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It's not going to make us forget IP Man
3 March 2011
The previews actually made this movie look much better than it actually is. I popped it in one evening expecting something like The Replacement Killers, Kill Zone or Flash Point. Boy was I sorely disappointed. Who do I see about getting the last two hours of my life back? I would have just assumed took a lit match to my 20.00 bill and felt it would've been better spent.

The plot is nothing we haven't seen before. Rogue assassin suddenly gets a conscience, protects the girl, former allies now after him. At least when Ninja Assassin adopted this recycled storyline, they made it interesting.

And is it just me, or did anyone else find the lead actress totally annoying? If I were Rick Yune's character at some point I'd have grown tired of her and been like 'Screw it go out there and get killed.'

After having watched fight scenes in movies like Ong-Bak, Kill Zone, Ip Man, and Rapid Fire, the fights in this movie are a total snooze-fest. It brings nothing new to fight choreography. Even somewhat dull fights you can make look pretty interesting with the right music score and the right camera work. Rick should stick to acting out other people's scripts, not writing his own.
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Pros and Cons
11 October 2010
First of all any remake is doomed to comparisons of the original. There's good and bad things about this movie. For one thing, it's entirely TOO long! Secondly, let's just get right down to it. Jaden Smith cannot act! But then again, he's only 12! Will's wasn't so great at first either. Unlike Daniel LaRusso, Dre has no redeeming qualities at first. You almost dislike him. The disrespect he shows to his mother is appalling. He acts like a spoiled brat for the majority of the movie. I know it's a coming-of-age story where he learns a lesson and through that becomes a better person but Jaden's inexperienced acting makes him lay it on way too thick. You don't even feel sorry for him when he's getting his ass kicked. He deserved it for the way he talked to his mother! Daniel may have smarted off to his mom, but he at least still seemed to respect her. Not the case here.

Jackie Chan was the best thing about this movie. He's a great martial artist and stunt man but I have a new respect for him as an actor. The scene where he broke down crying on the anniversary of his wife and son's deaths, was amazing and I've never seen that kind of depth from Jackie Chan. Worth seeing if you're a fan of martial arts, if you're looking for a bone to bone comparison to rival the original, you'll be sorry.
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Dark Assassin (2005)
It was Okay
22 November 2009
It wasn't the best martial arts film I've ever seen, but it was far from the worst also. It was the guy's first effort! LAy off him already! Not bad for a first timer (writer,producer director).

I think for one you all need to remember it's a MARTIAL ARTS MOVIE. Stop reveiwing it as if its great Shakespearean Theatre. If you came into this expecting to an updated ENTR THE DRAGON you would also be disappointed. Some of your expectations are too high.

I liked the fact that it didn't do stereotypical traits of the main character and they tried to 'hip' him up a little bit.

The audio was a tad bad. Bt ligthen up people. It was a martial arts flick. If you're an avid fan you owe it a watch. It will not become one of your favorites, but worthy to be in a martial art fan's DVD collection.
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Enough already with the comparisons to Brandon Lee
1 June 2008
I'm the biggest Brandon/Bruce Lee fan in the world but enough!!! People are going to always compare this movie to the first one and Eric Mabius to Brandon Lee. That's where I think this movie suffers.

I think storyline-wise it would have been better of he hadn't have resurrected right after his execution. They should have left him dead for a while. When he came back it didn't really seem like all that much of a shock. The bad guys just thought they had botched the execution and mistakenly pronounced him dead. Maybe even have gone so far as to have him resurrect on the autopsy table, not from his grave because that would have been a direct copy of Crow number One.

All in all a decent little flick but suffers from comparisons to its predecessors.
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Superman is SUPER once again
1 July 2006
Warning: Spoilers
Christopher Reeve is what first interested me in Superman. In fact I did not even know he was a comic book character until after the 1978 movie.

Superman is what every male at some point in his life has imagined being.

Who hasn't imagined using your invulnerability to crush a school bully or flying? I remember every time the movie came on I'd grab the biggest red bath towel I could find and tie it around my neck.

I'm still a fan today, pictures of Superman (and Batman, my other favorite) adorn my walls in my home office.

I was worried about what a new movie would do to Supe.

