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Angelina Jolie always makes anything a 10
19 April 2023
Warning: Spoilers
Seriously tho, it's just a good little thriller. The bad guys are very heinous. The good guys are very good. It doesn't spend a lot of time with the back story of why they're after the good guys and that's ok. We get it. Whistle blower = good guy. Hit men = bad guys. Are there plot holes? A few. Do we care? Nope because there is Angelina Jolie emoting as a firefighter struggling with a terrible trauma who you know will cross paths with the good guys and somehow save them. You know she will face a big fire. You know she will overcome her trauma in the end. All is right in the world. I just hope the horse escaped the fire.
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Dark Winds (2022– )
Pretty good if you're not a fan of the books
24 October 2022
I really hate when they change the character's origin stories or write the women to he badasses before that happens in the stories. It's disrespectful to the original work. I can hear Tony Hillerman rolling in his grave.

If you're not a big fan of the books or you don't mind bad adaptations, it's a good show. I'm on episode three and am fighting the super fan in me. I've read the books over and over so the massive changes are making me nuts. But I'm determined to get over it.

A bank is robbed and a double murder is committed of a Listening Woman/healer and her granddaughter. Are they related somehow? There are a lot of plot threads to follow and I'm not sure where they're all going yet.
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The Sinner (2017–2021)
Compelling and brilliant
18 October 2022
I'd like it a lot better without the sex but it's excellent otherwise. Perfectly cast, tight storylines, atmospheric and eerie... my favorite kind of detective story that the USA does so poorly. It feels more like a British made program. Bill Pullman is amazing and versatile.

Season one with Jessica Biel sets a perfect tone for the next two seasons. Pullman's detective seems to see inside her that something is hidden inside her after her crime and slowly works to draw it out against the odds.

In season 2 he connects with a young child who does the inexplicable. Is he a monster or are there extenuating circumstances?
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Bones: The Witch in the Wardrobe (2010)
Season 5, Episode 20
They blew it with this episode
17 September 2022
Warning: Spoilers
If you're going to make an episode where there's a coven of Wiccans you probably ought to talk to some Wiccans before writing the script. It was full of urban legends and nonsense. If they think no Wiccans ever use psychedelics, they have another think coming. We also don't go throwing rye flour around. Booth's disgusting remark that "you never get to see the ones you'd want to see naked" was sexist, ageist, and just inappropriately nasty.

I love this show but this episode was so bad. Another glaring error is that elderly bones do not get green stick fractures. Only the bones of children and young adults do.
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Sanditon (2019–2023)
Every romance novel trope rolled into one... in a bad way
31 March 2022
Warning: Spoilers
Poor Jane Austin is rolling in her grave.

Season 1: What started out as relatively charming is ruined by an over crowded storyline with as jumbled a mishmash as they could manage, lifting storylines intact from other Jane Austin novels and making them worse. No social norms are observed. Young ladies alone with men, running off with few or no consequences, no chaperones in sight, ever, young ladies calling other ladies and gentlemen they're not connected to (or have even interacted with at any point in the story) by family ties by their first names and vice versa. Remembering to bow and curtesy forgotten 99% of the time. Our main character so abused the hospitality of her hosts so egregiously, she'd have been sent home in disgrace yet she's never even admonished. I keep watching because of the horror of the thing is kind of magnetic. Let's not forget the shades of incest and graphic sex without nudity. In a Jane Austin story. A Jane Austin story. Everything has to have graphic sex these days.

Season 2: Our leading man does not return in a ridiculous turn of events that erase his sacrifice in season 1. A RADICAL shift of character for one gentleman from a slightly silly hypochondriac drunkard into a much more stable, and obliquely gay character. He was my favorite part of season 1. Gotta tick that box tho. Of course everyone is trying to push marriage on both young female leads who want to be modern independent women so unlike any Austin heroine. They're overly bold with total strangers, obnoxious, and rude. Our lead, against all normal behaviors, hares off into the plot of Jane Ayre, again against the wishes of her hosts and without consulting her father, a thing that would lead to social disaster for both families with no thought of the consequences despite having them pointed out to her, but hey ho... let's just make up the rules as we go along. Apparently the writers got their novelists mixed up. Meanwhile, the entire plot is also incorporating parts of Pride and Prejudice. And the incest siblings are back so character development is moving backwards as a redemption arc is destroyed. Meanwhile, we have a cousin pregnant by the brother turning up in episode 3.

