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Evil: Fear of the End (2024)
Season 4, Episode 14
What a mess that was
27 August 2024
So I guess they had no idea where to go with this show. They knew season 4 was going to be their last season, but this feels like they had already filmed 13 episodes of season 4 and before starting to film episode 14 they were informed that this was going to be the end of it all.

If you are looking for any kind of climax, resolution or anything like that, you are not going to find it here. At least LOST had an ending that sucked. Evil doesn't have an ending at all.

The worst part about this episode is that it ends with a behind the scenes look and the first thing the creator said is:" We always knew the general area we were gonna end this show in".

Yeah, buddy, you're definitely a liar.
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Tracker (2024– )
First episode impressions
12 February 2024
There's only one episode out so far but it's off to a good start.

I like the lead actor. He still looks like he did 20 years ago when he was in Smallville which should probably be illegal.

It's a little too early to tell where this show is going and how much of an ongoing storyline there'll be.

Additionally, there are some pleasant nature shots. The pacific northwest always makes for a good background.

Don't get me wrong, this won't be anyone's favourite show of all time but it doesn't have to be. This seems to be one of those shows where you just sit back and have a comfortable time once a week,
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Shrinking (2023– )
Doesn't quite know what it wants to be
7 May 2023
First of all, the acting is fine and the premise sounded interesting. IMDB lists this as "Comedy" and "Drama" but sadly this is neither. It's certainly not funny but it's also too quirky to make the "dramatic" moments work. Overall, this just falls on its nose somewhere in the middle.

Another issue I have is that there doesn't seem to be a hook to keep people watching. The show's description talks about a therapist going off the rails with unconventional and honest advice. As a premise, this sounds interesting but the patients are all fairly flat caricatures so who cares.

Lastly, There were about half a dozen racial remarks in the first two episodes that came out of nowhere and felt very out of place. It's like someone randomly starting every second sentence with "As a white guy,...". It wasn't funny and it wasn't really commenting on anything. Apparently people just like mentioning the colour of their skin in this show for no reason.
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Star Trek: Voyager: Drive (2000)
Season 7, Episode 3
The relationship just doesn't work
28 February 2023
I'm sorry but I just can't stand B'Elanna. She should've never been the chief engineer and her relationship with Tom Paris has no chemistry whatsoever.

B'Elanna is like a rebellious and annoying teenager in season 1 and she is like a rebellious and annoying teenager in season 7. There is no development of her character despite plenty screen time throughout the entire show. She occasionally has an idea for fixing something but other than that she is just rude and over emotional. It's like a prototype character for Star Trek Discovery. She has no place being on a federation starship, let alone being in a leading position.
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For All Mankind: New Eden (2022)
Season 3, Episode 6
The show comes to a screeching halt
15 August 2022
I just don't get the decision-making behind the scenes. In the previous episode, humanity finally managed to put humans on Mars. Obviously, there are a lot of technical issues like water shortage, CO2 level etc.

For whatever reason somebody thought this was the perfect time to focus the entire episode on some background character's sexual orientation. I'm not even sure the guy had a line of dialogue before this episode. What the heck?
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For All Mankind: Seven Minutes of Terror (2022)
Season 3, Episode 5
No surprises here
15 August 2022
I find it rather annoying that you can guess the outcome of a story just by looking at the cast.

On one side you have a shuttle with two white guys.

On the other side you have a female president, NASA (which seems to be mostly run by women now) and their shuttle with a black female commander.

So, who is going to win that race?
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I love Bunny
5 July 2022
I'd honestly watch a whole movie about the daily life of Bunny Folger. The actress is fantastic and so was this whole episode.

I'm so glad I gave this show a chance because I was really hesitant about it at first.
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Outer Range (2022–2024)
It just feels off
9 May 2022
Right from the first episode, something just rubbed me the wrong way. Brolin and Patton are always entertaining to watch but none of the characters seemed to react in a natural or believable way to the mystery at hand.

In any mystery show you want at least one character who asks the same questions you're asking yourself. Otherwise you probably won't get a satisfying answer to those questions and you lose interest.

