
54 Reviews
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Kardec (2019)
Beautiful Movie
1 May 2024
Nice Brazilian Movie, great production value, great sets and decorations. Brough me a ton of useful informations about Mr Rivail's personal biography and contributions to pivotal existencial questions we all have for shure, or at least should have. For those who are transcedentalists, this movie will greatly reinforce their beliefs. For those who are not, it will rise many urgent and necessary questions, of whitch none of us can escape. An honest, must see movies, even for haters. Don't let any prejudice keep you apart from this movie. It ideals with an unseen part of the nature that, even though we can't see, touch or fell it, is there.
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Clever Adaptation from Lord of The Flies
5 March 2023
Clever and inventive script, a clear adaptation from the classic book "Lord of the flies", with, of course, a post modern touch, exploiring many particularities and social commentaries of our sad sad days, such as gender wars, social media cult, existencial emptiness, political and ideological struggle, etc. Great references, great themes, great cast, great locations. The film has also a great pace, very well edited, and never got me tired, even though it lasts more than two hours. On the contrary, at the end of it, I wish it had more film to go, given that it ends at the peak of it's action. It's Worth a view for shure.
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Georgetown (2019)
Don't go with the bad reviews
20 August 2022
This is in fact a great movie ! The story captures you since take 1. The actings are all impressive, the direction, editing and pace are also correct and efficient. I would firmly recomend this film, for the good tasted viewer.
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The Lodge (2019)
Boring but still disturbing
14 May 2022
The movie, although boring and ultra slow, is in fact disturbing. At the end I was expecting the cast to die of boredom ... seriously, I ask myself what kind of mind would spend energy to create such a sick and horrible tale.
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Windfall (2022)
Total Disaster
8 April 2022
Warning: Spoilers
At the first two times i tried to watch this movie i felt asleep. Finally i resisted and took it till the end, only to find out that i should never ever have tried to watch this bomb at the first place.

What's it's point ? Class Struggle ? Woman empowerment ? Torture and kill the rich white guy only because he is bigheaded ?

In fact, the worst pretentious thing in this movie is the movie itself.
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IMDB should allow ZERO rates
22 January 2022
What a great piece of cinematic garbage. Poor history, badly executed, lacks of suspense and good action. Protagonists don't generate empathy. Soooo painfully slow and boring. A bad B movie at best. The only feeling this movie creates is angry. I want to forget this disaster the sooner I can.
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If Tarantino could do a movie like this I'd respect him
29 December 2021
Instead of watching Tarantino's "copy and paste" frenzies desguised as "original features", go for this movie here, that lies at the same territory of ultra violence + absurdity + fatalism, but is - au contraire - the result of an original and complex story, editing and cinematography. A real author movie, instead of Tarantino's "homages". Hazard to this.
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Don't Look Up (2021)
Great portrait of our sad era
26 December 2021
A good, deeply acid and sarcastic review of a shallow and social media-oriented global society. A world where nothing seems to be real if not mediatised and/or media-approved. One of tge 2021 finests.
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Mr. Destiny (1990)
"Bruce Almight" 10+ years before it
11 December 2021
Warning: Spoilers
Before "Bruce Almight" there was Mr Destiny, a moral tale with clear inspiration taken from the Dickens classic story. Probably it is much more enjoyable to be seen today (2021) than it was in 1990, as we can enjoy a young cast of Belushi, Michael Cane, Jon Lovitz and Courtney Cox. Of course, the prize goes to an already cougar - but sogourgeous - Rene Russo. Hard to forget the scene of her standing in her underwears and mask before belushi.
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Ice, ice, baby
11 December 2021
Great cinematography, great actings, superb locations, good chemistry beetween actors, Kate on the top of her beauty + a dog ! What else do you need b***h ??? So, don't go with the bad reviews. This is a great survival tale that works very well for a lazy afternoon.
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Inside (I) (2016)
Works as an accidental comedy
20 November 2021
Warning: Spoilers
Of course you don't have too much to expect from such kind of movie. But, the pregnant chick had 3 chances to finish the agressor but still did not. Major plot hole. C'mon guys, don't waste my time. I'm a busy man here 😏
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Red Notice (2021)
Finally !