Would it push him back into the media mainstream or flunk out like Superman IV? Superman II while not great had a few decent moments (the fight between good Clark Kent and evil Superman).

But this new movie just blew me away. I've already been to see it twice, once alone and once with my kids.

And I may go see it again! Brandon Routh's Superman is so good you almost think you're looking at Chris Reeve again.

I know Chris was smiling down on Routh with his blessing for the character he defined.

Routh even said that he tried to pay homage to Reeve in his performance.

Some people asked Routh if he was afraid of the Superman Curse.(just about every actor who has portrayed the Man of Steel has either died or some other misfortune has befallen them---George Reeves, Chris Reeve, Kirk Alyn).

Routh replied, 'well I could not get the part and something awful could happen to me, then I'd be disabled and broke." This movie was amazing. I haven't seen a superhero movie this good since Batman Begins.

I say we need more movies like this that portray our comic heroes in more positive light.

Not ones that make them look silly (Catwoman).

I especially like the part of Lois's son actually being her and Superman's love child. (Remember, they did sleep together in Superman II) What was also surreal was to see him in the hospital on a stretcher with doctors trying to jump start his heart (funny when he shorts out the defibrillator), when he was exposed to Kryptonite for too long.

The only thing I did not like was them letting Lex off the hook. This guy almost killed Supes with a jagged piece of Kryptonite used as a knife and they just let him off the hook by stranding him on an island? Come on!!

Other than that? Superb movie-making!! Just don't let the sequels go to hell like the Salkinds did.
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Not great but I feel Lawrence's character.
26 May 2006
Now let me start by saying I don;t condone racism in any way shape or form against any race, but I actually feel where Martin's character is coming from.

As much as I hate to say it, in some instances there are sometimes where one race is thought to be doing something illegal when he actually isn't.

I can vividly remember when I brought my new car some months ago. I was stopped. I am a black man myself.

This policeman actually said to me, 'this looks like a stolen car.' I quipped back, 'Excuse me officer but can you tell me what a stolen car looks like? I didn;t know you could recognize one from seeing it on the street.' Then, he goes ' do you have any drugs or weapons on you?' Where the heck did that one come from? And your reason for this suspicion is? So here I am out of my own car with my hands on the hood and going through papers trying to prove to this guy this was my car. Finally when he runs a check he eases off.

So I've been there done that.

This wasn't a great comedy but not unbearable.
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White Chicks (2004)
Some people really should lighten up
22 March 2006
I've read several reviews talking about how racist this movie is and how bad it is.

Not one of the world's great examples of cinema I agree, but this is after all a COMEDY.

Not to to mistaken or reviewed as if it is great Shakespearean theater.

The only reason people don;t think Marlon and Shawn look anything like the women they are impersonating is because the viewer knows it's them.

Furthermore they couldn't make them look EXACTLY like the girls because that would ruin the whose comedic effect of the movie.

There's supposed to be a little difference in the Wayans brothers and those girls.

Plot could have used some more work and it's still sometimes after even multiple times watching it, unlcear as to why the Wayans bros. have to impersonate white women.

The one thing that got on my nerves is Marcus's wife and her nosy friend.

I think every husband knows his wife has a friend or relative like that.

If my wife ever accused me of cheating on her for getting home TWO minutes late, it'd be on! Then every time Gina thought he was cheating, her friend (who didn;t have a man of her own) was right there to feed fuel the flames. "I told you".

The part where Marcus (out of makeup) is caught in the room with Kevin (who is in full drag) by his wife and she thinks he had another woman up there, why didn't they just reveal themselves and explain they were undercover? And I know he couldn't blow his cover, but wouldn't;t it have saved him a lot of heartaches with his wife in this one scene? BUt really, people lighten up.

These movies are never meant to be taken as seriously as some of you do.
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Black Knight (2001)
Not awful, but predictable and far from great
31 October 2005
First of all I've read some of the uptight reviews here and all I can say is some of you take these movies way too seriously.

First things first. It's a COMEDY.

Not to be taken seriously to start with.

But I will say that I wonder how screenplays like this can get green-lit.

Martin Lawrence had a unique style when he first came out back in his 'House Party' days, but it's stale now.

The film drags on one joke for almost half of it.