It's like a murder mystery but nobody is trying to find the killer.
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The Blacklist: The Bear Mask (2022)
Season 9, Episode 19
Nobody likes dream episodes
7 May 2022
The whole episode isn't a dream but a hallucination. Therefore there are no stakes at all and nothing really matters. I skipped right to the end after about 10 minutes. Do better next time!
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Moon Knight (2022)
More of the usual
1 May 2022
At first I was pleasantly surprised when I saw some of the darker visuals in the first episode. I also really enjoy seeing Oscar Isaac on screen. He knows how to act and is generally a very charming fellow. However, that's about all the positives I can say about this show.

It's just more of the usual Marvel crap where you simply stop caring about anything because none of the characters are taking the situation seriously either. In episode 5 we get some pretty rough personal information about the main character but that whole scene has absolutely no emotional impact because it's told in between all the Marvel silliness.

All that stuff is fine and dandy in a 120 minute action flick with blue sky lasers and lots of explosions but in a show that asks of me to tune back in each week it's not. All of these characters could meet a violent death and I wouldn't care one bit.
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Moon Knight (2022)
The usual Marvel formula
21 April 2022
I like Oscar Isaac as much as the next guy but even he can't keep me entertained. This show falls into the usual Marvel trap once again. The wacky tone is fine when I'm watching a 2 hour Marvel movie on my couch on a lazy Sunday afternoon.

However, in a series like this it just makes me not care at all about anything that is going on. I've seen the first 4 episodes so far and I think that's it for me.

There are some "darker" visuals here and there but you never feel like anyone is in real danger because this might just as well be a Chevy Chase movie.

The CGI is pretty shoddy at times but that's not something I personally care a whole lot about. It's just worth mentioning.
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Dexter: New Blood (2021–2022)
Rather boring
15 November 2021
I was excited when I first heard about Dexter's return. I thought someone had a great idea for the continuation of the show. Turns out they just wanted to make some money.

There's nothing clever about the show. The first two episodes were pretty boring and none of the new side characters are nearly as interesting as the original ones. It's just a show about Dexter in the woods and of course there is another serial killer nearby. There is nothing new about "New Blood" at all.
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Succession (2018–2023)
Rather boring
6 September 2021
Good things first. Everything looks good and the acting is generally good as well.

Now to the negatives. Everyone is just so obnoxious in this show. I don't have anything against swearing but this show's dialogue sometimes feels like it is straight out of a Call of Duty voice chat. The characters come across as teenagers who are trying too hard to be edgy.

I usually like seeing bad guys succeed through sheer cunning but the biggest issue I have with the show is that they are all morons. There are no clever plots. Just idiots stumbling into different situations.
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Brooklyn Nine-Nine: The Good Ones (2021)
Season 8, Episode 1
17 August 2021
Someone apparently forgot to insert Brooklyn Nine-Nine into his sermon.

There are shows like Boston Legal that tackle very serious issues in almost episode while remaining true to the core of the show. This episode was just preachy from start to finish and in such a simplified way that I really hope this was written by a high school student and not a professional writer.

Heavy-Hand-Syndrome is a serious illness.
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"Created by Kevin Smith" is all the information you need
23 July 2021
It's a show by a guy who hasn't managed to create anything watchable in almost two decades now and I doubt he'll create something interesting in the next two decades.

The guy had a droplet of creativity when he started his career but that droplet has dried out a long, long time ago. Someone needs to put him out of his misery.
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Superman & Lois (2021–2024)
Jumped the shark pretty quickly
22 July 2021
I really liked this at first. I thought it was different from the usual CW stuff but it went downhill rather quickly. Now it feels like a season 6 or 7 plot line.

You simply shouldn't pull out dozens of Kryptonians in your first season. Especially not on a TV budget. Too much CGI makes the show look cheap and there is simply nowhere to go from here.

