
13 Reviews
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An inaudible mess that just doesn't stick....
6 March 2018
You know something's wrong when the minute the film starts you can;t stand what your hearing.

"Zero Absolution" is a pretty straight forward story about Daphne, a girl from California who plans to start a new life and ends up finding a lot of jerks, perverts and stingy citizens who don't lend her a hand or give her a break. Things all change when a guy by the name of Rex sweeps his way into Daphne's life and turns everything in her life into everything she had hoped for....but finds out the hard way Rex and the life he promised her is not what she thought it would be. What follows is a messy turn of events that makes Daphne question everything she's ever done and how to emerge from this mess unscathed.

The audio is atrocious, it's either painfully loud or disruptively too low to hear; forcing you to constantly adjust your volume settings to either being too low or too loud to understand. If anyone had actually approached a woman with Rex's "charms" and pick up lines, he;'d probably get maced right off the bat. The dialog is as bare bones generic as you can possibly get. It's terribly paced, the jokes don't work and the chemistry is non-existent. Nothing works here, no one works in it, no one works together and nothing in this film works. Even the most dramatic turn design to build and explode tension into full blown conflict fails miserably to come off as believable. I feel like no one knows who they are supposed to be or who they are supposed to be playing, it's a live on the walk badly put together play with someone just carrying a giant microphone during the windiest season imaginable and hoping for things to play out much more cohesively than it actually is.

This movie killed my ears, drained my energy and just disappointed everything in every part of me. I tried, I really did but just no.
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A visually stunning wonder of vivid beauty!
16 September 2017
This simple but empowering story about a kite venturing through the elements, surviving every kind of hardship is a wonderful story that knows how to get you emotionally invested and connected. It's a simple tale of a kite wandering here and there, traveling all over and taking you along a beautifully stunning ride. The visuals for the city, the rain, the sun and the clouds, even the garbage truck is exquisitely designed and brings the world to life in spectacularly gorgeous fashion. The music mixed from perfect to acceptable but overall, this was a wonderful little short that was a true feast for the eyes and definitely a vibrantly stunning piece to absorb.
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Powerfully striking and intensely emotional short
30 January 2016
"Addiction: This is not a love story" is a dark but strong short that deals with a woman's life thrown into indecisive Heaven/Hell as she struggles to maintain a perfect normal and safe life (with a husband and child) and a more secretive, dangerous life with an abusive boyfriend on the side.

It shows a very accurate, chaotic mind set/point of view of someone who has/is going through an abusive relationship. The phone calls and constant flip flopping, confusion feels natural and believable, as does the danger and intensity of the consequences of sleeping with such a volatile person. The acting is good, the emotions are strong and I admire the ending's authenticity. Some of the acting for the male roles could have been better but overall, this an intense experience that really hits home and hits it hard in a very impacting way.
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Bread Thieves (2013)
A dark, edgy, nicely shot engaging film!
6 January 2015
"the Bread Thieves" upon first glance may sound like something free from darkness, pain and drama but once you really get into the heart of this film; you see there's a deeper more complex core to this film's story. I found the characters struggle in dealing with resorting to crime to make ends meet; specially after one just got OUT of jail to be a simple but very applicable plot.

I admired the use of camera angles and close up shots, it really helped give the film and its characters an edgier look to them; as if we are really being drawn and engulfed into the mood and feelings of this story. I loved the use of the introduction scene. Seemingly unrelated to everything else in the film's content until you watch and see more and more how the story unfolds and where the dangerous decisions the characters make lead to far darker scenarios than I could have imagined or expected.

This was a gritty, intense and darkly compelling film that surprised me on more than one occasion. The use of casting, camera work and music really did wonders for the film's palpable tension and suspenseful story; a great piece of film I am glad I was able to witness.
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A different and dark kind of story
16 May 2013
Talk about stunning! The crisp black and white cinematography and chilling music create incredible soundtrack pieces that truly captivate the intensity of the story and its characters. This film feels fast, thrilling, creative and gives you a sense of dark intensity that stays with you. It looks artsy but it's not, it's more daring, edgy and different and that's why it drew me in and wanted to see more. Damions really has some staggering, piercing eyes and a lot is said through the characters chemistry through their body language and eye movement more so than the dialog. Really dark, interesting and well made, LOVED the music, definitely give this a look.
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A deep inside look at a new mountain experience
18 March 2013
Beauty is often something we overlook or do not appreciate unless it is right in front of our faces or on the news. Sadly, many beautiful places do not get front page coverage and end up getting ignored or left behind while atrocities ruin the beauty it once had to offer. This documentary deals with Kiritimati, which in English means Christmas Island and we learn about its story and its inhabitants in this short but touchingly effective documentary. There's a lot of turmoil on this island, from global warming to disastrously toxic nuclear fallout from bomb testing by both the UK and the USA in this island's region.

