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The twist is good, the twist is fine, the twist is not the problem.
9 August 2022
Warning: Spoilers
It put the movie in a very interesting direction, but everything afterwards felt rushed and the finale was a letdown, as expected. I had pretty low expectations because William Brent Bell has an Uwe Boll reputation, but he kind of redeemed himself with this one. This is the best movie he has made so far in his career, but that is not saying much at all. Overall: Better than expected but not good after all.
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Deep Blue Sea 3 (2020 Video)
Easily digestible, entertaining ride while it lasts.
13 June 2022
It's pretty much impossible to replicate what made the original so entertaining, and even at its best, this is just a imitation. By conventional standards, it couldn't be called a good movie. The thing is, none of that matters much if you're having a good time. You may not remember too much about it after, but it's an easily digestible, entertaining ride while it lasts.
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Tenet (2020)
This isn't one of Nolan's most satisfying films
13 June 2022
By the time it's done, you might not know what the hell's gone on, but it is exciting nevertheless. If it had paid as much attention to its writing and character work as it did to its visual and conceptual ambitions, it could have been a masterpiece instead of merely great. But it's still great. In the end, this isn't one of Nolan's most satisfying films. But after I've seen it four or five more times, maybe I'll change my mind.
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It's not great art, but it didn't need to be
13 June 2022
A sweet, dumb, unnecessary, and absurdly charming movie. I don't know that I needed a third Bill & Ted movie, but I've got to say, I was happy to see it. They haven't changed very much, and neither has the overall storyline, but in the end, it's a familiar ride. It's cute. It's friendly. It'll put a smile on your face.
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By the time you read this, I will have long since forgotten everything there is to this movie.
13 June 2022
This is one of those movies I have seen that does not improve on the sight of a blank screen viewed for the same length of time. Oh, I've seen bad movies before. But they usually made me care about how bad they were. This one is like waiting for the bus in a city where you're not sure the have a bus line. By the time you read this, I will have long since forgotten everything there is to this movie.
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It's not as awful as it should be.
13 June 2022
Sadly, it's not as good as it could be either. It's a strange misfire, a dated and uninspiring comic book adaptation that feels like a Disney Channel TV movie from the early 2000s.
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Antebellum (2020)
12 Years a Slave meets Get Out
13 June 2022
Warning: Spoilers
You can almost hear the pitch: Let's make a horror film that's like 12 Years a Slave meets Get Out. It's disappointing enough to see a film not work on its own, but it's even worse when you can see what could have been in the middle of that. It's ambitious, I'll give it that, but while there's a worthy, crucial, interesting story to tell here, it isn't Antebellum. If you're paying attention, you can figure out the mystery at it's center within its first 10 minutes.
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Greenland (2020)
It was alright
13 June 2022
It's not that it doesn't try, but the episodes are repetitive in formula and so after a while, you just know what to expect. And for a disaster movie, that's not very exciting. Not-bad visual effects give the movie a boost. If you absolutely love apocalyptic films, maybe you'll find something enjoyable about it that I didn't.
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Incendiary and righteous.
13 June 2022
Shockingly grander than the original in some ways, and just plain shocking in general. As should be expected, it doesn't quite have the same shock quality as the first one but it also succeeds by mixing in plenty of new with the effort to recapture the spirit of the original.
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The Witches (2020)
Did we really need another stab at it?
13 June 2022
Did we really need another stab at it? No, but Anne Hathaway clearly relished the opportunity. It isn't an inherently bad film, nor is it a good one either. It's just all very underwhelming and forgettable. It's adequate, and that's all well and good, but when you have the previous take on the film easily available to watch as well, there's just not much need for this film.
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You'll find yourself asking, Where are the weirdos?
13 June 2022
It does set out to do something different than its predecessor. At the end, though, we're left wondering if the movie has done much of anything at all. For what it is, the movie's OK, except that it tried to be more than it is, and it isn't. By the end, each of the witches has become less interesting and less distinct.
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What will work for some, might not for others and that's fine.
13 June 2022
Lives up to its title because you witness a lot of truly awful things, and you should not expect it to end cheerfully. I'm not a believer that a horror film has to be really scary to be enjoyable, but this one is truly creepy. But, well: what will work for some, might not for others and that's fine.
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Freaky (2020)
It may not repay repeated viewings, but as comic horror movies go, it's a modest treat.
13 June 2022
The movie isn't trying to convince us it's something new, it's exactly what you think it's going to be, a little expendable and a tad forgettable, but enjoyable nevertheless. It's campy as hell and ludicrously silly, but that's entirely the point.
