
22 Reviews
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Would've been a 10, except..
4 May 2024
What a remarkable documentary about Abraham Lincoln. It's very honest and doesn't sugar coat his legacy nor tear it down. Practically perfect except for the presence of Obama. He provided no help whatsoever and only seemed to be there to be a part of it for his own self-interest. He's not a historian and it shows.

The rest? Magnificent. Especially Lincoln's early years which helps explains his emotional issues and crippling depression. What a remarkable man who held onto his personal integrity even when faced with probably some of the darkest days of our history. Worth owning and an excellent resource.
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Mount Pleasant (2011–2017)
Some good, some bad, but...
19 July 2023
Is everyone an alcoholic on this show? Maybe I'm used to watching shows here in the US but it's rare to see this much constant heavy drinking in any comedy/drama like this genre.

None of the characters can seemingly do anything without either a beer or glass of wine in their hand. Or a shot, or a margarita, or vodka. It's ridiculous. The only exception I can see is maybe Lisa's parents who are delightful. As is the intelligent neighbor guy. Snappy dialogue as well and quirky story arcs.

I've really enjoyed Lisa in Madame Blanc. She's much better utilized there. The nonstop booze turned me off on this one, tho, so moving on.
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The Gilded Age (2022– )
Very Disappointing
2 February 2022
Warning: Spoilers
It would be foolish of me to parrot everything that has already been posted about what is either missing, contrived or dull about this latest undertaking of Fellowes. But, he must be called on a few extra things.

The costumes are magnificent but that's all TGA has going for it. And it's a shame. I was hoping to discover the same magic found in Downton but it not only isn't there, it's practically a parody. From the too bright lighting to the abysmal writing, it falls on every mark that matters.

We want to care, to despise, and get involved in the characters but Fellowes has made it impossible by spending too much money and time on the look of the thing and forgetting substance.

The wide eyed girl who enters this gilded-not-gold world looks as if she was on her way to work on When Calls The Heart but got lost, Christine Baranski, a fine actress, is utterly wasted, trussed up and delivers pathetic lines with an unnatural constipation, the evil titan should take lessons from O'Brien/Barrow and maybe kick out a cane from underneath somebody, and Mrs. Russell! Give her the hook. She's not even close to being a decent actress no matter how many fancy gowns she wears.

If you need any example of the sterilization of this thing, just compare the kitchens of the frazzled yet kind Mrs. Patmore to the freshly starched French chef. We believed she cooked in that kitchen but not so with Frenchie. There's not a bead of sweat on his uppity brow.

I signed on with HBO to watch this but canceled it last night. This is, for me, one of Fellowes' biggest mistakes especially considering the opportunity wasted on a fascinating time in American history. Thumbs way down.
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Christmas by Starlight (2020 TV Movie)
How refreshing!
31 October 2021
I love this Hallmark movie. Not only is the writing crisp, fresh, funny and heartfelt but the actors are perfect for their roles.

This movie manages to combine the usual Hallmark standards and yet upgrades it to what really matters at Christmas all the while avoiding the usual tropes.

The banter between the two leads is never too much or cruel or fake or hiding an agenda. It just contains such honesty when including real life pain with humor.

Will rewatch this one. Great job!
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Cute concept, but...
24 October 2021
The lead actress Catherine Kim is too old for the part and is a fairly modest actor to make up for it. Not a good combo. Great acting could've saved the obvious age difference between the two leads especially up against the vibrant leading man.

The leading man, Raymond Ablack, was unhelpful by being a first rate actor and made the disconnect between the two even more distinct.

The story was benign and writing was fair but uninspired. This all kept it from being a "watch again" for me. Do more with Mr. Ablack, tho, please. He has real star quality and acting chops. Agree with others that he needs a shave, tho.

All in all, blah.
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Advice to Love By (2021 TV Movie)
Come on, Hallmark
17 October 2021
The only good thing and reason for my generous 4 stars was the lead actor. He's a fine actor given lousy material.

The rest didn't flow, there was zero chemistry, the lead actress was another spunky, fast-talking, know-it-all and where did the plot go? You'd think you were finding it then they threw it in a blender or something.

It just rushed through whatever plot they were struggling to find, couldn't find it and did a quick wrap up, I guess. Better writers needed.

I'll never watch that actress again, however. There's enough stress in the world without adding these high octane power people. Hallmark's "hallmark" is cozy comfort. Sadly, none of that was to be found here and I couldn't have cared less if she found love or not. Hopefully not. She'd be awful as a partner.

