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9-1-1: All Fall Down (2024)
Season 7, Episode 10
Underwhelming and choppy
31 May 2024
Warning: Spoilers
There were many good scenes and good acting but the overall narrative was choppy and lackluster and missed most of the emotional beats it set up for.

I liked how both the arson plot and the Mara plot were handled. The latter sets up potential for drama for the next season and also strengthens the friendship between the Wilsons and the Buckley-Hans. But I need for them to include the Buckley-Diazes next season as well into their little club.

Speaking of which, Chris asking to go to Texas was heartbreaking and both Oliver and Ryan acted their hearts out in all their scenes. They are a family and this season made it more than clear. Now we just need them to realize they are in love love.

I hated the cliffhanger but I guess that was the point.

And can Tommy be gone already? He already plot deviced all that was needed. No need to keep him further. It's enough that we will have to suffer through Gerard next season.

Also, Kristen Reidel needs off the writing stuff stat. This is the second season finale she destroyed. Tim might be all over the place but she is just terrible. She doesn't understand the characters, doesn't care about them. Sexualizes Buck any chance she gets and forces her "blood over love" agenda on us on a show that is the epitome of found family.
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Maybe not a perfect movie but a very enjoyable one
18 August 2023
Warning: Spoilers
We can nitpick this movie till the end of times but what it comes down to is, that is is enjoyable to watch. Because ultimately, that's what the movie is, joyful.

The story may be simple but it is told with a lot of care and love and it shines from every single frame. The actors care for their characters and the creators care for their story.

Nick and Taylor are stellar in their roles. They bring the early antagonism, the getting-to-know-you, the friendship, the lust and the love to life so very believably. Their performances are nuanced and filled with little things you really only catch on rewatch. And they help to paint the picture of both the characters and their relationship. Their chemistry is off the charts and I really need them to work 100 more times with each other.

I really enjoyed how many parts of their relationship we've got to see. I so enjoy their banter. But also how they keep talking and learning about each other and most importantly enjoy each other's presence throughout the movie. It is very clear that they love each other and the other's company. The little touches and looks and other small things that you don't get to see very often in queer relationships on screen. It all made me very happy.

The movie also has one of the best love-making scenes I have ever seen on screen. It is so tender and intimate, I almost felt like I should have not been privy to that moment. But it is perfectly shot. It tells you so much with so little. A hand movement, a breath, a look. There is nothing gratuitous or ashamed about the scene. It just is and it's beautiful.

The soundtrack is perfection as well.

The side characters don't have as much space but especially Sarah Shahi as Zahra is pure perfection. And Uma Thurman is also doing a very good job at balancing the loving mom and the most powerful woman in the country if not the world. But everyone was just spot on. And the casting of Stephen Fry as the king was a stroke of genius, no matter how and why it ended up happening.

I would love to see more of the boys. But I'm also really thankful for this little gem that is bringing a smile to my face and a lot of love to the world.
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9-1-1: Pay It Forward (2023)
Season 6, Episode 18
Disappointing ending to a disappointing season
18 May 2023
Warning: Spoilers
If this would have been the series finale it would have been a tragic one. Bobby and Athena finally going on their honeymoon was sweet and made sense. Maddie and Chimney planning their wedding was a nice continuation of their story. Karen and Hen getting a baby made no sense narratively and came out of nowhere.

I understand they tried to leave everyone in a "happy" place. I just don't understand why for Buck and Eddie it meant throwing random women at them. Women that are all wrong for them. Eddie and his poor flirting could at least somewhat be seen as him opening up to romantic relationships. Even though that whole plot was just Ana 2.0. So it is a half step somewhere, at least. But Buck and the death doula is just rehashing of all his previous attempts to not be alone and settling for someone that shows interests in him instead of choosing himself and finally having agenda in his life. It undid all his progress and struggle and made a mockery of all his trauma, especially the lightening strike.

And the way they are trying to pretend Buck, Eddie and Chris are not a unit and that Chris is not Buck's kid is just laughable. The three of them are a family, and KR's bad writing won't change anything about it.

The emergency was suspenseful. Kudos to the cast, stunt personal and everyone that made it what it turned out to be. They made some ridiculous choices just for the sake of drama but I'll forgive them for the warm fuzzies .

