And this generation don't value this kind of movie. They are watching worthless stuff, braindead TickTock Jackass stunt's and don't care what happen right now - until the total controll is in place.

In this movie are all elements of a good movie aligned and as former Engeneer and envirementalist during my long live and today as Psycho Therapist - every element is crafted with knowledge and Love.

Thank you Apple tv+ raising the bar for top Quality movies this year, more than ever.

This movie is (at least) on the same level as Forest Gumb. I love the desired destination, as much as Finch (Tom Hanks) descriped it, also the music was perfect to the movie and everything was just lovable and heartwarming.

So IMHO 10 Stars for this excellent movie is to me really in place for a real peace of Art. Thank you guys for remembering how excellent movies can be crafted.
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Hypnotic (2021)
Old and outdatet Cliché and Prejudices
1 November 2021
Using totally redicilous and outdated Cliché and Prejudices around a serious Profession who is helping people, is compleatly low level.

Flashing light, the typical pendula, nothing professional and people doing things, they don't know about are ingrediensens, taking from a idiotic stage show in UK, where the actors got money for playing chickens after some 'Magic Words'.

For 200£, there is allways some people in the audience, who will play the chicken. But this Jackass stunt's on stage was damaging the entire therapy profession, and this movie does even more damage. We can imagine, people from every profession can kill their clients, every doctor, every nurce.

But this kind of lowlevel movie is also killing all trust between people, just for a 88 minutes low level entertainment. When filmmakers don't have a clue about a profession, keep your fingers of, or make some basic research like most do with first responders and the entire abulance service. There is often every detail correct. Why not in therapy.... were people getting mental help, not physical help. Why is the head so much more mystic then the rest of the body for you guys, who are making films...? Why still this outdated cliché from 1921 and old Fritz Lang movies here in 2021..??? 2 Stars for the actors who did their Job. Zero Star for the manus and the ignorant filmmaker.
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Black Widow (2021)
Action:Yes. Story: Thin. 4 stars for the action part - 1 star for the story
18 July 2021
Even this episode could remind somehow of the control in our time, is the focus too much on action and the story is thin and not believable. A good start, thats all. Paying 26$ extra beside the streaming cost, is not worth the money. Was a serious mistake on my side. Will never do this again, paying extra to get 'Premier Access'. Such a unnecessary wast of money, with this excellent actors.
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Aftermath (IV) (2013)
Creating fear about the future is in the long term programming us.
6 March 2021
Every dark domsday movie who is creating fear about our future, is in the long run programming us on a unconceous leve and will be an selvfulfilling prophecy. Unstead we could create a brighter future, were we could find good solutions together - and this also will create a automatic program in an uncertain future, where this strategies will show up and guid us. So what do we send into the future? Bad strategies we will see in our mind and create it in reality, when something happen? Or is it more wise to create better movies, with good strategies for a future in crisis, so we can remember them when nessecary.

