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The fifth season starts with a heartbreak..poor Julie!
7 November 2018
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As a french viewer and fan of Love Boat series ,i rewatched this episode in two parts yesterday evening and i found the beginning very exciting..Views of Australia are awesome and the animal reserve is wonderful.I finally said to myself "Wow Julie will be happy at last in this paradise"but .what a disappointment! The actress was gorgeous and at her best with her blonde wavy hair and shiny face and seemed to be at heaven but if everything seems to be perfect Isaac saw a problem with Julie's gift and moreover Tony needs to take pills because his brother told it so .We don't know why however and i started worrying at the very moment the watch rang thinkinig"that's strange.."and yes it was strange..a signal.. Julie who is in her fairy tale soon walks to the church with Captain Merril holding her arm and living the greatest day of her life.but a few minutes later before the priest ,Tony says NO..Julie 's dream breaks.We won't know anything before Julie and the crew are in the airplane returning to Los angeles..What a heartbreak for Julie .Tony's gonna die and cannot live with her ..He loves her but he can't..What does he suffer from?Nothing is mentioned about it.?Julie's devastated emotionally and she 'll have to live with this. .I felt very sad for Julie in this episode even if it is a show. Julie had guts but for nothing or quite nothing.3 weeks only.I wanted to cry with her..I know it's a role but i am very sentimental..a good episode though with fantastic views of Australia and good actors like Patrick Duffy, Katherine helmond...
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No Child of Mine (1997 TV Movie)
Unbearable fate for a poor girl and horrible adults!!
25 June 2018
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I watched this movie long ago in 1997 and it scared me to death when it was aired in my country,France..Why?Why do adults are able to harm such a young girl and to treat her like an object?Poor Kerry.I always felt bad for her since the beginning of the movie which quickly becomes horrific.Poor Kerry is beaten,raped by her mother and her stepdad who is deranged too.But if it was only that.No that's not the whole thing.Poor girl is also pimped by her father,yes PIMPED!!! He tells her to do the business ,the job and she will get money without caring for her and the consequences on Kerry's mind..She eventually leaves home but luckily she is found by her teacher ,a gentle male who cares about her and tries to help the best he can.But in the new institution or foster home Kerry is pimped by a guy and later raped by a social worker..yuck! It's hard to watch and stomach..too much is too much! Eventually Kerry asks to leave and goes in a safe home where she will be sheltered by a sweet and caring foster mom who will help her to talk..i could breathe at the end ,at the very end only when everything ceased,when the adults stopped to molest Kerry.But throughout the movie i kept wondering "When?When will this nightmare stop?"because it is difficult to see the end of that.Real kerry survived but probably with emotional scars and a lot of therapy.I would have killed myself.However i tend to think that the mother belonged to a paedophile circle regarding her attitude and her careless friends who seemed to be Ok with the inadequate games at the party.I 'm almost sure of that.The only flaw in this movie is maybe that every adult is shown as a potential molestor.EVERY isn't true in real life for most kids and fortunately! The actress playing Kerry is very good though and convincing,emotional and the teacher too but the mother seemed a bit of a caricature to me.At last this movie must be seen but not to everyone because it is very disturbing emotionally and morally.
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No Child of Mine (1997 TV Movie)
Awful movie based on a real story but somewhat excessive
25 June 2018
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I watched this movie long ago in France and rewatched it very recently and it moved me to tears and i wanted to cry and help Kerry to leave this hell.Poor Kerry is supposed to be 12 or 13 and is constantly abused by her mother,dad and stepdad Graham in the movie..That's awful..This movie is very emotional and has good points like the fight of Kerry to survive and her determination when she deserts home and calls the hotline for abused children.

But one thing seemed to me a bit dangerous or the movie almost EVERY ADULT OR MAN ESPECIALLY COMES TO RAPE KERRY ,the stepdad to begin then she is pimped by perverts and then a social worker abuses her ..That's enough!!! And that's a bit too much.I do want to believe that Kerry was raped repeatedly but not by every man she encountered..Except the black teacher who wants to help her EVERY MAN IS AN ABUSER HERE..It's a movie to distrust men and to hate them whereas in real life some men are nice and not able to harm children .It sometimes puzzled me and i wanted to shout "STOP STOP LEAVE THIS GIRL ALONE..She's not an object you're sick!!"I also tend to think that the real mother of Kerry belongs to a paedophile circle too and maybe her friends are part of this.

