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House of the Dragon: Rhaenyra the Cruel (2024)
Season 2, Episode 2
Why is this Epsisode like a Time Drag on?
26 June 2024
Warning: Spoilers
Why did Daemon stuff up the Assassination attempt? Sorry No Spoilers - this whole epside is spoilt in any case - apart from Otto, Rhys Berlin Station Irfan's best effort. Poor writing given the serious nature of the mission - Give the job to 2 dumb dudes - tell them to look out for the guy with an eye patch then duh? My point is that Matt Smith ought to have engaged his inner Dr Who and Tardissed this episode into the future where we should actually see something meaningful. The Queen Mum keeps telling Cole that this is their last frak and then keeps doing it - this is dumb soapy writing folks. And don't get me on the twin fight! Such a poorly contrived event in such a slow motion episode made me choke. Where the 7 Gods did Errik find the exact same Armour? Ironically I couldn't tell the 2 rat catcher dudes apart either. This show risks being worse than GOT Season 8.
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7 April 2024
Warning: Spoilers
I read the book over 40 years ago. I saw the David Lynch version and the crappy TV versions - guess what - they are better this this rubbish!

Plot holes are deeper than Dunes. This whole saga didn't need 2 movies - Lynch did a great job with tech of the day. How many scenes of empty sand do we need to see before we realise that we are being ripped offf big time?

Abosute crap - why on Dune's Earth did Chiani have a NYC accent when Stilgar was an Arab?

Chiani never did what she did at the end of the book and she was never portrayed as an activist . Where was Alia? Oh Dear - ooops! Pathetic movie.
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Orphan Black (2013–2017)
Clone Wars meets What Happened to Tuesday
2 October 2023
This was quite simply one of the best Sci Fi series ever. The scary thing is that this is probably based on real New World Order planning.

The chaacters were perfect, the blood and gore at times was really shockinrg which was counterpointed by the wicked comedy pieces.

I only tuned in cos I read that there was a new series called Orphan Black Echoes starring Krysten RItter being produced. So time to get the context.

I binged the 50 episodes over 3 days and I am seeing my optometrist tomorrow first thing.

The actress who played Rachel was a standout for me. She reminded me of my Bank Manager.
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Titans: Dude, Where's My Gar? (2023)
Season 4, Episode 9
Gar gantuan!
24 April 2023
Yep this character is now given a terrific opportunity to shine. Yet some have questioned the Script writing? Umm, I wish we could criticise the negative posts on here just like in the old days. The critic I have in mind never offered or posted an alternative script - a coward's punch when posting their review - this was a really good episode. The amount of time to establiush the GAR character's place in this episode's non conventional space should have given even a Netfl;ix fan a reality check. DC has been in combat with Merville for quite a while. It doesn't surprise when a good DC show lands that the Green Screen Mafia from Merville try to criticise a DC Script, afterall all who remembers a script from an Antman Man trip?
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Star Trek: Picard: The Next Generation (2023)
Season 3, Episode 1
Pick a numba!
16 February 2023
Such a slow and boring piece of work. Old Age is no excuse. This show is really walking frame fast. Big Mistake to destroy the legacy. Rolling out aged actors is a cool idea if they have something to offer other than botox and banter. But this is a terrible example of squeezing the franchise. Especially when the support character from previous series Michelle Hurd is so bad an actress. I guess they had to offer something to so called fans. The guy from 13 Monkeys was woeful. Drunk on a Star Fleet super jet? No! Total lack of real world creAll in all a pretty C Grade episode. Frakes has bulked up so there's that.
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The Stranger (II) (2022)
22 October 2022
Apart from stupid acting, if that is what it was, the movie was total BS.

This show makes Shantaram look like a thriller!, despite Charlie's fake Aussie accent. The ending is so pathetic - it's worse than The Watcher's ending and that was a high bar for bad endings. There must be an investigation into this film to determine who is responsible for this trash!

I watched cos I thought Joel Edgerton might be good. But he was hopeless. The other beardy guy wasn't much better and no less believable.

This is an embaressing movie for the SA Govt funding. People are being denied Elective surgery Hospital Care but this rubbish was paid for by taxpayers . BS writ large!
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Stanger Things meets a thing thats Strange
26 July 2022
From the Stranger Things theme music thrumming in the background to the teen angst crew who seem like 2020ish kids vs the kids of those bygone 70s 80s days this blob of a movie is a dud. I recall Ethan Hawke saying something about why he didn't want to do this movie. Maybe it was cos the script was terrible ... but the payday must've changed his mind. The Real Horror was the pathetic script, the character development and the lack of Horror!
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The Avengers meets Kingsman meets Pennyworth
19 April 2022
I enjoyed it cos Lucy is georgeous. A few plot holes didn't matter in the end. I enjoyed the fact that it was linear not flash backy. I never really enjoyed the original Movie cos it was very dull & slow paced. Lucy made this remake come alive.
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Killing It (2022– )
It holds your attention like a barbed wire corset!
2 April 2022
This is quite possibly the funniest show this Millennium. Just when you think the usual gag a minute script has run it's course up pops a python! Not Monty. The brilliant Aussie actor who plays "Jillian" is MAMBO creator Reg Mombassa's daughter! (Ex Mental as Anything guitarist as well) I haven't laughed as much since the last Joe Biden Presser! 10/10.
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The Lost Symbol: Diophantine Pseudonym (2021)
Season 1, Episode 6
Absolute Terribilsm
22 October 2021
The Robert Langdon actor was simply aweful This episode makes no sense but did any of the others?

In a Covid year did these people get paid for this rubbish whilst the majority suffered?
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Black Widow (2021)
I loved Jodie Comer in this
12 July 2021
Who would have thought that Killing Eve's Ace Assassin would make it's way to the big screen in the MCU? Jodie Comer was great as Florence Pugh.
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Lupin (2021– )
Fruit Lupin!
14 June 2021
Warning: Spoilers
There are some really good bits in this series. Sadly, there are way too many bad bits in terms of plot holes. One that had me thinking Zombie Apocalypse, was when the Bad guy who kidnapped Raul is fighting Diop and is thrown our of the first floor window - and survived! Not only unscathed, but then he's off to create more havoc until another bad guy with a garrot ... well ...

I was able to watch S1 with English subtitles and enjoyed that more than the 2nd Season which was dubbed in English. American accents on French actors is just dumb!

Finally, returning the Map to the lady who gave it to Diop 25 years before, who still worked in the same ticket booth, was just outright Fruit Lupin!
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Star Trek: Picard (2020–2023)
Just Watched the remake of Blakes 7
28 October 2020
Warning: Spoilers
What a rip off! SPOILERS And then were 7

If you haven't seen Blakes 7 then you aren't a Sci Fi Fan. Suffice to say that the band is back on the road in a very Woke universe! BTW Vale Paul Darrow - Avon
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I will Memorise Fahrenheit 451
21 May 2018
Warning: Spoilers
Because God knows if I don't, then the lunatics who try to re-imagine classics will have won! I gave it 1 Star for the Bird even though it was never in the Book or the Original Movie. The reason? Maybe, just maybe, this was a prequel to Hitchcock's classic and the Birds became ... yeah whatever.
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