Make a movie here and now about a possible future and only thinking about entertainment here and now, without reflecting about the consequenses a movie like this can have in a real crisis, is shortsighted and dumb. Creating fear in a past periode of time in a movie is ok and we can comprehent this easily. Doing the same in a possible future for us, only creates fear in people about the future and they loose the motivation to live. Filmmakere should know this and doing a better Job. Not giving us gray and ugly pictures, without any light in the end of a tunnel like this movie, but give us good pictures, good survival strategies and hope for a better future. Then it will be real Art we can use for something more then just a hour of dark entertainment.
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A good story - It is obvious the most of the actors never get into a natural flow.
21 February 2021
Good story, Most Actors are playing more like a carmotor, when driving on Highway in first gear. Camera.... Sound... and Action and there the Actors are struggeling acting natural like American actors. It is more like a radio Theater from the 1960s. Shakespear style in a SF is making the story often unbelievable. Be cool guys - shift gear, this is a good story! Don't mess it up with habits from theater in your 4th grade Primaryschool...😘
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Prometheus (I) (2012)
We need hope for the future, not fear!
8 February 2021
Technical perfect - beautyful scenes in the beginning and amazing design inside the mountain which was actually a alien ship. From my 30+ years of teaching and using humanistic Psychology in Therapy, I have experienced thousands of people who are afrait of the future snd are escaping to the past. Seing old movies, listening to old music. It may be smart short term thinking combining SciFi and Horror. Making more money. But in the long run it is damaging our ability to creating hope for a better future.This is trementes important gor our species. Suicite is loosing hope for the future and dead is the only escape. Ridley Scott could use his enormous fantasy and creativity to project a much better society into the future and he will see how Companies like Apple will make it technical happen. Avatar did give us so much more hope. What dit Prometheus give us? A hour of adrenalin rush and ugly pictures in our mind for many years from now.... Very short sightet just for profit. Now in 2020 /21 we need hope for a better future, more then ever before.
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Snowpiercer (2020–2024)
A great show and great metaphor for our Life in Lockdown 2020
14 July 2020
Even there are passages, were some caracteres are too much cut out of cardboard and we have to see clearly the caracter is in doubt of his decition - or she is a tru follower of one person and play this far too obvious - and makes 10 Stars Show to a 9 Star. This is IMHO a great story, and a great metaphor for our own Corona Lockdown Train, around the world right now. We can wast time with comparing, or start up with a clean slate and just enjoy the ride.
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Manifest (2018–2023)
Greate idea.
5 July 2020
The idea was great, the acting from time to time amateur, and the story mire and more away from the spiritual aspect, to a real boring soap opera written by some church members. Mormons or whatever church. Movies with religious background are most of the time over-educational and pretty boring, because they are most of time trying to convince us about their beliefs, not writing a good story, where we can make up our own mind. Spiritual stories with miracles like 'The Green Mile' have a much deeper impact on our human Soul, then the bla bla from the church and the preachers.
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Star Trek: Picard (2020–2023)
This could be the correct post war scenario where the suspicious mind is in action.
6 March 2020
Warning: Spoilers
Sharing a borg cube and all the knowledge and helping the former slaves, whilst the secret service is still highly active, is what is also happen in the real world in our own history. Yes it is darker then ever and I also enjoy ST more when there is morelight and less dark drama. We have already far too many dark movies, with vampyr's monsters an undeath creatures in movies today. We need seeing some light in the future too bIn this case the episode 7 did light up the story. It would be for me a 10/10 but there are fightscene where Patrick Stewart did a far to slow move but still the other actor did lay down and was killed. Don't let him fight. It looks pathetic. Picard has so much more to give, with his wisdom and age, then fighting The scene with the eye was not necessary filming close up. All together, the 7 episodes comtaining a great Star Treck adventure again.
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Given (2016)
A absolut heartwarming and visual stunning documentary
29 May 2018
A documentary more powerful and inspiring is hart to find.

I would recommend this film to all of my friends and any people who like to experience a journey around the world with a real cool family and at the same time see the most esthetic and awesome moments on every place. Like a fairytale. And to all who like to find real happiness in their life, like this family seems to have in abundance. Not the usual travel-documentary. A very unusual and heartwarming film to make the world a better place.
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Very inspiring film about a spiritual Journey
29 May 2018
This film is showing this famous path in Spain with an spiritual aspect and it cost me some tears, because of the beauty of the journey, some of the human and spiritual insights and pure human experiences on this heroes journey. A real heartwarming film from a male perspective.

I did take away two stars, because of too much bloodless bible talk, too much of the old fashion 'man made stuff ' from the catholic church, who is the reason why the churches are empty in many countries today. We all have heard this in our childhood and our whole life, and it has for me little to do with real spirituality. God is so much more. There are also a few glitches, where I did ask my selv, where did all the package go, when riding on bikes? And other smal glitches who were left unexplained. But there were so many wonderful moments and down to earth experiences for every member of the group, it makes it heartwarming to see for most people. I can recommend this film for people who are playing with the idea of doing this journey on their own.

And thank you to Robert Grima who did point in he's review at the film 'Given' -another Journey seeing from the prospective of a child. There is the Language I did miss in Footprints. The Language of deep philosophy and about human spirit, even more amazing pictures and Spirality as I understand it in a whole new century. Both films did warm my heart. Thank you to Netflix for providing us with such deep experiences. Beautyful <3
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Star Trek: Discovery (2017–2024)
Star Trek is shifting gear and makes history right now
23 October 2017
Trolling and Comparing, finding something to hate is detectable in comments about all kind of politicians around the world right now, about all religions, about all minorities, about the left-wing and right-wing, about all the rich and about all the poor, about actors and songs and movies, about TV shows and all kind of entertainment.

