
11 Reviews
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Imps* (1983)
Put it in context of the era
27 June 2021
I think most of these reviewer weren't alive or don't remember the 80's a lot of parody commercials here that have long been forgotten or people are too young to relate to - if you remember the 70's and 80's and the show "Not Necessarily the News" you'll enjoy this show, loaded with stars of the day and full of that glorious 80's T&A back when people weren't so uptight and knew how to have fun and enjoy life. Stream it, watch it and enjoy it's not nearly as bad as some humorless people would have you believe. Is it top shelf comedy, nope not even close but it was fun to watch and remember the days before PC.
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How can you not love this movie?
24 November 2020
This movies cheeses up the cheesy paying homage to the B-Movies of the 50's and 60's with a few 70's and 80's style tossed in for good measure. It sets out to be a cheesy movie and succeeds. Tons of puns, call back to B-Movies of the past, historical references, borrowed stock film footage laced in with the actual film, 60's music to set the tone and some of the cheapest special effects money can't buy. It's great! I'm not going to give it away and tell you what happened I'm just going to say if you have a love of B-Movies or old monster films then you need to see it, if you think movies have to be blockbusters to be good then you should probably skip it. In my book this is a 10 out of 10 perfect parody of old B-Movies.
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Why? Why? Why?
1 November 2020
Why would anyone do this? Just awful, from poor imitations of the original cast to a post stroke Tim Curry a shadow of his former self as the narrator. The casting is horrid and whomever did the casting should not be allowed to cast anything ever again. I swear I think a high school production would have been more entertaining. A female Frankenfurter is just awful, a Janet that sings the songs a little too fast but at least she looks good in her underwear and a dime store Riff Raff is funny in only how sad he is in his acting. I suffered through it in hopes it'd get better, it didn't. If you have to opportunity to watch it ... DON'T. If you like the original, you'll hate this.
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400 years on there is still whining about the past.
15 June 2020
Warning: Spoilers
Every race, every civilization, every culture has suffered from some injustice from another culture it's life, it's just how it goes right or wrong but here in the world of Star Trek there is still whining about racial injustice from the from the pre civil rights days in America that no longer even exist in the Star Trey universe ... for some of us it gets to be a really tiresome storyline. You'd think after 400 years people could move on - name one single race or culture that wasn't enslaved by another one at some point, mine was, yours was we all were at some point in the past and that's just it, it's the past. Stop whining and move on./ Oh and enough Vic too Pally.
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2 Broke Girls (2011–2017)
It started out good and went downhill
15 December 2016
The First season or so was pretty good, not great but decent. Then I missed a season and came back to it to catch up and boy did it go downhill. The jokes and double "entendres" (<< Work on your spell check IMDb that's the correct spelling) have just gotten out of hand. Don't get me wrong I like dirty humor as much as the next person but it needs to at least be funny and not so predictable, you can see the jokes coming from a mile away and most are about on a middle school grade level if even that high. Most every plot (when there is one) is as predictable as the humor - and for the comedy writers try learning a little about comedy and keep it fresh or this show isn't long for the world. All in all it's watchable if there is nothing else on and Max and Caroline are easy on the eyes but they really need need work on the jokes IQ's and try to develop something that looks like a plot. I'm giving it a 6 and I'm being kind because the girls are hot.
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Fish Tank Kings (2012– )
Fish Tank Jesters would be a better name...
29 June 2014
Are you looking for a show about fish and setting up and caring for fish, filtration and advance aquarium keeping, look elsewhere. This isn't it ... If you are looking for a show with a lot of overly fake drama, over-hyped problems and a bunch of incredibly tacky tanks that nearly always comes down to the few last minute to install. You're in luck you've found the perfect show. The one guy on the show that seems to actually know about fish seems intent on showing off his knowledge by referring to everything in there scientific names and it gets rather annoying rather quickly. All in all it's very formulaic, you have the cranky boss, the creative one, the odd couple, the brainiac, the eye candy with assorted other minions ... it's every reality show you've ever seen and like those other show it's missing reality. Watch it if you want but you're not missing much if you skip it.
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May you not fall asleep while watching this.