It's quite painful and saddening to hear from these island people how their fish stock and food supply has become tainted by the nuclear fallout with little to no reprimands being taken place. I love the in depth camera view going inside these people's lives, getting a first-hand look at what the radiation has done to their food supply and affected their fishing. I think the documentary does an excellent job getting the message across with its gorgeous visuals, and taking interviews and reactions directly from the island people.

For a short documentary, the message gets across much more effectively than others. I feel this film's most powerful point comes from its delivery through the people and not through some celebrity narrator or any narrator for that matter. The approach this film takes makes everything seem and feel more real, more natural, more like were inside the lives of these people and are experience their plight directly. "Between sky and ocean" is a bit on the short side but its delivery method and use of people's reactions on film really nails the message home. I was really impressed how a short little film could use it's time and message implantation so wisely and expertly, very nicely done!
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A short but effective and meaningful view from a islanders beautiful world
16 March 2013
Beauty is often something we overlook or do not appreciate unless it is right in front of our faces or on the news. Sadly, many beautiful places do not get front page coverage and end up getting ignored or left behind while atrocities ruin the beauty it once had to offer. This documentary deals with Kiritimati, which in English means Christmas Island and we learn about its story and its inhabitants in this short but touchingly effective documentary. There's a lot of turmoil on this island, from global warming to disastrously toxic nuclear fallout from bomb testing by both the UK and the USA in this island's region.

It's quite painful and saddening to hear from these island people how their fish stock and food supply has become tainted by the nuclear fallout with little to no reprimands being taken place. I love the in depth camera view going inside these people's lives, getting a first-hand look at what the radiation has done to their food supply and affected their fishing. I think the documentary does an excellent job getting the message across with its gorgeous visuals, and taking interviews and reactions directly from the island people.

For a short documentary, the message gets across much more effectively than others. I feel this film's most powerful point comes from its delivery through the people and not through some celebrity narrator or any narrator for that matter. The approach this film takes makes everything seem and feel more real, more natural, more like were inside the lives of these people and are experience their plight directly. "Between sky and ocean" is a bit on the short side but its delivery method and use of people's reactions on film really nails the message home. I was really impressed how a short little film could use it's time and message implantation so wisely and expertly, very nicely done!
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Ben 10: Race Against Time (2007 TV Movie)
A risky movie that ultimately ends up a "bad idea"
25 November 2007
Warning: Spoilers
First off let me say I am a BIG Ben 10 fan and in being one, I actually had some hope for this movie. Despite how obviously bad the concept sounded I was still interested, unfortunately, the movie turned out exactly as it sounded: a bad idea. Sometimes the special effects were okay, other times it just looked sloppy. The idea of a live Ben 10 movie is one that should NOT be handled by CN ever.

For a network that created its own show and made a movie about it, they sure didn't seem to know what they were doing. I'm a detailed person so expect this to be a long review. First off, the actors for this were not exactly the best. Pretty much everyone was weak, anemic, and a poor example of their cartoon counterparts.

Graham Phillips genuinely seemed like he was trying to "be Ben". The one liners, the attitude, he really seemed like he was trying to be a good Ben but he ultimately sucked at it. He didn't give any life or the "shine" Ben had in the show and the fact they actually made him forget who the Plumbers were is an insult.

Ben's no genius but he's not THAT stupid, I felt that was a bad portrayal of his character. Now for Gwen, the WORST CHARACTER ever! Haley Ramm may look like Gwen with that red hair, but she practically breezed through this film. She put on a pathetic, non existent, weakling attempt at "acting" and was practically emotionless.

None of her sass between her cousin existed, her magic powers didn't show up, they had her trademark outfit on for like 3 MINUTES! Which really upset me because I liked her outfit from the show and felt it fit her well. And most annoyingly, she ruined a perfectly well written climax for Gwen's character.

Towards the end of the movie, Gwen makes this big speech and I loved seeing her character enter those emotional moments in the show but this kid just totally breezed all emotions away with a dry performance. The only and I mean ONLY one character from the show who fit dead on was Lee Majors as Grandpa Max.

If a big budget movie comes around, I hope he's cast again because he was excellent. He got the voice, the attitude, and the warmth of Grandpa down to a tee. Now for the new characters: Eon and Ben;s parents. Eon (the movie's villain) was the only neat new thing they brought in, he was a neat character.

