
20 Reviews
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All American (2018– )
Good but too political
3 November 2023
Honestly the series starts out solid and the politics aren't too bad. Black people fighting for their community and for equality is always a good thing, but by season 3 they were taking it way too far. The Black Lives Matter movement took full effect and turned it into a show trying to push a desire for white guilt to take over. Olivia's character became ridiculous with anger towards cops and white people but she seems to forget she's half white in the show, she even goes as far as to harm her mother's career to become the "savior" of the black community. The show begins portraying white problems as less important and an example of "privilege". Multiple times white characters are incredibly disrespected by black characters and when the white characters are hurt they are told to check their privilege. I made it through all the seasons barely, but I don't know how much more I can handle.
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Love at First Sight (I) (2023)
Sappy + Real
24 September 2023
I don't generally enjoy romance or any kind of sad drama for that matter but I really enjoyed this film. It hits on some hard subjects, things that happen to people all the time but no one ever wants to really talk about. I also loved the message about fate and how in reality it's our choices that determine our destiny, not some random whim of the universe. My only issue was I had a hard time feeling any empathy for the main female actress. I don't know if it's the character's personality or her circumstances but there was a disconnect there. Overall, it's a very sweet film with a great message, we determine what it takes to make our own destiny. Love is a choice.
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iCarly (2021–2023)
Not great but the og cast saves it
20 August 2023
Warning: Spoilers
Really not the best show but it's not terrible. I even feel like Harper isn't a terrible addition other than the fact that she's the incredibly cliché liberal best friend. The Millicent character is awful, literally zero point in having her but it's pretty clear she's supposed to be the replacement for Sam's mean and "funny" personality though she's only mean and not funny in the slightest. I feel bad for the actress, she just got cast in an awful role. Spencer is still great, I don't love the changes they made to Carly and Freddie, however, they did an excellent job with building up their romantic relationship. It's entertaining enough, so if you enjoyed the og show you might enjoy this, just don't expect any nostalgia cause it's nothing like the old days.
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Sex Education (2019–2023)
How is this an 8/10???
24 July 2023
If you want to watch poor acting and soft core porno this is the place to go. I'm honestly disgusted by Netflix for continuing to pump out soft core porn shows like this pretending to be good content. The sad thing is the target audience seems to be teenagers 18 and below and this not content they should be watching at all! We have literally sexualized children so much that it's become normalized and now we are getting disgusting shows like this. I mean the plot itself is horrific enough, but then you have poor acting, cliché characters, and an abundance of stereotypes. I mean the gay black guy being super effeminate? Why am I not surprised. The way he portrays his character feels like a mockery of women to be honest. I'm glad I did not give this show much of a chance cause I'm sick of the soft core porn and am ready for some good shows with good plots, but I don't expect much from the company who produced 365 Days & Cuties.
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23 July 2023
This show is the weirdest most uncomfortable thing I've ever watched in my entire life. Drew Barrymore is not this down to earth person that she portrays herself to be. I mean for goodness sakes the woman gets on her hands and knees and basically worships every guest that comes on her show! This celebrity worship in our culture has got to stop and it's gotten so bad that other celebrities are now worshipping each other. Her "deep" conversations are clearly set up and have zero substance to them whatsoever and Drew's dramatic responses to them are incredibly cringe worthy. Please, don't give this show the time of day, it's not worth it!
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Cobra Kai (2018–2025)
Wow just Wow
6 June 2023
I was incredibly skeptical of even remotely going near this show cause in all honesty I was never a big of KK fan despite it being a huge part of my childhood and never saw Daniel as the hero and I mean the whole point of those films was to celebrate the underdog. Holy s*** though, this show knocks it out of the park! It is a perfect combination of nostalgia, old and new characters, and badass fights! The new KK is super loveable and badass as well. It's awesome to see all these characters get to have a little gray area in their lives. Not everything is black and white and not everyone is either the hero or the villain. If these writers have more KK projects in the future I'm 100% on board after watching this show!
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The Snowman (2017)
What is this?
