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Way better than Nolan's bloated movie
12 August 2023
Looking for facts about WW2, nuclear war and people behind it? You are at the right place. ¨To End All War: Oppenheimer & the Atomic Bomb¨ is an A+ documentary.

If you haven't fallen for Nolan's marketing gimmick and haven't seen his movie yet, my advice to you is, don't buy it. You won't lose anything. On the contrary, you will gain 3 hours by avoiding boring drama scenes. This documentary is way better than Nolan's bloated movie. If you are a fan of him, he is in this one too, being interviewed.

I have watched this documentary before watching Nolan's movie so I recommend doing it in that order if you want to see both.
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Oppenheimer (I) (2023)
Typical Nolan movie... Boring as usual.
11 August 2023
I watched the Oppenheimer documentary before watching this movie and I can say very clearly that the documentary was better than the movie.

I think Nolan should have been a marketer, not a director. I think he influences people by preconditioning, marketing his mundane works as if they are great works, and just creating perception. It takes topics with enormous potential and turns them into empty, boring films. He wastes scripts with great potential which can be huge at the hands of other talented directors. The scenes he edits are so unnecessarily long and boring that it becomes torture to watch. The monotonous tension music lasting 4-5 minutes that he puts under the countdown scenes gets boring after a while. Ordinary events take place on the screen, but for some reason, there is suspense music in the background. It's like as if he got bored and lazy during production and just used the same music for all the scenes. For a few minutes there I felt like I was watching an Asylum production.

I get this unsavoryness from all of Nolan's movies. He's a director I personally don't like. You know, there are people you can never get along with, Nolan is that kind of person to me. His works are also balloon works that I think are over exaggerated... This movie is one of them...

I think it's better to watch the documentary. Get the historical information right and avoid unnecessary drama and this long Nolan torture. There is nothing worth seeing it in IMAX.
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Unthinkable (2010)
"I love my country, you people crap on it! I love my religion and you people spit on it!"
11 December 2022
Warning: Spoilers
I think the main message of this movie was briefly told by the character Yousef in a scene at about 1 hour 7 mins into the movie.

He shouted it at the camera;

"I love my country, you people crap on it!

I love my religion and you people spit on it!

I chose to meet my oppressors face to face!

You call me a barbarian. Then what are you?

You expect me to weep over 50 civilians?

You people kill that every day!"

Should a government torture a terrorist or not? Well in the idea world, it shouldn't.

In real world, if it's powerful enough and there is no authority to judge it's actions, yes it does. All the principles, laws and philosophy behind it get flushed down the toilet. We have seen it many times in recent history. Most advanced nations acted like barbarians when it served their needs.

Rules and laws are easy to bend. Powerful countries do whatever they need to stay powerful, and most of the citizens of that nation cover their eyes and ears.

Is it possible to become a powerful and wealthy country without crushing the weak and having no mercy for others? I don't know... Can a lion be vegetarian and leave the antelopes alone? I guess not.
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Attack on Death Star with jet fighters and Tom Skywalker.
8 July 2022
I understand that some type of people enjoy watching dumb movies (such as Rambo), where US heroes invade, bomb other countries, invade places, infiltrate and kill people, massacre everyone and it's a happy ending with a celebration, all cast hugging each other with smiley faces etc.. Full of cliches and entertainment for simpletons.

I like almost all of Tom Cruise movies, (especially science fiction ones), but this one is a total cringe. I've seen more plausible events in Tiny Toons cartoons.

2 stars for the CGI. (standard quality VFX stuff, nothing new or extraordinary)
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Men (2022)
Punching your love in the face
26 June 2022
Warning: Spoilers
Punching your love in the face and expect 'love' it return can be legit only in a BDSM session where people mutually agree to use violence for pleasure.

When you have no respect for your partner, you can't expect love in return. Using physical violence has no excuse.

As seen in the movie, those people are everywhere, like clones, think and act in the same way. Even in the comment section here, crowded with them, motivated by their libidos...

I think this movie has a point and it delivers it in a very effective way.

