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Terrible episode for a terrible season
21 December 2021
They don't have a story and it pains me to see they're needlessly prolonging this atrocious season by benching your strong characters and repeating the same mistakes over and over again. This is the last season I'm going to watch. Truly disappointing season... I'm so mad that I'm typing this while watching the 12th episode. (Don't worry, I'm not missing much. This is also a snooze-fest.)

This series started off so promising. Great first season for such a superhero show. Second wasn't too bad either but the third... my god the third... is just bad writing. It's so bad that I just want to see how they finish it... just to see how worse it gets before it ends. What's a couple more hours when you've already wasted 11!
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5.1 rating? This is seriously underrated!
5 September 2014
This movie was awesome scary and a 5.1 rating is seriously under rating it. I give it a big 9! I don't understand what more do horror fans expect? I am a huge fan of the Paranormal Activity series and except the fourth one all the films were really good and scary. So I think these low ratings came from people who haven't liked the earlier films!

Okay so this film is about a recent high school graduate - no spoilers - Jesse and the strange things that happen around in his neighborhood. Things become even stranger and take a personal turn once his neighbor downstairs, who is supposedly a witch, dies and he discovers some secrets about himself. This is where it starts getting really scary! There's also a little bit of 'Chronicle' in the middle and we get a few giggles. But from there on its nothing but scary, scary and more scary.

Paranormal Activity 3 was my favorite among the series of PA movies and this one is almost so scary. For those who love found footage horror kind of films it is going to be scary as sh*t. I'm sorry I usually don't talk like this but maybe the movie got to me. People really shouldn't judge the movie based on its story as its the same about black magic and demons and possessions. Its repetitive there, i agree, but we go to see a horror film for the chills, thrills, suspense and a little bit of mystery and this had them all. It scares you completely and that's whats needed in a horror flick - a little bit of a thriller along with horror!

At the end when the credits popped up, i was really glad the movie was over because if it had gone for 10 more mins I definitely would've had a heart attack! I hope there is a sequel to this in the pipeline for PA fans like me!
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Long and tiring and never-ending
29 June 2014
Michael Bay's Transformers is back again. Set about 5 years after the Chicago fiasco - the one that happened in Dark of the Moon, this one is even more boring and longer than that. I don't understand the point of stretching a decent 1 to 2 film franchise to a 4 or 5 film one and sucking all the fun from the first film. I'm sure they're raking in the moolah and some people can't wait to see a first-day screening but is it worth it with so much dislike for the franchise, that comes after watching it. Its like the Twilight saga all over again.

So this one starts off with a boom, rather bizarre, showing that the reason earth's dinosaurs became extinct was not because of an asteroid as we all know but because of transformers! What comes next is a 160-min long ordeal into how the humans are now beginning to hunt down every alien transformer with the help of a ''bounty-hunter transformer''. And then there's this father - daughter family in Texas whose lives get pushed on the edge after an unlikely discovery of Optimus Prime. So they, along with the daughter's boyfriend, end up being chased by the government, the CIA, a Black Ops group and of course the evil transformer. And then there's this future-tech-savvy tycoon/inventor/billionaire, played by Tucci, whose company KSI has used the ruins of the fallen Decepticons, including Megatron, from the Chicago battle into building their own transformers which they can control and operate which we all can predict is something that shouldn't be messed with. We all know who the father and daughter are.. Should i mention it again? Oh and I forgot about the wise words of wisdom Wahlberg has for his daughter regarding High school and boys and also his constant standoff with her boyfriend!

So that was the premise and if you think you can sit through the climax of the story, which is basically the second half of the film - long and tiring and never-ending, you should definitely go watch it. Otherwise you should close this page and think of better ways of spending your weekend!
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Godzilla (I) (1998)
5.2 rating? seriously???
12 August 2013
This is absurd! This was one hell of a movie and it doesn't deserve anything less than 7 stars.

I remember watching this film as a kid on a VCR. I loved it very much even then. Ever since its been on TV several times but now I finally got a DVD and saw it all over again. It still is amazing!