What an unholy mess. I'm basically hate watching at this point. I'm sure it will come out rosy in the end because our main character, by her divine power of being a pretty and rude young lady melts hearts and fixes every problem... except the poor young architect whose heart she stole and trampled in season 1.
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The Batman (2022)
Flash warnings
10 March 2022
We had a bad angle to watch this so I need to see it again. But the constant flashing lights and lights pointing right into the camera is what I wanted to mention here. I had my eyes shades or covered for about 25 minutes.
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Supertrain (1979)
Just watching the pilot now in 2022
26 January 2022
Warning: Spoilers
Heard about this in a list of expensive flops. The writing is terrible, the regular cast are terrible from what I've seen- surprising since I love Robert Alda but he's barely in the pilot. It's incredibly cheesy and cringy. Don't get me wrong, I love/hate this and hope to find more episodes.

However! Just in the pilot there is a massive amount of overt racism and sexism unusual for tv shows of this period. All the main cast except one person are white. The non-white member is the head Porter. All but one Porter you see is black. He always pops up at the right moment to bring in the next prop or push a plot device. He's always grinning and jive talking and the jokes are awful. Not sure what happened here because this is the same guy who did Love Boat. Most female staff on this train wear midriff tops and silver hot pants. The men wear normal uniforms. Except the people in the gym who wear leotards. The guy who runs the gym is so stupid it's unbelievable that he could feed himself let alone have any position like this. While I like the cheesiness of this, I really can't get around the racism.

Steve Lawrence holds the plot of the pilot episode. He's the only decent actor in the cast. It's honestly shocking. Other very famous cast members are little more than caricatures seen occasionally in bits that don't forward them plot. Almost all of the male characters are bombastic idiots, cruel wife abusers, or fools.
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A 5 because I can't tell if it's supposed to be this bad
24 December 2021
The men are great and have great chemistry together. Every woman in the "family" is shrill, nasty, ugly in spirit, and unflinchingly awful people. The actresses are so bad. Not surprising to see Liz Hurley being terrible but I'm unfamiliar with the other women but they could take acting lessons from Hallmark movies. Scary but true. The children are better actresses than these women. The American character is just offensive.

Is it a parody? Is it just a terrible movie?

We decided to watch because of Chris Marshall, John Cleese, and Kelsey Grammar. They are the only real bright spots.

The situations are ridiculous. Seriously... skip this one and find a Hallmark movie. It will have a more cohesive plot than this has. If you want a really bad Christmas movie that's so bad it's fun? Watch Snow and Snow 2.
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Love Actually (2003)
One of my favorite movies
20 December 2021
This has just about every British actor that I love most. The pairings are fantastic. There's a story for everyone. I love them all! I watch this a few times every year because it's so good and the soundtrack is amazing.
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Ascension (2014)
Loved it but it didn't get picked up.
19 October 2021
Sy Fi has a hard time renewing great shows while keeping only the repetitive and bland. This is a great show that ends on a cliffhanger. The only issue I have with it is, as always these days, graphic sex. How are young people supposed to be exposed to great sci fi and fantasy genres if it's not suitable for them to watch? I grew up watching all sorts of sci fi and fantasy programs that sparked my interest in science and engineering. This is just a sad situation all the way around.
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Daybreak (I) (2019)
Misunderstood but wonderful must-watch!
10 October 2021
It seems a lot of people giving it bad reviews don't understand that this is pure satire of both the zombie and teen shows. I love the third wall breaks. I love the depth to the storyline. I love the flashbacks.

The performances are stellar. Matthew Broderick is amazing in this very unusual turn for a fantastic actor.
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The Manor (I) (2021)
A bit scary but also pretty stupid
8 October 2021
Warning: Spoilers
I'm 61 and had a non debilitating stroke. Nobody put me in a nursing home or even suggested it even tho I was having serious mental health issues in the beginning. You can't see dementia on an MRI. You CAN see Parkinson's on an MRI and do you know what happens when you have a stroke? LOTS of brain scans. If she had Parkinson's it would have showed on those scans. Parkinson's dementia doesn't come first before the observable symptoms. Who doesn't know these things? Dementia is only an observed and testable issue. This woman has no symptoms of Parkinson's disease. You can't be forced to take medication against your will. You can't be confined against your will. You can leave any time whether the doctor suggests it or not unless you're confined by a court. Her daughter does not have medical power of attorney. All of this is ridiculously distracting from the get go.