I loved the Buckley siblings in this episode. I'm not necessarily happy that Josh let Maddie lead the call but it was great so see again how competent she is. At least he voiced the very valid concern. And I'm also glad they remembered her friendship with Athena.

But the MVP of this episode was Buck. The way he took charge of the situation. Of both of them, actually, was wonderful and that boy will make an amazing captain in not so distant future. Seeing him with the baby was bittersweet and I maintain that this was the stupidest storyline I have seen since Marlena was possessed by the devil.

The one really good thing about the episode was the acting by the main cast. They always bring their A-game and are able to salvage at least some of the weak narratives and senseless scenes.

Overall, this episode was just like this season. Disjointed, made little narrative sense and went either nowhere for the characters, or in case of Eddie and Buck just spin them in circles, rehashing already tried and tired story lines.

If this show is to go beyond season 7, ABC needs to change the show runner, stat. Because the current one is running the show to the ground.
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9-1-1: Love Is in the Air (2023)
Season 6, Episode 17
No saving grace
9 May 2023
Warning: Spoilers
Maddie and Chimney were the sole saving grace of this disaster that should not have made it to the screens. They were super adorable. I loved the proposal and the acting was amazing. Hence the one star.

The heavy-handed way in which they threw a random Latina at Eddie in a "magical" meeting had me almost seeing my breakfast for the second time. His adventures in dating were random and sort of funny. But the last scene was some of the poorest writing I have ever witnessed and I count Mexican telenovela remakes into this.

And don't even let me start on Buck? What was this walk down the nightmare lane supposed to be? Are they really gonna resolve this terrible sperm donor storyline with him ending up with the wife of his ex-roommate? Were they all high when this was deemed a good idea? Was this written by and AI? As otherwise I cannot imagine someone greenlighting this disaster.

9-11 had some poor episodes in its run but this is a new low.
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9-1-1: In Another Life (2023)
Season 6, Episode 11
Could have been a perfect 10
14 March 2023
Warning: Spoilers
If it wasn't for the forced and unnecessary "redemption" of both sets of so-called parents at the end, this would have been the perfect episode.

The acting was on point. Peter Krause as coma! Bobby was in especially great shape. As was Ryan Guzman who conveyed so much with so little.

Buck finally understood that he has a family. That he is important to them and he is changing their lives because he is who he is. There is no need to force himself into strange shapes just to please people who never really cared for him in the first place.

And it was nice of the show to finally acknowledge that Buck is Bobby's kid. Because he has been since pretty much the beginning.

They all took an important step in their journeys. I'm not sure I fully trust the writers with the destination but I'm still very willing to give them the chance. As so far they only disappointed me a little.
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Criminal Minds: Memento Mori (2023)
Season 16, Episode 9
Going downhill
6 February 2023
Warning: Spoilers
When I heard the show will get a limited revival series I was a little apprehensive but also curious. Despite not everyone coming back I watched the first couple episodes and I was enjoying myself. The concept of one unsub who is connected to many others was ideal for a limited run and they chose the villain perfectly.

But it's as though half way through they completely lost steam. Everyone just seems so much less competent then two episodes before and both the characters and the writers seem to be grasping at straws.

But the biggest disappointment and the thing that angers me the most is the destruction of Penelope's character. The character from the original show would have never started a romantic relationship with a material witness. And the show is playing it for laughs. As though it wasn't something that would get her fired in an instant.

If they were too cowardly to make good on the promise of a romance between Luke and Penelope there were many ways to handle that. This half-assed flashback and that terrible romance are not it.

I will watch the last episode but I'm not sure I would be returning for more. I don't have any trust left in the writers knowing their characters and being able to carry an interesting storyline.
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The Sandman (2022– )
I have not read the comics, I love the show
18 August 2022
Since I haven't read the comics I'm sure there were references and moments that went right over my head. But overall I was able to follow the plot and enjoy the story. Which, kudos to the creators, for making the show enjoyable for new fans as well.

The first reason why I gave the show a go was Tom. And he didn't disappoint. But the casting overall was just perfection. My favourite one had to be Lucienne. But there really isn't a character that wasn't engaging and interesting and didn't just come alive on the screen. I particularly loved Lucifer, Fiddler's green and The Corinthian. Cain and Able with Goldie, I could watch a whole show just about them.