I was far more interested in this steamroller woman's assistant's love life. She was charming.
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A brilliant war film!
10 June 2021
If you are interested in WW2 or anything to do with war films, this is a rare opportunity to see how they should be made.

From the production, to actors, to realism, to special effects, there was not one minute where I thought, "I'm watching a movie". It's SO real that you fall right into it and it's frightening but completely realistic in every way.

It makes movies like Pearl Harbor look like a Hallmark movie. Well, it did anyway, but this is the real deal and definitely a don't miss.

I left one star off because the subtitles distract a bit and the action is super fast so I may have missed a few subtleties. It's a movie you need to see twice perhaps. I will say that the subtitles were right on (or so I'm told).
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This movie sucks.
26 January 2021
No pun intended.

Don't watch this nonsense if you're expecting a real remake or something even remotely like the first, awesome and campy version.

This is the worst movie I've ever seen and it doesn't even rise to "camp". It's a sad little vampire thing.

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What a jewel of a movie!
30 November 2020
Very rarely do you get it all in a movie. A great story, powerful circumstances, told with honesty and love. This story has all of that and more.

I'm a tough one to get a tear out of but there were so many moments in this incredible movie that made my eyes fill up and for so many different reasons. The ending alone. Such a soft touch.

But, Beware: This is the real world, not Hollywood. This movie reminds you to enjoy every second of our time in this world and guides you to that fantastic way of believing again. And? Yes! You can believe in love again!

Initially, I thought I would like to see this on the big screen but something tells me they'd blow it and lose all the charm that just overflows in this piece of art.

Loved it. You won't regret seeing it. That's a promise.
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Words. They Are Few And Seem Useless.
3 March 2020
Never have I been so moved by a documentary. Be very careful if you watch this because it will haunt you forever. It will me anyway

Being a mother myself doesn't help with my outrage and I actually felt like vomiting during a scene or two. But this is something that needs our attention and a resolution, if possible.

All I've got is Jesus who made his POV quite clear on all children. Our most vulnerable need us. These behemoth, greedy bureaucracies are literally killing the innocents so whose voices will save them? I don't know. Oh how I wish I did.

I have no answers, only heartbreak and helpless fury.

In short: It's a very important documentary to see. I don't know how they did it.
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Enchanted (2007)
A Magical Journey!
2 May 2019
We all need a little magical make believe maybe more than ever now and Enchanted by Disney serves it up like no other.

Disney has managed to bring its special brand of quality, kindness and fantasy to the screen in the most beautiful way.

Wasn't sure about Dempsey and still pondering that. Perhaps a tad too old?

But, from the story to the music, costumes, everything was, well, enchanting and a lovely break from a troubled world. And suitable for everyone and age. How refreshing.

Would love to see a sequel!

Give it a try. Bring your inner sparkle alive again with this offering.
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The Last Resort (I) (2018)
Riveting Documentary
26 April 2019
This film chronicles the work of Andy Sweet and Gary Monroe who photographed, or rather, preserved a remarkable moment in the history of Miami Beach. From the colorful Jewish aging population of the early years through the turbulent 80s to what we have today.

But, it's so much more than the coolest photos of a society enjoying life in the early 1970s and late '60s. It's a study of community, history and the beauty of life itself as Miami Beach/South Beach went through a rapid cultural shift. Thankfully, it's caught on film in the most beautiful way.

Andy probably was the more forward thinking of the two but that takes nothing away from Gary who was gifted with the most moving and gentle heart necessary for balance and I am thrilled that his (their) work has been rediscovered for all of us to enjoy and respect.

This is more than a documentary. It's a vivid reminder of how precious life and what the human condition is all about.

Don't miss this one.
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Safe (2018)
BBC-ish Takes On Lifetime???
6 April 2019
What did I just watch? I made it through almost the third episode and then my brain hurt from a very tired plot and just confusion as to what the director was doing!

It starts with an aerial shot of a community, gated, with cul de sacs, winding roads and abundant sunshine. California, right? Unfaithful husband will be crashing through a balcony in a 2 up/down pretty soon, yes? Wrong! It's somewhere in England. Maybe. Accents are all over the map. Maybe Australia?

ANYway, every plot device used in every Lifetime movie is here but as awful as they are, the Americans do it right. This is just excruciating to watch the Brits try to be one of the ungratefully wealthy.

For a millisecond I thought maybe this was satire or a colossal joke from Tarantino or the Farrelly Bros but forget it.

It's brutally awful and I don't care if the missing daughter is dead or not. Not true. I hope so. Escape from these people who cannot handle drama at all.

