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Parasite (2019)
It's so metaphorical!
3 February 2020
'Parasite - an organism that lives in or on an organism of another species (its host) and benefits by deriving nutrients at the other's expense.'

When working-class Woo-sik Choi gets a job tutoring Sao-dam, the daughter of the rich Park family, so begins the slow, progressive attachment of the parasite to its host. This is a domestic comedy/drama with universal undertones of class division that takes a dark turn in a climax that will leave you reeling. There are layers to the story which, without revealing the intricacies of plot, play on class tensions, identity and entrapment.

A genre-bending tour de force from South Korea, deftly told by writer-director Bong Joon-Ho and brilliantly inhabited by an award-winning ensemble cast. In a meritocracy who is the parasite and who is the host? A cinematic ode to scratching below the surface of an all too perfect picture only to release a scurry of hidden roaches.
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Joker (I) (2019)
Oh Joaquin, you are spectacular!
3 February 2020
Maligned, manic, masked, wounded, Oedipal, lonely, fragile. An Oscar-bound performance from an actor whose career has been rising Phoenix-esque since 2010's disastrous mocumentary "I'm Still Here".

Director Todd Phillips gifts Joaquin with the role of a lifetime in this character study set in a post-populist Gotham, riddled with crime and trash, tracing the spiral from awkward loner to Killer Clown. The casting of De Niro as talk show host (and surrogate father) is heavily weighted by his roles in "The King of Comedy" and "Taxi Driver" both of which resonate with the themes of "Joker".

The now-iconic Bronx staircase, appropriately located on Shakespeare Avenue, is a perfect setting for our anti-hero's descent into villaindom. But with his backstory exposed do we condemn him or cheer him on? Thus the filmmakers present a fitting commentary on our times in this morally ambiguous tale.
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Small Shots (2017)
1 April 2017
This show made me feel things. Like pee running down my leg from laughter. 8 short, snappy episodes are not enough.

Here are some thoughts:

*Pantone 344 is the color of Joey Russo's eyes.

*Drakkar Noir mixed with Brylcreem is what Jeremy Luke looks like he smells like.

*Pecorino is not a fancy word.

*Great aerial shots.

I would wait in line for about 18 minutes (no more) to see more episodes. I fear clowns.
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La La Land (2016)
City of Stars, are you shining just for me?
26 December 2016
Warning: Spoilers
Right from its stunning opening sequence 'La La Land' is a joyous ode to the musicals of old. They don't make movies like this any more, except writer/director Damien Chazelle just did! Ryan Gosling and Emma Stone play likable star-crossed lovers, artists struggling in that most LA of enterprises - the elusive Dream of Stardom. Los Angeles is the third central character in the film, portrayed as a city of murals, painted in primary colors, an Edward Hopper print come to life. Not since 'LA Story' has the city come to life so vividly. 'La La Land' engages in dialogue with other movies either explicitly, such as 'Rebel Without a Cause', or implicitly, such as in 'An American in Paris'. This is the light side of Lynch's 'Mullholand Drive' which also features an aspiring actress whose excruciating auditions are shown in close up. Rhapsodic, nostalgic, giddy, 'La La Land' was a huge risk that paid off through its execution and style. The camera gently lilts and tilts across the California landscape, elevating story through screen language. The LA sun casts a golden haze over the aspirations of its protagonists in a world where pavements are lined with broken dreams and success is just a phone call away. It is Gosling and Stone who carry the film, Chazelle who exalts it into the constellation of stellar cinematic turns. Highly recommended.
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We are all made out of Star Wars dust
18 December 2016
Warning: Spoilers
'Rogue One' earns its stripes as another worthy installment in the Star Wars saga. The side-ways prequel tells the story of how the Death Star plans make their way into the hands of Princess Leia which serves as the McGuffin of Episode 4 'A New Hope'. Like it's tangential predecessor 'The Force Awakens', this is a rollicking good tale with a female protagonist, a fleet of scrappy rebel fighters and a return to the junk-yard sci-fi world that remains true to the original trilogy. Throw in a formidable caped villain Orson Krennic played to perfection by Ben Mendelsohn, a rag-tag of new lovable side-kicks, some necessary cameos by old favourites and you have a winning formula that harks back to the Saturday matinée sagas that the original Lucas film sought to emulate. 'Rogue One' is a backstory enhancement that enriches the Star Wars universe, with an ending that hurls you straight into the arms of the beginning of Episode 4.
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Episodes (2011–2017)
Highly recommended
4 February 2012
Hilarious culture-clash take on two British screenwriters who crash land in Hollywood to adapt their award-winning sitcom for the US. This is "The Office" cringe humor meets "The Player" showbiz absurdity.

The two leads Stephen Mangan and Tasmin Greig do a finely nuanced job as the bewildered Londoners in the seductive yet soul-twisting Lala Land. And Matt LeBlanc does a great dry-witted, Golden Globe Award-winning spoof of himself.

The show also lies in "Curb Your Enthusiasm" territory with its behind-the-scenes glimpse into a cynical studio system where celebrity clout, personal politics and petty vanities trump artistic integrity at every turn.

Worth a look-see.
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