It was fairly amusing at first that he had no idea he was more than eight hundred years into the past, but they dragged this joke on forever and it became less and less funny with each passing moment.

That was about the funniest thing in the film and as I said it became boring after a while.

Other little idiotic things that bug me is how can a woman get her throat cut and get up like nothing's happened...the same with Knolte (Tom Wilkinson) after he supposedly dies by an arrow to the heart, and the explanation for this is never given (maybe he was wearing something underneath his clothes to stop the penetration of the arrow).

Comedy is one thing, becoming stupid and unrealistic is another.
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Any true fan of Michael disowns this entry
28 October 2005
I have every single Halloween film, except this one.

Why? Because personally I'd rather spend two hours having root canal work done.

The sound of the drill couldn't be any worse than listening to 'Three more days till Halloween Halloween Halloween!!' over and over and over again.

I hated this movie as a kid....mainly because Michael Myers was not in it. So when it came on TV a few days ago I decided as an adult to give it another shot and be objective despite being a die-hard fan of Michael Myers. I tried to put out of my mind the fact that he was not in it and concentrate on it being it's own movie.

Results the same now as it was twenty years ago.

I still hate it.

'How can this be worthy of the 'Halloween' title when the character the series is based upon is absent? It's like trying to make a Justice League of America movie without Superman or Batman. Most Halloween fans agree, this movie does not belong in the series and most of us do not include it.

Avoid it at all costs.

It will not make sense to you.
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Batman Begins (2005)
A masterpiece!!!
20 October 2005
Being a comic book fan and creator, I truly can relate to this movie.

I've always been a huge fan of Batman. When the late great Bob Kane gave us Batsy he gave us the world's second biggest superhero (second only to Superman).

My personal opinion is that those two carried DC Comics for years and still continue to do so.

I mean really, who cares about the Green Lantern, and Martian Manhunter, the JLA is all about Supes and Bats.

Batman had not really been taken seriously as a superhero for years(thanks to that horrible 60's television show). It wasn't until Tim Burton put his spin on the Dark Knight did people start to respect him again.

Tim Burton and Michael Keaton reinvented Batman for what he was. A dark figure that was supposed to strike terror into the hearts of those who did evil.

Joel Schumacher destroyed that respect Batman had regained with those two horrible sequels in 1995 and 1997. (Batsuits with nipples, ugh).

Just when I thought the Batman movie franchise had died forever in comes Batman Begins.

I took my kids to see this when it first came out. We enjoyed it then and since I just picked it up on DVD yesterday, we enjoy it even more now.

Christian Bale does an even better job at Batman/Bruce Wayne than Michael Keaton did and I did not think that was possible.

Wonderful supporting cast and they kept it a bit on the scary side, which is what Batman was always meant to be.

The director lets up see Batman in the criminals' eyes. A supernatural horrific figure.

I especially love that thing they did with his voice to make him sound more sinister.

It was interesting to see how he got his start as the first half of the movie is him training to be the Dark Knight.

Unbelievable movie and I have watched it already four times since buying it.

My co-workers are all asking me to borrow it.

Buy your own!!!!
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Pure Nostalgia
15 October 2005
I happen to have loved the 1980's.

The cartoons, movies, the music.

Prince and Michael Jackson with the music, the Nightmare on Elm Street movies, and then there was of course, He-Man and the Masters of the Universe.

Those of us lucky enough to spend our childhood in the administration of Reagan, were blessed with this cartoon.

I picked this gem up on DVD a month ago and I love it. I watch it with the intensity that I did as a kid.

I wanted to show my children what real cartoons were all about. Now my children love He-Man, to the point where I had to make my 3 year old a power sword out of wood and I spray-painted it silver. Now he runs around the house, with it in the back of his shirt screaming, 'by the power of gray skull!' In fact, I'm going to also pick up the whole season 1 when it comes out later this week.

Just watching these things takes me back to 1983. The only thing that ever bothered me was that the Eternians were idiots. How could you not know that Prince Adam and He-Man were one and the same.

1. They look exactly alike

2. One is never around when the other one is

3. As soon as one disappears the other shows back up.

Pick it up and you'll learn what real cartoons were all about!!
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Not a great film.
11 October 2005
The only thing funny about this movie was the fact of how bad it was. Bill Bellamy should stick to stand-up comedy. He is not a good actor. The entire cast was as bland as the deepest meaning of the word could get.