The graphic animation in this movie is A++ grade. It has some factual errors but it doesn't disturb much because the movie is full of metaphors.
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Decent but needs editing
18 June 2022
Warning: Spoilers
I really enjoyed the movie except the scenes where the characters draw, sculpted and modeled the Devils Tower. Those scenes took about 25-30 minutes total and it really made me feel like fastforwarding. I'm surprised that a director like Spielberg didn't cut out those prolonged scenes.

It has decent effects for a 1977 movie. The acting was good, especially the abducted kid who always smiled and giggled at "Toys!" from the space.
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A Fetish video
15 June 2022
I'm sure people with the {insert-regarding-paraphilia-name-here} will enjoy this movie very much and give it 10 starts but I just don't have the buttons for it.

'Surgery is the new sex' ? Not for me.

I guess that's why it couldn't enjoy this movie.
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Dumbest villains ever
5 June 2022
The villains in this movie are the dumbest ones ever. They act so stupid that it's impossible for them to survive till that age in their own movie realm. I don't know how and why people give green light to such movies. It's one of those 'traps' with 'Bruce Willis' and 'John Malkovich' written with caps to lure innocent film freaks.
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Halo: Inheritance (2022)
Season 1, Episode 7
I am NOT insterested in Kwan and her story. I wanna watch HALO please.
29 May 2022
You can skip this episode and miss nothing about the HALO story because it's all about that Kwan character. (FYI I fastforward her story in other episodes too as if it's a commercial break. It's a patch story to fill time and increase episode count. It's an annoying technique and all writers do that.)

I guess this episode was a break for the main cast to rest a few days, and add +1 to episode number. I'd rather have a break also instead of watching an episode that has nothing to do with HALO.
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Oblivion (I) (2013)
7 May 2022
This movie makes you think how we humans are 7.8 billion 'clones' living on this planet, motivated by a belief that we're going to leave this place soon for a much better 'place' where we will get 'rewarded' by a 'tet'.

May the Tet bless us all.
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The 355 (2022)
More plausible than James Bond movies
29 January 2022
It's a 'generic' spy action movie with a 'generic' script.

Nothing interesting. No new ideas.

Scenario 4/10 Acting 7/10 Production quality 9/10 Action 8/10 Girlpower 10/10.
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Terrible movie
4 July 2021
I've looked up this movie in the 'Best Comedy Movies List' .

I got bored to death during the first 30 min and had to turn it off after the scene where our 'heroes' drive through a Toys'R US store full of children.

I've seen excellent comedy movies from 80s and this is not one of them.
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Amanda Knox (2016)
Things I've learned from all this
30 May 2021
Warning: Spoilers
Don't do cartwheels in a police station when your friend is murdered.

Don't do drugs. Even 'harmless' ones may corrupt your memory and cause you wrongly accuse people, cost you years in jail.

Don't smile and look happy in court. It's not Disneyland. People might think you are a psychopath.
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Out of focus!
29 May 2021
I give 6 stars for production quality, 4 stars for CGI and then remove 4 stars for using a weird camera lens, adding annoying blur to almost every scene, and remove 3 stars for dumb script.. That makes it 3 stars total. Sorry.

This movie had potential but that narrow depth lens used in EVERY scene was an overkill. I'm sure there are people who like it but I really get disturbed and can't enjoy the movie. I don't know why people choose to ruin a project with such a risky decision... You'll see most people agree with me if you check the other comments.
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Voyagers (2021)
World politics in space
12 May 2021
They should add 'politics' keyword in the genre section because this quality 'science fiction' production summarizes how politicians manipulate 'adolescent minded' crowds to gain power.

I recommend this movie to all 'voters'
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I Care a Lot (2020)
Better than a Marvel movie
24 February 2021
If I had only one 'suspension of disbelief' card and I had to choose between a Marvel-like movie and this, I'd use my card on this movie. It has many plot holes, but it's fun to watch. Just ignore the 1-star comments written by angry macho simpletons. They'll dislike anything that has dominant female characters in it. Actually I gave 6 stars to this movie but all those unfair 1-star comments made me raise it to 10.
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Sky Sharks (2020)
As If written, directed and edited by a 8-year old
30 January 2021
About 20 mins into the movie I've felt an urge to look up the name and see a photo of the director of this movie so I can blacklist him and avoid further mistakes. At first this looked like an Asylum-type movie without the humor part but it got even worse. Dialogs, acting, editing, directing, writing... all terrible, except some decent CGI.