25 April 2023
Warning: Spoilers
Ok, I'll admit at the beginning of the film probably up until the last hour or so I was plugged into the story. Yet that last hour but did not hit the mark. The killer's motive is incredibly cliché and did not live up to build up that was playing throughout the entire film! This is one of those films where you feel like your intelligence is completely insulted by the writers and directors. The side stories have seriously strained connections to the actual plot, so they felt very unnecessary. Then one of the primary characters is murdered so easily when's she's a cop? Makes zero sense! I'm recowarning the heck out of this film, it's got Michael Fassbender and Rebecca Ferguson but I swear there are no other redeeming qualities here at all. I wouldn't even say this is close to a top performance for either of them. It's just garbage, plain and simple.
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Beautiful Scenery and Cultural Aspect But Still Huge Miss
25 April 2023
I swear the acting and storytelling in these Netflix rom-coms gets worse everyday. The film gets a 5 from me because the scenery was gorgeous and we get a taste of a rich culture that isn't touched upon often in English language films. However, the acting was horrendous except from a few of the newcomers, Rachel Leigh Cook just does not have that it factor anymore so I'm very confused as to why she continually is cast in these romantic comedies. The storyline was bland as well, and how the two main characters end up together is incredibly cliché which could possibly be what Netflix was going for on this. As previously stated, the film's only saving grace is the cultural aspect that was enjoyable to see and learn about. Netflix needs an original idea though. These films are becoming as bad as every Hallmark movie ever just with a slightly larger budget.
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The Night Agent (2023– )
23 April 2023
I went into this thinking I'd be bored out of my mind and that I wouldn't enjoy watching another action thriller about government espionage, and while the plot isn't necessarily original, the performances and set up kept me hooked the entire time. Rarely does a show keep me paying attention for more than 80% of it but I have to admit, The Night Agent had me on the edge of my seat multiple times throughout the season. I can't quite put my finger on what's so special about the show, but there's something magical there. Spy thrillers aren't typically my cup of tea, but this show has quickly made as one my favorites and I'm excited to see what else is in store. Fingers crossed they continue in the direction their going thus far.
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Florida Man (2023)
Honestly Great, Reviews Are Strange
23 April 2023
This mini series delivers because it's not pretending to be some serious crime show or an Emmy winning comedy, it's a dark comedy about morally questionable people doing morally questionable things in the freest and most unhinged place on earth. I don't know if people were looking for some high budget crime thriller, but that's not what this is and it's not portrayed to be so. It's got a lot of dark humor, decent performances, unhinged plots, and little bit of heartfelt stuff sprinkled in. It's entertaining to say the least, so I'd recommend it to anyone who enjoys some dark humor. My only issue and it's not even really an issue cause everyone's entitled to their own opinion was all of the jokes about hating God. Being a Christian myself that got annoying, as do all religion jokes on Netflix that target Christians in particular, but it's Netflix, what are you gonna do? Definitely give it a try, at the very least you'll find some entertainment in there.
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Glass Onion (2022)
9 March 2023
Definitely a set back from the original "Knives Out". Plot wasn't overly complicated, despite the dialogue trying to act like it was. Blanc was charming as usual and Monet was excellent and truly held the movie up throughout. The rest of the characters were incredibly bland and felt out of place most of the time. This was Norton's worst acting role by far, like the guy was absolutely terrible in this film. Supposed to play a charming a**hole but instead we get an annoying idiot who sounds like he hasn't rehearsed his lines once. Very disappointed in that aspect. The dynamic between Helen and Blanc is the only saving grace of this film. Definite recowarn.
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The Menu (2022)
Definitely Different and Entertaining
19 February 2023
Warning: Spoilers
Honestly, I feel it's an incredibly creative film. Showing the dark side of money, power, and prestige and if you piss off the wrong person they'll take you down in the most creative way possible. I will say I don't think any of the performances were particularly great, however, the story was interesting and I think it made up for some of the lack of emotion from the actors. I also loved the dedication that they had the staff portray in this film, like being willing to murder and then die themselves simply because their beloved chef tells them to. Kind of paints a picture of how easily sheep follow their master to the slaughter with zero questions. I think simple moral of this story is don't be a terrible person and be careful of the company you keep.
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If you don't get it Read the Reviews
18 September 2022
This is a solid film, once you actually know what is going on. I could never say this film was bad seeing as it was written very well, shot beautifully, and acting was spot on. I will, however, say that at first I had no idea what was going on. There were many awkward and unexplained scenes that to the naked eye would be seen as plot holes and a jumbled mess, but I read a few reviews to help me understand and once I did I truly felt like I could enjoy the film further. Point being, don't knock this film until you truly understand it because it is truly a beautiful tragedy from an interesting perspective.