9 December 2007
Warning: Spoilers
There are bad movies you can still enjoy, then there is stuff like this. The summery said it's fast paced, the first 30 minutes felt like hours and it didn't get any better, I found myself looking forward to the ending just so it would be over. I'm not going to tell you anymore than is in the summery itself, which is the same as on the DVD box. This movie is about a guy that steals a purse from an old gypsy women and she curses him to stay awake until he dies. Sounds interesting right? He robs drug deals and destroys there drugs. OK that's good, sort of Robin Hood-ish. Maybe I missed something, maybe I fell asleep it was just nonsensical and boring. Those thing were in the movie, but many other elements were there as well that seemed to have very little to do with the actual story line. Did I mention it was slow? Well it is. I really wish I could find the words to say something meaningful about this film, I'm at a loss. This movie is just bad it has no redeeming qualities whatsoever. The DVD on the other hand could be used as a coaster.

The cinematography is amateurish and simple, what was it shot with a HandyCam? It has tons of cinematic cliché and dialog straight out of a dime store novel, really I've seen better acting in a high school play. I'm not kidding. Many of the scene were just to long and to slow to keep your attention. So if you want fast paced, watch CRANK or go watch grass grow or paint dry your time will be better spent.

If you have insomnia I recommend Insomnia Manica as a cure, you'll be asleep in no time.
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Alien Apocalypse (2005 TV Movie)
This will be a classic bad "B Movie" in the future.
26 March 2005
OK bad acting, bad special effects, bad props, bad dialog, all if to the point it is silly. Plots hole so bad it looks like swiss cheese laced in lame lines. But it was kind of fun to watch. OK in short with out blowing the film for those of you that want to waste 2 hours of your life, here it is. A group of astronauts on a mission come back to earth in the near future just to find that mankind has been enslaved by alien bugs. In some Planet of the Apes twist they rise up to take back earth ... will they win? You'll just have to watch the movie to find out. I won't even get into how primitive man became in sometime like 40 years, it is beyond understanding. Again plot holes and total lack of realism on a cultural scale. Anyway, low budget Sci-Fi channel flick worth a look, sometimes they make a good one and sometimes they make this.
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Pretty girls listing to music and of all things Stripping.
12 February 2005
Very dated and showing it's age, "Music to Strip By" is a fun short film of women stripping to a stripping album .. you know LP those old time music disc. Now I'm not sure if this was an actual album put out and this was a promo for it, but it sure seems that way. In short it is about the women listening to this album and stripping to it in a mirror with the stripper outfits of the day. Cheesy music, cheesy filming and cheesy outfits ... another cheesy find from Something Weird Video found as bonus clips and the Indecent Desires DVD. It's worth a look I give it a 7 for no real good reason other than I enjoy old films with or without a plot! Runtime about 7 minutes.
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Stan Laurel, Dr Strangelove, The Mummy, Dacula and Frankenstien all together.
8 February 2005
With a line up like that how can a movie be bad? Sterilox is sent to earth from the Buttless Galaxy to find slave girls and the perfect girl for bleeding stock from the strange lab of Dr. Bleedlove with lots and lots of topless girls. So there is a loose plot to hold together the overall mission of the film which is to show topless girls dancing around. I'm sure the budget of this film top at least $500-$600. A few left overs from the Sci_Fi prop department at use to give it a added flare. Over all is fun and makes a great open minded date film, long as you're not dating a prude. If I ever become a mad doctor in a lab, I'm getting a go-go dance to mix my beakers for me. Another great find from Something Strange Video worth having a look or adding to any 60's sexplotation collection.
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A 1920's nudie show.
6 February 2005
Plot, what plot ... pretty much what you have is a loose story of an explorer that is lost and his wife is looking for him. OK that the story they are sticking to. What you really have is a lot of women dancing around exposing more full frontal nudity than they do in todays movies. Naked girls laying around in a harem and naked natives dot the scenes. All in all it is good fun and entertaining. While the women are very pretty and shapely by any eras standard, just note that today they are all over 100 years old and most if not all are no longer with us. Gives a whole new light to the term roaring 20's. Just goes to show you to show you what grandpa was watching. It's a fun and entertaining watch if you can find it, comes on a Something Weird DVD Primitive Triple Feature DVD (Bowanga Bowanga, Wild Women of Wongo and Virgin Sacrifice) disc as a bonus short. Runtime about 13 minutes.
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