
9 Reviews
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Open Range (2003)
good film
28 August 2003
I am a person who likes westerns, and I have to tell you I really liked this film. I think Kevin Costner gave a great performance here, oscar worthy for sure. My only problem was that you have no sense of how much time is really passing. For me it created a problem in the love story. It doesn't make much sense that two people can fall in love, not having seen each other that much, and talked even less, in the span of a couple of days. But all in all its still a great film and worth the price of admission. It sort of reminded me of Unforgiven in a way.
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it was actually good
23 August 2003
This was a decent movie, which I didn't expect. I'd actually like to see another one. I think the actors with the exception of Robert Englund were terrible, but no one expected this to be an oscar contender. If you went into this movie expecting to see a hack and slash then you are going to see a good movie.
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Dead Like Me (2003–2004)
great, funny, best written show on television
27 July 2003
Warning: Spoilers
WARNING: May contain Spoilers.

While the first show starts out by showing us what life is like for teenager Georgia Lass, it quickly goes into her death as she gets struck down by a toilet seat from the Mir Space Station, burning up on re-entry. But unlike real life the journey doesn't end there. She gets up, to soon realize she is dead. She is introduced to some characters including Rube who tells her she is going to be a grim reaper. The rest of the first episode takes us through her struggle to understand what is going on and what she must now do as this grim reaper. Rube explains that it is her job to remove the souls of the living just before death, and help them get to where they are going. But when Georgia finds her first soul to be a young child, she is reluctant to help in the process. In fact she attempts to cheat death, by changing this young girl's fate. She saves the girl only to have Rube explain that she didn't save her at all. That her soul is rotting in a body that doesn't want it. And so she removes the girl's soul, killing her.

This show deals with a lot of issues including death, but I think that it does best when dealing with life. Georgia who resides in the body of someone else wants desperately to hang on to her old life only to find that her mother and sister cannot see who she really is inside. And she is punished for trying, losing precious memories. She looks to Rube for explanation asking, "So all we get to take with us is our memories?" Rube replying, "That's all you ever had." This show will make you laugh and cry but at the same time it never takes itself too seriously. This show is so well written that you become attached to these characters, and when a character leaves the show it is heart-wrenching. I highly recommend this show. There is simply no better show on television.
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Great movie!
7 July 2003
I went into this expecting a decent movie, and was pleasantly surprised. Nick Stahl replaces Edward Furlong as the John Connor, who is now a man, with a destiny. I think Nick Stahl did a good job as John Connor and was completely believable. Claire Danes does the best job in this movie in my opinion as Kate Brewster, a future lieutenant and wife to John Connor. She has this amazing charisma about her and I enjoyed watching her on the screen. Arnold Schwarzenegger reprises his role as the T-101 (NOT T-800 like the Plot outline says, jeez get it right!) terminator, now obsolete. I wasn't a big fan of some of the one-liners he used but it was a decent performance in spite of it. Kristanna Loken plays the new T-X terminator. Now although she has very few lines, her face speaks in great detail. Earl Boen also reprises his role as Dr. Silberman in a quick spot, which I found to be very funny.

Now as far as the movie goes I think this was more funny than the previous versions but it still maintain its action/thriller appeal. It was suspenseful when it needed to be and that was very important. And I think the last thirty minutes of this movie were really quite good and thought provoking. The end really came too soon, which was my only disappointment. I don't really enjoy movies which try to stick too much information in too little time, as this movie does. However its done well enough that you do not become bored or puzzled at some of the things that happen. However my only problem is this film really should have been longer. I think had they had another twenty or thirty minutes we could have seen a little more story. The movie seems more concerned with the action than the dialog which doesn't quite turn me off, though I would have liked to see more. My hope is that the DVD will include much more that was cut from the film. And I think while deleted scenes are good, I'm much more on the special editions where the cuts are seamlessly added to the theatrical release. In any case this movie is good, and can only get better with more scenes. I for one am wishing and waiting for a fourth installment.
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One of the summer's best!
5 July 2003
Now in a summer of bad movies, this one definitely stands out as one of the best films. From start to finish this film is one giant action ride that leaves you wanting more. I really liked Edward Norton in this movie, it could be one of his best, if not his best role. If you are a fan of caper movies than this movie is for you.

I'd give this movie a B+

It only lacked a better cast. I think Brad Pitt would have been better in the Charlie Croker role that Mark Wahlberg had. Charlize Theron is as good as ever, and Seth Green while a very funny actor, I think overplayed his part as the computer hacker.
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Stolen Summer (2002)
Project GreenLight strikes gold
5 July 2003
Despite what you may have seen on project greenlight that would depict this film as a film that was not put together well and full of problems, it's not. This film is one of those rare films that invokes some feeling and those are always good in my book. Whether you have or haven't heard of project greenlight, rent this film.
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Wrong Turn (I) (2003)
Felt a little too predictable.
23 June 2003
I liked the movie, but its not one of my favorite films. Everything just felt like I'd seen it before. OH Wait! I have! The texas chainsaw massacre. The film has two really hot females, and that made the movie worth seeing, but as far as stories go its not original enough. I think this movie would have been a whole lot better had we seen more horrific scenes. Alas the damned MPAA thinks that even those over the age of 18 are too feeble-minded to judge violence by themselves. I wouldn't recommend actually paying ten dollars to see it, but its worth paying four dollars to rent, but only if there are alternate or deleted scenes on the DVD.
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28 Days Later (2002)
23 June 2003
Thank you, seriously! This is what horror movies are all about. I've heard many people say that this isn't very original. Well How many movies are? This is 2003 and by now how many original ideas are left to be made? Its not about originality, its about quality film making. This movie has it. Not only is it a great film but its a great horror film and thats difficult to do these days. So again Thank you.
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Hulk (2003)
Terrible Movie
23 June 2003
I knew before I even went to see this movie it would be crap, and yes it was. Not only was the CGI terrible, but the story was as well. The movie reminded me of something out of the 50's as far as the plot goes. Yes I understand this is a comic book movie, but look at good examples of comic book movies like Spiderman and Xmen. This movie just doesn't cut it. Everytime he turned into the hulk I felt myself laughing at how ridiculous he looked. Good CGI = Yoda from Attack of the Clones, Bad CGI = The Hulk. Now this whole plot of him and his father was so bad I found myself wanting to fall asleep, and then when his father became the electric man I wish I had a gun. Don't waste money on this junk you want a good comic book movie see Spiderman, jeez even the Daredevil was better than this pile of turds.
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