
321 Reviews
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22 May 2024
Forget historical inaccuracies; this is one of the worst movies ever made!

The "writing" is inexcusably awful, but the acting is even worse. I think some reviewers must be hoping Eva Green reads these and maybe she'll fall in love with them. In a cast full of worthless performances, she stands out as the absolute worst!

I have no idea how anyone could enjoy this dreck, but I'm very glad I didn't pay to see this in a theater! The battle/fight scenes that made 300 enjoyable and somewhat innovative do not exist in this "sequel". Some of the same choices are attempted, but now it's old news.

Do not watch this trash!
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What music?
16 April 2024
If you care about the impossibly overrated Hunter S. Thompson, or the Loud family, or the Manson Family, or anything else that didn't involve music, this is for you. It's promising at first, with some great video of Lennon, Harrison, the Stones, Sly Stone, and Marvin Gaye, but soon turns into a bunch of garbage that meant nothing.

Very disappointing!

No Zep, no Sabbath, no Purple, and a short snippet of Floyd.

Only idiots who aren't fans of music from 1971 could really enjoy this travesty! At least there are some nice shots and clips of Marc Bolan and David Bowie, but all of the forced political nonsense ruins it.
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Shallow Hal (2001)
4 March 2024
One of the worst piles of Hollywood crap I've ever seen!

Never saw it when it was first out, but I had the misfortune of watching it recently. As much as I like Jack Black, this as the word.

The writing is terrible and Paltrow is awful, which hasn't changed in 20 years!

No laughs to speak of, and paying money to Tony Robbins for that pitiful bit makes this pile of trash even worse.

I have no idea what was supposed to be funny, but based on other opinions, it is a comedy.

Just in case you're wondering, I didn't find it offensive...just unamusing. Not clever, not repellent or edgy; just terrible.
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The Creator (2023)
25 January 2024
If the acting and writing was equal to the cinematography and "look" of this film, it would be great. The cartoon-like plot (incredibly unlikely yet convenient things continually occur to move the threadbare story along) is an amalgam of several classic s/f flicks...possibly.

The performances are pathetic and painfully one-dimensional, and I'm talking about the humans! The dialogue is just as bad, so it may not be the fault of the actors.

I was really looking forward to this movie, but I found it to be boring and ultimately pointless.

I normally avoid spoilers, and this may not really be one, but how on earth are we supposed to believe that someone who was deep undercover in Asia doesn't no the language at all?

Don't waste your time watching this!
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Very lacking in just about every way!
25 July 2023
Gets a "2" instead of a "1" because of a couple of nice lines from Momma near the end, but a chore to watch. The traditional "bad Troma" bits never materialized, so the attempts at humor fell flat and the even lamer attempts at action didn't get off the ground!

I admit to being a huge B-movie fan, but I couldn't get into this one at all. The cuts were either nonsensical or irritating. Those drawn out surfing scenes added nothing (except run time) and several of the gang scenes were apparently made up as the camera rolled. "What was your worst time, Hook?" Are we supposed to believe that these clearly brain dead imbeciles had clambake small talk meetings?

Don't waste your time!
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Meatballs (1979)
What a disappointment!
25 July 2023
I loved this movie when I saw it at the theater when it came out, but I was 13 and not very discriminating. Watched it many times in the early days of cable and had the CIT song memorized (still do).

Just watched it again about 44 years later and didn't even smile once.

Bill Murray is obviously trying hard to be funny, but there's not much to work with here. I think Harold Ramis is an underrated comic genius, but he was no help on this script.

Most of the cast had no real acting ability, so the lackluster writing showed through in a big way.

Several of the "scenes" are awkward and even uncomfortable to watch, including the "hilarious" sexual assault spoof.

Not really worth watching, to be honest, unless you're a Murray completist. Also, the songs in this movie are nearly incomprehensible bad.
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20 March 2023
Definitely the worst movie I've watched in a good while. Possibly the worst dialogue I've heard in years, and painfully bad acting to go with it.

Gibson and Vaughan must have cooked this up as a big inside joke, since I can't imagine either of them thought this steaming pile of excrement was worth making!

The storyline is idiotic and the characters are trite and even dumber than their lines.

Several of the scenes play out like initial dialogue run through with some assistant gaffer reading the parts!

This film did remind me of how bad an actor Don Johnson is, so there's that.