So why not just comparing and hating the new Star Trek series? Comparing the actors and the style and the age and some see political motives, others think of far too much female influence.

So easy to do. Mental retarded people are able to compare and hate everything who is different to them. More advanced. Too complicated build up so they cannot grasp the idea yet. It's so much more easy to criticize, when we not understand the next level of a more advanced story.

There is too much and too little of everything... I think then it is perfect!

This series needs IMO some more brain activity then usual and a bit more imagination. To me it is a much more sophisticated version of Star Trek and definitely a Game-changer in design, with whole new technical ideas we perhaps can see on marked in the future - (like iPhone and iPad was).

I see a whole new kind of Science Fiction is showing up. The whole genre is shifting gear now. Very exiting to watch this change. This show is exceeding my expectations - like MadMax or the 5th element or Avatar did. Lots and lots of work, brain activity and courage behind building up such a Game Changer. I hope people will understand more and more of the intention behind. The series clearly stated: Not the bureaucrats should rule the world, but the people with courage, with a great heart and a big sword and the ability to see the whole picture, not just a tiny part of it. Great show!
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Sense8 (2015–2018)
This is perhaps the most - close to truth story - about being human - ever!
29 May 2017
In modern psychology, we are not just one personality or our mind is newer just one peace or one person either, we are multiple personalities in many situations, during the day, the week and during a life. One part of me likes parties and another part likes to stay home. One part of me like to change my job, or my partner or some of my friends - and other parts of me holding me back, are afraid or do not like any risks... In modern psychology today, we can also conclude, that every major experience we have during our life, consists of particular pictures, movies, sounds, smells, tastes and feelings and create a certain personality inside us. When just one of this elements get triggered inside us, we see the world thru the glasses of this former experience. E.g. Having a violent, abusive marriage behind behind us, every new partner can with a few words or a certain movement or tone in the voice, trigger any older experiences and the same bad strong feelings are showing upside us. So having multiple personalities inside our head is no surprise anymore. For old fashion behavioral Psychiatric's it can still be a reason to to get people closed up in institutions.

And this is just one part of the story - where movie and reality is getting close to each other. The other part is, how the newest research on Quantum level tells us about, how all the trillions cells inside us actually communicate with the brain. In a real dangerous situation, in just a split- second - much faster then every electric or chemical communication will be able to - all trillions of cells are informed in the same moment... How is that possible? We are wired with light and it can be fully possible - not Science Fiction anymore - we are somehow connected with light - around the globe. Perhaps even all living things on earth. Centers like Hansa Center (KS) or HeartMath Institute (CA) are on the verge of something really revolutionizing in their research and it is amazing and huge for all human beings. So this great series is a fantastic metaphor about what actually happens inside us and perhaps even between all of us.

Beginning to connect with each other, in a more and more violent world, can be a chance for humanity to survive. This new knowledge can create a much better world - at least for our kids.
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Food Choices (2016)
Excellent first half of the Documentary, then a huge glitch appears.
17 May 2017
Warning: Spoilers
This movie is a important Documentary about our Health situation right now and it has gathered some of the most important pieces of the puzzle around our health and our environment. It will have been without any doubt the most important film of all the films out there, if it has not build up the story with a certain 'one eye' belief system: It's all about eating vegetarian food and this is the solution to be healthy - and we can save our planet at the same time. This is not quite 'the whole truth'.

I was so happy about all the experts mentioning many of the facts we know from different countries and different sources today. When all comes together and is aligned, things are getting trustworthy and credible.

In this movie the credibility stops for me, when Dr. Michael Greger was talking about computer- model's showing, it is not necessary with organic food. You can wash all away - but it was not possible with meat... OK?!? This was the most dumb and ignorant sentence in the whole film. Afterwards the film was again about saving our planet and about, we do not - as the only species - live in harmony with the nature. Does conventional gardening and farming live in harmony with the nature today?

So how can it be, this documentary shows us all the horrible things about conventional farming and how the planet is suffering - and at the same time tells us, organic is not important???

