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Car Share (2015–2020)
Lovely understated comedy
26 April 2016
A return to form for Peter Kay, and I was pleasantly surprised by his costar Sian Gibson who held her own.

Car Share rates as the best new British Comedy of 2015, building into an unlikely romance - two ordinary Co-op (?) employees finding each other on the daily commute.

Filled with subtle throw-away gags, many hidden in the scenery or soundtrack and the occasional surreal daydream the whole effect is adorable and heartwarming!

Can't wait for the US remake with some better looking stars - Ashton Kutcher & Jennifer Anniston perhaps?

Perhaps leave this one to the Lancastrians...
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World War Z (2013)
Awful, worst adaptation ever
23 October 2013
I was excited about this one, truly excited. The greatest zombie story ever written coming to the big screen? The sheer scale of it, Max Brook's globe trotting masterpiece, written in the best traditions of the genre, equal parts good old fashioned gore fest and social commentary of it's age.

Then there were the set pieces, Yonkers, Hope, the great battles never before envisaged in a zombie movie, and I read with glee, this movie was going to have the budget to meet expectations.

Then it was announced Brad was going to star, that was the first warning sign. Could such an A-List star take the back seat? The book had no central protagonist... OK maybe they would keep the overall theme but give Gerry Lane a role in a few of the chapters as well as the interviewer role. Then came rumours of delays, in fighting and walk outs.

By the time the movie was released the press was so bad I could almost not bring myself to watch it. But I had too, I had to see it. So I went to the theater to find... NONE of it, he took nothing other than the name of the movie and a couple of the characters? Why? Why Brad? Why?

Why did you buy up the rights to this, preventing others from using the source material to produce this generic focus-group scripted garbage? If you liked it so little that you changed everything about it, why buy the rights? Rumour had it that Di Caprio had been outbid on the rights.

I don't know if our merry strolling friend Leo would have done a better job - but he couldn't have done worse.

Also - that ending? You frikkin' what?
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Shameless (2011–2021)
Finally a US remake that gets the original...
29 March 2013
As a fan of the original it was with some trepidation that I watched my first episode of the US remake, hell we haven't forgiven you for what you did to 'Life on Mars' and the US 'IT Crowd'? It's worth tracking down that still born pilot, just to see how badly a reinterpretation can murder every joke... Then you have the US Office and Being Human, which were, passable, OK if you haven't seen the originals they were OK shows.

But... Shameless is the first UK show I have seen where the US interpretation is, possibly, better than the original. It sticks pretty close to the UK script so it's not detracting from the original creative vision, but the production values,acting etc. are all first rate, and plus it doesn't try to dumb it down or sanitise it too much (all though it does a little).

All in all whether you are a fan of the original and want to check out a decent re-imagining - it's worth a look, or for our stateside cousins, if you've never seen the original then check it out - it doesn't f**k it up, and for most remakes... That's high praise!

(remembers Life on Mars, shudders)
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John Carter (2012)
Highly mediocre action adventure
22 May 2012
John Carter is an exercise in mediocrity, it's not a bad film, diverting enough for a rainy Sunday afternoon but don't get your hopes up of a 'spectacular sci-fi epic' or whatever else the paid bloggers have written on this site (guys reign it in a bit, you'll be more credible if your praise is a little more muted).

The film is indeed reminiscent of Flash Gordon, Buck Rogers and the suchlike vintage sci-fi, in that the effects seem a little dated the science of 'sci-fi' less credible (although I assume true to the source material), but it is lacking the high camp that made Flash great - this movie would really have benefited from a Freddy Mercury soundtrack...

I had high hopes of a great cast, having loved them in their previous work (John Carter reunites most of the cast of 'Rome') and they do OK, but only OK. The film only really comes alive when Mark Strong is on screen, by far the stand out performance and who seems to be the only actor who is really trying.

As for our central protagonist, John Carter himself, didn't really develop any affection either for the character or the actor.

But the film potters along, dutifully providing the requisite explosions, jumping and shouting and even throws in a few 'noble savages'. And it is worth a watch, on DVD, when there's nothing else on.

** A note to the promoters, I am entirely lacking in principles and backbone. I am willing to re-write this review singing it's praises for a modest fee.
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Spartacus (2010–2013)
Would be great - if they put some clothes on
20 December 2011
I was pleasantly surprised by this mini-series. On first impression you assume it is a Rome rip-off, quite badly done while overusing 300 style visual effects and throwing in far too much nudity.

Those of us who get off on scoffing at historical (and geographic) inaccuracies are richly catered for. But that was to be expected when recreating such a famous tale on a small budget.

Unlike the 300 it didn't bother me that the entire cast spent half the film wearing nothing but banana hammocks, as they spent the other half fully naked, so you were relieved they were at least wearing budgie smugglers for the some of the time.

But, and this is a big but, actually if you can overlook the lack of a wardrobe department, the plot is quite good! The dialogue is for the most part believable, there are plenty of twists and turns to keep you guessing. It is basically a pretty good yarn.

A note of warning, I was disappointed that the sequel 'gods of the arena' did not pick up the story where blood and sand finished. I don't think it's a spoiler to say that events leading up to Spartacus' revolt, where blood and sand finished, is only half the story.

The historical Spartacus went on to raise a slave / gladiator army, rout a couple of legions against the odds but was ultimately defeated by Crassus once Rome awoke to the danger. Worthy of a sequel, or even a movie I'd say. Oh wait a minute, did someone make that already?