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Do Revenge (2022)
Decent for a Netflix Film
17 September 2022
I honestly enjoyed this film. I'm he plot twist was somewhat unexpected and I felt the build up for each character was pretty well fleshed out. Camila Mendez is meh as usual but still decent for the film, Maya Hawke wasn't at her best, however, still solid actress per usual. My biggest qualm with this film was that they wanted the viewer to feel sorry for the "protagonist" simply because she's a woc who's not super rich. She's still freaking awful and ruined so many people's lives and was selfish as hell and I'm supposed to feel sorry for her? Nah. Ending was predictable but still felt right for the story. Overall 6/10.
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Partner Track (2022)
Pretty Decent
12 September 2022
A ton of liberal and woke bs that is unnecessary to the storyline, but still an enjoyable watch. The lead lawyer is a huge cliche of angry, irritated, and rude white guy, but I mean I didn't expect anything less. In all honesty I don't know much about how law offices work, but I can only imagine that being uptight and cutthroat at all times has to be a cliche. I've always loved Arden Cho as an actress so getting to see her on screen again was fun. Acting was overall pretty decent as well, plot is a bit stiff but each character kind of brings their own charisma. Give it a try if you enjoy your typical Netflix drama.
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Hitch (I) (2005)
Absolutely Original!
15 February 2013
Warning: Spoilers
I personally loved this movie. Many movies out there lack in originality and this movie was not one of them. It was completely original. When Hitch thinks he has everything down with the ladies and helps out all of these people that don't he eventually meets the one that he can't keep his cool with. It is a great love story but it doesn't over step the boundary into a chick flick. It's a comedy and a love story which I think anyone can watch. I think this was Will Smith's best movie. He really did great in this movie and he made it super funny and enjoyable. Not many people would have thought about bringing the big dog down in a movie but this was a great new idea that has inspired other movies I bet. I guarantee anyone who sees this (Unless they have different taste) will love this movie.
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I Do (But I Don't) (2004 TV Movie)
Good Copy
15 February 2013
This movie is good but it's a definite copy of the wedding planner. A lot of elements in this movie you can tell were taken from the movie "The Wedding Planner", I thought Dean Cain did a great job in this role but this was not one of Denise Richards best movies. Richards did not seem to really be into this movie where as Cain did a great job playing his role. I recommend this movie to some people but if you don't like unoriginality then I say don't watch it. This movie is good not great like the "Wedding planner" though. I wish the Director/writers would have added more of their own elements then just copy off of another movie... Which may or may not have been the case but it sure looked like it.
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Good chick flick
15 February 2013
I really enjoyed this movie, although you can predict easily what will happen next it is still enjoyable to watch. This is definitely the best chick flick I've seen, while other chick flicks lack in originality this movie truly shows what true love is like and has it's own type of element. Amanda Seyfried is not one of my favorite actresses but I honestly thought she did great in this movie unlike her other ones. She made the whole movie better through her acting and I truly enjoyed it. I thought the ending was a little unoriginal but they way the created the scene made it a whole lot better. I believe the directors/writers did a great job planning out this movie other than the fact of predictability. I give this movie an 8 out of 10 because it was good but it was very predictable.
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Great Comedy
15 February 2013
This movie was very well put together. It had about everything you need for a movie, it had the comedy and the heart. Although I would not recommend this movie for certain viewers. It has many inappropriate scenes such as pole dancing and some innuendos. It is a great movie for those who want to see a big comedy but not for some viewers who may find it inappropriate. Other then a few inappropriate things said and other scenes this movie is good for certain families and has a great plot line. This movie contains great actors such as Billy Crystal which makes the movie even better because of how much experience the actors have.
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Roadkill (2011 TV Movie)
15 February 2013
Warning: Spoilers
I can understand why many may not give this movie a chance or like it because it is a syfy or may seem cheesy. But I'm not into syfy that much either but I personally loved it. It had a great mixture of thriller, curses, action, romance, and it had a unique ending. If you think about it many people are looking for a movie that isn't as predictable and this movie does it. It doesn't have a happy ending and it gives a sense of there is no way out. So it puts you on the edge of your seat wondering who will be the survivor at the end. I think the actors and actresses did a great job also making you really believe in the emotions.
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