It is exactly the whole idea of growing organic - to save our planet, by preventing all the chemicals and artificial fertilizers are poisoning our soil, our water and our air... for generations ahead.

But most important in the whole organic discussion, at least in Europe - perhaps not yet in the US - is the fact, that vegetables who are coming from organic farms, have a chance to contain most of the over 80 minerals we need to build all our different cells and nervous systems. It all depends on the Farmer and which knowledge he or she has about minerals. Conventional vegetables bred with artificial fertilizer, only get 4 minerals in their lifetime. And when you ever have seen the extreme huge glass-towns in Spain and the Netherlands, where tomatoes and cucumbers and fruit is controlled by robots, applying pesticides from the beginning to the harvest, without any soil, but growing on Rockwool, the you'll know the different.

And the documentary is also ignoring the fact, that our alkaline - acid balance is most essential in all of this. This balance is threatened by meat and also Coke and white sugar and white flower and coffee and some fruits and fast food. What is alkalic AFTER digestion, is important to know, not measuring it before! Too much acid in our blood gives us perforated veins - and this again provoke cholesterol to patch the holes and preventing internal bleeding. So too much acid from meat is the real problem and too much animal protein is stopping the blood vessels and prevents nutrition coming out to the cells and organs, and prevents at the same time all the waste back to our arteries. When we know all facts, we can find much better ways to maintain or restore our health.

Minerals helps us to keep this delicate balance together with Vitamins. And this Minerals are not death minerals from mineral-water or mineral-salt or mineral-pills - they have to be living minerals and vitamins, transformed by chlorophyll in our plants, ad then used by our organism to build new cells.

Actually it is important to know, that our taste buds are our personal radar, our sensors to find the correct combination of minerals, in all the fruit and vegetables we eat. One combination gives us the taste of celery, another combination gives us the taste of peaches or leeks. The taste is not important - it is the combination of minerals our body needs and prefers.

All of this is part of the knowledge of good organic farmers. They use e.g. stone dust in the garden. So why should it not be important with organic fruit and vegetables? A serious glitch in this most of the time excellent movie.
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Time Changer (2002)
This kind of messages are the very reason, why the churches are empty
16 December 2015
"Bloodletting is claimed to have been the most common medical practice performed by surgeons from antiquity until the late 19th century, a span of almost 2,000 years. The practice has now been abandoned by modern style medicine. In the overwhelming majority of cases, the historical use of bloodletting was harmful to patients."

The concept of God and Devil in this film is explained on the same way, like Bloodletting was explained by doctors (often with force) over a 2000 years period - or like Anti-psychotic-drugs are used today by doctors (often with force) often without any knowledge of the human mind.

It is the design of our believe system, who make us able to fill up or combine all kind of concepts, into a particular level in our human mind. We all need to believe in something or someone higher then ourself. We have different names in every language and mean at some point exactly the same.

If someone - like in this movie or in a church - is starting a blame game, most people do not buy this boring Egotrip from a priest anymore. Christianity could be the best message in the world, if it wasn't proclaimed by the most miserable ambassadors in the world.

This is why the churches are empty and people are searching into all kind of religions, to find true spirituality.

Now we are on a point in history, where we experience the biggest threat ever, to get drawn into an all-effacing religious war, where every religion and inside every religion every single sect seems to have the monopoly of God and is prepared to fight for its a self-defined truth with heavy weapons.

God is so much more than this. Every human do share the same concept of two legs, two arms, a brain and the same amount of braincells. Even more interesting: we share the same divine spark in every cell of our body. Every tribe on earth does.

No scientist can create this spark. It is a part of God within us, not in a building like the church and this concept is so much more valuable, then the hallow words and blame games of our church. And so much more then the blame-game of this movie.

This movie seems for me a cheap and awkward attempt to keep up the power, the church did have 100 years ago. And it is played by D. David Morin like a priest will play it in a local congregation meeting. Blaming..... bla... bla... bla.... and acting like he is driving across the country only in first gear, forgetting to shift to second and third... in most of his play. An awkward attempt - with primitive low level pedagogy - to proof something - with a wrong metaphor and trying to gain the lost monopoly and power the church had before.

Bloodletting and the empty, anemic churches are outdated concepts. God is so much more! Christianity can be so much more then the same bla.. bla.. bla.. every Sunday...
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