On the other hand, I love Audi Kier and watching him in this hurt.

This movie is absolute garbage!
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12U only!
16 February 2023
I watched this as a Marvel fan, but it is clearly written and produced for children. That's not a shot, it's simply the truth.

The animation is colorful and flashy, with plenty of symbols and thought bubbles to emphasize the ideas being sent out.

Everything moves at a traditionally rapid-fire cartoon pace, which is fine when the target audience has a short attention span.

I have great memories of Moon-Boy and Devil Dinosaur from the comics of my youth, but I was open to a modern reworking of that dynamic. The problem for me is the awful music and lack of character development in the episodes. Obviously, neither of these things will be issues for young fans, but I find the show to be difficult to watch.
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Not very good.
4 February 2023
Without Boseman, there is no cast member capable of carrying a major movie like this one. Letitia Wright is not a good enough actress to be the main character and Angela Bassett has gotten worse over the years. Such a one-note performance as the queen, which was made worse by awful dialogue and weak storylines.

The Riri character is a welcome addition, along with the long overdue Namor, but neither intro was very good.

The SFX were good, of course, but some of the cgi backgrounds looked incomplete. The movie would have been more tolerable at about 110 minutes, because the other hour or so added nothing.
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Neal Brennan: Blocks (2022 TV Special)
9 November 2022
Promising start, but he never really gets going. The bits (dogs, race, liberalism, etc.) are solid, but there are no big laugh moments.

I found myself watching and silently acknowledging the humor, but not laughing. In the part, I've enjoyed Brennan's shows; this time he seemed uninterested in his own material, Perhaps the special want quite ready but he had to film it on a certain date.

There are some insightful moments, like him trying to explain his own discomfort with some of his own material. Maybe I just expected too much because I'm a fan, but I don't think that's the big problem here, just not very funny.
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The Munsters (2022)
A Munstrosity!
10 October 2022
The writing is awful, overall, but the plot line wouldn't matter much if the "jokes" were even slightly amusing.

It almost seems like the main goal was to make sure that no one wants more of this garbage!

The costumes were great and the sets were pretty cool, but there wasn't much else positive about this movie.

I do want to mention that Shari Moon Zombie obviously put in some time and research watching Yvonne Decarlo as Lily. It was great to see the same mannerisms and expressions, but most of the performances fall flat. This stands out even more with the over the top nonsense that simply isn't funny at all.
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House of the Dragon (2022– )
Pretty weak so far...
25 September 2022
These characters are frighteningly trite and uninteresting, not to mention the strained dialogue. The acting has not been strong, especially Matt Smith, but that may have more to do with direction than anything else.

The king is a relatively nice guy who wants a male heir. The queen is dutiful and feels guilty. The princess is a cardboard cut-out "royal teen" that makes every scene she is in cringeworthy. The brother "prince" is a villainous scamp!

Just typing this stuff out makes me want to change my rating to a one!

The show has failed to interest me, and that's killing me as a fan of the novels and GOT.
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Andor (2022– )
Good start!
22 September 2022
Warning: Spoilers
First three episodes show promise, but I really hope they cut down the flashback scenes. We get it. He was taken from his home and left his sister behind; he wants to find her.

The acting has been pretty good so far, and the writing/story has improved through three episodes. The initial scene/crime was poorly thought out, but they had to get Cassian on the run somehow.

Always glad to see Stellan Skarsgard, and he is great here (as usual). Looking forward to K2 showing up; Tudyk was perfect in Rogue One.

The special effects and the actual sets are top notch, which always makes sci-fi easier to watch.
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Little Demon (2022)
Weak comedy.
6 September 2022
Mediocre writing kills all shows and movies, so if it doesn't improve I don't see this lasting more than a season or two.

The voice talent isn't the problem, but the characters are.

The generic friend, the even more generic, incredibly derivative neighbor, and the desperately edgy gore and profanity are all part of the problem. Just stick with storytelling and let the comedy develop from that, instead of trying to outdo other shows.

While the show has promise, it appears to be heading down the same dead end as all of the Brickleberry clones: absolute garbage television.

Ooh, that kid cursed!

Wow, that old lady made a sex joke!

That scene was sacrilegious; I can't believe it!

Old news, but if it's funny and clever that's okay.

