
22 Reviews
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Superman & Lois (2021–2024)
Is this a joke?
27 August 2023
Seriously, so smallville has 7.5 but this has 7.8? LOL , just get the H*ck out of here!

I was being generous giving this a 6/10 to be honest and frankly if you are thinking of watching this, you should only do so if you enjoyed the top 10 worst episodes of smallville, because that's what it's Like.. seriously, imagine the top 10 worst, but spread out over 3 seasons, MINUS any interesting or exciting parts that you would get with lex and his father and to add a sour cherry on top, make the smallville episodes less colourful, more boring AND the characters are either old and annoying or young and cringe.

7.8? Sorry but those reviews are inflated and/or FAKE.

Either that or people have gone totally nuts.
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Dual (2022)
so much potential!
15 August 2023
Honestly this film could have been a solid 8 if ONLY it had a good ending and some more development..

that said, couldn't give it more than a 6/10 due to the reason that, while the acting, the concept, the premise and unique story has some amazing value, the plot just failed , ultimately speaking.

Of course, one has to be mindful of imdbs minimum character requirements when writing reviews, so let us take that into consideration,

However, I can firmly say that I enjoyed the acting and tone of the movie but it would have benefited massively from a longer run time combined with more character development as well as emotional development of both characters, that is visible to the audience.

A solid 6.3 but again, could have been an 8 !
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The Fare (I) (2018)
SO much potential.. could have been a 9/10 movie!
21 February 2023
Warning: Spoilers
And further to the possible 9 out of 10 stars it would get an 8/10 if only it didn't have the ridiculous plot hole of harris being punished by hades for no real reason.. since when do afterlife gods have the authority to get a free-will soul and wipe there memory and trap them as the proverbial boat-man?

What the hell?

Now, we don't know if he did commit suicide in his car, but even IF he did ( and apparently it was an accident ), isn't he supposed to go to hell ?

And if it is purgatory, why i it infinite? Surely after some time passes he gets to go to heaven.. the reasoning behind all this is very poor.

But the dispatcher and the suspense and plot twist are good enough to make this a solid 7/10 .. It's certainly original in my view and more impressive is the low-tech, low budget/time spent on the movie.. just Imagine what could be done with a better story/plot / better actors and more money.

Not Bad.
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The C Word (2016)
Must Watch
9 December 2022
Intriguing and Shocking..

We all know some foods are bad for us and on the surface BigFood pretends to care about our health and Governments tell us to reduce salt and other trivial things.. But the truth is much deeper as explained in this Documentary..

The truth being that Big agriculture working with tobacco-style corporations and corrupt administrations are poisoning the population with cheap, low nutrition, addictive 'food'

Will America and the other countries infected with this toxic sludge of heroin-like calories ever be able to shake this demon forcing you to eat GMO apples to envy of that snake who tempted Eve ?

Time will tell..
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Rick and Morty: Full Meta Jackrick (2022)
Season 6, Episode 7
One of the worst yet..
25 November 2022
This season is blah.. but there have been some seasons in the past were I thought one or two episodes were not so good but this has been almost all of them so far, but the latest in particular is not just unfunny and boring but it's lacking in any creativity. They've almost done exactly the same thing in previous episodes and it wasn't entertaining this time.

It is Much like if they were to do another dragon episode but with a lochness monster instead. Sure, it would be new and original but not quite. Of course as a long time fan of the show I hope this is a temporary glitch and it will improve from here on out.
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Awake (2012)
could have been an 8/10
23 July 2022
The ending totally ruined it in my opinion, completely unimaginative .. disappointing really.

Such a shame, the rest was very good in my opinion.

Of course the era of tv shows at the time was at its infancy regarding quality and originality so for what it was it was good, and very good acting from Isaac as usual.
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Don't Look Up (2021)
Much better than expected.
4 January 2022
Warning: Spoilers
I saw a bunch of mixed reviews online but mostly negative, both plot and cast, and then when I saw that in fact it's not based on a true story, I thought for sure it must be a typical comedy-flick type movie and I said to myself, F8ck it, there's Leo & jonah and some other decent actors..