The end is horrible too with the noisy tears but fortunately i could breathe at this very moment and say"..Kerry's in good hands.She gonna live despite everything and start to tell her story and what has been done to her and slowly rebuild herself thanks to the sweet foster mom.But it's very tragical and oppressive .This movie is a must to understand the distress of abused children but it is hard to watch and to stomach..Precious is a bit similar but i find it hard to believe that many children go through this even if i hope that the real Kerry is ok now or feels better even if some scars will never disappear..
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A good seventies movie.The delusions of a Texas girl.
17 May 2018
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I remember quite well this movie and it aired in the mid eighties in France and i appreciated it a lot.I liked the seventies atmosphere and the state of mind which was careless and pleasant.Kim basinger who played Katie a beautiful young blonde left her village in Texas to go to Hollywood seek fame with the hope to be a model and an actress..But her dreams will be thwarted and things won't work out as she expected..She is a very naïve girl and will learn at her expense that modeling can be dirty as she poses for a playboy magazine and ends up in bed with a vile producer..Sick and tired she will leave Los angeles with many broken dreams to go back home in Texas..I won't tell the end but this movie is good even if there are a few lenghts and Katie's character is sometimes difficult and not smily..It is dated,40 years old but it was a movie to see at that time not to dream too much of quick money and fame.There is the appareance of Don johnson too who was very young and a few other actors in their youth..I recommend it to you though even if it is a bit old and especially for young adults..
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A beautiful romance and unforgettable saga even if it is a bit unrealistic
14 January 2018
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Ah the Thorn birds saga..i was 12 the year it aired on TV in 1984 in France for the first time because it had many reruns after.I love this saga and miniseries and loved Richard chamberlain the fine priest Ralph who took care of Meggie like a father when she was a child,a very lovely little girl but rejected by her mother and in need of love and affection because of Frank's departure and many deaths in her life..She was a child when she arrived at Drogheda first at Mary carson's property,a bitter and wicked old lady ,the sister of Paddy Cleary who wanted to leave in Australia to see his sister..And through the years Meggie grew up and she fell for Father ralph knowing he was a priest,this poor young red haired girl with grey eyes,in the book the character of Meggie is red and it's very different in the series but it is good though. She madly falls in love with Ralph who at the death of Mary carson will have to choose between Drogheda or the Vatican..and he will choose both of them.He is an ambitious man actually and won't break his vows not even for Meggie..We 'll see his torments and visits at Drogheda after the fire,the kiss the reject then later the coming at the Mueller's then Matlock island where he and Meggie will live three weeks of passionate love like wife and husband but not for long..the birth of Dane who is the son of Ralph,the lies,the fact this saga is the story of different feelings,love ,hatred,jealousy,betrayal and the forgiveness at the end.It is also the story of a love that is IMPOSSIBLE UNATTAINABLE because Ralph is a priest and the internal conflicts in a family which are better described however in the Novel ,the family secrets especially like Fee's secrets which will have a big influence on Meggie's life..As a 46 year old woman now i still love this miniseries but i would kick Ralph if i were Meggie more than once.He is so ambitious and so self centered and full of ambiguity..How can Meggie love a man like him? Ralph isn't the nice man after all when Meggie grows up and more in the book ,he is detestable sometimes and selfish.I feel sad for Meggie now as a woman because i think that if she loved Ralph he didn't love her the same way. SHE SACRIFIED HER LIFE FOR HIM. She didn' love Luke but could have loved another man than Ralph and luke..well ,i won't change the story but Ralph is the man to avoid.He only gave Meggie 3 WEEKS OF HAPPINESS ON AN ISLAND AND A SON but when she said proudly"I have beaten God.I have a part of Ralph that the church will never have"she lost! Moreover a priest that runs after a woman like Meggie on an island is a bit unrealistic..The series is nice but it is just a romance! As a teen it made me dream but not now..
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A pretty good thriller.I saw better but worse and Lauren nailed it!