This show is neither right now.
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It's getting worse...
2 September 2022
The first episode was fairly weak, especially the writing, but it's unfair to judge a series on a single show. The next two episodes have gotten even worse, with Tim Roth being the only saving grace. The drivel that passes for dialogue is horrible, and I assume they hired the actress who plays Nikki to make every one else seem more competent. She is atrocious!

I've sat through some Marvel garbage (C & D comes to mind), but this may be worse!

I've been trying to find positive attributes because I'm a fan of the genre, but the terrible writing has made that nearly impossible.

Don't forget this bit either; it's not funny for a comedy and the legal aspect is straight out of a children's cartoon.
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30 August 2022
Even a monster battle movie needs a story, and actual characters to go with the plot.

None of that here!

Great effects, nothing else!

Terrible waste!

The pathetic attempts at science fiction stood out as even more preposterous than the fantasy aspects. Characters saying things about so-called tech is supposed to make it more acceptable and/or believable? It was difficult to sit through this pile of crap just to see how many thousands of people were killed by the heroic creatures.

The standard "special" child is here, along with the teens who amazingly get into top secret places without a problem. They got help from the "wacky" but right character who knows what the evil corporations are really up to in the world.

And don't forget the writer/professor who immediately knows how to operate a super high tech vehicle.
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Interesting premise, but...
28 July 2022
There are some major problems.

1) His singing voice is mediocre, which immediately makes the rest of the story nonsensical.

2) The work he and his uncle do would leave them both filthy and smelly, especially without proper hygiene. There is no possible way that woman would sit next to Memo! She wouldn't be able to breathe!

3) Memo and Angelo are both unlikeable, so who cares!

4) Most importantly, that song is terrible!
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Umma (2022)
Starts slow, goes nowhere, ends abruptly.
22 July 2022
The performances were better than the dialogue, but the cinematography was the best part of this incredibly forgettable movie.

I can't believe this got an actual theatrical release.

Tedious scenes that added nothing to the weak story, then the daughter discovers everything in about 10 minutes.

Then monster mama attacks, along with her evil Pokémon (wretched cgi), followed by "everything's gonna be alright".

Worthless film, so don't waste your time with it.
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Farzar (2022)
Why pretend this is funny?
21 July 2022
This reeked of desperation the first time around when it was called Brickleberry!

Wait...An old lady who curses? Hilarious!

Wait...A robot who is an addict and a sociopath? Brilliant!

Hold on...a young guy who's dumb and vain, but actually clever and well-intentioned? Astounding!

Paradise PD should have been the end of this team of pathetic hacks, but they're back again.

This is one of the worst shows I've ever seen, even worse than Resident Evil!

I used to love Fringe, but I never want to see or hear Lance red duck again!

Don't watch this unless you enjoyed those other shows I mentioned.
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Record City (1977)
Absolute trash!
15 July 2022
But worth watching to see some bottom-feeder 70s talent!

You may recognize a few!

The dialogue is cringe (vomit) worthy, as are the performances! Hilariously bad, so plan on seeing and hearing plenty of embarrassingly awful crap.
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Interesting, but lacking.
5 July 2022
Pretty good story about returning home, but the late action seemed out of place. Not sure if some scenes were edited out later, but the big finale appeared to come from a different movie.
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Mother! (2017)
Interesting film.
4 July 2022
The extreme reviews are ridiculous! This movie is not even close to a "1" or a "10". I'm an Aronofsky fan, but I did not enjoy this one as much as Pi or Requiem. Definitely worth watching!
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Spawn (1997)
2 July 2022
I had forgotten how bad this movie was until seeing it again the other day. Michael Jai White is a terrible actor, so even if the SFX and CGI were better, the film would still be lousy!

Leguizamo is wretched in this and everything else he did, so that's no surprise, but he dies seem to be trying. Martin Sheen was clearly not trying; it's embarrassing to watch.

Don't waste your time on this garbage; watch the animated series instead, or read the comics.
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Where was Chuck Billy?
1 July 2022
Link Wray and Jimi Hendrix are as much Native American as Iron Eyes Cody!

Robbie Robertson, Redbone, Chuck Billy, et al. Should have been the focus.

Interesting, but lacking!
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Joel Kim Booster: Psychosexual (2022 TV Special)
Not particularly funny
1 July 2022
None of his "bits" were really amusing, though some were clever. Seems like people told him he was fun at parties so he decided that he was a stand-up comic.

If it supposed to be edgy, then the "3" is too high a rating.
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