
14 Reviews
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Woody and Kevin deliver!
3 April 2019
They are two powerhouses... and I really hope to see them work together again someday ! The movie, wasn't too long.. the movie wasn't boring. If you appreciate history and enjoy crime, but don't care for over the top crime movies, then watch this ! I only wish Kathy Bates had more screen time... 3 legends in one movie, with a TREMENDOUS SUPPORTING CAST ! No complaints about this movie. Just want to see them do more work together.
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The Mist (2017)
Not terrible. Not great. *SPOILER ALERT*
25 October 2017
The movie and short story are far better, but the show isn't bad. Especially since Stranger Things season 2 isn't out for 2 more days. But SPOILER ALERT, it may cool for Hollyweird to love the gay agenda, but I am not amused with how gay scenes appear in many shows/movies now adays. Also the sex scenes in everything is just as annoying. Sure maybe in 5 episodes I have watched, its only taken up 10 minutes of screen time, but still that is 10 minutes too long. Makes me want to view the movie again in all honesty, but I do want to see the other remaining episodes just for final thought!
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The Babysitter (I) (2017)
I laughed out loud *Spoiler*
16 October 2017
Warning: Spoilers

This movie surprised me. It was well made with a good cast, not great, but they all performed their roles well! I was hesitant to watch the movie with VINE "stars", but I laughed from some of the parts and was very entertained at how the movie kept me glued. I am excited that they could possibly have a 2nd one! That is how entertaining it was for me. The Babysitter Bee is extremely good looking and charming and if I was 12 years old again and had her as my babysitter, I would be A OKAY with it! It is on Netflix, obviously, so give it a shot! You might enjoy it as much as I have, but maybe not! Who knows? Peace!2
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Mr. 3000 (2004)
Netflix has it, so I rewatched it for first time in a LONG time
29 September 2017
I was 11 when this movie came out. It came out around the same time Taxi came out with Queen Latifa and Jimmy Fallon. Being a kid, I enjoyed both of the movies then, but since then Taxi has became nothing special to me, but Bernie Mac was always such a fantastic and enjoyable actor. So I rewatched Mr. 3000, for the first time in probably 10 years and I still enjoy this film. Bernie Mac was such an underestimated actor, but always played that enjoyable part. He was in LIFE with Eddie Murphy and Martin Lawrence back in 1999 and that movie is an all time favorite of mine. I wish we could have seen a couple more movies with Mac in them, but his passing away some years back only make his movies that more enjoyable. If you have yet to see this movie, I would recommend giving it a watch and if you are like me and have not viewed it in a long time, I would rewatch it! It's a 7 out of 10 for me.
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Odd Thomas (2013)
Anton Yelchin did a superb job! A-
21 September 2017
I am kicking myself for waiting this long to view this movie. Anton did a marvelous job and the movie as a whole is very well made, with great execution and a great cast behind it! It sucks that Anton passed away last year and again I waited long to view this movie, but NETFLIX has it on there so I decided to give it a go and I was NOT disappointed ! Willem Defoe is great as usual and then there are a few people who I did not recognize, but all parts are played very well! This is a great take on a Dean Koontz novel and it is just a shame that we will not see a 2nd one with Anton in it. Maybe a new movie as a whole, but I do not see it being better than this one! I don't know though. We could be surprised. Great movie though, if you haven't seen it, give it a go! It should not disappoint you! Peace!
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Little Evil (2017)
Actually not that bad!
3 September 2017
I laughed. I cried... okay, I didn't cry, but this movie actually wasn't bad at all and the neither was the acting. The plot was funny and obviously done many times before, but I enjoyed the cast chosen for the roles and I enjoyed the movie all together as a whole. I watched it on Netflix and if you have a Netflix account I would recommend that you do the same!I wish IMDb would update their rating system. Let us type in a number from 1-10, so we can adjust the rating and not just give it a 6 or an 8. I want to say that this movie isn't a 7, but its better than a 6. So I would say that it is a 6.5! Enjoy !
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The Shallows (2016)
1 September 2017
Shark movies have really went downhill since 2000. I feel like the last awesome shark movie was Deep Blue Sea. I am not including the US Indianapolis shark attack movie. But yall can throw it in there if you want, but other than those two, shark movies have just went down hill! Where is Jaws when you need him!!
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Split (IX) (2016)
2019 can't come any faster!
31 August 2017
M Night can make a movie. He can write a movie, he can direct, he can act. He is so hugely underrated and underestimated. This movie is a level and a half under Unbreakable in my opinion, but still very enjoyable and if at the very least, it will get you excited for all things to come! I have enjoyed his movies since The Sixth Sense and I was a little kid during those years, but still my family rented or bought his movies and we all watched them. At the time, I actually thought The Sixth Sense was a horror movie, which it clearly is not. I love his work and he is probably my favorite writer/director out there. I probably wouldn't have many people agree with that, but watch his movies. They are all enjoyable to an extent or they go beyond being enjoyable!
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Unbreakable (2000)
Re-watched for... first time ever? A-
16 August 2017
I decided to watch Unbreakable for the first time ever. I saw the announcement for Glass in 2019. I hope mankind makes it that far, because I am anxious to see the sequel! This movie is great, from start to finish. All characters play their roles perfectly and obviously Bruce Willis and Samuel L Jackson are tremendous. I wish we could see far more movies with both of them starring. 4 or 5 movies is simply not enough! Watch the movie and see if you enjoy it as much as I have.
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Trailer Park Boys (2001–2018)
This show is f**king hilarious.
16 August 2017
Easily, this show has become one of my favorite shows to watch. I started watching about a year ago, took some time off and picked it back up again. I appreciate it even far more now. It is crazy to see how much everyone has grown with each passing season. Great show with a great witty cast.
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10 out of 10, I am out of my element!
16 August 2017
I was going to give this a 9 out of 9, but then I told myself, negative this movie is a timeless classic that deserves and has earned a 10 out of 10! It is funny, but not too funny. The storyline is amazingly done, with a group of amazing casting choices and The Dude Jeff Bridges does an amazing job playing a dude, who is The Dude! No, but seriously it is one of the greatest movies that I have seen and I can't be bored of it, no matter how many times I have re-watched it. The movie and cast is fantastic.
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Where the f is Shia and Fox?
16 August 2017
These movies have gone done hill drastically since the departures of Shia and Fox. At least Turtorro is still here! Don't get me wrong, I love giant fighting robots as much as the next guy, but these plots suck and the characters are boring. Mr Walhberg is a fine actor, but he never should have been cast for the main role in these movies.
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One of Robin Williams most underrated movies
16 August 2017
Hugely underrated, dark comedy movie about a father who deals with his sons accidental death. I have seen it a couple times since it has came out and I will probably see it a couple more times before I die. Robin Williams was always a joy to see or hear in any movie and I appreciate every role he portrayed, even if it was a corny role like Cadillac Man. Lol.
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Godzilla (2014)
Go see it! It is fantastic!
16 May 2014
This movie rocked. I loved Breaking Bad and when I saw that Bryan Cranston was gonna be in this movie, I knew I was gonna go see it for that reason. Well like always, Mr. Cranston plays his role with an A+. He is fantastic and ******************** SPOILER *********************** the only part to upset me in the movie was when he died. He should have been the lead throughout the whole movie, but it was still such a very fantastic movie. I can wait to have this one on bluray and I can't wait to see if they make a number 2 or not! I just hope they don't rush it. Maybe in 4 years they should make that sequel! Go see it! I just saw it and I already wanna go see it tonight again(:
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