I should've known better. All these DC TV shows just aren't very good.
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The Office: Goodbye, Michael (2011)
Season 7, Episode 21
Simply the best
8 July 2021
Seen this episode a handful of times over the years and it always gets me. Probably one of the best episodes in any TV series of all time.
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Loki (2021– )
SyFy would've already announced the cancellation for this
7 July 2021
If this show was called "Steve the Magic Dude" and had nothing to do with the MCU, the ratings would be around a solid 6 at best. Currently the ratings indicate that this is one of the best TV series of all time, which is insane.
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Not what it used to be
30 June 2021
Just stumbled upon this imdb page by accident and thought I'd finally review this show.

I started watching this from day 1 and absolutely loved it. I thought it was funny and it felt fresh and well researched. After a year or so I would've given this a 9/10 but I began to notice some cracks in the wall. Whenever they did a segment on a topic I was actually quite familiar with, I noticed their very biased approach. Most topics aren't black and white but this show likes to pretend as if they have the morally correct answer to every question and everyone who disagrees is deliberately evil.

Then Trump became president... Trump is a buffoon and I guess most people who watch this show can agree on that. HOWEVER, I really didn't need to see a special segment on Trump's hair or how he brushes his teeth every single week. It just became tedious and after a couple of months, when I noticed that they just won't stop, I quit watching and never returned.
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Time (2021– )
Very well done
14 June 2021
It's what you'd expect but done very well. All the actors did a fantastic job and there are no faults from a technical point of view.

I wouldn't have minded another episode or two because I enjoyed the show but I understand that this might've dragged out the story for too long.

For non-native speakers I'd recommend to use subtitles because a lot of characters have a fairly thick accent.
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Human Target (2010–2011)
Sad it got cancelled
12 June 2021
Here I am reviewing this a decade after release. I am sad there aren't more episodes but I understand why it got cancelled. Season 2 was much worse than the first season. The inclusion of Ilsa Pucci just killed the show. She felt completely out of place and it was annoying to see her tag along in every episode like some adrenaline tourist. Ames, the thief, would've been fine but they didn't really know what to do with her.

I doubt they would've kept Pucci on the show for much longer after season 2 but we will never know.
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Superman & Lois (2021–2024)
Promising start
6 June 2021
I'm 5 episodes in and it seems to be off to a good start. I did not think it was possible but it turns out the CW can make a superhero show without a futuristic lair and where the superhero actually has a secret identity that isn't known to every single character who appears for more than 1 episode.

Only time will tell if they can keep up the quality. I just hope they know when to quit and don't drag this out for years.
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The Kominsky Method (2018–2021)
30 May 2021
What a great show. Binged through the final season in a day. Heartwarming, quirky, funny and definitely unique. Great performances from a great cast.

I would've loved to see another season but they managed to give me a very satisfying conclusion. I'm really not a fan of Chuck Lorre's stuff but this show was a hit.
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Invincible (2021– )
Very good but not great
2 May 2021
First things first, I've never read the comics so I'm solely judging this as a TV series.

There is a lot of hype around this series right now. The animation is great, the voice actors are good and boy oh boy are there some great fight scenes in this show.

So what is keeping me from rating this higher? Apart from the fairly average story, the tone is really odd in this show. The main plot is super serious and extremely violent but every time the focus shifts away from the main plot line you are left with a protagonist who could be the goofy sidekick in a kids show and a whole lot of rather boring teen drama.

In conclusion, it's good but tonally I really don't know for whom this was made. Way too violent for kids but also a whole bunch of very immature and schmaltzy high school relationship stuff.
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For All Mankind (2019– )
27 April 2021
This review only concerns season 1. I have not watched the second season.

The show promises an alternative history where the Russians won the race to the moon and the space race continues. However, that's not really what we're getting here. Space travel is in the background for most of time and Russians (or the Soviet Union) play an even smaller part. The Soviet Union beating the US to the moon could've almost been left out entirely with little to no change to the show.

This show is about women in NASA, gay rights, racism and family drama. Ignoring the fact that this really isn't what we were promised, I've seen all these issues tackled much better in other shows. The actors are all doing a fine job and the show looks good from a technical standpoint but at the end of the day the show is just fairly boring.
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