The performances are good. The chemistry between the grandmother and grandson is amazing. I love all the residents of the home. The daughter is absolutely hateful. All great performances.

Most of the staff, however, come off as evil from the start. In a senior home that expensive, they'd have the veneer of caring. They'd be placating. I think of it were not for bad directing and the main character issues I mentioned earlier it would have been much better. They could have had some actual reason for her to be there.

On the whole, disappointing only because of poor writing premise.
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Manifest (2018–2023)
Way too much twisted religion
23 June 2021
Warning: Spoilers
Spoiler Alert!!

I previously reviewed this during the first season. Now in the third season it's gotten all bizarrely Christian and evil cults trying to kill the heroes of the tale. It's taking the exact road that Lost took but giving you the spoiler end well ahead of time. It's gotten lost in its own plot. I think the actors are even confused on where this is going.

Take aways:

1. God cares about the 190 something people on this plane enough to raise them from the dead after four plus years but they can only live that much time and have to jump through obscure hoops every day.

2. God gives them inexplicable visions they have to act on to save people but they have to figure them out like a box mystery..

3. If you don't believe in the Christian god, you're basically screwed.

4. Atheists turn Christian when something they can't explain happens.

5. Everyone wants to kill them because Jesus.

6. The government is evil and doesn't care if they kill children by experimenting on them. (Probably true but they're banging you over the head with it.)

7. Non-police officers can walk into the station and demand something and the police acquiesce.

8. The police won't shoot you or even arrest you for crimes if you're from a magic plane especially if you're white.

9. Nobody has to work to live in really nice homes. Except the one doctor who never leaves work because she's Indian.

10. This story has gone way too far into fantasy realms without making any sense.
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Manifest (2018–2023)
I have love this, half hate it.
18 June 2021
Warning: Spoilers
Cons first:

The main family starts off owing a massive amount of money to the insurance company which is taking them to court to get the payout back. (apparently nobody else has this issue) and decide they can make payments based on the wife's catering business she never works in or even appears to go to at all and her husband's getting a job he never gets. Nobody ever goes to work but the detective who doesn't actually do her job 99.9% of the time. They all have great lifestyles but never work.

Some characters switch personality from episode to episode. Characters disappear without ever being mentioned again. There is a number of catatonic passengers somewhere with nobody attending to them.

There is the typical government cabal which is completely unnecessary to the story which would he so improved without it.

Im still watching and have no idea if it will get better or worse but I can't imagine how it managed so many seasons. There are so many plot holes and flaws of logic it's hard to imagine they can fix that.

These are all to frequent reasons that I don't often watch network tv series.


I like most of the relationships. Most of the characters have great chemistry. There are two characters who have zero chemistry with anyone but otherwise I like the cast.

Almost all the plots involving "callings" are really interesting and there is some great dramatic tension. These are the things that bring me back.
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Intruders (2014)
So sad there's only one season
7 June 2021
I don't know why this series didn't do well. It's got everything. John Simm is brilliant. Millie Brown is fantastic, as always. You never knew where the plot was going to go next.

I don't understand the low reviews.
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The Victim (2019)
Stunning and brilliant
3 June 2021
Warning: Spoilers
Fantastic cast. Great storytelling. I don't know if it's just me or everyone, I detest the lead female character. Absolutely detest her. The actress is that good in the role. She destroys so many lives in her quest for revenge. Whether he was who she thought he was or not, the killer confessed and served his time. It's appalling that people can be able to dox others. And a second innocent person was nearly murdered with no consequences to the person who was interrupted at the last second.

She's a terrible person. It doesn't matter what anyone else did, her actions were evil and nearly got 2 people killed.
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Prey (2014–2015)
Absolutely loved this action packed thriller.
24 May 2021
Both series were excellent tho, of course, for me the draw was John Simm.

In series 1 a police officer must clear his name in the murder of his wife and son. Betrayed on all sides, he never knows who to trust.

Series 2 follows a prison guard who is forced to assist a prisoner escape to free his kidnapped pregnant daughter.

Both men are relentless in seeking justice and in protecting the ones they love.

