
14 Reviews
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Bait and switch of the most VILE sort.
29 November 2023
This starts out wonderfully if a little naive. It then descends into a nasty piece of Xtian propaganda. I must admit, as Xtian movies go it tries to hide it's missionary (lol pun intended) position under a very serious message of human trafficking and sex slavery, and I will give it 100% for this part of it's agenda. The text at the end is a salutary reminder that slavery is worse now than at any other time in our history as a species, BUT the shifting boundaries of the leads autism and the saccharine denouement leave a nasty taste in the mouth (again pun intended). The first 30minutes of the film was a solid 7, the rest a minus 7!
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Wolf Pack (2023)
What is with all the hate?
11 February 2023
Warning: Spoilers
Right off the bat I have read MANY scathing reviews of this show. Most saying they turned it off after 15 minutes and b*tching and moaning that Sarah Michelle Gellar isn't in it much. How do you know if you switched it off? I think the inclusion of a gay character may have something to do with a portion of these bad reviews.

Now for my thoughts, I usually only review really good or truly terrible films/TV on here, this is neither. It's a solid bit of entertainment. The story is unfolding nicely, there's stuff that keeps you guessing (slight spoiler alert) .. .

. .

. .

Mystery voice on the phone, what is Gellar REALLY up to. Etc etc

After watching the first three episodes back to back I say I'm hooked. I want to know what happens. I'm starting to care about the characters and there have been some pretty good moments of genuine tension.

Will it win awards? No. Is it terrible, definitely not. Is it a great way to spend a few hours, absolutely!

10 stars to balance the 1 star idiots. In fact a solid 7.
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Hellraiser (2022)
Disney+ sex
10 October 2022
This is a sterile, neutered version of Hellraiser. There's none of the sweaty, meat driven seediness of the original. Even the coenobites (Pinhead apart who looks like the only person on set who GETS the point) look like Gunther von Hagens exhibits as opposed to the far reaches of sadomasochistic excess. Not so much exquisite suffering, more like mild inconvenience. Still as a way to kill a few hours it's OK. The story is mildly interesting and the performances are adequate. The twist is pretty obvious and can be seen coming way too early. Better than most of the sequels? Definitely. As good as the original. Not even close!
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Turning Red (2022)
Just no. NO!
12 March 2022
Ok I get I'm not the target audience for this film. That being said I wasn't the target audience for Inside Out or Dora the explorer and I loved those films. Why? Because they were well made with a story and characters and a plot and you know... film stuff. This is just bad. Bad animation, bad voice acting, cringe worthy "characters" a plot that isn't and gahhhhhhh I just can't go on. Seriously, no one should be made to sit through this tripe. Pixar what have you become?
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Take a Hike (2021– )
A rare piece of good natured TV
1 February 2022
Had to write this as I think that it deserves being judged on its own merits. Is it silly? Yes. Is it a bit of fluff? Yes. Is it a great way to wind down after work? Definitely. But the really great thing about it is, it's not mean or exploitative. It's nice, it's friendly, it's wholesome, and that is just what we need right now!
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Ignore the 1 star reviews
11 July 2021
I gave this a ten to off set some of the 1 star reviews. In reality it's a solid seven. Simple story, well told with some truly amazing animation. A good fun family film!
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A solid bit of horror hockum
11 October 2020
If you like your horror films played straight, without any post modern post scream irony, then this is a decent way to spend an hour and a half. It goes down a very well trodden path, that of demonic possession, and takes it in a modern direction.

The cast are great, the effects are OK, and the story is intriguing enough to keep you engaged and entertained.

I would have given it 7 or 7.5 but I upped it to eight because it really is better than the average of 5 something it has on here.

It doesn't deserve a ten but the 1 and 2 star reviews are just wrong. It's a entertaining bit of horror. Enjoy!
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Scare Me (I) (2020)
Don't listen to the Michael Bay fans!
10 October 2020
This is a great little movie. Simple premise well executed. Whilst not a traditional horror film it is a great way to spend an hour and a half. The performances are great and the way the characters develop and spark off each other is charming and very well done. Don't expect CGI, buckets of blood or any tired jump scares, just enjoy the storytelling and have a little fun. Those giving it 1 and 2 stars are plainly wanting something this is not, don't listen to them and enjoy.
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Just unbelievable
20 August 2020
This is an incredible movie, maybe more important now than when it was made. The dialogue is firecracker pace, the mise en scene fabulous (given the tech limits of the time, almost miraculous) the performances pitch perfect. It has flaws, what doesn't, but for pure jaw dropping cynicism and a nihilistic view of what we laughingly call society, I've never seen better!
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Let Us Prey (2014)
Ten stars to bring up the average.
26 July 2020
I gave this a ten when really it's a seven but there are some 1 star reviews on here that are just ridiculous. This is a solid movie. Well shot with a few very very good performances.

The story is solid and if you like your horror with a little sprinkling of sulphur and hell fire you'll enjoy this movie.

It's has some gore and plenty to keep you engrossed. I recommend this film.
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Game of Thrones (2011–2019)
OK but no LotR
28 May 2019
Didn't like the first season. Stuck with it. Got caught up and had great fun until the end which is a sure sign of "let's rush this so we can get paid by Disney to write Star Wars" toss!
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Chernobyl (2019)
Perfection in it's terrible beauty!
28 May 2019
We all know the very rough outline of what happened here. Some know a little more (like myself) who have read a few books on the accident, it's cause and the reaction. This masterpiece however makes you live the human stupidity, the human cost and the human bravery that has not been widely disseminated. I do not know how much this is historically 100% accurate, it feels real, but that doesn't matter because I'm sure the acts of stupidity and bravery that WERE real were just as stupendous, if not more so, than is seen in this truly monumental piece of TV. If you do not watch this you do not deserve a TV!
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Pyewacket (2017)
Much better than the 1/10 reviews would have you believe!
22 July 2018
I can't believe that this has such a low score. It's a low budget chiller that really delivers.

A teenager casts a curse/spell on her mom. Then immediately regrets it.

Simple plot line pulled off brilliantly. Excellent performances and tension that mounts until a satisfying ending.

It may not be the fastest paced film ever but enough happens to keep you interested. It has a few great set pieces and the end gave me a genuine chill.

I would have given this a solid 7 but gave it 10 to offset those who pulled down the score because they have no attention span.
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Unbelievably bad
31 July 2013
I cannot believe some of the other reviews here.

This is one of the worst films I have seen in years and I have seen Sharknado.

I am not a fan of Rob Zombie but I was looking forward to this pile of self indulgent trash, more fool me.

It is full of the sort of imagery that a 14 year old goth with unfulfillable dreams of doing art at a second rate college would laugh at.

The plot, such as it is, is beyond stale and clichéd.

The evil 'demon' looks like an umpa lumpa after a particularly good party and the much vaunted 'trippy' scenes are just silly.

I watch nearly all horror movies I can find, from John Carpenter to Fred Vogel, from James Whale to Ryûhei Kitamura and everything in between so I do know the genre. And take it from someone who knows, this is crap! You want a good low budget US horror flick, watch the Cook Brothers, Salvage.
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