The visuals, breathtaking. The first look at The Dreaming. Hell. I loved the change in lighting for death's episode.

I had a great time with the show - Cereal Convention, anyone?, my only complaint is, that I would love S2 tomorrow.
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Tatli intikam (2016)
Crazy (and) in Love
14 May 2021
Warning: Spoilers
This show needed another 30 minutes to be serviceable. Another episodes to be satisfying. And five or six episodes more to be truly wonderful. It's a real pity for the abrupt ending as we all deserved a little bit more. Of the actors, of the characters, of the story. A proper ending.

It has really nicely balanced comedy, romance, drama and action. It has beautiful camera work, though I do have a bit of a bone to pick with the editing. The music is well chosen and catchy. The dialogue sometimes doesn't make sense, but I can't really tell if it's the original writing or just stuff lost in translation. Or both.

What I really appreciated was how the protagonists and all the other characters as well communicated and didn't sit on issues - and there were many and just kept coming, and stew in real or perceived slights. It was refreshing. As was the depiction of female friendship. Or friendship in general.

I really enjoyed all the characters, even the antagonists were a joy to hate. And the actors did a really good job.

I saved the best for last. And that is Leyla and Furkan. They have wonderful timing both comedic and romantic and play off of each other brilliantly. They have so much chemistry they could supply electricity to a middle size country for a year and still have loads to spare. And they are able to create so much romantic tension - or just tension, with just a look or a touch or with moving just so. You would need a chainsaw to cut through it. I really hope someone somewhere very soon realizes all this potential and casts them as leads into another show. It would be a crying shame to waste all the goodness.
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Moxie (I) (2021)
Not perfect but important
8 March 2021
Warning: Spoilers
It may not be a perfect movie but it definitely is an important one. There is a certain lightheartedness in the movie but some scenes are legitimately scary. Because they are too true to everyday experiences of all women.

There are issues where the movie doesn't go in too deep because there is no time but they ask many questions. Many important questions.

I liked how the movie showed how much can change with just one small act. How important it is to speak up, and even more so if it's hard or scary. I also liked how it showed importance of female friendship. And how not being white, cisgender, straight and able-bodied comes with additional sets of issues that cannot be dismissed or overlooked.

I liked how in the third part when they faced the first set back Vivian just lashed out at everyone showing that she is still just a kid who is overwhelmed with life and all the problems it keeps flinging at her.

I really really liked the ending. It was hopeful. And showed that people are constantly learning and evolving and also the strength of unity.

I liked the characters, especially Amaya, Lucy and Seth. But all of them were interesting and very well portrayed.

This movie is a gem and should be watched by everyone. And some definitely need repeated viewing for the lessons to stick.
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9-1-1: Buck Begins (2021)
Season 4, Episode 5
Never Give Up
19 February 2021
Warning: Spoilers
I was dreading this episode because my expectations were both very high and really low. In the end I wasn't disappointed nor was I catered to. I was delighted. Because storytelling wise the episode was brilliant.

I loved how it not only explained so much about Buck, but also gave us more insight into his relationship with Maddie. And into Maddie as well. And both Oliver and Jennifer did such a wonderful job.

I liked how the episode worked with juxta positioning the Buckley parents and Buck's live before, with the 118 Fam. Especially at the end, everyone's reactions to Buck going looking for the last missing person were beautiful. And it was wonderful how we have seen Buck being assured by his family that he is not alone and not lost and not nobody. It being Bobby, Hen and Athena *chef's kiss* Another perfect little moment was at the bar in Peru when he excitedly started to explain something to the dude only to realize he's not listening. Because the 118 Fam always listen, even if they tease, they listen.

I didn't much care for Buck's last scene with the Buckley parents and the way he was acting but I understood even before he explained to Maddie. He never expected anything from them. It was not hard to go back to status quo with them.

The two montages - of Buck's daredevil klutzy ways and his looking for himself all around the Americas, were a little jarring from the pace of the rest of the episode but were perfect. They very firmly established both the relationship with Maddie and with the Buckley parents. And also showed were Buck was coming from.

I love that his nickname is linked to him finding a purpose. I looooooved the postcards and how it tied to the babybox, or lack thereof. I loved the establishing of the pinky-swear.

