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Awfully miscast
24 February 2024
How did Gabriel B get D'Artagnian role? It's insane! He was meant to be ~20 years younger that the other 3 musketeers!

Similar miscast for Louis the 14th - way too young, good looking and slim. Definitely a miscast for DiCaprio.

After reading the books for 20+ times in my youth, this seemed like the usual American remake romp, with no authenticity at all.

At least Gepardeu, the now Russian citizen b*tard fits Porthos role somehow and Irons is a decent enough, even if not perfect Aramis.

Shock and horror - I have not actually watched it, nor am I willing to, because of the reasons I've stated. Just seems like one of those typical pretty boy/high cast remakes hollywood is so bad at'
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Renegades (2022)
17 December 2022
Yeah, it's bloody awful, on so many levels.

Nick Moran was kinda ok, overall but still 5/10 level, due to the script/plot.

Every dialog was like a knife into my heart - you could not feel more like... you know what - I don't have the vocabulary to describe how cliche every little bit of it was.

I understand some fandom for B movies, this is not B for me, C/D at best.

YET (surprisingly!) I gave it 2/10 and not 1/10 simply because I watched all of ity, still, somehow, wanting to see how it ends and the production was ok-ish, to some extent.

I lost respect to any actors involved though and will never, ever understand that atrocity of the police woman - where the hell did they find her? She could not possibly have been accepted to the police force with that duck-bill of lips. That was so ugly and unreal, I had to look away from the screen in all scenes she was in, otherwise I'd have had bad nightmares.

Yet again, just because of her and incredibly awful speaking parts/cliched dialogues for all characters, I want to show it to people, to have a drunken night in to piss ourselves with laughter. This alone deserves an extra point, so 2/10 it is!

Bloody hell, that image of her (police officer) is =wedged into my brain now and it is very hard to get rid of!
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Never Mind the Buzzcocks (1996–2023)
was 8 or 9/10 before latest installment on Sky
15 December 2021
Daisy May absolutely ruins the reincarnation of the brilliant show.

I thought I liked her, after so many funy panel shows appearances, but here she just overwhelms every joke, however minor it can be with her laughter.

Greg is ok as the host, but once again, forcefully laughing at his own or writers' gags does him no favour, losing my respect/liking of him also, just feels very forced.

Daisy is still the very worst, esp that she's on every damn episode!

Disappointed massively. I know they can't bring back Lamarr or Simon, who were by far the brilliant high rating signatures of the show (9/10 in those days), but even the mix of changing hosts, like Wogan and s few others were so, so much better than the current bunch!

Removed the show from "Record Series" on Sky+ after this xmas special.
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Before We Die (2017–2019)
Gripping but too many plot holes, mainly in the details
13 May 2021
As many mentioned, great characters, decent story line, quite gripping, so you are hooked quickly and are binging on it all night.... However, it is one of the most frustrating things I've been watching on years!

Overal plot is kinda ok (ok, with a number of odd twists here and there), but the details of VAST majority of scenes/scenarios are so holly, you could strain a spaghetti dish through it. Why did he/she did not see an obvious gun/danger/person; why noone recognised or followed the simplest thins that a child would immediatly spot? Etc, etc -I ended up getting so frustrated with it. So many unanswered questions like that it did quite ruin it, esp in the 2nd season.

Anyway, those who don't pay any attention to details - you'll enjoy it, 9/10 i thought, but if you are shouting at your TV when an idiotic stuff haopens literally every 2 minutes -it can get incredibly frustrating.
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I Am Jonas (2018 TV Movie)
Really bad casting choice, yet still a decent film
1 August 2020
I could never understand the decision to cast a guy who looks nothing, and I mean absolutely nothing like his younger (18 years difference) version. Maybe the casting director or even the actual creator chose a guy who looks so absolutely different to his younger version "A la "Moonlight"? - once can't change once face like that, unless they undergo some really screwed up plastic surgery with bone reshaping surgery/'implants. For me this just made me completely disbelief it was the same person - again, maybe done on purpose - which broke my enjoyment.Then there's that unexpected ending, making you feel it was just an unfinished story - ends abruptly w/o any explanations what the brother had to do with any of it. Unsatisfying to say the list. yet, it was still a compelling story, jus wish it was written better, with a guy who looked at least a tinny bit as himself in his later years, so that loses 2 marks from 8/10 to 6/10 at best
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The Blacklist (2013–2023)
One of the worst directed and scripted action dramas
6 October 2017
Really awful direction and script. As many if the negative reviews here, you see the awful script and more so direction.

The horrible "end of scene facial expressions", the "in your face" baddies that have to show you how bad and grotesque and austinpowerish they are in their madness - it is really, really grinding on anyone with any brain and if you are not blind or a patriotic and low witted American - you will feel sick watching this crap.

It is still watchabLe if you need to kill time and can swallow that superficial and very made up script and horrible acting (script's/direction fault) and so many tiring clichés that shuold have died end of cold war.

There us only one other series that is worse than this, Called "Banshee".

Still giving it a couple of stars because Spader is OK-ish as a character and still a decent enough actor.

Will never, ever, understand how this is rated so highly! :(
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Disjointed (2017–2018)
Perhaps not too bad a show but canned idiotic laughter kills it dead
26 September 2017
Giving it 3/10, simply because there are decent actors and characters but the laughter so typical of the worst US shows ever is killing it for me after watching it for 5 minutes. Skipped further few episodes to see if it persists throughout and then I knew I could not watch it at all, it just screws the show out of my tolerance margins. Too bad, i thought I would enjoy it if it wasn't for that idiocy.
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Banshee (2013–2016)
Full of clichés and predictable, but can still kill the time
28 June 2016
Likable characters, good cast, decent enough acting and interesting premises

However, it is still full of clichés.