10 November 2017
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Lauren Tewes who accustomed me to the role of Cruise director in the love boat series is quite good and surprising in this thriller "The eyes of a stranger".What a complete change! In love boat she is funny but light and a bit goody goody ,the innocent Julie mc coy who always smiles and waits for the charming prince. Here she isn't sentimental at all and that's a very good surprise! She is a news reporter who inquires about crimes and rapes and at the beginning we can sense that she is very focused and doesn't have time to have fun because of a serial killer who slaughters women and who lives opposite her flat. Moreover Jane feels very concerned and responsible of her sister who was raped and attacked when she was a little girl,which appears in a flashback when Jane is into her car looking at a yellow school coach and as a result the poor sister became blind and deaf because of the shock and unable to see and hear.She is traumatized because of this sordid event and wants to protect her sister played by Jennifer Jason Leigh who was very convincing in the role.It is a very sad condition for her and she cannot think about her future from a positive point of view.She will have to tutor her sister definitely. The killer appears very quickly in the story when Jane is in her car in a parking lot and she hides ,terrified to the idea of being discovered but i must admit that i found her a bit foolish and not wise enough when she decided to call the killer to tell him she knew who he was.She took a big risk and fortunately everything ends well for her and young sister blind who shots the scary guy but was it necessary to show her boobs and focus about them? I was quite puzzled near the end when Helen looks at herself in the bathroom mirror,which means she gained her sight again. This is a movie to be seen at least once but not so horrific as i expected it could be.It is sometimes gore especially at the beginning but there is not much violence in it. It is sometimes oppressive and the atmosphere is heavy and tense ..I liked this movie especially for the performance of Lauren tewes who plays a completely different role of the cruise director and shows more emotions and humanity .She could have played into another movies and wasn't given other opportunities that's a pity because she deserved better than Love boat.
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Little House on the Prairie: Whisper Country (1978)
Season 4, Episode 15
A very scary episode
9 September 2017
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At the beginning of the episode Mary is offered a position as a teacher in a little community and she is joyful with the idea of teaching but when Rev Alden drives her to the village she is bewildered by the children who all seem to be frightened and cannot speak.She soon discovers that the chief of the community Miss Peel is the reason of their terror but she hasn't seen everything yet.When she comes home with Katie an adorable brunette she will realize that Katie's father is very antipathetic and criticizes her on her new dress considered not proper for dinner and her conversations that he will blame. Mary who is smiling and warm cannot understand this hostility and very soon all the village will see her as a witch while Miss Peel's adversity reach the highest degree...This episode really disturbed me the first time it was aired and i felt so bad for Poor Mary who is considered as a devil knowing she is bright and sunny and brings the light everywhere she goes.Miss Peel or Anita dangler is really frightening and she is almost practicing witchcraft as she curses Mary and thinks she is responsible of all the trouble.Fortunately the end is a deliverance as we understand why miss Peel is so full of hatred towards teachers and i almost felt pity for her.Mary or Melissa Sue anderson gave a very great performance here,persevering in a school despite the adversity and keeping calm ,trying to arrange things..She is the example of braveness in this community which evokes me a little the Amish community cut off from the outside world and progress and intolerant to new ideas.
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Dark Victory (1976 TV Movie)
Better than the 1939 version and underrated
31 May 2017
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As a French admirer of Elizabeth Montgomery who played in "Bewitched"i watched this TV movie incidentally on YouTube searching for videos of Bewitched and i already watched this TV movie years ago in my early twenties..The movie got me emotionally and it is a good surprise,a convincing story..Liz or Katie in the role is overburdened by her job and she is constantly stressed ,we can see at the beginning of the movie that she is smoking a cigarette nervously,waiting for the Limousine car who will drive her to the studio where she is a producer of a TV program and everything seems OK when she arrives at her office except that she is very quickly stricken by a headache. Her vision is blurred and she sees like in a fog for a moment..Her best friend of the office Dolores who worries about her soon introduces her to Mickael Grant a famous doctor at a party but Katie takes it very badly despite her attraction for this man when she finds out that Mickael grant was invited by her friend to determine her illness and as a result she falls into the stairs. Soon after she is forced to admit that her health is quite bad after a consultation at Dr Grant's who discovers that Katie has a malign brain tumor. He is left embarrassed not knowing if he must tell her the truth about her tumor or hide her the reality also because he fell in love with her patient.What does he have to do? Facing a terrible dilemma Mickael grant chooses to say nothing and give comfort and love to Katie who despite this heavy secret understands one day the horrible news.She is surprised,shocked and so angry that she dumps Mickael one late afternoon . Poor Mickael is desperate and thinks he has ruined the life of her patient and beloved..fortunately Katie makes her decision and gives him a chance for love and happiness.