It makes his friends look rather pathetic as they ride around with him as he gets laid three or four times. All this movie is about is his friends following him around while he bounces from house-to-house like a rabbit in heat.

There was some nice eye candy in this film, but other than that, very bland. All of the jokes are cliché', stereotypical and about as funny as a natural disaster.

The only good thing about this movie other than all the beautiful women in it (Lark Voorhies, Elise Neal, Jazmin Lewis, Beverly Johnson) was Bernie Mac's performance as he is always good, as well as Gilbert Gottfried..

What I found to be very offensive is this movie's portrayal of black men. All of us are not 'dogs'. I also found the constant reference to our sisters as 'bitches' and 'ho's' to be a little annoying too.

Only watch out of boredom, not for a great film experience.
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Scooby-Doo (2002)
Makes you feel as if you are watching the cartoon again
18 September 2005
Warning: Spoilers
and that's what it should do.

Finally a movie that does the product upon which it is based some justice.

I absolutely grew up on this cartoon as a kid, so I was really excited about taking my kids to see this when it first came out.

They also are big Scooby fans because their television stays tuned to Cartoon Network religiously.

I think this movie did an excellent job of capturing the spirit of the TV show, just so long as Batman or the Three Stooges didn't turn up in it, I was cool with it.

Hats off to the actor who played Shaggy, to be able to interact like that with a character who is not there and thus make it believable, takes true talent.

And sure all the cast had to interact with Scoob, but none had to show the chemistry with him Shaggy did.

I also think the actress who played Velma did a pretty good job of bringing the geeky Velma to life...considering I've seen this actress in other films and she's actually very beautiful.

Fred and Daphne were okay. I've never been big fans of Sarah Michelle Gellar or her husband's acting ability and I think the two are EXTREMELY overrated.

So sue me.

One extremely funny scene was where everyone's protoplasm kept switching bodies (i.e. Fred would be trapped in Velma's body).

Overall fun way to occupy a boring Sunday afternoon.
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Bad Writing, Poor direction.
27 August 2005
Warning: Spoilers
My problem with this movie is that it tries too hard.

It is neither thriller no suspenseful as it intended to be.

Can you say predictable?? It tries to take twists and turns but any intelligent viewer has figured them out before the movie actually gets to them.

1. Halle Berry's character says she doesn't need to speak with an attorney.

Only an idiot would make a remark like that sitting in jail facing a murder one rap.

2. Plot hole.

We see Halle Berry in one scene playing with the gun that would eventually kill her husband. Now if she had nothing to do with it as she claimed, how did Peter Greene's character get the exact same gun? I'm not even a cop and I could have figured that one out.

When Berry's Jeep breaks down in the middle of nowhere, there is no other car behind her. Greene just shows up out of the blue. Come on!!? Mainly the conversation between Cole Wilson (Greene) and Jake Golden (Clive Owen) How can Berry's character tell the story for scenes she wasn't even in? We learn that supposedly Golden hired Cole to do a simple hit and not even talk to Josie (Berry), but he became attracted to her.

How can she tell how the murder occurred if she was not there or had nothing to do with it? And when Berry discovers Jake's involvement, this is no surprise as we already knew this! Jake's ex-wife had something to do with it obviously because she was always taking up for Josie.

This movie just has bad pot holes and flaws.

If you're going to do a murder-for-hire "Don't be seen with the killer in public" Dumb writing, even dumber acting.

And this cast is generally a very talented set of actors, too bad they had to follow this piece of crap of a script.
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Did it ever occur to anyone?
31 May 2005
This is a movie based on a COMIC BOOK!!! Stop taking it so seriously. I've read some reviews where people are analyzing it as if it is Shakespearean theatre.

The first Batman was a masterpiece and no one was touching Jack Nicholson's performance as the Joker.

That being said, I've Danny DeVito's performance criticized here but I really can't see anyone else filling the Penguin's shoes. Michelle Pfeiffer gives the best performance of the Catwoman I've ever seen.

She ties to be evil but is really a good person deep down.

