
6 Reviews
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Bored at 1st viewing, became interested by the 3rd time.
15 August 2006
This one is really a brain teaser. Since I know Mr. Kubrick only made movies with a lot of depth to it, thus I know there must be a lot more to what was appeared to the surface. By my 3rd viewing, things start to click.

Hint 1:The title"Wide eyes shut" means we have been blind by our ego and we are not seeing the Big G at work. Hint 2: Tom Cruise always got saved from death at the last moment.

I still don't get the mask on the pillow scene that triggered Tom Cruses's enlightenment. If anyone know, please post the answer.

Like I said, this one is a great brain stimulator. If you like this type of movies, check out the last two movies by Kurosawa.
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Madadayo (1993)
This movie was the way which Mr.Kurosawa used to thank his supporters.
25 September 2005
I am a big fan of Mr.Kurosawa because his movie is really a brain teaser. I had only watched this movie one time and had to admit that I have not totally understand this movie yet. Since it took me more than ten years to enjoy his previous movie, Rhapsody in August(if interested, please read my review on this one); I am prepare to watch this movie again and again because I think that is what Mr. Kurosawa want. From the surface, I could tell that part of the movie was for him to thank his audiences for their support this year. They supported him even they don't understand him(student who could sleep with his eye open,)with his not so funny jokes, and his not so good movies due to lack of budget(horse and deer meat stow.). There are many scenes in the story that Kurosawa expresses his views and lessons of life (like the one he told to the kids who served the birthday cakes.). I am prepare to take my time to explore this movie in detail. As he metaphored at the end, perhaps life is a game of hide and seek which a boy always looking for a better spot to hide, neverless, he will be and want to be find. The question that I have was what is it one is trying to hide from in Mr. Kurosawa's point of view? Is it God or one's true self?
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Bore first, love it second time around.
5 September 2004
I got really bore at first time when I saw this movie in theatre in 1992. Since I know Kurosawa is a perfectionist and usually try to say something important in his movie, I am sure there are some hidden message in his story other than the obvious. After twenty years, I decided to rent the out the DVD to examine the movie in detail. I was not disappointed and the true theme revealed to me immediately and I love it even the 3rd and 4th time. It was not just about the H-bomb incidence. It was a way for Kurosawa to tell the how young Japanese generation abandoned their own tradition culture and it is the American, once the enemy of Japan, are reviving it for the country. His second major theme was about old people who seen to be weak, senile and out of time, but when circumstance arise, they could still release plenty of energy to protect their youngs like how he still could such powerful movie like Rhphsody in August. I believe Kurosawa did this movie strictly for his fans to enjoy because unless you understand his thought, this movie is extremely boring at the surface, look as if it is produced by an old man out of touch with his time.
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Dogville (2003)
God awesome brain teaser.
4 September 2004
Once you get over the strange and the slow pace in the first half, you could not stop watching it. Then probably watch again in detail to identify each of the characters. Holy God, it is one one of most original movie I have seen. I don't know if I should cry or to laugh because it refected so correctly about our society. If your mind like to be tease, go rent this movie. Don't brother if you are just looking for something light. The movie "anti" a lot of the stuff, but not anti-American at all. For those who already saw this movie; I am probably talking like Tom. The movie touched my heart and make me feel foolish. I am probably also like the blind guy in the story too. Highly recommanded if you like to see the reflection of the truth around us.
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Bore first time, love it second time.
3 September 2004
I am a great fan of Kurosawa and I was so shock how bore this film was when I first saw it in theatre back in the 90s. I know Kurosawa always hide some message in his late movies and, after twenty years, I decided to rent the DVD again to examine the movie in detail. As I got into the movie, I start to understand what Kurosawa want to say. This movie is about how the younger Japanese are abandon their own culture and at the same time,ironically, it is the American, the one who dropped the atomic bomb in Japan,are reviving the Japanese tradition culture(G.Lucus and S. Spielberg are the one who produced the movie Kagamusa). Also, it is about aging as Kurosawa is part of the aging generation. Old people are being seen by young people as weak, illusions, and hopeless out of time and a burden, but when crisis came,(the storm in the movie) old people would show a trendous strength to protect the young one as the old lady in the movie standing up to the storm; it reflected that even Kurosawa, an old man, still could produces such thoughtful movie. I believe Kurosawa made this movie only for those who understand him and ,to me, this is one of his best even thought I love samurai movies.
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The Core (2003)
A smart sci-fic movie.
6 April 2003
I totally enjoy this movie as it has a good reasonable explainations for every events, good actions and rhythem, and excellent sound effect. It is a definitly a movie to be seen on a big screen. I am not even a sci-fiction movie fan.
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