Actually everything happens by stages in this story,Katie's attraction for Mickael,the operation and time at hospital,the hopes of a new life less dedicated to work and concentrated on Love and simple things like flowers,dinners ,the discovery of the truth soon after ,the fear,angerness and the desire to die and at last the choice to live and love Mickael fully and intensely whatever will happen given that time is money and every day is counted . I cried when i watched again this movie because the story is very sad but the performances are very good and the chemistry between Elizabeth Montgomery and Anthony Perkins is nice.We all guess what will become of this love since the beginning but that's not tragic and this film has a strong message. LIVE AND LIVE FULLY AS IF EACH DAY WAS THE LAST ONE ,don't waste any single minute of your life and show your love intensely because nothing is guaranteed and everything you have,job ,house and friends can disappear tomorrow. Liz Montgomery obviously wore a wig for the role of a woman operated from a cancer but i think it suited her and made her a totally new woman after the operation because an illness changes your mind and vision of life DEFINITELY.Elizabeth plays this woman both happy and tormented in a very realistic way and Anthony Hopkins is a sweetie but he is fair. He doesn't want to lose a single minute and love Katie intensely despite his sadness that explodes after a long retention.But as Katie tells him near the end : "Darling we fought together you and I till now,TILL NOW and we know what many people will never know in their lifetime."Because what does be alive mean? Does it simply means get up in the morning,go to work and have a daily routine or enjoy every day and every hour with the people we love and the things we cherish? This film gives the answer. I cried with Katie but she's right "No we're not tragic.We're not tragic!"Bravo Elizabeth Montgomery for this stunning performance.
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Little House on the Prairie: Doctor's Lady (1975)
Season 1, Episode 17
The failed marriage
18 February 2017
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Oh god i love this episode so much..This is one of my favorite episodes of the whole series and season 1.Kate thorvald played by Ann archer who is very beautiful arrives at Walnut grove to spend her holiday at her aunt's Harriet oleson but she has an accident at the beginning..It could have been a disaster but actually Kate only has a hurt ankle which is not too damaged but Charles takes her into his arms and walks to Doc baker's office. When Kate sees Dr Baker examining her that's love at first sight! She is mesmerized and cannot stop looking at him.He doesn't know that yet but he is troubled too and very soon Kate pretends that her horse threw her on the floor and gets dirty especially when she realizes that Dr baker is invited at the Ingall's home.She also gets invited and spends a lovely evening and asks Dr Baker for a ride the next day when he drives her home at the Oleson's..In fact Kate is supposed to be in her early twenties and she is daring ,not afraid of showing Doc her interest and love..They soon fall in love with each other and Dr feels alive again despite the critics of his friends whom Mr Hanson and especially Harriet. He creates a ring for lovely Kate out of a chain that belonged to his father which is a proof of his love and eventually surprises everybody when announcing that Kate and him are engaged.Unfortunately this feeling of happiness will be short because he feels too old for Kate and realizes that she could be his daughter.The ending is awfully sad for both of them,heartbreaking and i cry every time..i must admit however that age shouldn't matter when you love someone,truly love him and you should listen to your heart.I'm not sure that Dr Baker or Hiram listened to his heart but he was influenced by his friends and own fears..Kate is 20 all right, she is young but I don't consider that Dr baker is that old. He is maybe 25 years older than her and in the late 1800's it wasn't rare that a man the age of Dr Baker marries a girl like Kate and sometimes younger. Kate knows what she wants,she can make her own decisions even if she's from the City and this marriage should have been celebrated..You only live once damn! Dr Baker is so grieved at the end that i always wanted to say to him"Well..Why do you punish yourself and let a very cute lady that loves you leave? You don't fall in love each week and when you are happy with someone you don't have to let this chance go by. Too sad! I would have married Dr Baker ,it was my dream as a young teenager when i watched the series lol and He should have married Kate.
