
20 Reviews
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Vengeance (II) (2022)
Leftist propaganda
24 October 2022
Warning: Spoilers
So this movie is just an opportunity for the left to once again bash on the right. It is clear to me now more than ever before that the left just doesn't understand the conservative right. All this BS about people (mostly in rural areas and therefore mostly conservative) who are sad and mad and therefore tending towards making up conspiracy theories, and how that is what is dividing us. Oh gee, if we on the right weren't so economically and psychologically depressed, we'd all be able to sing around a campfire together. They just don't get it. That are frustration has nothing to do with this, and that some people don't like seeing the literal decay of our society from loss of family nuclear structure and freedom/liberty and personal responsibility. That not all of us like paying 50% of our hard earned money to support people that are human pieces of lawn furniture. That not all of us like seeing this country change. Of course, at this point they will scream racism but race has nothing to do with this slow inexorable slide towards socialism. Not all of us want our country to become a socialist cesspool. And not all of us cling to guns so that we can commit acts of violence. The freedom to own a weapon is a symbol of our freedom and by god is does also offer protection from these cretins. I'm sick of this stuff coming from the left. This movie just pissed me off. And the movie itself? Slow, boring, stupid plot... just trash. And the high rating here? The leftist media and all the fancy left leaning critics eat this crap up. I'm telling you, if you are even centrist and have one brain cell firing up above, this movie should just irritate you.
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Terrifier 2 (2022)
Too Loooooooooooonnnnnnnnnnnnnnnggggggggggg
9 October 2022
Warning: Spoilers
This movie would have been a 7 at 90 minutes. It lost about 1 star every 15 minutes as it drrrrraaaaaaggggggeeeeedddddd on, and on, and on, and on. A 2.5 hour movie is fine for Shawshank, but just DOES NOT work for gory horror. This director is completely tone deaf and I think I might hate him. I love horror and loved this movie for about 90 minutes, but it just would not, for the love of god, end. Will the gore and guts and acid attacks and split heads and shotgun blasts to the face scar me for life? No. Will the interminability of this movie scar me for life? Maybe. I can tell you right now that if I ever watch a movie again from this director I will set me alarm for 90 minutes and probably leave a happy man.
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The Cursed (2021)
25 February 2022
If you are a true horror fan you will love this movie. Best horror movie I've seen in as long as I can remember. I'm a little upset that it's only carrying slightly above a 6 star rating. If this movie were watched and appraised by horror fans only it would likely carry an 8 or 9 average.
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16 October 2021
I enjoy most of these movies, and thought Halloween 2018 was very good. This movie, however, was disjointed and uninspired. I was very disappointed, and I get the feeling many other horror fans will also be underwhelmed by this addition to the planned trilogy. I just hope the final movie is better. I would not avoid this if you're a fan, but manage your expectations accordingly.
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Malignant (I) (2021)
10 September 2021
Warning: Spoilers
Worst Wan movie I've seen, although still not terrible. Ostensibly this is edgy and gory....and original...but that's not the case. This is basically a remake of Stephen Kings "the dark half", with a twist. It is too long and ultimately underwhelming. If you like horror go ahead and give it a watch, but I was disappointed personally.
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Sweet Girl (2021)
1 September 2021
This film is loaded with essentially all the liberal talking points. Gun control, universal health care, smearing name it it's in here. Really, really, really annoying. Oh, did I mention that, minus all of this annoying propaganda, the movie itself is boring and unrealistic and poorly acted? Yup. Avoid this one if you don't like to be preached at for 90 minutes.
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Vicious Fun (2020)
5 July 2021
This movie is destined to become a cult classic. It has everything that a horror movie needs to reach that status - decent acting, great (also unique) story, great gore and makeup, good scares, reallllllly funny, good pace.
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Long, but boring
13 February 2021
This movie was extremely long, but at least it was.....BORING. Wow! Terrible plot. Poorly disguised "woke" sentiment throughout. Movie theaters are closed in my town and I have to rely on this crap? I enjoy most movies. I really do. This movie just sucked.
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Don't Listen (2020)
6 December 2020
Spanish horror!!!!

This is a very, very well made horror movie. It is creepy AF! At the end of the movie I actually looked specifically for the directors name as I was impressed with his skill. I will be watching his career from now on. If you are a true horror fan then you should definitely give this a watch. It's worth the investment.
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Parasite (2019)
I have sleep apnea
26 January 2020
This movie was so boring. So overrated. I admit it - this is not my genre - but even so I do not see why this movie was almost universally critically acclaimed. One good thing about watching this movie - I fell asleep and apparently have sleep apnea so I'm gonna go get that checked and treated. So, there's that. If you like interminable movies with an absurd plot and no movement, then this movie is great. Me personally? I'd rather have a colonoscopy than sit through this movie again.
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Trick (II) (2019)
28 November 2019
The first half of this movie is decently good relative to the budget. The quality in the second half of the movie drops off exponentially as it runs. The movie then commits suicide by dragging the ending out to ridiculous lengths.

Half way through the movie - 6 3/4 way through the movie - 5 Interminable ending - 3

All considered, this movie is a ~4
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23 October 2019
Better than the original. As a horror movie, this is a 10. As a comedy, this is an 8. We'll split the difference and give this a 9. Easily worth your money....
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House of the Witch (2017 TV Movie)
2 October 2019
Horror buff here. In a relative sense, a score of 5.2 with over 1400 votes would suggest horror gold. This movie is not horror gold. It is not a diamond in the rough. It is terrible. Not scary - at all. Terrible acting. Terrible F/X. I am not sure how this title garnered a respectable score here. Don't waste your time with this movie unless you are a cognitively challenged 13 year old girl. Believe me, this is coming from someone who judges horror on a completely separate metric, and in general I'm usually much more forgiving, score wise (any intriguing horror movie that keeps my attention and spooks me out deserves at least a 6 or 7, baseline). This movie is barely a 3.