The Worst.

Gave it two stars for a couple of great actors, talents completely wasted but they tried.
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The Promise (II) (2016)
6.1 Rating? Really?!
7 March 2019
This is a fabulous movie about the Armenian genocide during WW1. I'm ashamed to say that I knew little about this scar on our human history and am grateful to the makers of this film to lead me to learning more.

I'm baffled by the low rating but some reviews have given me their reasonings and can only accept them as accurate. Nothing else than genocide deniers makes sense because the movie itself is beautifully filmed, acted and the plot well constructed.

Maybe I'm wrong but thoroughly enjoyed this remarkable and award-worthy piece of film.
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Aquarius (2015–2016)
2 Stars for Soundtrack Only
1 March 2019
Warning: Spoilers
The music's great but it must've blown their lighting budget. Unless it's daytime, which seems to be never, it's impossible to see what, who, where or why. I gave up after 2 episodes.

I lived during this time and, other than the above-mentioned music, there's nothing accurate about this. Duchovney's hair is too long (yes, it is), mostly adults were protesting and during 1967 very few people drove 1967-built automobiles.

The plot is super simple: Rich guy's daughter runs away to join commune where Manson is. Great premise, lousy execution. It's flat, zero tension, and they actually managed to make Charlie boring.

Watch Bugliosi's Helter Skelter instead.
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Dumplin' (2018)
Absolutely Charming!
9 December 2018
This is such a feel good movie for everyone and body issues are handled with such warmth and acceptance that it deserves every positive adjective.

Try it! It's healthy for the heart.
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A Disappointment
28 October 2018
Such possibilities wasted in this TV movie. They had: a great setting in the manor and grounds, almost real looking snow, a nod to Jane Austen, and Christmas. What could go wrong?

The leaden performance by the lead actors was the major problem. Lowndes can barely raise an emotion with credibility and the valley girl inflections are unbearable to listen to. She never was able to relax in the role and make me care. And her shining moment, which is singing, was off key.

Then, our "Mr. Darcy", Michael Rady, tries to bring a smoldering elegance but what you get is a monotonous and wooden affair. So, I never ever felt a spark between these two.

The best couple in the show were the underlings, Travis and Jane. Charming couple who actually act and are believable together. They even have something in common (a desire to commitment in their work with little acknowledgement)!

So, one star for the setting and one for the supporting actors.

The rest? A complete bore by even the worst Hallmark Movie standards. Watched once. Never again. Unless the two good actors show up in something else (Maddie McCormick/Ben Estus), that is.
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JL Ranch (2016)
Waste of Time and Talent *Spoiler Alert*
28 August 2016
Warning: Spoilers
For starters, if the J.L. ranch is 100 years old, I'll eat my own Stetson. Unless grand daddy built the first suburb in 1990s California. So, we begin with a cheap looking house, inside and out, that everybody fights over.

The plot, however, is authentically old. Dallas did it better and for a lot longer. the ranch is at risk by super long grudge-holding neighbor but it's saved by the small town sheriff and a sudden unexplained wave of support from other neighbors who earlier said sorry you're on your own with this.

All of this could be fixed but only with good writers, less plastic surgery, more Melanie Griffith glamor. Stiff, unconvincing acting from potentially great actors which boggled my mind.

I think Hallmark is trying to lay the ground work for a series because they left us, at the end, with only a reprieve for the ranch and the biggest plot which is that each sparring family are related through the grand daughter.

Watching Teri Polo scowl for two hours was really annoying, Voight mumbled and stumbled around with little passion except maybe for the paycheck and Caan looked drunk.

Throw out the house, most of the actors and shoot the writers and you're good. Or, again, just rewatch Dallas. They did it right.
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THIS won an Oscar?
22 February 2015
Warning: Spoilers
For me, a complete and total waste of money and time. My friend fell asleep about 20 minutes into this self-indulgent piece of tripe.

This movie strains so hard to make itself 'important' and 'groundbreaking' that it never stops to see that it has been done before by Masters such as Woody Allen, Hitchcock and any late night black/white '40s movie.

The 'plot' is as old as the hills. Man is successful but inwardly unrewarded. He has also rejected his family in search of California movie gold. So, he wants to redeem himself and try his hand at serious theater. Throw in a disturbed and rehabbed daughter, a long-suffering but understanding wife, and a producer pulling his hair out because the 'play' isn't a success and you've got all you need to know.

