
8 Reviews
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Lucy (I) (2014)
unexpected and smart........
4 August 2014
i went to this movie to see a copy of the movie limitless,but after watching it i can say it's not the same.there are some similarities between the two movies but the way the movie maker presented it is different.this is a more action packed version where the style and the methods that was used to make this movie really gives it a unique touch.

A woman named Lucy at first portrayed as a party type typical girl and after an incident her world changes in a really fast way where she gains full capacity of her brain.the movie directly put the audience in the place of Lucy and after that it's nonstop action happens in a really quick way and the word boring can't be used in this movie.

Scarlett Johansson who plays the female protagonist give a good performance which really suits the style of the movie.Morgan Freeman is playing the role which he played in several other movies recently.Min- sik Choi a veteran actor produces a reasonably good villain who goes against Lucy.

however one draw back for me in this movie is the way Lucy was presented,where after some time the character Lucy becomes soo powerful no one becomes a match to her and at that point the movie losses the edge a bit.but considering the whole movie it's a minor draw back.this might not be a exceptional movie,but it is a really enjoyable movie.
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miles ahead from the first one.........
3 August 2014
In this installment spider man is against several villains and the struggle with them changes his life.the story has improved in so many ways form the first movie,where the story gives more character to spider man where it shows that spider man is more human and not just a comedic character which resulted from the first movie. as in every spider man movie special effects play a major role,and this movie takes it to the next's such a delight to enjoy the special effect of the movie because it's truly amazing. also the movie maker has created some really good characters which really improved the quality of the story.Andrew Garfield give a good performance with a blend of comedy and drama.a special mentioned should be made to Dane DeHaan who plays Harry Osborn, provides a amazing performance with good character development.Jamie Foxx provides a good villain to the story .one negative side is that the use of Paul Giamatti ,where not much screen time is given to his character and hopefully he will become a part of future spider man projects. overall good movie ,good special effects ,good acting and a proper story and it has resulted a enjoyable spider man movie.
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Locke (2013)
really different..........
1 August 2014
this is not your average movie,this is a movie about a construction manager who is at a problematic stage in his life and he is trying to fix these problems while he is driving and through the phone. it can be said that the film maker has taken a pretty big risk making this movie.however it has worked out pretty well.this is one of the best movie i have seen and it's a new and a refreshing take as to how a movie should be made.the full movie revolves around the protagonist trying to fix his own life and the struggle that he is going through to do what is right.the best quality of the movie is that the film maker has really made the audience feel the emotions the character is going through. even though the full movie is filmed in a car there is not even one boring moment.because the movie is done in such a way the it makes the audience wonder as to what going to happen much effort have gone through to make the car journey authentic and the lighting and the music really blends with the atmosphere of the movie.