His design was cool to look at, I liked his voice, and he was quite compelling as a sort of honorable villain who cared more about his people then himself and despite still being a bastard, he had more going for him then most of Ben's usual villains. However, Ben's parents proved to be one of the biggest let downs.

The show NEVER showed them or said their names and to see them like this, feels like a weak attempt to give them faces. They are played down to cliché hippie, "emotional growth" parents who don't seem like Ben at all. I was hoping for a bigger surprise considering Ben's parents have been a total mystery, and this just felt like a lame attempt.

The whole town being Plumbers I felt was a stupid thing. It ruined the mystique of the Plumbers by making it seem this is so "destiny" like having Ben's hometown being the last refuge of the Plumbers. I felt it was a weak attempt to try and tie Ben's future with his hometown very unnecessary.

The story itself was average, it was all right and they had some neat new tricks by having Eon reveal secrets about the watch (although quite confusing ones). But even the big "weapon" the "hands of Armageddon", not only sounded stupid but was stupid, it felt like a cheap plot device with little thought behind its existence or use.

The movie tries to make it sound more important by giving us lame tie ins to famous landmarks and incidents (grand canyon, Chicago fire etc). Finally, we reach the aliens. All of them looked pretty good actually despite how few they appeared. Wild Mutt probably looked the worst, it looked like his body was CGI but his mouth was regular animation.

Diamondhead was probably the best looking and sounding, Gray Matter looked great but sounded like some sort of mentally challenged clown then his usual cool smart sounding voice. The movie's music scored well, it all sounded like the shows themes and sounds so at least they got one thing right.

But the biggest problem with this movie with me is: its a new story. CN originally said this movie doesn't connect to the show at all, yet the movie clearly takes place AFTER the summer Ben started on so in a sense, after the show. They mention things from the series to make it seem like its connected.

Yet the idea of making a NEW story proved to be too stupid an idea. Because this is a low budget CN original movie, they have would have been better off doing a LIVE retelling of when Ben first found the Omnitrix rather then creating a whole new story with new characters, villains, and plot devices to the show.

Not to mention actually having someone die with a decaying skeleton was a surprise for this kind of film. In the end, "Ben 10: Race against time" clearly bit off more then it can chew and didn't think this through. A few nice ideas and a great live Grandpa Max don't excuse 90 minutes of poor planning, crap acting, and a sloppy story which inevitably reminds me of what Carl said in "Aqua Teen Hunger Force" after they surgically turned him to a woman: "You're right.....this was a very bad idea".
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The Grudge 2 (2006)
Not the greatest but NO WHERE near as bad as people say.
18 October 2006
Warning: Spoilers
I honestly think people are giving this movie way too much of a bad name. You can't expect perfection every time, and half the crap people are whining about are stupid and pointless things to argue. I found this movie while a bit more difficult to follow, the story was much more structured then the first film.

There's explanations, origins, and a great story tie in towards the end that wraps up all the details. I didn't find it confusing at all. The scares were not as heavily enduced as the first one, but I did get a few chills from this movie (specially then "counselor" woman scene). you'll see what I mean.

Grudge 2 is basically a much more wide spread version of the ghostly attacks from the first film, spreading out longer distances and proving how dark and destructive this curse is. I liked Gellar's involvement in this, regardless of how little she is actually in the movie. I think it worked better that way.

Overall, i find Grudge 2 to be a decent sequel and a decent movie. I found the acting a bit lame at times in the beginning, but the middle and later half more then made up for it. There's some interesting ideas used here for scares and a lot of stuff you won't see too often, like the peeing in the shower, or showing someone physically torture a little girl with the mouth scene.

The obvious use of girls and school skirt outfit thing didn't really bother me. Sure, being a guy I noticed it, but I don't think it hindered the movie in any way shape or form and found it kind of amusing to see in an American movie coming from a Japanese director. This movie didn't totally wow me, but I did not leave the theater dissatisfied and that is what's most important to me.
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One excellent, charming and well casted movie!
21 May 2006
This is without a doubt one of the best animated films out there and THAT is saying something. This is no where the bland, shallow, ignorant simplistic humor from the likes of "Shark Tale" and "Curious George". This is a witty, beautifully colored, magnificently casted, amazing piece of CGI cinematic work.

All of the furry critters do a great job keeping us interested. There funny, cute, charming, and above all, there not dumbed down or stupefied into baby styled antics that only 8 and 5 year old's can understand. There are some very touching scenes that represent good moral values of family, trust, friendship, all without the sappiness.

