
13 Reviews
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30 March 2021
Despite the often negative reviews for this type of show, it is binge watchable and entertaining for the older adolescent and young adult population it is intended for. The themes are basic. The pacing ,plot and quality acting holds up well and has just enough suspense,mystery,and quality special effects to satisfy young viewers. Look up Leopold, youngest son of Queen Victoria, read the original Scherlock Holmes Stories,See the last bbc series with Benedict cumberbatch - Today's teenagers will likely like this and recommend it.
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Silver Spoon (2014– )
7 August 2020
A wonderful find in Netflix library with engaging characters and plot twists.This is an extremely well written crime mystery drama.From the opening episode it draws one in and listening to the Russian dialogue with subtitles only adds to the charm of this gem of a series.HIGHLY RECOMMENDED.
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Star Trek: Discovery (2017–2024)
New Star Trek series
1 October 2017
It seems to me that this show is in trouble from the start.Where is Jason Isaacs in first two episodes ? Why is female character named Michael? Why are the Klingons redesigned? Who wrote this? Have they seen any of the previous series?Why is Brannon Braga producing the Orville instead? The ship is a character in this franchise and the characters in each series are iconic and loved by millions of fans.The writers seemed to have missed the key elements needed to make this successful.Oh by the way the nerve pinch is like a mind meld and can only be done by a Vulcan so Michael must not be human or is he not a female or should he /she be called Michelle maybe lack of pointed ears is genetic defect I don't know I only hope this gets better or it won't last
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American Made (2017)
Thoroughly entertaining story of drug smuggler of the 1980's
1 October 2017
After many years of business some of it risky along comes Mr Cruise in a sleeper.This is a must see as it really informs the audience well about the underworld dealings of the drug trade the CIA government and how one man can be so critical to it all . Anyone who remembers the 1980's can recall the Regan years and this is a great inside look into this aspect of those years. Great editing ,directing, pace and performances by Cruise and Gleeson and Sarah Wright kept one riveted to this picture.This will grow at box office through word of mouth as well .Highly recommend
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The Orville (2017–2022)
New Seth Macfarlane Sci-Fi show
1 October 2017
Surprised yet not so much when you see Brannon Braga who produced Star Trek enterprise and voyager is involved as well as Jon Favreau. This is more like the original Star Trek and has a strong supporting cast and looks and feels good.It is not a parody not a drama nor a sit-com in space but just a watchable show that could build a fan base addressing contemporary issues and themes,After seeing the first 4 episodes I am looking forward to the rest of the season.
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Luke Cage (2016–2018)
Superhero genre Netflix series
27 October 2016
This is a high quality production with brilliant performances that can be easily watched in a binge watching fashion. It plays as most mini-series do with a serial plot that continues for the 13 episode run.There is more than comic book violence and it is not for younger audiences.Character development is particularly good here with Theo Rossi's portrayal of " shades" a standout performance.His look, voice and delivery reminds me of Gene Kelly if he had ever portrayed a villain.If his character is written out cast this guy in a remake of singing in the rain. It will be interesting to see if a second season goes ahead.
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remake of beloved Disney classic in photo-realistic animation
27 September 2016
This is a remarkable movie. Jon Favreau is one of my favourite actor/directors in Hollywood at this time. This film really is an animated film with only one live actor in which the technology of CGI and motion capture have been used to its ultimate best. The blue ray includes some of the massive effort that went into this film and it may be some time before we see something yet again as good as this. My only criticisms of it is the 3D which was under utilized and unnecessary. The music and songs that were worked in worked very well but the melody was at times lost during the singers performances that were selected. Christopher Walken was a great King Louie,Bill Murray very recognizable as Baloo the bear and Scarlett Johansson an excellent choice for Kaa the snake. May take best animated film come Oscar time if allowed in that category.