Blood and Sand is no 'Rome', but worthy of a couple of hours of your time.
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An unworthy ending to a fine TV franchise
20 December 2011
Warning: Spoilers
Some things just don't translate from the small screen to the large I'm a big fan of the TV shows but the silver screen version left me cold.

There are a few decent gags in the movie, but nothing to compare to some of the belly laughs of the series (no fish-punching!). This movie feels as if it has been holywooded too much, the point of the series was that this group of friends are in the middle ground, neither popular nor unpopular just at the margins, wanting to move up the social rankings. Their misguided and ineffectual attempts to do so providing much of the mirth.

While I can see why the makers wanted an upbeat ending, the ultimate end to a much loved series was just too upbeat. IMHO our beloved protagonists should not 'get the girl and kill the bad guy'. It just feels contrived, the TV show always had a credible feel, even the most outrageous situations the lads got themselves in felt as if it could happen (the creators have admitted that much of the material for the shows was autobiographical).

But the movie just wrapped up a little too neatly while not delivering the cringe-comedy of the series.

Fans of the series should of course watch if for a sense of closure, but personally I would recommend waiting until it is on the small screen as a trip to the cinema left me with a sense of disappointment
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Two and a Half Men (2003–2015)
Ashton's 2.5 Men - Must See TV
15 November 2011
As may other contributors have pointed out the new season of 2.5 with Ashton is appalling. However, I believe Lorre et al have transcended appalling into 'so bad it's good' territory.

Watching this once mighty show brought so low has the unlookawayable qualities of a 20 car pile up in the opposite lane. I don't begin to know where to start, so lets start with Charlie. Nothing could better prove just how bi-winning Charlie genuinely is than how badly 2.5 has gone since his departure.

The blending of of his on and off screen personas only added to his overall legend status, as one wag put it "when I die I want Charlie Sheen's life to flash before my eyes".

Ashton, this guy has none of the charm of our dear Mr Sheen, and frequent references to how rich and handsome he is in the script... comes off as needy and unsympathetic. WWCD?

John Cryer - while adequate playing the straight guy to Charlie's lead just can't cut it as the funny one. No matter how sportingly he hurls himself into the role, he just can't carry the show.

Angus Jones - fat kids are funnier, go to Burger King, Stat.

Script: gone are the one liners, gone the jaded world view and hedonism we all secretly envy. Instead we have physical humour and Ashton taking his clothes off, it wasn't funny the first time...

Production: is it me or have they hiked up the laughter track? Maybe I missed it in the old days because I was occasionally laughing myself. But now, as I sit stony faced mourning a lost friend. the laughter track grates like fingernails on a blackboard.

Despite all of this I would encourage, nay urge, readers to continue to watch the show. As a tragedy it works on a variety of levels, for students of televisionology and humour it must surely be a treasure trove of 'do nots'.

I like to put on an episode of the new season before sitting down to watch 30-Rock, Southpark and other genuinely funny shows. I find it enhances the rest of my evening.
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Withnail & I (1987)
Nothing happens in this film, they don't do anything
7 September 2011
...but it's the way they don't do anything.

This film is about dialogue, some of the greatest dialogue ever captured on film. I don't think there is a redundant or misplaced clause in the script. It is introspective (as you would expect from an autobiography) touching and melancholy, but above all hysterical and yes eminently quotable.

And I would like to congratulate those geniuses that have spotted that Withnail's relationship with Marwood is ambiguous, and we are left to wonder whether he is in love with I. Well duh, do you think Robinson might have intended that? But that does not make this a movie about a homosexual relationship, not everything has to be about sex, people.

This is a movie about friendship and 'coming of age' and the sorrow and joy of those times. A poignant a witty insight into a universal experience.

It would be wrong not to include a quote in any Withnail review, but my thumbs have gone weird, so I shall throw myself into the road to escape all this hideousness.
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Game of Thrones (2011–2019)
TV at it's finest
5 September 2011
HBO raise the bar once again with this magnificent offering. Undoubtedly the best TV show of 2011. From the inventive and beautifully executed opening sequence GOT will have you gripped and take you on a roller-coaster of intrigue, deception and treachery. All beautifully set and shot, and acted by an outstanding and well cast ensemble.

GOT contains an excellent spread of heroes and villains, all of whom you will empathise with (apart from maybe Catelyn who was a bit 'meh'). While the story has enough twists and turns to keep you guessing throughout.

One special mention of Peter Dinklage, in an extremely well acted series his performance towers above the rest. Bravo Sir, and not a bad English accent for a Yank as well!

It's a cliché, but if you are going to watch one serialisation of a widely loved series of fantasy novels this year: make it HBO's 'Game of Thrones'
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Possibly the best bit of Serbian whinging?
5 September 2011
Pretty special, whether you are looking for hopelessly paranoid ramblings or wildly inaccurate facts (population of the EU is 1 Billion, and the Slovenes are hopelessly unhappy with their current prosperity) - you are well served by this title.

The film makers, as commented on by other reviewers, display a worrying Serbian tendency to rationalise the war without accepting even partial reponsibility. Of course it wasn't all the Serbs, or the Croats or the Bosniaks, all shared in the blame, just as the West could rightly be criticised for it's own mismanagement of the crisis. But deny even a portion of the blame to Serbia is just ridiculous.

I can understand an anti-Nato bias, a Serbian friend of mine lived two hundred yards from a Nato precision bomb on a TV station that killed his neighbour. That isn't going to endear Nato to anyone. But with delusional propaganda like this... reconciliation isn't going to be made any easier.
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