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A good film but too hollywoodian
11 December 2016
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I watched again the Diary of Anne frank with Millie perkins recently,and i watched this film once when i was a teen and found it good but many years later i don't have the same feeling.The general cast is brilliant and the beginning of the movie is gripping when Otto frank is given his daughter's diary and discovers that time has flown since the first day in the Annex. However there are many inaccuracies. The van Daans for instance never arrived the same day than the Frank and entered the hiding a week after.Plus Anne received her diary the day of her birthday and not in July and Anne is a bit old or Millie perkins who looked like a model whereas real Anne was pretty but she wasn't what we could call a beauty.She was thin even skinny and not obsessed by her appearance like Millie perkins seems to be in the film.Margot is rather well portrayed on the contrary and is quiet and so does Otto but Peter isn't the same than in the diary ,he is a good confident and listener but he never flirted with Anne like we can see but the most disappointing characters are the Van daans.They are total caricature.Despite these flaws this film is quite enjoyable and sometimes disturbing with the scene of the thief and the bombs..The arrest as for it never happened like in the film.The helpers or Miep and Bep and Kruler were in the office on the 4th August and they were forced to speak and tell the Nazi where the refugees were and there were no insistent calls and Anne stopped writing in her diary on the 1 th of August because the arrest was completely unexpected.So the ending in the annex is sugar coated and hollywoodian.This is a beautiful love scene but it isn't real. I give 6 out of 10 to this film.It could have been better ,less romanticized but more detailed.
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A good film but an oppressive experience
8 December 2016
I watched this story years ago and discovered the youth of Janet Frame and i was glad at the beginning. The beginning where we can see Janet as a little girl is full of life and animated.The little red-haired actress is funny with her hair and malice even if she has bad times at school especially with her teacher who punishes her for stealing money..We can see that Janet is oppressed and has no friends..So sad but she keeps her good mood and discovers books and literature and soon develops a passion for books and poems..then she is an adolescent and loves writing poems and studying but her life is marred by two tragedies ,the death of two of her siblings in a horrible way.She begins to change and feel depressed with maybe a feeling of guilt..Then in the next part Janet grew up and is a young adult portrayed by Kerry fox but things are getting complicated.Janet must work and begins to teach but she is awfully shy ,in a sick way and she has outbursts of anguish.Unfortunately she will be admitted in a psychiatrist ward and stay there for 8 years totally cut off from the outside world and considered like an abnormal person but she will continue to write which will save her. After this time i got bored of this film because it was too long and the character of Janet is quite lonely which made me think of a pathological woman ,unable to communicate and almost autistic. I think that this movie is sincerely too long and 30 minutes less would have been enough with a good end because the end is difficult to understand.It isn't a family movie neither like an entertainment but a study of character ,a psychological movie with oppressive moments.
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A very good episode and a romantic one!
16 September 2016
I watched this episode in my early teens for the first time it was aired in France on my TV box and it deeply touched me with a young Julie Mac Coy having a crush for a widowed man boarding on the Pacific princess with his two daughters, 2 adolescents having an argument that Julie will quickly notice and settle. Lovely Julie and this nice widower called Jack will fall in love at first sight actually .Once the widower sees Julie he immediately finds her terrific and she will be delighted and a bit dreaming. The two girls will do everything for them to get closer but there are also two identical twins on the boat for a marriage ,two beautiful blonde ladies who don't lack imagination and a couple of ventriloquists on cruise to entertain the passengers.. I liked this episode a lot and actually it is one of my best episodes,my top 10 list. Each time i watch it i cannot get tired of the actors and the story-line.Jack isn't a playboy but he is very nice despite his low self esteem and he especially is very in love with beautiful Julie Mac coy..will they end together? Will Julie leave the Pacific Princess to get married? I won't tell the end here and if you want to know what will happen you need to watch the beginning of the third season where Julie has her answer..
