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Pacific Rim (2013)
Spoilt by mumbling
5 August 2013
I was looking forward to this, as I don't bother to see many films at the cinema nowadays, but I made a rare effort to see this, particularly as I like Idris Elbra. Now, I don't think I'm going deaf, but when whole conversations are mumbled or unintelligible, or in the case of the two bickering scientist clichés spoken at scatter gun speed then something has gone seriously wrong. I've noticed before that this is gradually creeping into films and television nowadays, but never before have I watched something and been so frustrated as I was when watching Pacific Rim. Whilst the plot on a effects blockbuster is hardly important, or difficult to follow, and call me old fashioned if you like, but I do actually like to be able to make out spoken dialogue. Is it really that difficult nowadays or is nobody bothered about it?
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A truly chilling and frightening tale
30 June 2005
Have just seen this at previews here in the UK this afternoon and have come away very unnerved - and thats from a 35 year old sci-fi fan! Ever since reading the original story and hearing Richard Burton narrate the musical version this story has - unlike any other story of alien invasion - unnerved me and I don't know why, it reads/plays in a very chilling and realistic manner. I liked the 1950's film version, it did not come over in the same way and was a fairly stock sci-fi tale from the time.

Onto the new film and I expected a fairly good alien invasion story with good effects but in setting it in the present day it would lack the menace apparent in the original story - thankfully. I was totally wrong - it's scary, chilling and has real menace, Independence Day it certainly is not. How on earth this got a 12A ticket is beyond me, it may not be very graphic - it doesn't need to be - yet it skillfully generates a real and powerful terror amongst it's cast. There's little in the way of false and all knowing heroics here, the cast act with real fear which combined with the strictly limited viewpoint we see gives a very unusual take on the alien invasion genre.

This Cruise/Spielberg version is also, surprisingly quite faithful to the original story. If this film was rushed, I can't see it on the screen.

Is it recommended? Yes, it's a superb piece of work and Cruise/Spielberg ought to be recognized for this. Yet I can't say I liked it because of how disturbing it was. Have had to watch something very lighthearted for the rest of the day.
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Rich and wonderfully scored.
21 December 2004
I'm a Dune Novice, never having read the books and only having seen the old film many years ago and found it incomprehensible, so the omens were not good. I caught the last hour on a UK station a few days ago and was struck down straight away by the musical score - very moving and superbly done.

Having bought the disc and watched it in it's entirety I found the series excellent, although still rather shaky on plot details which I put down to being unfamiliar with the material.

Watching two young actors who I have never heard of before playing such close twins was a joy, and worth the purchase price alone. Where have these two - Jessica Brooks and James McEvoy been? The scenes the two are together and alone are superbly acted. It would be a pleasure to watch these two together again.
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An virtually impossible job superbly executed.
25 August 2003
I read Mark Bowden's written account of the events in Mogadishu some years ago and came to the conclusion that it was the most gripping and disturbing account of real live infantry combat I had ever read. The book has been read many times since.

When I heard a big budget Hollywood production was in the offering I was horrified - letting that monster loose on such a recent and sensitive event seemed a terrible prospect. With the film listed as a Bruckheimer production it got worse, this was a producer whose past efforts clearly showed that as long as he got big bucks and big bangs, everything else could go take a flying jump. Big bangs would obviously be needed, but so would a respectful and sensitive approach to a event that is still recent history. This could not be another Pearl Harbour.

I could not have been further wrong, and this may well be the finest war film I have ever seen. How Scott managed to rein in the usual Bruckheimer excesses I will never know. Even the usual Bruckheimer trade mark, that sickly sentimental patriotism that is so provocative to a non-US audience is, thankfully, largely absent.

The availability of US Rangers and the correct aviation assets from the 160th SOAR add greatly to the films authenticity, as does the location.

Obviously translating the events of that day into a film that a lay person in a cinema could follow, while still staying faithful to what actually happened and the confusion of infantry combat was going to be near impossible. Here is where the films makers have achieved that impossible goal, and comments from witnesses have endorsed that.