If you want under-recognized (but NOT underrated critically) horror gold watch the remake of "the crazies." What a flick!!
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Us (II) (2019)
21 June 2019


This movie is so ridiculously over-rated that I am beside myself in disbelief. I read one review that said this was "one of the best horror movies ever made."

This movie is pretentious, pointless, lame, and certainly not scary. What standards were used to judge this flick? A middle schoolers home video project?

This is just another example of clueless critics who can't get anything right, especially within the horror genre. Avoid this movie.
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Doom Patrol (2019– )
12 June 2019
Boring. I don't like to give up on a tv show but was forced to. This isn't a superhero show, it's a drama. No excitement. 5 episodes in and I give up.

They think they are being edgy and weird and original. No, they're just being stupid and boring and pretentious. Save your time and go watch Dawson creek, or something. That way you can get your dose of drama without the developmental delays.
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Terrortory (2016)
Do not waste your time
22 October 2016
Hahahahahaha. I love to see the 10/10 ratings for this movie. Don't they realize how transparent their bias is? IMDb should require reviewers to fill out a conflict of interest form, and if someone signs it and there is later suspicion that there was, in fact, a conflict, then that person should have legal action taken against them, at the most, or banned from IMDb for life, at the least. I'm making a big deal out of this because there is so much crap out there that it is really hard to wade through all the BS to find something that is vetted and worthy of my precious time. Verrrrrry frustrating. This is a 3/10 horror movie, at best. Cheesy special effects, stupid stories, low production value, just....stupid. I actually think the acting is the, ahem, bright spot in this turd. I understand that this is an independent effort but for the love of God, if this is what your final product is, then don't bother making it. If this movie were a person it would have 3 legs, 4 arms, horns, hooves and an IQ of 12.

Just don't bother.
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Don't believe the (negative) hype
5 June 2016
I am commenting completely independent of this movie, without any affiliation whatsoever. I am also a die hard horror movie junkie. Okay...

What the hell (no pun intended) is going on with the reviews of this movie? Straight up haters and horror snobs.

There is so much horror CRAP that is spewed forth at the rate that cockroaches breed that I cherish a good horror movie these days. They are like diamonds in the rough and hard to find. Was this a great movie? No, it wasn't. But a 2 on IMDb it absolutely is not. I believe horror movies should be judged by their own standards. An absolute score might be a 3 or a 4, but a relative horror score (a score horror fans should pay attention to) would be closer to a 6. I watched this movie in its entirety and was entertained. This is what I consider to be a diamond in the rough - when you're scrolling through Netflix and you see 'sand Sharks' and 'sharknado' and various other turds, and you find yourself wanting to punch your own face, click on 'revelations' and enjoy a decent horror flick. I would say that the special effects were actually far better than the budget would otherwise suggest (here on IMDb estimated at 350k).

Summary - if you're a horror snob from Harvard you will rate this movie a 1 or 2. If you are a normal horror loving fan then you will probably be entertained, but please leave your expectations at the door because it's not winning any awards. This is the one on Netflix you should at least try.

Sincerely, A dude that hates scrolling through countless crappy horror movies and just wants to watch one that is entertaining (but you can call me Luke for short)
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1 March 2016
I just returned from the theater.

What was that?? That was not a horror movie. At best, that was a psychological thriller. But really it was more of a drama.

I wanted a horror movie and I get this? I feel like I was lied to. I do not understand how this movie has such rave reviews and a comprehensive score of 7.5. I have no explanation for this.

Thoroughly disappointed. No jump scares. No gore. Not creepy, People claim the tension alone categorizes this as a horror movie. That is a ridiculous claim. Home alone also had tension at points.

If your looking for a horror movie, look elsewhere. If your looking for a drama about a crazy family that speaks olde English and you can't understand anything they are saying, and quite frankly you don't care to, then this is an Oscar winner.

Just wow. I am remembering the directors name so that I can save myself the burden of sitting through one of his stupid movies ever again.

You've been warned.
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It Follows (2014)
18 July 2015
There is so much horror crap out there that I really try to be an educated consumer when it comes to deciding what movies to watch.

This usually includes reviewing information from rotten tomatoes and IMDb. If both have a rating of greater than 60% and 6.0, respectively, I'm generally encouraged.

Such was the case with 'it follows'. Great reviews. I decided to give it a try.

I fell asleep 5 times, and not once was I scared. I'm not really sure what the disconnect is between the IMDb rating and, well, reality, other than maybe the demographic that has been voting is comprised mainly of 12 year old girls (who still have bad taste)

This movie was not good. I rarely leave reviews but felt compelled to do so in this case.

Stay away.

Caveat: If people walking towards other people scares you then this is going to scare the crap out of you
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29 April 2013

Hey everyone, Tarantino has a new movie out and it's controversial and uses the word ni**er a lot. It must be good. WILL be good because I want it to be so badly.

Thanks a lot you hoighty toighty Harvard educated critics - you're supposed to protect us from this crap.

This movie is sooooo overrated. Save your money and your time. Long gone are the days of 'dogs' and 'romance', Tarantino has lost his touch.

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