I loved all of the Buck/Eddie scenes. His reaction when Buck was recounting his childhood. That in the fire, it was him, the first shot of his team, his family coming to help. And that it was Eddie welcoming Buck back after his check-up. Such little things but saying so much.

Speaking of the team coming for help. That whole sequence was a masterpiece and Oliver outdone himself. In the whole episode, but especially here. I wasn't expecting the team to come in that moment and the rescue to be a success. But whoever came up with the what and how and music and editing, is a genius.

I have so many feelings about this episode and so much to process, still. But I loved it. They delivered. And made me love the characters even more.
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9-1-1: Eddie Begins (2020)
Season 3, Episode 15
What you live for
22 April 2020
Warning: Spoilers
The ...Begins episodes are always a treat and this one was no exception. Even if it fizzled out a bit at the end.

Ryan did a truly wonderful job and the story put his relationship with Chris, Shannon and his parents into a clearer perspective.

The Afghanistan scene was so very typical but at least they didn't turn him into Rambo. But I liked the scene in the hospital afterwards quite a lot.

The ending seriously tested my suspension of disbelief. It's as though they were 40 minutes in and realized they don't have enough time for a rescue, so just went ... and then he was there. I liked the flashbacks, though. Quite telling.

The scene at school was really lovely but as a bookend felt somewhat insufficient or maybe just out of sync with the rest of the episode.

The scene that packed the biggest gut punch for me, though, was Buck's reaction to the collapse of the tunnel.
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Hawaii Five-0: Aloha (2020)
Season 10, Episode 22
We could have had it all
6 April 2020
Warning: Spoilers
The show was a hot mess of amazing and terrible (though more terrible than amazing) and relied mostly on lovable characters, amazing actors, action, the breathtaking views and Steve and Danny's relationship.

And in an episode that established that Danny is the most important person in Steve's life, where he pleaded for his life in exchange of his own, where he finally acknowledged he wants to find peace for himself. With all this you want me to believe that he suddenly does a complete 180 and decides to leave Danny, who is hurt, vulnerable and alone, leave his family and his dog to traipse around the world? And to add insult to injury to do it with Catherine? A woman who is basically his mother with slightly darker hair? Who hurt and abandoned him every chance she got? Who we pretty much haven't heard of for the last five years except for some random forced appearances?

I haven't seen such thorough character assassination since Avengers: Endgame.

This is not how you do a series finale. This is not how you say good bye to beloved characters, show appreciation to actors who poured their all into their work, show respect to fans who gave you love for 10 years. This is how you spit in all their faces and ensure that they won't touch any of your projects with a ten foot pole.

We all deserved so much better.
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9-1-1: Fools (2020)
Season 3, Episode 12
Almost Perfect
28 March 2020
Warning: Spoilers
Apart from the forced heteronormativity thrown yet again at Eddie. i really enjoyed this episode. I mean, they created such a wonderful story with Eddie, Chris and Buck, why they don't just go with the flow is beyond me.

It was so great to see Carla again and I enjoyed the story line with Chris and Eddie coming to terms with his son's limitations and as well as his own.

I liked Josh getting a storyline, as he is a really lovely and interesting character. It was sad and infuriating and I hope there is a positive outcome to it. Both in personal terms of Josh finding someone and the two jerks being brought to justice.

I enjoyed everything about the bullet story line as well. It was great to see Danny Nucci, loved the next door neighbor and the story itself was bittersweet.

The framing fo the terrible date was really great and I remember the story it was based on from being mentioned on Big Fat Quiz.

Overall a really great episode despite that little hiccup.
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Supergirl: Back from the Future - Part Two (2020)
Season 5, Episode 12
Friends, old and new
21 February 2020
I enjoyed the episode quite a lot. It was great to see Winn and how he finally found peace about his relationship with his father.

I'm not really feeling the Lex and Leviathan story. The leviathan isn't really established that good and there is too much Lex.

Who is delivering all he has and then some is Jesse Rath. His acting is out of this world and I liked this story line as well, it's intriguing.

Who they need to work on more is Nia and William, they both deserve better than they are getting this season. William has potential and I quite liked his introduction in the first part of the season. I really hope he will get to do more than be Kara's potential boyfriend.

Definitely looking forward to the next episode.
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9-1-1: Rage (2019)
Season 3, Episode 5
Poor Buck.
24 October 2019
This episode made eveyone on the team but Buck look really bad. That poor boy just wanted his family back and they pretty much spat in his face.