Critics have said the film does not follow the expected conventions of storytelling and characterization. I can only say that that is a great relief. To take such a well documented event, and make it into a piece of entertainment to fit the expectations of critics and viewers alike would have been an absolute disaster and for resisting that approach Bruckheimer and Scott must be applauded.

It is not a easy film to follow, and is all the better for it, but I believe that Black Hawk Down is perhaps arguably the finest war film I have seen.
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Excellent history lesson for a more mature viewer
9 June 2003
Interest in this film has obviously risen since the the release of the recent 'Pearl Harbour', and comparisions are unavoidable. While I'm not going enter into another round of 'Pearl Harbour' bashing (it is, after all a rather spectacular piece of rubbish!), it must be said that 'Tora Tora Tora!' is a far superior piece of film making. featuring battle scenes that would reappear in countless WWII war movies.

Aimed at a mature and intelligent audience, Tora Tora Tora is the definitive account of America's entry into WWII, and does, to its credit, show the Japanese reasons for the assault. It's near, documentary style may not appeal to the modern 'MTV' style viewer, but keeps your interest throughout. A ominous tension builds slowly, prior to the assault that is well delivered.

A excellent epic, from a generation of films that it is unlikely will ever be produced again.
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Highly entertaining and amusing movie.
31 May 2003
Although I saw this movie last year over here in the UK upon release, I'm pleasantly suprised to see the American auidence also, on the whole enjoyed it. Perhaps its the usual British expectations, but I did not think it would travel across the pond very well. My mistake.

Bend it like Beckham is a nice, amusing feelgood movie for all ages. Ok, so its one big sporting cliche, but how else can you do this sort of film? The dialogue is funny, the characters wonderful and the soundtrack is perfect. In Parminder Nagra the producer/director cast to perfection, even though the actress was a unknown even here in the UK. Her sympathetic and understated approach to Jess really did endear this viewer to her onscreen dilemma. This from somebody who normally gives this type of film a wide berth. Excellent supporting cast, especially from both the girls neurotic mothers and their long suffering husbands!

One of my two favourite films of 2002, go see.
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A interesting, flawed lead character, well acted.
31 May 2003
Not being much of a fan of this type of thriller, I started to watch this film one day, years ago here in the UK with little interest. While watching it I was struck by the rarity of a character like Audrey Macleah, played in such a understated manner by a actress I had never heard of, never having even seen a tv series called Profiler at that time.

The films plot seems to be intelligent and well crafted, with enough depth to keep you on edge until the end. The final act at the Eben house is particulary suspenseful. I lack the credentials to say whenever the film is a good example of its genre but must return to Audrey Macleah/Ally Walker. The manner in which the character is portrayed as a brilliant academic, although lacking in confidence and with her own past demons just hiding under the surface is masterful. A nice touch is the way in which these are left unresolved, rather than a more typical, heavy handed approach.

One of my favourites, and well worth watching.
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Wind (I) (1992)
Wonderfully filmed, beautifully scored.
31 May 2003
When I first saw this film a few years ago I was totally amazed, what happened to it upon release? Granted, here in the UK I do not know if it ever got a cinema run, but until it appeared on one of the satellite channels I'd never even heard of it. What a waste!

The film does a excellent job of dramatizing a sport that on first appearances to the layman will probably appear boring. A fine balance has to be drawn between exposition and drama, and I believe Wind achieves this admirably. This supported by the many friends who have seen this film upon my recommendation, most with no interest in sailing at all.

The two leads are fine, the Aussie skipper is good fun as a typical Aussie! The only bad call is the Abigall Weld character - rapidly becomes annoying and unrealistic.

Where the film scores even better is the superb camera work during the racing sequences, in particular the aerial shots - quite breathtaking. No review would be complete without mentioning the films score - quite simply some of the most uplifting and beautiful music I have ever heard.

Wonderful film, highly recommended.
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