
6 Reviews
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Minimal plot, but lots of very good CGI monsters!!
20 December 2020
Warning: Spoilers
Didn't read any reviews before seeing the movie, but trinaboice's was the first listed when I looked afterwards and she is spot on. No long buildup before the action starts, the movie jumps right in. The monsters are big, mean, loud, and very realistic CGI, nothing like the ones you see on Comet channel or the other cheesy Sci-Fi TV channels.

Story is minimal, but that not why you'll see this movie, even without much of one it was still fun to see, and finally see on a big movie theater screen with the appropriate surround sound system.

You'll have to ignore some of the physics impossibilities, the first big monster "swims" thru the sand like the scorpion in the first Transformers movie. And apparently the old sail ships can move thru the sand too. And the Hummer mounted big machine guns don't seem to bother the monster much, but big!! knives do.

And trinaboice's comment about the Chi-knees joke in the movie, getting thousands of bashing comments, really?? Hardly an insult, people are just way too wimpy these days. People are looking for things to be offended by these days. Toughen up, it's a joke, get over it.

Enjoy the monsters and the movie!!!
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Deep Impact (1998)
Starts like Armegeddon, but then is different
1 November 2020
Pretty good story, good acting, Some well planned twists. Emotions are well acted and believable. Definately worth a watch. A few things I noticed as a scientist, apparently you can predict an asteroid's path more than a year out by seeing it in one position in space. And that asteroids glow visible in daylight before they hit earth's atmosphere.
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Not much vampire in this vampire movie
1 November 2020
If you took the vampire out of this movie, it really wouldn't change it much. A music artist who lives alone and only goes out at night, complains about the general public being brainless. It's more a love story. Do not watch this if you want a vampire movie. Do watch it if you want a slow moving love story between Tom Hiddleston and Tilda Swinton..
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Vivarium (2019)
What was that about????
6 August 2020
Jesse Eisenberg and Imogen Poots, should be an ok movie, used to have a higher rating. Started watching and it just got weirder and weirder and never explained what was going on. Wished I had started a different movie. Long scenes you kept waiting for something to happen, the movie moved so slowly, I kept wanting to fast forward. Should have fast forwarded the whole movie. If anyone actually understands this movie, more than the bird example, please explain it to me, it was just weird. Photos 12 and 13 pretty much sum it up (LOL)
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Aliens not even a part of the plot
7 April 2016
As a war movie, I might have given it a higher rating, since that's what the movie is about 97% of the time. The aliens are only 3% of the movie, which could exist without the aliens, and really not change the movie at all. I saw the first MONSTERS movie, and then saw that there was a sequel, watched the trailer, which looked like it would have more aliens. Guess what, every alien scene is in the trailer, so if you want aliens, just watch the trailer. The aliens just cause saw awe struck looks from a few of the characters a few time, but like I said 97% war movie, with realistic battle wounds. Also lots of swearing, which I guess you have to use if you're in the military. I had the subtitles on and just muted most of the F bombs with my kids around.

The war scenes looked very realistic, but I like the SciFi much more.
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The Mist (2007)
Follows book pretty close, until the end
30 April 2008
The movie is pretty good until the end, where the director deviates from the book and felt the need to have an edgier (more depressing) ending, where the book ending would have been fine. If you don't want to be depressed at the end, stop watching it at the point where they start driving thru the fog. That's where the book ends, and should have been where the movie ends.

I guess I have to write 10 lines. The group trapped in the store contains a bunch of typical King characters, mind-gaming the others to turn on the group who "brought this on us all". The one character who you wish would be fed to the creatures gets it in the end, just not to the monsters. Thanks for ending all that ranting!!
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