12 November 2021
Great movie ! Pure fun, not too much to figure out in the plot, just straight and thrilling action. Charismathic actors, superb locations worldwide, crazy pace. What else should an escapist flick have ? Go for it. Finally a real Netflix hit.
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Locusts: The 8th Plague (2005 TV Movie)
Bad enough to be good !
7 October 2021
This self conscious B movie is pure fun. Being a homage to the 50's bad sci-fi ficks, all in it works bad storyline, bad actings, awful effects, creatures going wild, loads of in your face flesh. Not to be taken seriously. Good enough for a 90 minutes stand.
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A Vigilante (2018)
Nihilistic and boring melodrama
28 September 2021
An ugly, sad, angry, bitter and pointless tale of revenge and death. Except for the nice actings, there's nothing good in this movie's message. It's just an eye for an eye. Violence for violence. Murder for murder. A big downer for sure.
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The Hunt (II) (2020)
Acid and accurate portrait of our sad actual time
25 September 2021
This clever comedy brings to therms our sad moment of global cultural wars. Leftists x conservatives occupying the global arena, bashing each other with its own rethoric. The Hunt shows us how surreal levels radicalisms can reach , and give liberals a little bit of sarcasm, so they can self analyse their images reflected on the cinematic mirror.
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Actually not bad
24 September 2021
I confess that this little movie, even though not brilliant, is quite entertaining. The plot twist was good/surprising enough to amaze me, and the dark atmosphere of the plot very well constructed. Good for a netflix release.
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The Discovery (I) (2017)
Dead in operating room
17 September 2021
Good idea, interesting premisse, great cast, superb actings. Great locations. So why this movie did not make it ? Maybe in the next life ...
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In Time (2011)
Leftist Propaganda
4 September 2021
Even though this is a big piece of leftist propaganda, if we put the ideology apart, as a movie at least it works pretty well. Anachronic modernity, good pace, good acts.
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Aftermath (IV) (2021)
Good enough for an insomniac night
17 August 2021
In these days where 90% of the audio visual content is hollow, this movie is a decent piece of thriller. Made as an accumulation of terror clichés, it can be understood as a funnier version of "Parasite", minus the political rubish. To give a try.
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Beckett (2021)
I kept watching it only to see the locations
14 August 2021
In the first 5 minutes I already noticed that this movie was a bomb, but the locations were so nice that i kept going on. That said, the film is really bad. Bad storyline, bad actings, but mostly an awful editing that made the final result super slow paced, long as hell and super boring.
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Wonder Wheel (2017)
Allen at his best !
14 July 2021
Another masterpiece from the greatest american movie author alive. Superb melodrama, dressed in a great cenography and exquisit art direction. A must for sure.
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Robin Hood (2018)
Post Modern Garbage. Kitsch and hollow.
4 July 2021
This post modern relecture of a classic story turns out to be a disaster. The killing of the classic characters is the smallest problem in this parade of erros. Trying hard to be "cool", "modern", this piece of bad cinema achieved, at best, to be kitsch - in the sense of incoherent accumulation of styles and ideas - and laughable - in a bad way . Worst hood ever, since the dawn of cinema.
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Long dong boring
26 June 2021
Not a bad storyline but the result as a film is too long and slow. After the action is set, things just won't change during the next 50 minutes. So, just watch it if you have all this time to waste. Maybe this could be a 6 rate movie with 45 minutes less.
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Cruella (2021)
Post Modern Oedipus Rex + Punk impact
30 May 2021
Very well made movie, great narrative, actings, cinematography. Great camera moves and flawless art direction. In therms of themes, it's a post modern oedipus rex re lecture (mother/father/daughter conflict of life and death) with a smart subplot of how punk impacted the british old values system, and even the world cultural landscape as a whole.
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Miami Vice (2006)
Not even an action movie
22 May 2021
Slow paced, confusing and boring movie that is a complete waste of time. The plot, although extremely simple, becames as a film a long and excrutiating odissey of boredom. The cinematography, in search of looking trendy and "natural", cinéma vérité stylish, makes things even worse, for it turns the sequences almost nauseating.
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