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Mank (2020)
By the end of it, even I wasn't sure any of this mattered all that much.
13 June 2022
This has awards season written all over it with Oldman giving one of his Oh, just give him the Oscar now! Performances. There is some pleasure in spotting the winks and legends and shout-outs. Still, as with any biopic, of any figure, you can't just bank on familiarity- you have to give the unfamiliar viewer (and, considering the platform it's on, there will be many) reasons to care.
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The Prom (2020)
I certainly would never see this again...
13 June 2022
It has its moments, but on screen it often feels as if it has been factory produced to become a hit. It was fine, but I wouldn't tell anyone to stop what they're doing and WATCH THIS (it depends on the audience).
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Soul (2020)
13 June 2022
A moving think piece that will stick with you long after the credits roll. It's a profound lesson that the best parts of life are what happens when you're not really paying attention. It's one of Pixar's best of ALL TIME. Trent Reznor and Atticus Ross's score does a lot of the heavy lifting.
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It's no Supergirl (1984) but it's not great either.
13 June 2022
Entertaining, sure. Funny in parts, of course. Nice, if disconnected, fight scenes. But it's a lot of something and too much of everything else. It feels like a standard superhero sequel that throws so much at you, you wish it had the focus of the original. Given how much it gets right, it's disappointing that the overriding feeling is that of being slightly underwhelmed.
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It gets bonus points for using Britney Spears' Toxic.
13 June 2022
It is a movie that shouldn't be dismissed based on the type of film some might think it's going to be. To be fair though, it's so nuanced I don't think you possibly could sell the film accurately with a trailer, making it something that needs to be watched. From it's sublime opening to the unexpected final act, this is sharp and beautifully written, directed, and acted. Not everyone will be on board with its controversial ending but it gets bonus points for using Britney Spears' Toxic.
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What could go wrong? Well, just watch this one and you'll find out.
13 June 2022
Denzel Washington. Rami Malek. Jared Leto. What could go wrong? Well, just watch this one and you'll find out. Too much Denzel-ing & Leto-ing, for starters. Not much there in there, and I think that has to with the tiresome story that had been seen before. I waited the whole movie for a big twist that would make it all worthwhile, and let's just say I was extremely underwhelmed. Watch it for the actors and don't worry about the plot. By the time it's over, it's hard to shake the feeling that it's added up to, well, nothing.
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Saint Maud (2019)
Some unanswered questions aside...
13 June 2022
Some unanswered questions aside, it is a truly tense, chilling and occasionally shocking feature debut that includes some awe-inspiring and gorgeous direction to add up to one of the most disturbing films of the year. It's not the second coming of cinema but instead that beautiful reminder that despite over a century of films, no matter what, there will always be something new to leave you speechless.
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Wrong Turn (2021)
However die hard fans of the original may find this reboot hard to digest.
13 June 2022
Uneven as the film may be, it held my interest to a far greater degree than I might have expected from an entry in the Wrong Turn franchise. While not perfect, it offers up enough to enjoy the insanity.
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It's so silly and absurd that it's almost impossible to resist.
13 June 2022
It's just neat to watch something that's birght and colorful and silly. If there's any word that goes with this, that word is fun. It remains to be seen how people will take to this completely stupid movie, and I can't wait to hear what others think.
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Music (I) (2021)
13 June 2022
Overused, hyper-stylised pop numbers aren't enough to mask the catastrophic misjudgements that Sia has exercised here. It is one of those movies where you know Sia had the best intentions in mind, but those intentions are nowhere to be found in such a baffling mess of a movie. How nobody involved in this doomed fiasco simply said No! At any - or every - stage is baffling. Fortunately, you can.
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I Care a Lot (2020)
It is a nasty movie in the best ways possible.
13 June 2022
It's not essential, and it's not for everybody: A downright heartless film about horrible people doing horrible things to each other. But for those who prefer their pulp to carry the faint aroma of moral rot, this movie is a real treat. If you're in the mood for bracing nihilism, welcome to one of the most savage films of the year.
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You'd have to place it somewhere between pleasant time-killer and missed opportunity - mileage may vary.
13 June 2022
It is more of a nostalgic celebration than a winning comedy. Laughs are occasional. In the space between, we have time to reflect on what has changed since the '80s and what has not. Nobody will agree that this will outlast its predecessor (not by a long shot) but for a 33-year old sequel to a beloved property, you could do a-lot worse.
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