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Solid Movie About Movies
14 April 2022
I like Nic Cage and have never had problems with him doing so many VOD movies; if he loves acting and has bills to pay like the rest of us, more power to him! This pokes fun at his career but also praises it, and while the flow is a bit inconsistent it's a pretty fun ride.
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The Beatles: Get Back: Part 1: Days 1-7 (2021)
Season 1, Episode 1
Maybe Too Much of a Good Thing, but That's Not Bad
25 November 2021
I've seen (and liked) the original 1970 "Let It Be" film, and this 2021 updated take (in a way, a Snyder Cut in its own right) is a bit chaotic but still a fun look at how the greatest band of all-time. However, a lot of it is simply sitting around and riffing.

Knowing how history plays out, Episodes 2 and 3 (with the rooftop concert) will likely liven up. E1 (Days 1-7) acts as a microcosm of the first week of the sessions themselves: things are taking form, but it's still a bit messy.
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Good Girls: Nevada (2021)
Season 4, Episode 16
Good Ep, (Obviously) Weak Finale
24 July 2021
Would've been a nice season finale as it hints at a change of pace and some actual stakes moving forward. Since we'll (likely) never get answers to several huge questions, can't help but feel a bit letdown (through no fault of the show itself). A decent and very watchable series...
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Bosch: Por Sonia (2021)
Season 7, Episode 8
A good episode, just weak finale
7 July 2021
This was yet another great season of Bosch, and while this episode offered some drama and fun set pieces, it never felt like a season finale, much less a series one. It was mostly used as set up to get all the characters in their starting positions for the spin-off, which basically looks like it'll essentially be season 8 of the show. Not disappointed, just wish we got more...
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Entertaining Enough
10 December 2020
It's very clearly trying to copy Ad Astra, Gravity, Interstellar, and The Martian (among others), but it's one of Clooney's more touching films. It's messy and predictable, but worth the two-hour watch from your couch.
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Mank (2020)
It's No Masterpiece, but It's Good Cinema
2 December 2020
From the acting to the production design to even Fincher's direction, most everything about this movie is simply, good. The score and script (both of which are sharp and of the time period) are the true standouts. Could this have been an all-timer given all its parts? Sure. But in a time where we haven't had movie theaters or "important" movies in months, it's a more than welcome addition to Fincher's filmography.
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Good-Not-Great Sorkin
29 September 2020
It's scary (and almost funny) how many patella there are between the 1960s depicted in this film and our modern political/social climate, and Sorkin captures the era well. The film is frustrating much like the trial itself, but we really only learn about Abdul-Mateen and Gordon-Levitt as characters. Cohen is great, too. Wish I got more out of this, but it's a quality watch in a meh year.
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Insecure: Lowkey Lost (2020)
Season 4, Episode 10
Sue me; I laughed
8 July 2020
Maybe not the best season finale (it feels like any other episode), but this had multiple laugh-out-loud moments (give Kelly her own spin-off already). One of the funnier episodes in a while, even if the stakes are low.
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Followed (II) (2018)
Nothing happens for 93 minutes then the credits roll
21 June 2020
I'm not *angry* at this film, it's not that type of bad movie, but it's one of those that just seems aimless. The mythos and lore of the haunted hotel are never fleshed out, and so many demons, ghosts, and whatevers are introduced that you just lose track of who is who and what's even happening. Even for a night out at the drive-in, this just wasn't that fun...
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Schitt's Creek: Happy Ending (2020)
Season 6, Episode 14
Not the Funniest Episode, but a Solid Conclusion
8 April 2020
I only laughed a few times, but as a fan of the show since day one this episode was the emotional sendoff we needed. It won't be remembered as an all-time great series finale like The Office, but at least it didn't Dexter things up.
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Tommy (2020)
Some Great Drama, but its Agenda Gets in the Way
28 February 2020
I think this show has potential, as well as some current great dialogue and drama, but like far too many films and TV series nowadays, the writers seem more determined to spread their personal views than deliver entertainment. The show sometimes will seemingly go out of its way to remind us that men are bad, white people are out of touch and ICE is a terrorist organization.

I actually hope there is a season two, there is a lot to love so far, but hopefully they put cop drama and the conspiracy thrills ahead of one-side politics.
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Too Many Pulled Punches
31 July 2018
I used to love the Comedy Central Roasts, would stay up late to watch them growing up. Having mean-spirited comedians like Anthony Jeselnik and Greg Giraldo worked for what the Roasts were trying to do but lately it's become "get the Roastee to have their friends and a few random comics" on and you can tell nothing feels organic. Half these roasters bombed and you can tell the PC Police were in the back of all their minds. Jeff Ross killed it as usual but other than that, I'd say this ranks among one of the weaker Roasts. Go back to the basics and get established comic talents, or get a true A-list celeb to center on. Otherwise maybe let these Roasts die...hard.
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Modern Family: All Things Being Equal (2017)
Season 8, Episode 20
Worst Episode of the Series
5 May 2017
I'm all for TV shows trying to spread messages, and am fine when they have agendas. However this episode, about women's rights and gender equality, was almost insulting. It panders to the lowest-common denominator, using disproven or just plain unfactual narratives about the Feminist movement. But the biggest crime of all is the episode isn't funny. Jokes are lazily handled or can be seen coming a mile away, which likely is due to the writers being more concerned spreading their agenda than being funny.