Then I watched it, and actually It was surprisingly good!

It actually has a valid societal-critique were you could visualise it being a feasible scenario in the near future..

I especially enjoyed the parts about the wealthy/powerful/delusional being solely focused on the power/status and wealth they could attain from the comet instead of survival..

Now I don't believe for a minute in today's world (the next 10 years) that we wouldn't (sane society + top scientists) save the day, but as we have seen, trillionare -eccentrics having the shoulder and ears of the top powers of the world isn't so far fetched ..

The dumbing down of society however I don't think would be to that extent (hopefully) but of course if that did happen then this future scenario goes from a comedy movie to serious sleepless nights.

Solid 8/10 ( due to the quality of acting and unexpected creativity of the premise)
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Bloodshot (2020)
low ratings unwarranted!
3 November 2021
The rating score is unfairly low Imo .

I think it's at least a 6.5 factoring in creativity, and engagement .. what do people expect for this level of budget?

People were saying that they've seen it before etc.. In fact outside of the comic the plot and concept are pretty new to cinema.. I think they were connecting individual elements and then conflating it all.

Of course being an action/sci-fi as opposed to pure sci-fi this was inevitable, and with action you get a lot of viewers who indeed had seen the action type seen before (though i thought it was creative and not done in that way previously) but who maybe wanted a longer, Pitch Black type of flow to the movie..

I've seen a lot of sci-fi and even though I saw the plot twist coming, frankly I wasn't sure and engaged enough in it that it still gave me a nice surprise.

I do hope that they renew this and I'd be interested to see were it goes (not having read the comic superhero backstory at all) ..
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Not bad, but not great
12 October 2021
I give it a solid 6.5, but the thing is it had SO much potential, with better writing and also character development it could have been a solid 8/10 movie on par with Independence day (in it's time)
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Salvation (2017–2018)
Good Stuff
13 October 2020
I think cancelling season 3 was bizarre as this is one of the more universal sci-fi shows, that has gotten people to like it who also like drama and political shows..

Definitely an 8 out of 10 for me.

Unfortunately it seems the greed of production companies knows no bounds.. they aren't happy with a respectable show and profit they want eye-watering gold bars to rain down on them..

This also means a loss for the customer, usually those wie-appeal shows are either a temporary hit or just mindless waffle that appeals to the masses, further reducing the quality until we go from idiocracy the movie to idiocracy the reality
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Peep Show: Shrooming (2005)
Season 3, Episode 3
truly amazing
3 July 2020
Even years later this show never disappoints. this episode is easily the top 5. I honestly think I almost passed on to the other side from laughter. British comedy at it's finest.
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Cam Girlz (2015)
Where do I begin?
26 June 2016
Warning: Spoilers
Unfortunately for you I couldn't care less about this film so this won't be my usual high quality critique of a piece, but I'll be frank.

It's some pseudo- faux emotional nonsense that attempts to glorify, and normalise behaviours which are inherently moronic, childish and self centred and sell it to the masses as something really 'good' for the models who've found their niche and super wonderful for the poor souls (the men) on the cam sites looking for arousal/companionship.

In reality the dynamic is simple, Women and Men are struggling to survive in this economy, and women have something that is in demand, it's called a vagina. Speaking candidly, as a Man myself, I have no desire / demand for the specimens portrayed in the Film and personally when I tried a site once I found all of the humans on there to be repugnant, unintelligible and patronising to men, seemingly placating them just for money. This of course is fine, as it's the whole point, but what bothered me is the facade that they cared and are super nice and kind people who would behave similarly when face to face with these, let's face it, less than hunky men *

I forget my other point, but another interesting component here, is one of taking advantage, that is to say, of ugly/fat/damaged men with more money than sense. You can clearly see this with the mentally challenged chubby chasers and so on, where, in any sane reality, the women who are ugly/ clinically obese, would never receive such financial rewards for flopping around like hippos in front of a camera. That said, the pretty one's are equally a waste of space. In it's entirety, this is a dangerous economy which leads to no tangible productivity for our society and transfers usable, workable wealth (i.e cash/tokens) to the opposite gender only to support the globalised beauty industry.