And don't even let me start with Eddie. That boy needs some swift kick in the butt and some serious profesional help. And it's really high time to get rid of Lena. That whole character and storyline is so very forced. I just fast forward all her scenes.

The really good part of the episode and the only reqson I gave it any stars at all was the story line with Michael, the kids and the cops. So scary, so real, so well made and acted.

I wish the rest od the episode was at least a fifth that good. But it didn't even come close. The best scene from that was the hearing that put the the whole thing and the high horse Bobby is riding into quite an unfavorable perspective. The lawyer really grew on me.

They need to get their groove back stat.
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Signed, Sealed, Delivered
10 October 2019
Warning: Spoilers
For someone with a very low threshold of second-hand embarrassment this movie was at times hard to watch.

But other than that it was sweet and funny and heart-warming and really pretty to look at. And not just because in certain scenes - specifically their first date, Tyler looks like an actual Disney prince.

It has a simple but well done plot and while they had to take shortcuts due to the different format I was able to follow the story easily ,not having read the book. I enjoyed the supporting characters, especially Lissy and Cybill. Women supporting other women is a way to go and always nice to see on-screen. Which made the reactions of Emma's coworkers to Jack's interview the more jarring. I liked how ultimately it was something she took strength from.

I also liked the way they wrote Connor. He wasn't a bad person, just incompatible.

And I liked the ending, not just because it was happy. But how it was done, what was said.

And the acting. Tyler is doing a great job of being perfect but he is subtly infusing Jack with actual character beyond the looks. And it's a delight to see. And Alexandra I have seen for the first time but she was really amazing. Pitch perfect. Also kudos to Kimiko, she pretty much stole the show every time she was on screen.

Overall, this movie delivers exactly what it promises. Sweet, hopefull fun.
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Just like cotton candy
28 April 2019
The more I think about this movie the more disappointed I am. And the more I try to pretend it never happened.

In the cinema I was sort of swept in all the pictures but as pretty as they were, they don't really hold up very well under closer scrutiny. They are like cotton candy, it looks really nice, is very sweet but in the end, it's just sugar.

There was very little substance and they tried to fill the movie with surprises and twists and the unexpected to hide it. And they kind of failed.

There were some story points that were handled very well. Some that could be hand-waved into appreciation. And then some that were just straight up terrible - e.g. the whole Steve's story line.

After all the build up in the previous movies, this movie was kind of a let down.

And my question stands: What about Bucky?
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Brooklyn Nine-Nine: Casecation (2019)
Season 6, Episode 12
Big dissapointment
14 April 2019
Usually, when the show takes on difficult topics they get it so very right. Which is why it was the more startling to sit through this episode.

While Jake came out of it as wonderful as ever I cannot say the same for Amy. Her whole attitude and behavior regarding the topic was very off-putting and unfair and left a huge dent in my appreciation of the character. It was interesting to see Rosa and Terry's input but both was handled poorly.

The jokes too fell flat and the resolution left a sour taste in my mouth.

I cannot remember the show ever disappointing me this much.
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9-1-1: Merry Ex-Mas (2018)
Season 2, Episode 10
28 November 2018
Warning: Spoilers
This was a really beautiful episode. It would have been a ten if not for the mess that is Eddie and his not-so-ex. So that is one point down. And the other one is for playing with my feelings. I really hope they deliver on the promise of the Santa scene but I don't trust them much.

Athena and Bobby have such a wonderful relationship. The situation is complicated and unusual but they are making the best of it I love their whole instant family.

Buck is so precious and I really appreciated the scene with the soldier and how he wasn't ashamed of crying.

Chim and Maddie are just the cutest. He is so sweet and that little moment at the beginning with the guy in the box was so lovely. I called her ex being the cute helpful guy the second time he came around. I wonder how will it all play out and I really hope he gets what is coming to him.

Overall a very lovely episode to leave on for Christmas break.
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9-1-1: Buck, Actually (2018)
Season 2, Episode 8
Actually, Buck's was the one storyline I could do without
7 November 2018
Warning: Spoilers
I kinda like this topical concept. When done well, as was this case, it is very enjoyable. It would be good to pepper something different in between so it doesn't get repetitive.