I will admit that the plot goes down faster than a concrete balloon after the part where Penguin is chased back into the sewers.

Penguin pallbearers?

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Juwanna Mann (2002)
Lighten up people!!
11 May 2005
It's only a movie for crying out loud.

Granted this movie will not be confused with great Shakesperean theatre, but it was worth a few good laughs.

Not exactly the funniest movie I've ever seen but not the worst by a long shot.

Some of you take these movies way to seriously.

It's only entertainment! Not meant to be analyzed like forensic science or something.

Miguel Nunez does a decent job in his first starring role. I personally couldn't see anyone else filling this spot.

The main character starts off as arrogant and unlikeable, and learns an important lesson and begins to see the error of his ways as the movie goes on and this is portrayed very well.

I like Vivica Fox and all, but I would have personally cast someone a little younger opposite Nunez. But her name in the credits gives it a boost I guess.

Again some of you take these movies way to seriously.

Think about it. It's a comedy! Not to be taken seriously to start with!!!
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Friday (1995)
I still pop this baby in the VCR
1 May 2005
Eleven years ago (one year before this movie debuted), if you'd have told me you can get an entire movie from two guys sitting on their porch on a hot Friday afternoon, I'd have said you were nuts.

I first saw this movie on a date with my girlfriend as a teenager way back in 1995 (it's hard to believe that was 10 years ago, I laughed through it then and I laugh through it now.

It's also the movie that made me a Chris Tucker mark.

I see everything that guy is in.

The same goes for Cube.

I love this movie's ability to show that ghettos aren't all like the 'Good Times' TV series.

This movie keeps it's lightheartedness throughout especially with funny characters to support Cube and Tucker like DJ Pooh, A.J. Johnson and Tiny Lister.

It also doesn't hurt to have Nia Long with her fine self in it either.

But as I stated this movie is very lighthearted and doesn't begin to get serious at all until the end where Craig tears Smokey a new one for getting him involved in the mess, Big Worm's assassination attempt on Craig and Smokey and Craig coming to the aid of Debbie (Nia) when D-bo (Lister) is beating her up.

It's at those two points you almost forget this is supposed to be a comedy movie.

The most important message in this movie actually came from Johnny Witherspoon who portrayed Craig's father.

He gave his son some very fatherly advise...which I hope to follow with my own son one day.

Although I can't say I'd have been that calm if I walked into my son's room and saw him holding a semi-aotumatic 9mm pistol.

But I did like his I believe it was meant to be a message to the audience.

"You kids today are nothing but punks, so quick to pick up a gun. You scared to take an ass-whipping!" (referring to his fists) "These are all the protection you need. You win some, you lose some, but you live!"
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A Haunting in Connecticut (2002 TV Movie)
Anything supernatural fascinates me
18 April 2005
I watched this for the first time around Christmas of last year with my wife.

And we could barely sleep after wards.

We had to watch something funny to make ourselves forget about it.

What makes me so scared of this is that I have experienced things that I to this day cannot explain or even really care to remember.

Please do not think I'm nuts but here are a few of the things I've experienced that made me think a little more seriously about a spirit world.

1. A week or two after my wife's grandfather died a few years ago, my nine year old daughter tells me that she saw her great-grandfather in a navy blue suit and red tie in her bedroom. HE was buried in a navy blue suit and red tie and she did not attend his funeral.

2. My son who's only three recognized my deceased mother's photo (died four years BEFORE he was born)as his grandmother long before I ever told him this. He'd look at the photo and saw 'granma'.

Gave me and my wife the willies.

3. As a kid I remember hearing rumors that the apartment complex I lived in was built on an old graveyard. I used to discard this as my friends trying to scare me, until one night in my bedroom I saw a figure walk into my room, it was totally black so I couldn't make out any features, I was half sleep and simply assumed it to be my mother looking in on me, the figure walked back out into the dark hall and I went back to sleep, thinking nothing of it.

The next morning I asked my mother had she come in and peeked in on my that night ad she told me she never got out of bed.

I don't really think the presence was malevolent, because I didn't feel any fear, in fact I felt protected, which is why I guess I thought it was my mom. It was like whatever it was it was simply checking on me in the middle of the night.