Forgive me, the fake benevolence of the portrayal of these women and their fight for economic independence has turned my brain into a microwaved potato, so, admittedly, I have digressed beyond my review of just the entertainment value.

I will say though that the 'deep' sound track is not warranted for this movie. All it is, is a poorly made, albeit HD short peak into the lives of some uneducated and economically useless people who take advantage of the droves of stupid/poor/sick/lonely/sad/unmarried/married men who are a slave to their biological urges.

Would women think so favourably if the tables were turned? I doubt it.

All being said, and the terrible cinematography with its creepy slow pan and zoom thing, there are a few tid bits of interesting and perhaps not commonly known things about 'camming' but I must say I find it arrogant and offensive that so many of the cam girlz both in the movie and out of it pretend like they are there for freindship, but when they talk highly about the positives of this industry the top of their list is always the freedom they get, the money, the lax working hours, the lifestyle, not having a boss, and doing whatever the hell they want because they have boobs.
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Last Week Tonight with John Oliver: Voting (2016)
Season 3, Episode 1
7 May 2016
Of course Oliver always delivers the goods, but he hit the mark big time on this one. I mean, really highlights the hypocrisy and bull-crap of modern Murica today. People need to get riled up over this because it's a serious matter. Ridiculous button-stick voting lawmakers aside, someone out there is trying to subvert democracy and diminish the 'poor-vote' and whether you disagree with uneducated and poor people voting or not, that is not how democracy works.

So if you want to live in North Korea then just brush this matter aside, but if you love your country and don't want it to end up like all the other dumps on this planet then you have to stand up for your rights.

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Best one yet. Again I am baffled as to why people don't like this movie!
30 November 2014
I can honestly say I have seen them all and this is the best one, it has everything I expected and even brought back childhood memories of watching transformers cartoons etc.

Acting was very good, Mark great as usual and some good supporting actors in there too, also a memorable performance from fraiser (forgot his actual name)

But decide for yourself, I mean all sorts of new transformers, graphics showing how optimus should really look and filled with action and a descent story about humanity.

In comparison the other one's come off as cheesy with shia lebouf and his college/girlfriend antics.
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The Drop (2014)
7.7 rating as of mid November? If that doesn't drop then my faith in cinema will be shaken.
19 November 2014
To be honest I think I may be generous with a 6. There are a few good scenes but mostly the whole movie lacks substance, and the annoying cop? What is that about, such a waste of screen time.

Very disappointed.

I ended at very disappointed but apparently I have to have 10 lines of text so I will try my best to fill them and as a secondary measure tell you that the acting of tom hardys on screen girlfriend was sub-par.

The chechnians were okay, a bit cheesy but not bad.

Overall I think the movie got views because of gandolfini and his death.
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Almost Royal (2014–2016)
Great British Comedy!
20 August 2014
In speaking with the tone of the movie.. This show is TOP-NOTCH!

I am of the younger generation so I can resonate with the sarcasm quite well. Of course all the American stereo types, and the behaviour of poppy and Georgie blends beautifully with the preconceptions the Americans have of rich, arrogant/bewildering Brits!

We don't all drink tea 24/7 !! haha

Anyway, there is nothing more to say, except that this show is pure Gold. Sarcastic genius!

The level of satire brought by two seemingly clueless teenagers, trumps that of big funded shows like the office etc. and its success is in it's simplicity!
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Goodbye World (2013)
Really Good Film.
12 June 2014
With only 20 reviews and a score of 5.6 I felt compelled to review this and say what an amazing film it is.. Seriously this is at least an 8.5 no question about it.

It has a real realness about it and the acting by some is 5* .. The soldier scene my heart was beating.. I could totally picture myself in that scenario which I hope never ever comes to reality.

I think in such a situation the authenticity of how it would be was done almost perfectly.