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Shattered Innocence (1988 TV Movie)
A completely shattered young model
2 February 2016
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I vaguely remember of this TV movie i watched long ago in France because i am french and found it on the net in American..poor Pauleen! She is 17 years old at the beginning and fresh and naïve as a cheerleader with a boyfriend and many dreams of fame.But unfortunately she soon leaves her parents and school for Los Angeles where she wants to find a job and be a model.But Pauleen is so young that she is ready to accept everything without compromise .Shy and reserved at first she becomes a trash model and breaks with her family.The nightmare will begin with completely nude pictures and soon cocaine addiction and porn films to pay her coke.Pauleen who dreamt of a glamorous image will only have a porn actress image for a time. All in all this movie is well made because it shows the family background of Pauleen and the psychological tensions and the reason why she leaves her family whereas she is young and beautiful and innocent and the slow but sad destitution of her image and life.It ends with a shooting and we learn that Pauleen killed herself with a long trifle.

A movie which is absolutely necessary to watch to avoid the illusions of fame and not get trapped by money and fame. The real character,Shaundra Grant was a lovely young girl who could have lived a better life but had a very low self -esteem and couldn't say no. It must serve as an example for young girls whose ambition is to be a model.
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The Twilight Zone: Little Girl Lost (1962)
Season 3, Episode 26
A scary episode that i don't recommend to oversensitive people
16 December 2015
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The first time i watched this episode "The little girl lost"i was a teenager and very sensitive and it scared the hell out of me.I was so frightened by the screams of this little girl and the optical effects that it impressed me for long. The story is about a parallel world but it sounds fake especially when the man makes crosses with a chalk on the wall that has a hole..he could have gone through the wall too but he couldn't't..strange and a bit unrealistic. The end is happy for the mother and her daughter who is found and still alive but there is no explanation of this disappearance and we don't know if the family will stay in the same house or move into another.A creepy episode not bad at the beginning but which stretches and is too long and it contains too many screams..this is not the best episode and from very far.Overrated for me.
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Breezy (1973)
A boring and overrated movie.
5 December 2015
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I watched recently this movie on the net because i saw it was a movie from Clint Eastwood so it gave me the envy to watch it.At the beginning you can see a pretty young girl called "Breezy "which means careless and free like the wind and she hitchhikes and has a ride with a perverted man only interested by sex..she fortunately escapes and runs and eventually gets into the car of a middle aged man,William holden who is 30 years her senior and reluctantly consents to take her for a ride which will be very long..Actually everything in the movie is made to make us believe in a love story but it isn't.This story has nothing of a love story.It is the lust and sexual attraction of a 50 years old man for a teenager who could be his daughter because they are completely opposite. Mr holden is tired but he is mature and caretaker whereas Breezy is young and very demanding and sometimes irritating. I cannot believe in this love between two people that everything separate,their age,their background and education.Breezy is the symbol of the lost and stoned young girl product of the hippie years who needs sex and new experiments but the script is non consistent and the music is typically 70's as well.I disliked this movie as you can see because it is a lust movie and i 'm not certain that this love will last.Clint Eastwood started as a producer back then but he made better movies since.
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The Twilight Zone: The Dummy (1962)
Season 3, Episode 33
Who's who?
15 November 2015
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I watched this episode a number of times that i cannot count but it fascinates me each time.Jerry a fine ventriloquist is sure that his dummy Willie talks to him and persecute him.His agent cannot believe such a story and thinks that Jerry should admit that he is suffering from Schyzophrenia but Jerry doesn't see things this way and continues his show. Later that night however he will hear a weird and frightening voice that makes him crazy..The dummy in the episode really seems to be alive and is threatening till the surprising end. Who' s who? I had no answer at the end of the episode but i have a little idea..a very good episode that remains among the best.I recommend it.
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Chilling even years after i watched this movie.