4. As a kid in the same house, me and a pal of mine were playing video games when a tile from the bath tub flew out into the hallway. We were home alone. And I would have thought it the tile had just fallen it would have fallen into the bath tub. It was as if it were thrown.

5. And perhaps the most chilling account, was once when my mother and her boyfriend at the time(who would eventually become my stepfather) had gotten to arguing and when she tried to prevent him from leaving he happened to shove her to the side. Well later that night, after they made up, he told her that at that moment he felt as if someone grabbed him by the neck. I did not witness this, but my mother did say he leave coughing and gagging.

Even remembering these things and writing them runs a chill up my spine.

So I truly believe in the paranormal and spirits.

Watching this documentary only fueled my belief.

The man with the red eyes was the most frightening thing I'd ever seen on television.

If I woke up and saw something like that looking at me, I'd pee all over myself.

My experiences were mild and in most cases seemed benevolent and just playing light hearted jokes (the tile), but I couldn't imagine facing something this evil.
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Superman III (1983)
You have to be a comic lover
28 March 2005
You have to be a comic lover to understand this movie.

Anyone who doesn't read comics that tries to rate this movie would be like Forrest Gump trying to give a lecture on open-heart surgery.

People are talking about how unrealistic this movie was, but let me ask you, when was the last time you looked up in the air and saw a guy in a bright blue suit and red cape flying around? I think this movie's story could have used a little work, but the fight between Clark Kent and his evil alter ego in the junkyard is a concept any comic lover would appreciate.

I think the fight in the junkyard could have been a little more brutal and better scripted, but it was a nice concept.

And then to have him reveal his costume, the brighter one afterwards was extremely poignant.

I just thought the crap with the super computer was stupid.

But it was not a bad addition to the series, just not a great one either.
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Class Act (1992)
Brings back memories
10 March 2005
When this movie came out I was just seventh or either grade.

I can say with all honesty I was probably a mix of Duncan Pinderhughes and Blade Brown.

Academic, but didn't take no crap off anyone either.

My wife and I sat down and watched this one when it came on cable a few nights ago.

It's extremely funny and original in plot.

I don't know why this movie was met with such poor regards.

So much so that Kid N Play have been banished from public eye pretty much. Some people view these guys as fads, their time came and went, but I think they just didn't get the credit they deserved. Plus they rapped about things on a positive note, when rap was taking it's harder, more thug based turn. The last acting appearance of Kid was the extremely small part he had in the Temptation's biopic in 1998. Play has left show business and is a born again Christian so I hear.

The entire chase scene in the wax museum is hilarious.

The thing I thought was funny was the every major character seemed to have their own "entrance" song.

Wedge, Damita, Blade...everyone had their own tune whenever they came on screen.

Something "Friday" would later borrow from.

Extremely funny and worth a view if you want to travel back to a time when rap was about a little more than killing, smoking and getting "crunk".
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My two year old could've wrote a better movie than this
14 January 2005
Although I'm a Michael Jackson fan, I look at things very objectively.

As a fan, I hope he did not do what he is accused of, and I am happy that he was proved innocent on all charges.

First let me start off by saying trying to make a movie about Michael Jackson without 'Beat It' or 'Billie Jean' is like trying to make a hamburger without ground beef.

Not even one little "I'm Bad, you know it."

But since this movie was not made with MJ's blessing they could not use any of his music.

I really came into this movie expecting to see a sequel to "An American Dream".

Boy was I sorely disappointed.

If you're going to make a movie at least have your actors resemble the people they are portraying a LITTTLE!

Jeez! And Elizabeth Taylor around the time MJ was accused the first time in 93 hasn't looked that young in well....forever.

Flex as Michael Jackson? Lord where did the person who casted this movie get his start? I hope he doesn't cast his other projects this poorly.

My choice for Michael Jackson would have been one of his widely known impersonators like Edward Moss (the guy from Scary Movie 3. Even out of make-up, Moss resembles a Thriller-era Mike.

And although the movie tries to portray MJ positively and show us things from his side, it's so full of pity for MJ you almost forget that he had nothing to do with this movie.

The movie can't even get it's relationships right.

Janet and Michael are and always have been close, but he was never buddy-buddy with her first husband James DeBarge.

In fact, Michael doesn't even acknowledge the guy as a former brother-in-law.