First of all this was one of the better films of Roland Emmerich. I've seen most of his other ridiculous films like 2012 and The Day after Tomorrow. Compared to those, this one's a masterpiece. I've seen the Japanese versions of Godzilla films as well and Apart from GvsKG(1991), I didn't like the other films in the series. This American version of the monster just made more sense, as a dinosaur and as a member of Reptilia, than a toy-model of an clueless and purposeless (like it was born only to destroy Japan), erect-standing, fire-breathing, frog-leaping (Yes Godzilla leaps like a frog in some films) sorry excuse for a dinosaur. Having seen a lot of Japanese films under world-cinema, I must say their films are very good but I'm sorry to say that I find their Godzilla films just pathetic. Its like watching Super human samurai on Nickelodeon.

This one, on the other hand, was an edge of the seat thriller film for all those sci-fi geeks like me and by now most of you might have seen it may be tens of times but this is me glorifying this film to those who haven't seen it. There is a 2014 version of Godzilla in the making. Hope its even better than this one. I can't wait to see that next year. Well, what do you know, time flies!
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Dark Skies (2013)
Above average horror/sci-fi movie... But definitely watchable!
6 June 2013
I love both sci-fi and horror flicks and when both come in one 90-min package I'd definitely watch that. DARK SKIES reminds me of 'The X- Files' and I'm sure Mulder would have loved it. It is also so much similar to a Milla Jovovich movie but I'm not going to tell you which one.

The movie starts off with this suburban family - No Spoilers - parents and their two kids - both boys, and when the younger one starts talking about an invisible friend, much like in many other horror films, strange events start occurring.

The movie kicks off very well on the horror side, on the lines of Insidious (which is one of my all time favourites in horror) with strange events happening right from the start. I was sitting with my eyes glued to the screen. But then suddenly, out of nowhere, the sci-fi angle is introduced and that's when I lost interest. Not that I don't like sci-fi; I'm actually a huge sci-fi geek who loves films like Contact, Signs, K-Pax .etc., but this film could have been so much better had they stuck to the horror plot. Sci-fi twist would have been better if they had started off with sci-fi but when you are watching the film waiting for a ghost to appear, the sudden awkward twist popping up didn't go well with me. Having seen countless other films much scarier that this one, the horror sequences in this film weren't in the least bit scary. I'd have given this film an 9-star had it continued with the horror plot.

But nevertheless, it is a refreshing break after a long drought of good sci-fi horror films which is why for me this film wasn't bad. It is definitely worth a watch for all those horror fans and if there is a sequel to it, I'd go watch it!
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Chick fights are Awesome!!!
16 January 2013
I'm sorry I started with such a tag-line but that's what this movie is all about.

So the premise goes like this - The Bride (Uma Thurman) is all bloodied up and lying on the ground at the altar of her wedding, surrounded by armed assassins of a squad, of which she herself was earlier a member of, and who just wiped out anyone and everyone at the wedding. They then shoot her, in what appears to be a death-blow but then she instead slips into a coma and wakes up years later to avenge the execution of her husband, baby - she was carrying during the massacre; and everyone at her wedding. Then begins the journey of 'The Bride' - name not mentioned anywhere in the first movie - who sets out to take revenge!

Uma Thurman does a great job as a sexy expert assassin out on the loose. She sparkles with her charisma and style, that it makes her bloody revenge look beautiful and fashionable. Lucy Liu as the wicked O-Ren Shii, the head of Tokyo underworld and the bride's first revenge targets, is still-faced like a mannequin but that suits her role of a mind-controlled assassin.

In a revenge-flick like this the action sequences have to be flawless and yes they were. There is also a flashback of one of the characters in anime, which serves as a nice assortment in a 110-min long medley of brutal massacres. The action, the stunts, get better in every scene. The Japanese Samurais defy gravity and jump around as if they are weightless..