28 October 2015
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Ted Bundy oh my god ! This man was so mentally twisted and i read about him a few months ago because i live in France and rewatched the movie in original version on a site.This movie is good and Mark harmon did a convincing job! However it is difficult to compare him to the real murderer Ted bundy.Unlike the media,i think that the real Ted was very common and not handsome as Mark harmon and i found hard to believe that this man could seduce so many young ladies.If Mark harmon is irresistible except when he has a nasty look on girls ,which is creepy the real Ted wasn't attractive and he had a angry face and small eyes .Anyway Mark harmon in the role is scary because he seems to be constantly looking for new preys when he is away from his girlfriend Carole and the music is also chilling anytime a girl hitchhikes or that Ted follows a young girl at night.There is no blood or rape scene but it isn't necessary with the musical background and the steps that gave me thrills of horror.There is only one violent scene at a Campus near the end where two girls are battered savagely and hit with a log of wood and where the atrocious brutality of Ted is unveiled to show us the extent of his madness and the imperious necessity to arrest him and sentence him to death.The cops did a great job too and investigated for a long time.The flaws of this movie could be however in the fact that Ted once speaks with a charming lady who asks him if he is an actor which never happened in reality because Ted wasn't talkative and except two cases ,he never had conversations with his victims.He killed at night most of the time and his poor victims couldn't see his face because it was dark and he strangled them immediately after hitting them. So there are inaccuracies in this TV movie even if the script is good.I noted 8 out of 10.
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Fighting for My Daughter (1995 TV Movie)
I enjoyed this movie quite realistic..
22 June 2015
i live in France and watched this TV movie in french and i enjoyed it..Jessie is very naïve but credible and i find the other comments very critical towards her performance.She is pretty,has everything for her but doesn't have good grades and success in modelling and she lost her father who is absent so she needs love and affection and will fall in love with a wannabe pimp Erik who is weird since the beginning. The mother or Lindsay wagner who was too permissive is just perfect with her daughter and just knows the temper of the boy.And Piper laurie is excellent.Actually the mother always had a hard relationship with her own strict mother and joined a bad band when she was a teen and Jessie just repeats the same pattern.It is interesting to see how things can repeat.And the other pimp russel is disgusting and revolting using Jessie just to have sex and telling her she is not sexy and too thin..A sad story but with a good end.Thanks! I would have liked to know the real name of Jessie in the credit and i regret it is not mentioned.
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Sin of Innocence (1986 TV Movie)
A very good movie ab out a love story
9 June 2015
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I am french and i watched this TV movie in France in the nineties and never really forgot it..I watched it again recently on the net with the same pleasure even if i grew up . All the members of this movie are good and the story is unusual but not incestuous at all. Two teenagers Tim a cool guy and Jenny a smart and cute girl become slowly attracted to each other after a difficult beginning because their parents decided to marry and live together.They are supposed to be siblings but they are not actually.Their love is very strong and sincere and i cannot see the sin in their attitude except the fact that they fell in love and live in the same house..but why would they be punished for that? They are not kids. I felt very sad at the end because we don't know what will happen even if i guess that nothing is impossible and that Tim will see Jenny again a year or 2 later.Why would their feelings change? Anyway this movie is enjoyable and we can see that Jenny and especially Tim hide his passion and desires for Jenny since the beginning..
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Amy Fisher: My Story (1992 TV Movie)
a total lie and only Amy fisher's version of the facts..there is no victim except Mary jo.
7 May 2015
Warning: Spoilers
I discovered this TV movie with Noelle parker in France recently on the net and i watched it because i am curious and i was thrilled by Drew barrymore and Alyssa milano' s versions but i quickly was disappointed.As i watched the movie i found it boring,with a lot of scenes with Joey buttafuoco in a motel and a Amy fisher recording herself on a tape to tell her story.But can we say that her version is credible? How can we be certain that the version of a 17 year old troubled teenager is the truth not knowing Buttafuoco 's version of the story..We only had her version of the facts in this movie and Amy seemed to be confused and a liar..okay she was 16 years old when she met Buttafuoco,okay this guy was married and she found him attractive but didn't she crash her car again and again with the only excuse to see him? Didn't she know he was married? And after a while she says that he took advantage of her..sorry but i didn't buy her version.Amy was old enough to know that Joey was married and she clearly insisted and she pretends that he forced her to be a hooker.Come on amy! This makes no sense. This guy wasn' t perfect that's obvious but Amy F wasn't a victim and the story would portray her as the only VICTIM.I don't believe that there was a victim AMy and a bastard ,joey.I am sure that reality is more complicated than this cheap movie and that real Amy wasn't a good girl that stayed at home after school and studied until dinner.She was troubled and had mental obsessions and she knew what she was doing when she shot on Mary Jo..So i noted this movie 3 .
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Babycakes (1989 TV Movie)
a nice love story but EASY..Love doesn' t come so easily..