No closeness between Michael and Jermaine. Jermaine is the brother that Michael is closest to.

And this movie is so chronologically displaced, it's not even funny. Furthermore, this movie portrayed Joe Jackson to be an asshole. He was in fact strict and very disciplined oriented but he still loves his boys. Lawrence Hilton-Jacobs plays Joe a lot better. He was hard on them but there was a few good father/son moments between him and various sons. In 'Jacksons: An American Dream" where Michael is upset about Jermaine leaving the group and his about to perform for the first time without him, Joe pats Mike on the shoulder and says, "Mike, he'll be back someday."

And when he and Kate rush to the hospital after Michael is burned and the reporter asks him how does he feel about it,




This movie just made Joe to be a completely heartless prick. It practically jumps straight from the 93 allegation to the Bashir interview in 2003. Then to the baby incident, which was in 2002.

What the hell?

How are you going to jump back a year?

I could talk about how bad this movie was all night, but who the hell's got the time?
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You got to be kidding me!
28 December 2004
I have been a big fan of MK since the beginning, although I must admit I lost interest in the game series after part III.

Buying MK Deception this past Christmas renewed my interest in the series.

This movie was crap and I can't believe I bought this mess.

Good thing I found it for 9.99 at the used bin, so I wasn't out of much.

I was expecting to see a REAL sequel to the first movie, which I found fairly entertaining.

I thought the first film was very good and does the game upon which it is based some justice.

Not the case with MKA.

The first problem is that they tried to fuse too much of MK2 with MK3.

Then, if you're going to replace a character with another actor (Christopher Lambert), then at least make sure the new actor does a batter job than the first. The first Raiden was a hard-ass, and you knew not to mess with him. The second Raiden was a wuss and every time we saw him he was going through a wall.

Weak portrayals of major MK characters was another flaw.

The actress who portrayed Sonya Blade was nowhere near as good as Bridgette Wilson (the first Sonya).

Same could be said with Cage (Linden Ashby).

What was the point of even having Ermac and Rain in the movie if they weren't going to be referred to? A very weak portrayal of Sindel, Kitana's mother and the actress who played her isn't fit to act in soap operas.

Line example: Kitana: "My mother is dead." Sindel: "As will be her daughter!" Gimmie a break! Stick with the first.
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Just as marvelous today.
9 December 2004
My mother broght this for me on VHS when I was around six or seven years old.

I watched it so much I wore the tape out.

While shopping in the grocery store last week I happened upon this classic on DVD. I thought this would be a great way to let my children watch something that I used to watch as a tyke.

They loved it.

And I even at 27 years old found myself watching it with the same enthusiasm as I did when I was but a mere pup.

beatufil animation even in the computer age.

Rivals anything done today.
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Spider-Man (2002)
Long live Web-head!
3 July 2004
I recently saw a comment where someone said they didn't think it was necessary that Uncle Ben die.

Whoever made that comment obviously knows nothing about the origin of Spider-Man as is it written in MArvel Comics.

Peter Parker becomes Spider-man after a failed attempt as a wrestler and his Uncle is killed by a criminal that Peter himself could have stopped, but he didn't.


It reads the same way!

It make me sick when people who know nothing about the comic book start commenting on stuff that they know nothing about!!!

Espcially when they start dissing it!

At least know what you're talking about.

You have to be familiar with and appreciate comics to be fans of these sort of movies.

Kinda funny that you're dissing a Batman movie but outside of the movie you don't know a damn thing about the Dark Knight, huh?

I think the Spider-Man film was good, but the story-line could have been better.

I mean come on! The Goblin goes after Peter because he steals his sons' girlfriend?

Geez! My two year old son could have come up with a more interesting plot than that.

Other than that, an enjoyable watch.
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Being the comic book nut that I am....
28 June 2004
I make it a must to see any comic book based movie. I really didn't think it could get any better than the first X-Men.

I was wrong! This movie is a comic fanboy's dream.

Some of the acting from certain characters (Kelly Hu) was sort of bland.

I did like Iceman's chatacter development in the film.

My only real disappointment is I would have liked to have seen more charcters from the comic, like Silver Samurai or Omega Red or maybe Psylocke.
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