The rest is a montage of suspected hallucinations, maybe suicides "who knows?" and you're left feeling empty, cheated and angry because you know somebody's trying to be nouveau and special but simply missed it completely by being too insider and artsy about the whole thing.

Do not waste your time. If you want to see what theater and Broadway are all about and need a laugh, watch The Producers with Zero Mostel instead. If you want deep, head scratching drama that goes nowhere, go ahead, pay up and watch this nonsense.

And, I might add, Michael Keaton, to me, was trying too hard, had few acting chops and it was embarrassing to watch him in this. He, like the character he played, was trying way too hard.
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Does anyone else see the symbolism of Jesus in this movie?
19 February 2014
Warning: Spoilers
What an engrossing and haunting film. A definite must-see. The only reason I gave it a 9 instead of a 10 is because of the cat.

I'd just like to stop for a moment and see if I'm alone in, at times, feeling as if this was a symbolic, spiritual analogy to the life of Jesus Christ.

1. Baby Jean/Jesus was never meant to survive, but does, in the dirt and lowest of surroundings. 2. Jean becomes a tradesman (leather works vs carpentry) without tiring. 3. He is perceived as 'different' and scares some - is a loner/misunderstood. 4. Hoffman's character, the current, albeit tired, but known master of perfume, served much as John the Baptist did in Jesus' life by being the well-known forerunner. John the Baptist/Hoffman are awakened to Jean's gift in amazement. 5. There are 12 people who each provide a piece of one 'essence', just as the disciples did. 6. Jean is brought before the head of the church and leaders to be 'crucified' 7. Once the people and executioner see that this is an 'innocent man', a rapture ensues, i.e., the Roman understanding this was indeed the son of God and the world goes mad. 8. Once Jean has accomplished his mission but finds no more reward on this planet, he succumbs to death and his clothes are torn and grabbed, but the drop of perfume at the end is the symbol that Jean/Jesus' presence still exists.

Just a few thoughts.
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Christmas on the Bayou (2013 TV Movie)
Re-treat Christmas Plot/Highly Annoying
14 December 2013
Warning: Spoilers
Divorced, busy working woman with young boy goes to visit her mother in her small town for the holidays, meets her old boyfriend, natural resistance against his overwhelming charm ensues, bossy, know-it-all mother gives relentless advice to the point of wanting to smack her, and 'Santa' is an old, crusty guy who hates phones but makes wood toys and rides down the river in a boat or something. Guess what will happen? The child will bond with nature, the mom will learn that her job doesn't matter (who's paying for everything?), love will bloom and Santa will, with a twinkle of 'I told you so' will give you everything you've been missing in your world of reality, which means nothing but eating grits and hanging out at the local hardware store.

If you've ever seen this plot before, why on earth would you waste your time ? You will know within the first 15 minutes what will happen and it does.

You will never get this time in your life back, so don't waste it on this. There are so many other, worthwhile, heart warming stories out there with interesting plots that this is rendered an insult to any watcher.

Instead, read A Christmas Carol, The Gift of the Magi, or, to not insult your intelligence but keep the charm, re-visit the classics, i.e., Shop Around The Corner, It's A Wonderful Life, you know the drill.
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18 December 2008
My point of view comes from being a new widow and having spent a great deal of time with other widows. I waited 5 months to see this movie because I was told the plot and didn't feel ready to expose myself. Tonight I finally watched it and the only reason this movie is getting two stars from me is that, not even once, not even close, not ever, ever, ever will it make me cry.

The reason is, this movie is a completely and utterly unrealistic portrayal of losing a spouse/loved one/SO. I won't belabor the point by beating up the actors, although what a waste of some real talent, but it's the story that deserves my disdain.

For starters, there is NO mention of how courageous it was of Jerry to have spent his dying time setting this whole incredulous thing up. Also no mention of the amount of time spent care-giving on Ms. Swank's part. He just DIED of a brain of brain tumor, and that's all we know. Nobody gets an concept of how much that affected everyone during that dying time. The cancer spreads to all involved. But, not this group.

My husband battled melanoma for three years and most of that time he felt pretty well. I spent a long time with other cancer victims and the uppermost thing on each and every person's mind was spending every waking moment WITH the person they were going to leave, not concocting some way to control afterward. There are far more practical matters that take up your time and you are exhausted beyond belief when it is 'over'. Trust me on this one.

Anyway, this movie makes me very angry by supporting the long-held belief that grief is to be surmounted on anyone's time-line. I was guilty of this until it happened to me and it's a very large lie. Until you've been there, don't write stories, or books, or fluffy movies about something so intensely painful.
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