Every few minutes there's either a deadly, but not yet, because people get stabbed, shot many times yet most baddies survive and fight as if nothing happen, after several near fatal wounds inflictions, so it's like watching a wrestling match (the fake ones)

I ended up fast forwarding through about 40% of the series, sex and fight scenes that are almost pure gratuitous and never ending violence. Which I normally I have no problem with, but it's just so repetitive and boring when any of the main characters get involved in a fight - by series 2 you know exactly how each scene will play out, down to almost last detail in the method people will die (more often not), so if you are watching as box set, those moments are for FFing

It is still watch-able, there are good things about it, but cartoon/serial/repetitive/unrealistic violence and sex scenes, along with far too many memory trips interwoven with present and not so distant past - all let it down, otherwise I'd have given it good 7 if those things were OK
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OK for kids/Ghibli fans but no one else
23 January 2012
If I were a kid, I probably would have given it 7/8 mark. For any adults it's pretty uninteresting, I struggled to keep watching.

It is in a different league from other titles by the team I enjoyed, like Princess Mononoke and Spirited Away (a winner, which were exceptionally good, esp the latter, even for ageing adults like me, this was way too slow, very bad attention to detail (sword drawn out of clothes sound effects? half turn of a key in old style door locks? Cat's eyes? The story is way too simplistic and stretched out far too long, for what would have fitted 15 minutes running time if you just did not slow things down Sorry to any Ghibli fans, who surely would hate me, but this is just mediocre, unimaginative and clichéd story telling Still 5/10 is good enough for kids who won't understand any nuances but may fall asleep as well

Again, if you expected a similar thing to Spirited Away, it's nowhere near it, so best to avoid. If it's other qualities you are after, like cute animation/characters and a "good meaning" movie for kids, i'd probably even recommend it wish someone told me before i went to see it though
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For people who forgot how to read
16 January 2010
While casting good actors, this is a murder of Conan Doyle's original creation made to work for the modern generation of "the stupid". While cinematicly interesting and attractive for the people who have never read a book a day, or even a book a month, as most Ritchie's films are (I love Lock Stock too), this take on the classic is a step too far.

Jude Law is great as Watson, i never doubted that character in his hands (similar to Russian Solomin who played Watson brilliantly, with a healthy dose of humour too), Robert Downey is the usual American take on a superhero, despite of Ritchie's UK heritage, he comes across very far from the character Doyle created. I like Robert Downey too, normally, as an actor, but he';s gone quite a few notches down in my popularity list after making this but not to discredit him too much, Ritchie's whole idea to modernise Holmes stories for the new "internet generation" or illiterat6e people who have never held a book in their hands is rather shallow and pathetic (or pedantic as peter Griffin would say), especially for those who love Conan Doyle's books, as most of US remakes of classics are. I am sure i will be disagreed with, especially by those who have not read those books until the pages worn off....

When you grow up as a kid, reading every Sherlock Holmes story 30-50 times, because they are brilliant (and the main reason for myself to immigrate to UK 16 years ago from Ukraine), you begin to realise how bad the modern films (based on classic books) are, making them "interesting" and "exciting" for the new generations, but he might as well have made it in the 80's, with Arnie and Sly, as the main characters and are packed with cool special effects, destroying the original stories. I could moan about it for ages, but i guess if i were an 18 year old boy who has never read a true classic book (or a book of any kind) about Holmes, i would have rated it a lot higher, 6-7/10 perhaps, but luckily I know it came nowhere near portraying true great stories and characters, so it was a huge disappointment to me. I wonder what my dear Stephen Fry (big fan of Holmes/Doyle) would think of this atrocity

I have only 1 review published, out of 4 I wrote for IMDb, so this probably won't see the light of day anyway, but for all those with a bit of brain in them, avoid this, if you have any respect for the original great books/characters

To be absolutely objective though (hence 2/10, instead of 1/10), the visuals, the action movie setup, Guy Ritchie's usual fun bits and the cast, it's OK :), but the stories were raped and completely re-interpreted to get a hit at box office. awful, simply awful, made me completely rethink my liking of Guy's movies
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The highlight of my cinematic decade
14 February 2007
Warning: Spoilers
If you liked or rather loved films like "Magnolia", where drama successfully mixes with comedy as well as a little bit extra added by fantasy, "Stranger Than Fiction" works on so many levels, thanks to the excellent, complex and in-depth, very smart script and great direction (I'll watch all of your guys films I haven't seen yet, thank you!), perfectiona in casting and exquisite acting by the cast. I also agree about an outlook that Ferrell in my eyes, used to be so very close to that of Sandler in "Punch Drunk Love" by Anderson, who did my favourite - "Magnolia", and he (Ferrell) pulls it off absolutely brilliantly, perhaps aided by the script and the director, I don't know, but I have gained a lot of respect for previously nearly completely ignored comedy/slash/slapstick actor. Overall this film would probably compete for the place in top 5 of my movies of all time.

Highly recommended to anyone, really, as long as you have a good command of English or your subtitles are on when it comes to DVD. If the synopsis sounds interesting and to you liking, sell your dog, but watch it. I might be on a little bit enthusiastic side, still feeling excited after watching it a few hours ago, but the best way to watch this film would be to have no pre-conception of what it might be like. I only knew it was drama/fantasy/comedy and a very good writing and acting, JR (UK Jonathan Ross) recommended it highly, but that's all I knew, had no idea about the plot - so I was rewarded. Best if you are reading this AFTER you have watched the movie, hence I am marking it as a spoiler, even though it doesn't give away the plot. So it's best vewed unspoiled, with no expectatrion, even to be bad/good.
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