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Pete's Dragon (2016)
Family friendly remake of 1970's animated film
27 September 2016
Walt Disney Pictures seem to have set out to make all of their animated treasures into live action features.(The recent Jon Favreau Jungle Book for example). This film is not remake of the 1970's mixed live action animated musical of the same name. It is not a musical. It is live action with a well thought out plot, a great cast including Robert Redford and new young talents. It is a great story ,that tugs at your emotions and though directed to the pre-teen age group I found it captivating as well. The visuals were great and the Dragon extremely well done. Yes the environmentalist theme underlies the story here, but their is really no villain. This movie looks great on the big screen and is best seen there . The beginning may disturb the younger child less than 6 or 8 years of age, so just a word of caution to those with young children :this film is not for them. Still,this is one of the best films I have seen this year
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Storks (2016)
Warner Brothers animation children's animated film with G rating
27 September 2016
This is a surprisingly good movie and well paced. In a packed theatre it kept parents and kids captivated to the end. I had low expectations and had not been spoiled by the trailers and was pleasantly surprised at the pace of the humour and timing of the voice actors who played their roles well enough that their identities in some cases (excluding Sandberg )were not obvious until the final credits. The voice actors are superb and well cast .The 3D was not exploited but added to the depth of visuals in a subtle way and was probably not necessary. The film is a true animated film ,an often silly and witty romp with typical visuals only possible in this genre and a good throw back to the fun of classic looney-tunes cartoons . This is the best animated picture yet from WB animation that I have seen. This is a feel good little fantasy romp that I would highly recommend parents take their kids to. In my view, a sleeper hit that sets the bar high for future productions
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The Avengers (2012)
Super hero action movie
4 May 2012
Brilliant! Luckily I was able to take my Tweens to this movie to a packed house on opening night. This is now their favorite movie.Rarely have I been to a film in recent years that has the audience cheering and clapping as the closing credits start and this is one of them. From start to finish it is well played,well paced and spectacular to watch.

The movie begins where last years Captain America and Thor left off with Thor's brother Loki playing the villain. A lot of super hero,occasionally physics defying, action ensues as the team is brought together as well as some well placed humor.Marvel Studios will have a hard task improving on this and already my 11 year old wants to see it again. I had so much fun watching this one I wouldn't mind seeing it again myself.Go see it,you won't be disappointed
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The Muppets (2011)
Disney Musical Comedy
4 April 2012
The Muppets is a delightful feel good movie for kids and parents or any with fond memories of the Muppet show on TV.It is never serious and has surprisingly good writing and songs that are not forced as sometimes happens in musicals like this.Like previous Muppet movies the main muppet characters are gradually collected and introduced. Though sweet to the point of irritation the live actors hold their own. My least favorite muppets,Gonzo's chickens,give probably the most hilarious performance as they had the audience I viewed the film with and this reviewer laughing to tears. There are many cameos and it deserved its Oscar for best song.It'really too bad the Oscars don't do the nominated songs live anymore as this could have lightened up a really dry Oscar night.
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John Carter (2012)
Science Fiction adaptation
29 March 2012
John Carter is probably the best movie of the year that hardly anyone will see.The victim of poor timing and poor marketing, it is engaging and spectacular and its director has put enough Pixar-Disney into it that it is really well worth seeing.While not The Incredibles it is no "Waterworld" either and does not deserve its negative reviews.It is a classic Sci-fi popcorn movie that relies heavily on CG green screen and effects and could never have been made before the last decade. My main criticism of this film and of all new 3D films such as this is that they must not be shot in 2D and converted. The 3D allows the audience to be immersed in the scene or feel they are looking through a massive window and requires longer clips and some first person shots and should avoid any shots with a short focal length .Avatar is exceptional because of its ability to do all that and I don't believe this film benefits from it but could have.Hopefully a sequel will follow as Burroughs did write several novels set on Mars. .Better title would have been Barsoom-Mars
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Post apocalyptic Sci-fi screen adaptation
29 March 2012
Overall,best movie in years.Best for those who have read book.Written in first person the novel is an easy read though more graphic and as disturbing to any parent of teenage or tween children than the film but very little is left out.The editing is clipped and hand held camera unsteady at start of film with many shots less than.5-.25 s but it slows down once the tributes are selected and the effects are worked in seamlessly as the characters arrive at the capital.Hopefully the point of the film,it's message against violence,oppression,racism and economic inequality is not lost on the bulk of those viewing it. Go see this film-excellent cast well directed-never drags and sets new bar for science fiction.
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