Tom Hardy is giving a magnificent performance and in my opinion it's one of his best performance,he adds so much depth to his character and and through out the movie he gives the audience glimpse as to what kind of a person he is and how he is trying to do what is right.the voice actors provides more then enough support to the main character which made this movie a master class movie. for some this movie might become bit boring because a person have to be patient when watching this movie,where he or she must really invest them self to the character and must go through all the curves and bends the main character is going through.then only a person would understand what the movie my opinion this movie is a first class movie.
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a good portrayal......
12 March 2014
Based on the book with the same name the movie is a literal portrayal of the life and the political career of Nelson Mandela.As a law student i have read the hardships the South African people went through because of the apartheid regime.however this movie is more focused on the life of Mandela and the straggle that he went through to obtain a democracy and equality to his people. purely evaluating this through the standards of movie making this movie has a good story line and the cinematography is excellent where there are magnificent wide shots which really stands out through out the movie and when it comes to acting Idris Elba has done a excellent job even though it's not easy to portray such a important figure in the history of this world. However there are some draw backs in this movie.there is always a risk when basing a movie on a autobiography.where in this movie more focus is given to the life of Mandela rather then hardship the South African people went through and as a result of that movie is good rather then excellent.but still the movie talks about the family life of Mandela and how it effected him which is a good plus point.where the movie talks about the life of Mandela in such a way even a ordinary person can relate to the life of Mandela even a ordinary person can feel the hardship that he went through even though it's not easy to consider Mandela as a ordinary person.this down to earth approach is a plus point in this movie.
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B.A. Pass (2012)
Capturing reality......
7 March 2014
First of all for sensitive people this is not a good movie to watch because at the first half and hour of this movie it seems like a erotic thriller but as the movie progresses it's becomes clear that this movie will not have a happy ending. It's admirable how well the director has captured the elements of human emotions in this movie.where the director have shown how a person can decay emotionally and physically when that person is pressured to a breaking point. sexual exploitation,violence,betrayal and the never ending struggle to find money is shown through a gradual process masterfully.when it comes to acting a special note should be made where the main actor has acted in a way which has captured the hearts and minds of the audience.where as the movie progresses even the audience can feel the frustrations that main protagonist goes through and that is just good acting. Overall this is not the most easiest movie to watch and you will not have a good time watching this movie but if a person wants a proper idea how hard life can be this is the movie to watch.
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Madras Cafe (2013)
film making at it best.......
7 September 2013
Basing a movie on real historical facts and getting it right is not a easy task because if the facts are wrong there is a possibility it will mislead the audience.Madras Cafe is a perfect example to show how a movie based on real facts should be made.After watching this movie it was obvious to me that the director have done his best to get the facts right and he has succeeded. I strongly believe that any person who watched this movie will generate a new found respect for Indian cinema.The movie is directed in such a way which can only be described as masterful.The use of strong imagery to show the consequences and horror of war is the most impressive feature in this movie which can even effect the most emotionally controlled person.To achieve this the camera work or the cinematography has been used in a really smart way which has added more depth to the images of war. I am not a fan of actors and actresses in Indian cinema however it has to be said that John Abraham and the supporting cast provide impressive performances which maintained the high quality of the movie. Overall this movie is a 1 st class movie which shows that the Indian cinema has gone to a level which is Oscar worthy.
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requires no logic...
29 August 2013
Chennai Express is a movie which is made to generate laughs and to that extent in my opinion the movie has achieved that target.with a simple plot and simple jokes the movie has ensured that the audience will have a great time watching it and the die hard Shahrukh khan fans will not be disappointed. From the start the movie tries to merge the culture of north India and south India which resulted some romantic and creative moments in the movie which also generated good chemistry between the main actor and actress.Cinematography and art direction in this movie really captured the different cultures of south India and north India.Magnificent sets and music numbers added the well needed color to the movie. Chennai Express is a movie which is a fun and entertaining movie but it's no way near a thinking movie.The movie tries to give out a message pointing out how Indian woman lack freedom that message is lost through the comedy of the movie. For a person who is tired of watching movies with serious plot twists this movie is a well deserve break.But if a person tries to logically evaluate this movie then that person will fail miserably.To have a good time in the movie hall this is a well recommended movie.
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Skyfall (2012)
The end of the typical bond movies and in to Oscar worthy bond movies.
12 November 2012
Skyfall is a film that signifies the end of the typical superman type bond movies.From all the 23 bond movies skyfall is a movie even a loyal classical bond movie fan would consider the best one.FOR me skyfall is the best not because of the cool action sequences or the cool cars but simple because of the story line.this is not a movie that bond simply get the girl and save the world from another weird disaster.This is a bond movie that even James bond breaks down under pressure.That even James bond have problems that a normal person have.In this movie the interpretation of James bond is more human. Sam Mendes is a master when it comes to creating masterpiece after watching skyfall it's obvious as to why Sam Mendes was selected to direct this movie.His interpretation of bond show the transcension of bond from past to present through out 50 years.After watching this movie it's obvious that this is not a stereotypical bond movie.With magnificent action sequences,drama and with a hint of comedy makes skyfall a well balanced movie.It's not a easy task to live up to 50 years of bond legacy but i think Sam Mendes has face the challenge magnificently.through his unique way of story telling i think he has honored the bond legacy. A main focus should be given to the acting of this movie.As usual Daniel Craig brings his gritty more emotional corrupted and brute force attitude to the bond character.Javier Bardem brings his Oscar winning performance to portray the bast bond villain in my book.overall skyfall is a amazing movie hopefully this unique interpretation of bond continues to future bond movies.
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