You have to be a brave-heart to watch the entire film without having a nauseating headache. There is so much 'Red' in the movie that it puts Spain's La Tomatina festival to shame. Every time a limb is lopped off (and believe me it happens a lot), there is blood just spurting out like a fountain and the killer is spray-tanned in blood. You have one scene where the massacre is so bloody that the entire action sequence is shown in black and white (However, in the Japanese version this scene is in colour).

This film is not without its goofs and flubs like any other Quentin Tarantino film but I didn't mind because its entertaining and fast- paced. There was not a single second in the film during which I wanted to keep my eyes off the screen. It is a must watch for all the action junkies and more so for people like me, who love films like Resident Evil, Underworld, Aeon Flux et cetera etc. and who love to watch the leading ladies wield guns and swords like they are Barbie dolls...
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Heart-warming Romantic journey...
10 January 2013
North Sea Texas is a beautiful, well-crafted and well-shot film. Wow, its been a while since I've seen such an amazing, unadulterated romantic journey. I'm not gay but regardless I fell in love with this film so much that I sat down to write a review here.

So the premise goes like this... Its about a boy named Pim (I'm not familiar with Dutch/Flemish culture but having seen a few of their films I think a lot of guys are named Pim) who is kind of an introvert, a dreamer, doesn't talk much and spends a lot of his time drawing the things he loves. Young Pim meets a guy nearby, Gino who is three years older than him and eventually falls in love with him. There is also Gino's sister Sabrina, who is the same age as Pim and their mother.

Pim's mother, Yvette, on the other hand is a feckless woman who spends most of her time drinking, singing and playing accordion at a local bar. Her entertaining skills have taken over her motherhood skills and clearly Pim doesn't like it. Then there is Etienne, a friend of her who pretty much escorts her and hangs out by the house all the time and Pim isn't a fan of him either. These troubles cause him to hang out at his best friend Gino's place all the time; and also at a local drinking hole called Texas, after which the movie's named. Gino's mother treats Pim like family and understands the fact that he is not lucky to have Yvette as his mother.

If a write more I might just end up telling the entire story and BTW I didn't spoil anything for you. I just loved this film.

The acting of everyone in the film was so immaculate that you can just feel the emotions of each of the characters. Sexual Frustration and coming-out is what this film is all about and its all so evident in all the actors' faces that you don't need to look at the subtitles below. The cinematography is breath-taking as it captures the lovely locales of the coast of North Sea in between scenes without taking our mind off the plot.

A special mention to actor, Jelle Florizoone, who did a fabulous job playing Pim. He was actually one of about 200 teenage boys who auditioned for the part of Pim, and was the immediate choice for the filmmakers. This is his first film as an actor. The entire film rests on the character, Pim and his life and he just makes the character come alive. The maudlin displays of emotion, the cheekiness of teenage love, the heartrending feelings of his first heart-break... Oh he was great! Just because its a gay-themed film doesn't mean straight people shouldn't watch it. It is an excellent film or rather journey of Pim which mesmerises us to 'live' the characters in the film.

Its a refreshing break over films where the characters indulge in a sleaze-fest all along and then, at the end, realise that love was here all along. Its a must watch for everyone who is tired of watching cheesy films, having the same story-line, over and over again...
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A beautiful film!
23 July 2012
Yes its indeed a beautiful film. The actors have done a fabulous job. I know how it is to be hopelessly in love with someone that you will go to any extent to come out of that pain of loneliness, once he/she doesn't remain the same person you once fell in love with. When you are lonely in life you tend to develop a special bond with that person who is most closest to you at that point of time. Eventually you end up loving that person so much that everything in front of you seems so immaterial and superficial. That's what this film is about; loneliness, friendships, relationships, lust, craving for love and all. Honestly, I saw this film on DVD and I rented it for only some hot and sensuous scenes but then I was taken aback by its storyline. Its amazing how Francois Ozon made this film with only 4 actors and yet managed to capture the everyday emotions of a regular married/living together couple (homo/heterosexual) with panache. I ended up watching a beautiful film.
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