I like Chim and Maddie and how they are handling their story so far. They are sweet and seem very good for each other. And they are actually talking about their issues and hopes and fears and expectations. How refreshing.

I also like Bobby and Athena and Michael and Glenn. It's an interesting and difficult situation and the maturity and care with which all of them, including the kids, handle it, is inspiring.

The opening with Norman and Lola was funny and sweet and also heartbreaking. But it's always good to see Romy and Daniel on my screen.

My favorite part though was the story of Thomas and Mitchell. It was beautifully done love story in a very limited space. But it told us everything we needed to know. And while their ending was sad there was also something satisfying about it.

I just don't understand why they feel the need to throw women at Buck the moment he breaks up with Abby. Because despite the jokes, he actually broke up with his first long time girlfriend just last episode when he moved out. And while I'm really glad the annoying news lady didn't stick, I don't particularly care for random hotel lady either. Give the boy a break.

Other then that after the last two weeks again a very good episode.
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Love, Simon (2018)
No words
14 June 2018
There are no words to sufficiently describe how absolutely heartwarming and beautiful this movie is. It might all seem so easy and smooth but it is anything but. Because being vulnerable, giving someone the tools to hurt you but trust them not to, that takes courage. And it is very relatable and universal. Except some truths and secrets come with their very own special sets of fears.

This movie is about friendship, family, fears, bravery, mistakes and love. And it is beautiful.

The music is great as are the visuals. And the actors. The actors are just wonderful. The big roles and the small ones. And Nick Robinson breaths so much life into Simon, such fragility and strength and no pretense. It was a joy to watch. Even when it hurt.

I would never have thought that a shot of a pin would make me cry this hard.
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If only
13 February 2018
Warning: Spoilers
It could have been a wonderful movie. It had compelling characters, amazing actors, interesting story. And then they went and forced redemption and unnecessary romance on us.

The action and the pace in the movie were spot on. Not too fast but not lagging. Also the music and camera made it a feast. I was rooting for that ragtag group so much. I really enjoyed their friendships. I even liked the villains.

Teresa could have been such an interesting character. Someone doing very bad things with good intentions. I could have somehow lived with her realizing at the last moment that she didn't really choose the best side. I could have even lived with Thomas's conflicted feelings for her. But that terrible so-called romantic moment and that smooch that was so not necessary made me want to leave the cine. At least they didn't ride together into the sunset. That I would have not able to forgive.

As good as the action was - and it was very well made, what elevated this movie for me were the relationships. Between Gladers. Brenda and Thomas. Brenda and Jorge. Vince and the kids. Thomas and Minho. Thomas and Newt. The movie had a lot of heart. And I appreciated the happy ending. They very much deserved it.
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Supernatural: Wayward Sisters (2018)
Season 13, Episode 10
Lots of potential.
19 January 2018
The good thing about this potential spin-off is, that we already know the characters and are invested.

The episode wonderfully showcased all of the girls and also where they are right now and the relationships between them. And I was very invested throughout, I was rootign for them.

The chemistry between the acresses and characters is amazing and I also like how they are all different. It makes for very interesting dynamic. I'm so here for women being awesome and kicking ass each in their own unique way.
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Surpasing great expectations
9 January 2018
I was really loking forward to this movie. And it did not dissapoint. To the contrary. It made me feel like I could fly.

The first draw for me was the cas., Hugh, Zendaya, Zac. And they were magnificent. Just like the rest of the colorful magical ensamble.

The story was maybe simple but important. Still. Because different is indeed better. Family is what you make of it. Your dreams are worth fighting for. And love is worth risking it all for.

The visuals were wonderful. So much color and such well crafted numbers. They were all breathtaking.

And the very best part of it all, the music. It is the blood that runs through the movie, bringing it to life. It is strong and hopefull and hopeless and it allows to loose oneself in teh fantasy Phineas and the movie with him, weave around every spectator.

Truly, the greatest.
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Julie's Greenroom: Mash-Up: The Musical (2017)
Season 1, Episode 13
Beyond Adorable
6 October 2017
I haven't seen something so sweet and adorable and touching and uplifting in years.

Julie Andrews is a gift, the Greenies are all just so very cute and relatable and different. And the musical is so lovely as well.

And I just loved the cameos by all the stars.

I hope there is more.
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