I suppose this is how IMDb is.. some movies the score is reflective of what most people agree on, but the current score of 5.4 is quite disrespectful I think. I mean even Kid Cudi (who is a musician and not even an actor did a very good job.

my vote was 9/10 for this film. What more can I say. Don't be dissuaded by the IMDb score. This film is very watchable and great for a night in.
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Inception (2010)
WOW, just WOW, I mean omg.
8 January 2013
When I finished watching inception I had to take a deep breath and convince my mind that I wasn't dreaming myself.

This is honestly one of the best films I have seen. I lucid dream myself so seeing this film was quite special for me.

I identified with the concepts of reality, what is real? how do you know if you are in the real world or not?

IF you haven't seen this yet I advise you to do so.. I mean this is on a matrix-type scale, it really is. Brilliant start to finish. I wish I could articulate more but I just can't you must see for yourself..

I think 8.8 is actually among the highest ratings a film can get. It is truly a quality film. Though I think it deserves an average of 9.5 at least!
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why such a low rating?!!
26 November 2012
I feel this is the best transformers yet. seriously just watch and enjoy and stop bit*ing!!

In all seriousness I loved the slow but yet medium fast pace that the film offered in comparison to the first two which where a bit too much really.

This had more theory, and was a nicer pace.

And oh, the beginning.. Whoa! I absolutely loved the beginning! the whole moon story was actually brilliant.

So I am baffled as to why this never got at least a 7 average rating but hey such is life and people are weird but please trust me you WILL enjoy this movie and if you don't then there is something wrong with you!
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This is why I didn't like it..
12 November 2012
Warning: Spoilers
I will be brief. Not only did it not make sense, unless I saw the wrong version then this movie was ridiculous. Look at the good reviews.. I bet they are all from old people (no offence) It's not that young people can't understand or appreciate this movie. an under 30 group who saw this with me agreed that it was nonsense.

Of course, the plot sounds great, would make a great modern movie but it was too fantistical and weird.

Especially with the monkey thing at the beginning ??

Of course the ending made no sense what so ever. And you would only understand why they where heading to the monoliths location by reading the movie description which I think many would agree is not good.

Lastly I would say that it was a waste of my time. and Look at my watch list if you think I enjoy rubbish techno-crap movies. All of the movies are 7 and above..

It actually frustrates me a little bit that I wasted 2 hours on this film. Unbelievable actually.
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I can't believe this is voted so highly. It must be a scam..
24 July 2012
Warning: Spoilers
It was no where near as good as the the dark night.. It's that simple. I only felt compelled to review this because a 9.2 Erm...? Seriously.

Let's get real here, a 9.2 requires a movie of Immense quality and this wasn't half as good as the dark night which is a 8. something.. Anyway, Let's face it the acting quality of heath ledger compared to some freak called Bane who we can't understand underneath his gay mask.. I mean seriously, I couldn't understand the guy, to top it off, when Bane wasn't angry he sounds like a psychotic little boy who has been fondled to death. And the twist at the end with the woman.. Ooo WOW soo amazing I didn't expect it and It completely shocked me! (sarcasm?)

Anyway, I don't know what to say really.. I was expecting more. It was simply less funny, had less action, and less drama.

Of course Die hard batman fans will be blinded by their allegiance to this franchise so I do not expect these people to understand but I think we can all agree that what makes a good movie is for everyone to watch it and not be able to deny its quality I.e. the godfarther etc..

Yet this has a 9.2 !!! I still can't believe it, I bet this rating will go down once it isn't in the cinema anymore.. I would bet money on it.. I do not know what kind of robot software they are using to pump up ratings for money but its obviously working.
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wow, JUST WOW. SO Rubbish.
31 March 2012
I think it had potential, but honestly apart from the okay acting from the old guy,, this film was honestly terrible.. I mean, wow. worst I have ever seen actually.. some of the acting is diabolical. Like college students doing a show or something.. wow.. hahaha. don't waste your life watching this film. please.

and oh, apparently I have to do a minimum of 10 lines.. ohh I see now!, I see why there are mostly good reviews for this. BECAUSE the sane people that have watched this film have not wanted to waste their lives on giving a bad review after they have already been robbed of their one and a half hours of time! Jesus Christ! haha.
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