
9 Reviews
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Star Trek (2009)
A New LOW In Hollywood Crappola!
17 November 2009
By the time you get close to 70 you've seen quite a few films. AND, this is without doubt the biggest piece of improvised CRAP I've ever seen!

The cross-cuts at the beginning are so numerous as to be a total abuse of that editorial device. The acting is high school level; and the writing is disgraceful!

With the exception of hi-tech, computer-generated special effects, there are NO REDEEMING VALUES to this film.

I predict that this will be the LAST of the Star Trek series because no one with any cinematic credibility will ever be able of eradicate this through-composed piece of schlock.

Chewing gum for the eyes!
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Borat (2006)
Borat Is Funny As Chicken Poop!
10 October 2007
Borat is funny - NOT! A bad taste INSULT film full of extremely repugnant attempts at stupid humor for people who probably enjoy writing on toilet room walls.

That it was even marginally successful is an indication of the rotting sense of humor in an America that has become so crass as to only enjoy excrement and jokes about it.

We are a decaying nation, and films of this nature are as mature as a fart sniffing contest among five year olds!

I turned it off after less than ten minutes!

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Casino Royale (2006)
PAINFUL! Hurts my eyes, Hurts my ears, Hurts my brain!
15 May 2007
The arts ALWAYS reflect the society in which they're created; and this abomination is a glaring example of that principle! After twenty minutes of illogical running, chasing, climbing, falling, tumbling, hand-to-hand combat, a killer dose of explosions, crashes, fires, and one not-very-clever sex scene I gave up and turned this abomination off! The producers have used state-of-the-art photography and editing on a visual assault with virtually no intelligent dialogue; and high-tech sound editing on automated music typical of today's dysfunctional society. Ugh! Bond is no longer suave but rather, sinister looking, arrogant, and thug-like in many shots.

I just can't think of ANYTHING enjoyable about this waste of celluloid.
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A belly full of spices; but a meal totally devoid of nourishment!
11 July 2005
I suppose the best way to characterize my feelings about this technical exercise in special effects is to cite a very perceptive remark made by Frank Lloyd Wright many years ago when asked for an assessment of American television. His response was that television was "chewing gum for the eyes!" So, to paraphrase that great visionary let me say that Spielberg's "War Of The Worlds" is chewing gum for the brain - nothing more!

Hollywood now has an astonishing arsenal of special effects devices which are put to good use in this pathetic excuse for serious cinema. I am old enough to remember seeing the 1953 edition of this "invasion from Mars" story as a young boy. This film just doesn't measure up after you realize that it is little more than a catalog for what the special effects guys can do. Impressive though they may be, my brain can still do better!

The subplot of how this catastrophe helps bring a dysfunctional father back into the lives of his children consists largely of closeups of facial expressions of the actors. As a matter of fact, I had the feeling when leaving the theater afterward, that working on this turkey might explain Tom Cruise's recent bizarre behavior and comments about psychiatry and health issues. Could it be that working on this film has triggered his own bizarre behavior on topics about which he knows nothing; or should we just lay the blame on the brain-rot that comes from buying into bizarre pseudo-religions?

I can't remember any dialog, any music, substantial plot development, or virtually anything else except the chewing gum special effects overkill that took up two hours of my time.

In closing let me say that this product may just possibly win an Oscar for special effects making it appear historically much more important than it is. Yet, most of the great unwashed masses of people searching for sensual stimulation will rave about how "great" this film is. But then, they also think today's commercialized screaming is acceptable as musical art too!
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Not perfect, but mighty close! This film forces you to pay attention!
2 October 2004
The mystique of violin making has always intrigued me so this film was a big attraction for me going in, and I wasn't disappointed for one second!

OK, first of all, the obvious things that make it special: reality, craft, acting, scoring, and cinematography! It takes only a few seconds to know that this gem did NOT emanate from the money grubbers in Hokeywood California as one more way to titillate teenagers with sex, violence, and computer generated special effects with a subliminal message that sells products. Nope! This film was made by film makers who understand the power of a story well told, and REAL cinema.

Cutting back and forth repeatedly between the present and various disparate periods and places from the past, THE RED VIOLIN forces the viewer to pay attention and most of all... THINK!

The Red Violin is NOT the subject here but a catalyst to stimulate thought about human behavior and how different societies have related to art as we move through the centuries.

The casting was (on the whole) excellent though the choice of Samuel L. Jackson as a learned expert in ancient instruments was not convincing for me personally. And, the NON-ending which is more of a comment on human habits of acquisition than human nobility, was just not what I considered a definitive ending. (Maybe that was the point! "Everything continues endlessly...")

If you go to movies as an excuse to nibble away on munchies and get titillation, well, this one's NOT for you. BUT, if you have the patience to watch and think simultaneously as a great story unfolds, then SEE this film immediately!
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Fallen (1998)
If you believe in fallen angels, this one is for you!
7 August 2004
Bible freaks, born agains, and people with fish symbols on the back of their cars who buy into the "supernatural" notion of angels (and therefore) fallen angels will just eat this up! The acting is really superb, and the filmic technology involved is state-of-the-art; BUT... the thrills here will only be for those who subscribe to deities, popular and otherwise. And sadly, without that leap of faith on the part of the viewer, the underlying plot here evaporates into nothing more than spooky nonsense.

While I am still curious about potential transcendental powers in humans, that is TOTALLY different from the devilish stuff that is served up here. Much of this film plot is light years away from anything remotely resembling logic and reason.

For me, well,... my only answer to Azazel is,... "pazoozle!" (I want my money back!)
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Babí léto (2001)
This film is excellent sensitivity training for 30-somethings!
19 June 2004
As an (aging) college professor, I am constantly in contact with American youth who think that old folks are "icky, out-of-it, unaware, dull, and boring." And here at last, is a masterful film that demonstrates that some seniors are really young people who happen to be trapped in old bodies. Without spoiling the plot line, let me just say that the lead character in this film brought tears to my eyes with his portrayal of one man's struggle to remain young and vibrant. And also, it was just wonderful to see a story told so well through ACTING and PHOTOGRAPHY without lab-generated special effects. This film's a real gem!
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Troy (2004)
Awesome cinematography, fine acting, powerful music, and loads of VIOLENCE!
23 May 2004
It seems to this aging college professor that in this day of affluent teenagers grounded in video games just dripping with violence and death that this rather lengthy film will be a BIG hit! For me, however, the pluses were the obvious film technologies used to produce what will probably become an epic as well as excellent music, especially some hauntingly beautiful vocal melodies. With the possible exception of Paris' character, the acting was extremely fine. And, though Hollywood takes the usual liberties with history as we understand it, it will be a very educational experience for most. That said, I won't need to see this film twice since I've now had my allotment of bleeding puncture wounds for this decade.
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Amadeus (1984)
A classic profile of the creative persona!
21 May 2004
Yes, Amadeus is funny, sad, musical, romantic, and even sexy; but its real value (IMHO) lies in what we can learn from it about the creative temperament. Great artists (sadly) usually ARE impulsive, hyper-sensitive, self-indulgent, non-conformists who are often also self- destructive. Amadeus can easily be viewed as a tragic-comic essay on the artistic personality in general. It was this focus that made it such a valuable learning experience for me. It will remain on my personal top ten list of rewarding film experiences.
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