The entire cast is brilliant. Well worth watching!
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The Cry (I) (2018)
Really fantastic
5 May 2021
What a great cast all around. A little heavy on the flashbacks but otherwise really compelling with fantastic performances. I don't know if it's intentional but I wanted to smack that daughter constantly. Constantly. I know she had trauma about Jenna's character but she was wicked after the baby was missing. And continued to be.

Part of the ending was fantastic and part just ended abruptly.
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The Gods of Wheat Street (2013–2014)
Loved this.
2 May 2021
I'm not sure why there was only one season. Fantastic cast with absolutely great chemistry. Interesting intertwined threads and ended on a cliff hanger. What a shame it wasn't continued!
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Stowaway (I) (2021)
Should have been better.
23 April 2021
Warning: Spoilers
It has a lot of things I like. A great cast. Great music. Great atmosphere. Great suspense.

But the drama is based around a fairly dumb accident that occurs because someone was accidentally aboard through no fault of his own. They discover him 12 hours in but say they can't go back, yet they think they can get to Mars. What?

The primary life support unit/CO2 scrubber is damaged beyond repair. Wait, what? They only have one? No redundancy? Apollo 13 solved this problem but apparently in the future they don't know how to fix this or to bring a spare?

The dilemma comes from the ground crew who tells the captain that she needs to throw the stowaway off the ship in space. Two of them decide that's a great idea. Only the third person wants to give it a chance to find an alternative solution.

I'm only half way through and my mind is boggled on how such a great cast is doing everything they can with a terrible script.
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The One (I) (2021)
A very strange show
18 April 2021
Aside from the concept being whacky, but not in a fun way, it's just a weird show. The premise is that a company found a way to find your one perfect match via DNA. This is a lot of belief to suspend but hey, I love sci fi/thrillers/mysteries. All combined, even better. It's got the sort of atmosphere and pacing that I like: slow and suspenseful.

Cons for me:

Match problems: What if your match is 17 and you're 60? Is a drug addict? A criminal? A degenerate of some kind? Is a gender you're not attracted to? Isn't attractive to you in other ways? They brush over this very slightly but it's not really discussed.

It flips back and forth through time. My dogs were barking and I had to shush them. Had to rewind because what I was seeing made no sense from the 45 seconds previous..

One of the things that bugs me about the show is that all of the women are incredibly thin. The woman who plays the lead is skeletal. It's alarming how thin she is and is incredibly distracting.

A sad thing about this is that British tv and movies used to cast people who looked like normal people. There's not one person in this series that isn't slim and gorgeous. Men included tho they're all fit and muscular. It's like the whole universe of this story came out of a fashion magazine.

Imagine a genetics lab filled with models. I mean everyone in the lab. Or in the business office. Yeah, that's gonna happen.

The majority of the characters are not very likable.
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Murder City (2004–2006)
How did I miss this brilliant series?
31 March 2021
This is so good. So many twists and turns and Chris Marshall is absolutely brilliant. You can see why he stepped into the big shoes of Death in Paradise. He's one of my favorite actors, so underused!!

It's a very smart show. The villains are so creepy and well played. The only down side is the coworkers and boss who constantly run him down. He solves major crimes and they all are up his nose all the time. So cliche.

Definitely worth a watch. Shame there are so few episodes!
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Not as bad as I feared
1 February 2021
I love most of the cast and was thrilled to see Matthew Lewis. There's a lot of artistic license changing the stories from the books and far more personal drama than focus on the vet care which was the most fun part of both the books and the original series.

While I love the actress playing Mrs. Hall, she's just too young to have lived in the house with young men in those days. And she should be old enough to have an adult son for events that happen down the road.

I am not fond of how Tristan is portrayed here. In the books he's carefree and charming. He's a scamp and likes a good joke. He's a bit of a goofball. In this series he's spoiled and petty. There's zero charm to him.

They've lost the camaraderie between the men and show only the strife. I think most of the fun has gone.
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The Prom (2020)
Loved it!
18 December 2020
I don't understand the hate for James Cordon. I don't even think he played the part in a gay stereotype. I think it was very much like his actual personality. He repeatedly made me cry.

It was awesome to see Nicole Kidman in a musical again.

I really just loved all the performances!
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A definite must see
19 October 2020
Fantastic film. The Broadway cast of this award winning show reprising their roles is an absolute revelation. I won't give spoilers but a quick summary:

A group of friends is gathering for a birthday party when an unexpected guest arrives and acts sets off a firestorm of emotion.
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