Shows like Black-ish are able to walk the political and social line with brilliant ease, offering commentary on topics without being biased or sacrificing humor. Modern Family used to be able to do that, but now I'm not so sure.
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Hercules (I) (2014)
More Braun than Brain
24 July 2014
Look, I know going into a Brett Ratner film starring The Rock as Hercules shouldn't have expectations high, but I expected more from this. Right from the start of the film we are immersed into a world without character development and rushed story telling.

The action scenes are all very well shot (by PG-13 standards) but everything else is subpar. Besides Dwayne Johnson most performers range from hammy to awkward, and the special effects are nothing special.

If you are capable of 100% turning your brain off, I'm talking Transformers level, you may be able to enjoy this film. But all others need not give this myth any more life.
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Not consistently funny, but has its hilarity
13 June 2013
If you like more than 2 of the actors in here, you'll like this movie bits not funny consistently, but when a joke hits it's hilarious. Maybe about 15 minutes too long and a few too many penis jokes for my taste (and I'm an 18 year old guy) but it was entertaining in a year of bad comedies and makes you what to be a better person (if only to survive the Apocalypse). Rogen and Goldberg show they can direct the hell out of a movie, and not just the comedy scenes. There are some genuinely frightening scenes in this film and they are executed very well. Just overall a fun film and goes to show a film about celebrities hanging out can be funny for audience members, too (here's looking at you, "Grown Ups").
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Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3 (2011 Video Game)
A Good Ending
14 November 2011
I am one of those people who is judging this based on the campaign alone. The online is good as always. The story modes in the MW series have always been interesting, and the backdrops are breathtaking. Some of the scenes with the the US Marines and Army are really cool, and the whole nuclear war, conspiracy theory thing is enough to make you think. While this campaign was a bit longer than MW2's, it still felt kinda short (I probably beat it in around 13 hours).It also isn't the great ending and climax that one may want. There are also the same old endless waves of enemies, who will completely disregard their own safety to try and kill you. But overall, its a great ride, and if they made it into a movie it would be amazing (as well as cost near a billion dollars)...
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Batman: Arkham City (2011 Video Game)
My mind was blown
23 October 2011
So I am a huge Batman villain fan. More so than is probably good for my health. So when I saw all the villain trailers that were being released, I got super amp. And once I saw all the perfect scores it was getting, I was even more excited. And did it live up to all the hype? 99.9% yes. The possible only flaw was that the campaign seems a bit too quick (took me around 12 hours to beat, without side missions). Other than that, it's more Batman butt kicking, and mind blowing plot lines. If you thought Inception played mind games, then this will blow you away. Not buying this would be a disservice to yourself. It's that good. And although I called the ending, it's like I said: I'm a freak. I was playing with my friend online when he got to the end, and he was freaking out and not knowing what was happening. It's. That. Big.
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L.A. Noire (2011 Video Game)
Could have been a masterpiece
28 August 2011
So on the outside, the game looks amazing. 1940's crime/mystery thriller with the latest facial technology. The '40s feel and scenery are extremely well done, and they do a good job at being historically accurate. However, once you start to play, it gets a little repetitive, going to case after case. Also, having been from Rockstar, the makers of GTA, I would have liked more shootouts, as well as free roam gun control. But overall, you never get bored, and it has some great plot twists. If you like solving mysteries, and don't mind spending numerous hours (sone due to being addicted and the need to finish missions) then this is the game for you.
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A new Classic
9 July 2011
This movie has set the bar. It wasn't the funniest movie ever, but it's defiantly the funniest since the first Hangover. Jason Sudeikis is great and hilarious as the "mastermind" of the trio, and Kevin Spacey does very well as the "leader" of the evil bosses (he does even better once the movie develops). Jason Bateman has his share of chuckles, but is Charlie Day that steals the show. His squeaky, energetic sidekick character adds a certain energy to the film, and keeps it at a happy level despite its sometimes dark tone. There are a few memorable quotes and one huge laugh near the end, and overall, it is almost impossible to hate this film. While it does take a while to pick up, once they begin to plan the murders, the hilarity starts. Even paying a full $10 would be worth it.
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A decently funny, but disappointing movie
2 August 2010
Paul Rudd, Steve Carell and Zach Gafolikalisias (you try spelling that). On paper, it seems like a comic dream team. But when it comes into real life, it doesn't quite lie up to your hype. Don't get me wrong, Zach in his two scenes is hilarious and Steve Carell, no joke, deserves an Oscar nominee for his performance, but Rudd, without his raunchy humor, falls flat, and the rest of the supporting cast doesn't provide enough laughs or support, and the plot is practicable. All the plot unfolds and the climax is met before dinner even happens. And some parts are either sick or just wrong. Bottom line, to all the people who say this offensive or stupid, calm down. Its meant to be funny. And to all the people who said that this is the funniest movie of all time.. well you have bigger problems. So if you're a fan of the actors, like I am, see the movie, its worth price of admission. If your not a big fan of Carell (once again, brilliant), Zach, or especially Rudd, rent it in 4.5 months.
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