
10 Reviews
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Absolutely habit-forming!
10 February 2022
I loved this character when she appeared in Father Brown so I was delighted to see this spin-off. It is wonderful light, amusing British TV. Some of the dialogue makes you giggle. Occasionally you laugh out loud: "We took vows of poverty, chastity and obedience. They never said anything about sobriety." Looking forward to each week's episode.
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A nun after me own heart!
10 February 2022
Sister Boniface made a significant contribution to the war against the Nazis, after which MI5 tried to recruit her but was snubbed in favour of the call to serve the church. And thank the Lord, because I loved this character in Father Brown and was so glad to see her get her own spin-off. It's just as entertaining as other lite British fare, like Father B. Some of the dialogue makes you giggle; some is laugh out loud. "We took vows of poverty, chastity and obedience. They never said anything about sobriety." Sister Boniface is definitely habit-forming!
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9-1-1: Lone Star: Shock & Thaw (2022)
Season 3, Episode 3
Enough already!
25 January 2022
Warning: Spoilers
Too many plot lines to keep track of, to wrap up. The writing is so predictable. Who didn't know that cop was gonna turn out to be a bad guy! This has better be the last of this arc or I am bailing!
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I'm bailing. Soooo bored
26 October 2021
Very slow moving. I can't drag myself through any more episodes to see where this is going. I can read the book a hell of a lot faster. And that really says it all even though you want me to write more!
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Better newsroom flic than sci-fi
22 October 2021
As sci-fi films go, it's a not bad example of 1960s Cold War era apocalyptic movies but it will someday be viewed as a good example of how old-time print newsrooms operated. "Stop the presses", "replate", and more classic scenarios from an era where deadlines and solid sources ruled, before digital news-on-demand relied more on rumours and tweets.
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Jumped the shark: I finally get it
24 February 2021
As much as I've enjoyed this show over the years, it's reached its end. This episode is one of the worst. I never really understood the expression "jumped the shark" before (even though I'm old enough to remember the Happy Days episode that spawned the phrase). Now, I get it. They should return to the early 20th century crime procedural, and continue developing the relationship between Murdoch and Ogden, George and Effie. They're really reaching for plots lately and this is the worst.
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The Equalizer (2021– )
Sit down, boys. Your misogyny is showing
9 February 2021
The reviews by men who can't imagine a strong woman in this role are expected and typical. If you watch closely she uses moves that any woman trained in serious self defence could master. She can handle a motorcycle and out-think her opponents. Men who get hung up on her size can't see past their misogyny to admire a well-written, well-paced show.
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Retire this film. Permanently.
14 November 2020
Warning: Spoilers
If there is a bin for movies that should never be viewed again, except as an example of Old Hollywood run amuck with racism and bigotry, this film belongs there.

From blowing up "injuns" by lighting dynamite cigars, to mispronouncing Métis consistently, to overuse of the greeting trope "How", to a French Canadian priest with an Irish accent (because in the US all Catholics were, of course, Irish), this movie runs the gamut of horrendous stereotypes and bad acting.

And there was no excuse for the horrendously inaccurate Canadian references. "I call upon the member (of Parliament) for Ontario." Like there was one representative for the whole province! Hollywood at this point was teeming with Canadian actors and filmmakers and the the movie was filmed in Alberta!

Bad. Just incredibly, irretrievably bad.
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My Life Is Murder (2019– )
Meh. Not the worst thing I've ever seen
27 August 2019
The pilot episode seems to have been edited badly. All the plots employ junior-writer level techniques. There's no tension. No suspense. At times it feels like the plot has been stretched to fill the allotted time. Not left eagerly awaiting a second series.
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Amazing, but best viewed on Hulu with no ads
3 April 2018
Warning: Spoilers
We bailed on NBC broadcast because commercials were maddening. Watched it next night on Hulu with no ads and it was amazing. Staging was fantastic and casting inspired. Loved the way the audience became part of the performance at times. John Legend singing Gethsemane brought me to tears. Alice Cooper and his mic drop? No words. And the finale was everything it should be. I had no idea John Legend has such depth. Utterly amazing.
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