Willis really shines as RJ the raccoon and I was fearing he'd be too out of place to play a kids cartoon character, but boy am I glad he proved me wrong. Shatner, Laveigne, Levy, they all play their parts so well and I especially loved Stella the Skunk, so adorable and yet so smelly! Trust me older viewers, this is something both you and your kids will like.

It's sweet but not stupid, clever but not dumbed down, and it's got a great cast of characters which I think is the film's overall appeal. These animals work great together and there charming family ties and colorful appearances make them a truly lovable bunch of critters.

Go see this movie, whether you're a kid or an adult or otherwise, there's a whole lot to like.
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"Holds the very meaning of our lives"
14 May 2003
DAM THAT'S GOOD!!! I tell you all if I tell you anything at all it is this, The Matrix wowed me back when I first saw it. using cutting edge technology with mind blowing effects, and a truly spectacular story that added fuel to the sci fi fire. Though my brother and others may think this movie was disappointing, it was nothing of the sort. It was INCREDIBLE! I won't say anything to spoil you Matrix fans out there, who have yet to see the awesome power of this film. But I tell you it is great. Extended action sequences that totally outclass the first film in every way, new concepts and radical ideas being exploded and explored further and further, eye popping freeze frame battles and explosive scenes that really go beyond mental limitations.

Now I must admit there are a few flaws one is reguarding Zion, the other is reguarding the mass complexitity it enduces. But other then that I think everyone will be excellently satisfied with Reloaded. Smith, Trinity, Neo, and all the new players continue their amazing feats in even greater battles then the first Matrix film itself. The battle between Mankind and Machine has never looked so god like. By the way I ADVISE YOU ALL TO STAY AFTER THE CREDITS, I REPEAT STAY AFTER THE CREDITS! The movie showcases a sneak preview of the 3rd and final installment in the Matrix triology, "The Matrix Revolutions". And by just seeing that, it's safe to say the best has yet to come undone.
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This was GOOD!
26 January 2003
I don't understand what in god's name is the matter with people? Every time I read a review, it's no surprise some stuck up, arrogant, trouser stain excuse for a critics bashes a perfectly good movie. Darkness Falls was a freaky film. Yes it was predicatble how the monster kills people, cause once you know then it's simple to figure out. BUT WHO CARES!?! It's a horror movie, this isn't brain surgery people. You want good storylines, go see Star wars or Lord of the rings. This is to do 2 things, make a monster, and scare the bejesus out of you. And let me tell you, IT SURE DID. I thought "The Ring" was scary, this movie kept me in tension through out the whole film. You seem to know when she comes out, and yet you don't. Your heaRT IS GONNA BLOW, this is a good scary movie. The effects were awesome, she really looked dark like.

I highly recommend it, ignore the critis and get scared for once. Plus it was great to see Emma Caufield in a big movie name now, I watched her for years on Buffy. And she's getting better as the years come. Good movie people, GOOD MOVIE.
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They (2002)
What's with you? This movie RULES!
21 December 2002
I don't know what people are whining about, this is a grand film. Just what we have been needing around here lately, a good new horror film. Today's generation is so hard to scare, but this movie does it. I have been scared out of my pants by this. I loved it, I really did. The story is of course kinda been done, about nightmare killing monsters. The people were great, they really had a paranoid freaked out vibe to em. The whole mood did actually. But what I think what was best about this film, was how it was ended. Think about it. The movie states these monsters can't enter light, they hate it and hide in the dark. But yet when they come for you, machines start to go haywire. And the only light that isn't controlled by a machine, is the sunlight. These creatures are the true incarnation of evil, these things are real.

There not mutants from a test lab, not guys in suits, these are pure evil. Finally Wes craven makes a truly evil creature, not that like Scream guy. This thing is pure darkness. Never has a movie been so grim and dark in context, since I saw Reign of Fire. "They" is very chilling and creepy as always, especially the monsters. And don't start whining you wanted to see them. How are you gonna do that? That'd be going against the movie's lodgic, the monsters only are in the dark. You can't see something unless it's well lit and they can't go in the light. Talk about creativity and best of all, sticking to roots.

"They" has proved to the world that horror films, are finally going back to basics. Not guys in ghost masks or losers who use knives, I'm talking about prime evil monsters. That;s where we need to go back, all the best monsters were inhuman. Wes Craven I thank you for making a truly dark and perfect movie for horror fans, not like those cheap junk films at the tape store that suck. You like to be scared? Go see this film. Besides "The Ring" (awesome flick by the way), "They" is true horror at it's darkest and best.
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