
57 Reviews
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Berlin Station (2016–2019)
21 June 2022
The first season was interesting and well done. Ashley Judd mucks up Season 2+. It's doubtful I'll make it to Season 3 since she's difficult to stomach.
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Just Awful
26 April 2022
Everything is wrong with this sorry effort. Dialog. Directing. You name it. Take a pass unless you need a nap. This film is so slow nodding off is guaranteed.
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The Dropout (2022)
Very Interesting Series
4 March 2022
Wow. Lots of Amanda Seyfried haters here. Ignore them and judge for yourself. Frankly, she's a very accomplished actress and interprets this role with aplomb. I think you'll enjoy it.
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Billions: Lyin' Eyes (2022)
Season 6, Episode 2
One of the Best
30 January 2022
All episodes are exceptionally good but this is one of my favorites. The writing is clever and witty including the usual hat tips to great movies. This episode even features a short Gene Hackman clip from (I think; please correct me) Split Decisions. Fabulous fun.
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The 355 (2022)
28 January 2022
This silliness could have been a decent film except for 1) a poor script cluttered with stupid clichés; 2) sophomoric direction; 3) it plays like made-for-tv Lifetime junk. Impressive cast though.
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21 January 2022
Seems there are many "studio inspired" positive reviews here. This is certainly no 10! First, the film should have carried a "historical fiction" disclaimer as most of the events depicted never happened. Second, the Munich agreement didn't "buy time," in fact after Poland was invaded and Britain declared war on Germany, there was no war. The peaceful interlude, called the "phony war," bought time to prepare for war, not Munich. I suppose this propaganda was made to rehabilitate Chamberlain's image. Meh.

For a truly historical account of these events watch Darkest Hour (2017).
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Blue Bayou (2021)
Mildly Entertaining
14 December 2021
...and totally unbelievable. The uber melancholy script is offset by Alicia Vikander's rendition of the title song, which was beautiful. And she totally mastered a Louisiana accent, unlike Brian Kelly.
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3 October 2021
The plot is thin? There is no plot. Just a lot of gratuitous racism to make a statement and win of the approval of people who share nothing in common with me. Don't waste your time with this POS.
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La Brea (2021–2024)
29 September 2021
This takes TV absurdities to the next level. Everything about it is absurd.
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A Footnote is Needed
15 July 2021
Having not spent 10,000+ hours with the video game, I found this movie, including the editing, pretty damn good.

I wouldn't pay too much attention to the 1-star reviews.
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The Unholy (2021)
3 June 2021
Well, no. But who claimed silly can't be entertaining. This fanciful film is very poorly researched, perhaps on purpose.
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Mob Town (2019)
Not great, but ...
10 May 2021
A historically significant story well done overall. Most people familiar with the period will appreciate it. Those who require chase scenes probably won't like it.
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Not engrossing. Just gross.
16 March 2021
Fact is, this is propaganda, not an objective documentary. If you realize and accept that fact, a lot of useful information can be gleaned. In light of the censorship and de-platforming that has occurred since this program was filmed, one can easily see that the only defense against such powerful manipulation and propaganda is critical thinking. What seems so isn't so.
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Watch Contact Instead
24 December 2020
Nice texture. I made it through 15-minutes. See if you can do 30. Good luck. "Come back."
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Your Honor (II) (2020–2023)
Are You Kidding Me?
11 December 2020
I could barely make it through the first episode. Enough! In what universe do people act this way?

The writing is just awful and the acting isn't much better.
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25 November 2020
So much potential spoiled by an inept screenplay. Worth seeing if you like the genre, as do I. But be prepared to grit your teeth at some of the imbecilic dialogue and nonsense.
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21 November 2020
No need. The series spoiled itself. Several reviewers were spot on. Saccharine, pure saccharine. Worse than Game of Thrones ending.
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2 November 2020
Shamefully biased and agenda driven. More of an elitist hit piece than a documentary.
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15 May 2020
Indulgent. Melodramatic. Slow. Implausible. Over cooked. This series could have been far, far better. It's a good script, but was poorly directed. The acting is just okay. Worth watching if nothing else is on.
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Bad Education (2019)
Gratuitous Wokeness
12 May 2020
Could have been a good movie, I guess. I stopped watching it as soon as it became more about a social agenda than good, rational entertainment. Junk.
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Just Mercy (2019)
10 May 2020
I was born and raised in Alabama. I left the state in 1966 for the Army and Vietnam. The facts of this true story sicken me, they embarrass me and they anger me.

Whether it's Walter McMillian in the 1990's Alabama or General Michael Flynn today, miscarriages of Justice and the blatant abuse of power have no place in a civilized society. Perhaps this film will make this clear to those who have difficulty grasping that simple concept.
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Guns Akimbo (2019)
How Old Are You
5 March 2020
If you're 12 or under you might enjoy this garbage. If you're over 12 you have to ask yourself what fool thought this film either funny or entertaining? It is neither. Don't waste your time.
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Shooter (2016–2018)
Season 1 is Excellent
20 February 2020
Unfortunately, Season 2 was a disappointment. Awful acting on the part of two new additions to the cast. You'll spot them immediately - one man, one woman.

I don't understand how producers can make mindless mistakes like this and effectively kill a promising series.
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The King (I) (2019)
More Hollywood Butchery
17 February 2020
One reviewer wrote "it's hard to fault it."

Really? Not at all.

It's a fictionalized account of one of the most celebrated battles in English history - Agincourt - and of one of England's most celebrated kings, Henry V.

This film is slightly more botched than Dunkirk and more insane than 1917. All were botched "historical" films.

On a positive note, at least Hollywood got "Midway" right.
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The Two Popes (2019)
Well Done
24 January 2020
A very entertaining film. Sadly, few people realize what they are watching or even begin to grasp the film's message and intent. This movie is pure propaganda for Liberation Theology and Marxist ideology. View it critically.
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