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Midnight Mass (2021)
Wow just wow
1 October 2021
It's a slow burn of a series that really allows the viewer to immerse themselves in these people and the island. Religion, what it is to be alive and what happens when we die are spoken about frequently, like beautiful poetry.

I loved every second.
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Clarkson's Farm (2021– )
Outstanding TV
23 July 2021
I enjoyed every second of this show and I learnt so much about farming and just how hard they work yet it was extremely entertaining and funny too.
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Midsommar (2019)
My kind of movie....
14 July 2021
This was a beautifully made movie, slow and deliciously dark.
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It offers nothing new....
20 May 2021
And was entirely predictable, but all that being said it wasn't terrible for a weekday movie. I liked the house and street setting and the tribute to old movies that runs throughout.
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Colony (2016– )
A different kind of sci-fi show
12 May 2021
I really enjoyed this show, the characters are extremely interesting and this is not just an alien invasion but rather a complex story.

Season 3 ended on a real high, fantastic but alas there are no more. I join the pleas of others for Netflix to take over this show- it's a great story.
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Seaspiracy (2021)
It could have been done better...
30 March 2021
When one sits down to a documentary I think it's important to take everything said by the narrator with a pinch of salt or at least be able to see the story from more than one side. I don't eat fish personally and I am very concerned about the environment but I think this documentary creator cherry picked a lot of information, he lacked interview skills and also lacked information. Excuse the pun- he was out of his depth.

The real problem we have on this planet is overpopulation.

I will go off to research some of the aspects raised in this film though.
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I Care a Lot (2020)
Yeah give it a miss... it's poor
27 March 2021
Giant plot holes and empty characters who make illogical decisions time and time again.
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The Prodigy (2019)
I watched it... but was left disappointed
6 February 2020
At first I thought it had potential with some good jumpy scenes but the plot was tired and predictable. A big fat "yawn" from me.
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Everyday (I) (2012)
A moving account of a "real" family
16 October 2012
I saw this movie at the Channel 4 building last night, I went with high hopes as I'm a fan of Michael Winterbottom's other work, but I wasn't really sure what to expect as all of his movies are quite different.

This movie focuses on a young family who are dealing with the fact that their father is doing a five year stretch in jail. We see these children grow up over the whole movie as it was shot over 5 years which just adds to the realism. The acting is outstanding, very natural, in fact it's hard to believe they aren't a real family. It shows the struggles that the children face not having their father in their lives and how they adapt to that. We see the father in jail who doesn't really take on board how difficult it is for this family to travel to see him, he has his visits and wants every single minute with his family, but as the viewer we have a better understanding of what it really takes to see him. The mother just gets on with, she's incredibly strong but my heart went out to her when I thought of myself being in that same position.

I was hooked until the last minute, laughing then crying, then laughing again. This is no glamorisation of prison, it's just the real mundane, human stuff and I found that extremely refreshing.
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Sex and the City (1998–2004)
Great Series
28 May 2004
I'm really sad that Sex and The City has ended, it is such an inspiring series for women. I really don't think it's just about sex; it's about four women finding a happy place in life. There is a lot of sex in it, but then isn't sex a part of most peoples lives?

I think all of the girls are great, all very different in their own ways. The writers have done a brilliant job of making the characters grow as the series goes on, for example Slutty Samantha seems to be interested in just sleeping around, but we see the moment she realizes she is as vulnerable as anyone else when it comes to falling in love. Simple Charlotte always had the picture of a perfect husband and kids, she gets the husband trey, but it definitely isn't perfect! Then Harry comes along, the love of her life and she realizes the picture has changed. From the first series you would never have thought that critical Miranda would have settled down with a baby and a husband! Lastly Complicated Carrie, I think she grows up towards the end after working out in her head what she wants from life. Of course I think all Sex and the city fans were thrilled when finally she ends up with Big, the only person she ever felt herself with.

Most men I know, especially my boyfriend don't find the show sexist, but enjoyable. It's great for them because they can get a few pointers on how a woman's mind works!

I think this show has taught women that we're allowed to enjoy sex just like men have been doing for years, we're allowed to be open about it and more importantly women are independent now- we can make it on our own with or without a man!
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Family Guy (1999– )
The best cartoon series in a long while
16 April 2004
I don't how other people feel, but I think i've outgrown the Simpsons now. It used to be funny in the earlier episodes but it doesn't hit my funny bone anymore. I am a massive fan of Family guy, it is just so funny and brilliant and I think it is more clever then the Simpsons.

I love the way Stewie wants to take over the world but he has limitations and urges because he is a baby that get in the way. He is so cute when he wants to watch his kiddy programs and listen to nursery rhymes while holding on to his various weapons and mind control devices! I like all the characters but Meg is probably my least faviourite. I think that is done on purpose though, you have to have someone to annoy you (A bit like Lisa in the Simpsons). I can see that Family Guy would offend some people, but its great how they cover every subject you could think of, I think you have to have a sense of humour and an open mind to enjoy this. I reccomend everyone to see all 3 series if they haven't already.

Great news about the movie!!
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