22 November 2014
Warning: Spoilers
I watched again this movie recently.The story is commonplace.A girl whose name is Grace but who works as a make up assistant in a mortuary is overweight and sees one day a boy she finds handsome.That is love at first sight! She is immediately in love but she doesn't know that the boy ,Rob who is a subway conductor is not free.He lives with a pushy girl,olivia but he is Grace imagines she will catch Rob like she wants..she is determined to change her life and takes her vacation to spy Rob..Actually she stalks him and one day she invites him at a cafeteria..the young handsome man is so nice that he cannot refuse.How could he refuse a banana split covered with hot chocolate and he takes advantage of the situation in my opinion because he likes Grace but she takes care of him too..She does so much for him..But that is the problem..Grace does everything for Rob and she is always TOO MUCH.She eats too much,she likes chocolate too much,she cooks all the time.And she is fat!! This isn't a good teaching for overweight girls who suffer because of their body image..actually we can see Grace eat,very often..too often! And Rob falls quickly in love with her but once his fiancée is back,will he defend Grace?no .He will run away leaving Grace beaten by his fiancée.i cannot swallow the end..Rob tells Grace that he LOves her and to live with him in the if nothing had happened.Sure he likes her but is a bit easy..In reality everything is EASY in this movie..The attitude of Rob,the stalking,the dinners at candlelight,the easy that nobody can believe it can be true especially in real life.Fat girls don't catch boys so easily..and not thin's romance! A pleasant movie to watch when there is nothing else on TV or to dream a while..
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Un film poignant a voir absolument!Un homme méprisé injustement
30 October 2011
J'ai vu ce film trois ou quatre fois et a chaque fois que j'entends la musique du début,tout mon être frissonne.Cette musique nous donne un avant goût du film,ou plutôt du spectacle ignoble que fait Mr Bytes,l'homme qui exploite l'homme dit "homme éléphant" a cause de ses difformités terribles et cruelles;Cet homme a un nom,John merrick et i'l n'aura connu que le mépris,les exhibitions de foire et les coups,on l'humilie.ON le méprise,le traitant plus mal que les chiens.Heureusement le chirurgien Treves va l'analyser,et le garder a l'hôpital et découvrir non pas un "idiot congénital"ou un "monstre"comme il l'appréhendait mais un HOMME DOUE D UNE SENSIBILITE PROFONDE D UNE INTELLIGENCE NOBLE ET D UN RAFFFINEMENT DE LESPRIT.pour preuve,il bâtira une cathédrale celle d'en face l'hôpital mais a cause d'ignobles gens sera conduit de nouveau a être humilié comme un animal avant de retourner chez le médecin Treves grâce aux gendarmes.Ce film me fait pleurer a chaque fois et me montre a quel point l'homme peut être monstrueux de bêtise.Ceci dit la cause de sa maladie est une légende,et sa maladie n'a peu de chances d'être liée a l'accident subi par sa mère,voir pas du tout,mais a la neurofibromatose ou maladie de PROTEE.En tout cas un film a voir absolument pour comprendre que les monstres ne sont pas ceux q'uon croit et que sous les carapaces laides ou pas très jolies,pas gâtées par la nature il se cache DES PERLES DES TRESORS DE PURETE.
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a disgrace to the real "thorn birds",very disappointing
27 July 2010
I watched this movie a few weeks ago on TV and i was very,very disappointed.I only watched the beginning but it is a pure fiction compared to the original miniseries.When Ralph tells Justine he saw her when she was a baby,it is true because in Colleen MC cullough's novel,she writes it,and Ralph came at the Mueller's home when Meggie was on vacation for a rest on mat lock island.And jussy peed on him!and he was wet.But it is a detail.In the novel,Ralph sees his son for the first time,as a kid,while he must be 10 or 12 and not 19.But i was shocked because Luke never reappeared in Meggie's life and never kidnapped his son.This is utterly invented.And Fee is too talkative also in this movie.She talks all the time while in the miniseries and the novel,she is described as a silent and bitter woman.In fact this movie betrays the original miniseries and the novel of Colleen MC cullough.I wonder why Richard chamberlain needed to accept this following of the miniseries.This is stupid!!
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