I think some people can't be objective about their own projects. I believe excessive self-confidence drives people into very ridiculous situations. It gets even worse if you don't have any honest friends around you to wake you up and pull you out of your 'psychosis'. Making such movies is a long and gradual process. I wish there were someone at some point to tell the truth and prevent a real disaster from happening.

I gave 1 star for the movie, then raised to 2 for the CGI team.
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The Rental (2020)
Has a clear point but apparently some viewers can't see it.
1 January 2021
Warning: Spoilers
Most people who reviewed this movie say it's 'pointless' and it doesn't answer the questions who did it and why... First of all, those people should realize that this is a movie, not news cast. You don't always need to know the 5W1N of the events in a movie. (Who,What,When,Where,Why and How) Those questions are the principles of journalism, not movie making. I think the point of this movie is very clear. The makers of this movie wanted to disturb people who rent homes or places in real life, with the idea of hidden cams and a psychopath. These things are all possible and this movie just reminds that to you. So the POINT IS; be careful when you are in a place that is not your own house, beware of hidden cams and psychopaths.
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Excellent movie with quality production
10 December 2020
I think this movie delivers the message pretty well. The money collected by taxpayers are spent into technology and weapons by governments into creating 'monsters' to cause terror in far away countries. We've already seen this in real life recently; like the US military using depleted uranium weapons on the battlefield in Iraq and Syria, or the Iranian scientist remotely assassinated by satellite controlled machine gun, 500,000 child-death in bombings for Iraqi sanctions... People who vote and pay taxes are all responsible for the actions taken by their government.
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Greenland (2020)
Quality production, poor script
17 November 2020
Warning: Spoilers
Things I've learned from this movie are;
  • Abandoning your parents is OK.
  • Having a decent education and job saves your life.
  • You deserve to die if you are poor and uneducated.
  • Your family is the most important. Families of other people are worthless.
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Freedom of speech
1 November 2020
I think this movie is a very solid demonstration of freedom of speech in USA and I envy it a lot. I live in Turkey and I can't imagine such a political satire movie of TR government being shown in our theaters or TVs without getting banned or somehow punished. American citizens are free to mock their government, president, his wife and their supporters in movies and mainstream media, and they are not labeled as 'traitors' or get arrested for interrogation.
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Can't stand the Hubbie character and the way he talks
1 November 2020
This movie looked like a quality production until I heard Sandler's character talking, I thought oh no they've ruined a movie with good potential. I just turned it off at about 40 min. Only thing that made me laugh in the first 40 mins of this movie was a cat with a pirate costume and a hook, walking funny... unfortunately it was a viral Youtube video used in the 'news' scene, not made by the makers of this movie. I just skipped this movie and I don't feel bad.
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Vivarium (2019)
Excellent and disturbing with brilliant metaphors
30 March 2020
Warning: Spoilers
This movie shows the life of 'regular' human beings who are 'programmed' to 'breed' and 'serve' the humanity, keep over-populating the Earth and consume more products to make some individuals richer. Living in 'homes' identical to each other, serving the community by raising a new member, consuming the products, working at the same 'hole-digging' jobs, and getting dumped in a hole in the ground is the summary of how 'families' and 'community' works. Don't watch this movie if it's too late and you're already married... with children, or you might get upset.
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Litmus paper of Turkish inferiority complex
5 August 2017
Recep Ivedik is a portray of ordinary Anatolian Turkish citizen living in the "big" city, who is conservative, churly, non-compliant and uncouth.

This caricature-like character of a Turkish male figure disturbs some middle-class English-speaking internet-aware former Anadolian immigrants because either they used to be a 'Recep' themselves before migrating to the big city or they have one or more 'Recep's in their own family. For them, rating this movie as 'TERRIBLE' is way of expression, stating that 'I'm not a villager Recep any more'.

You will never read a comment from those who honestly enjoy this comedy because ordinary Turkish citizens can't read-write English and they're not aware that IMDb ever exists. They will never be able to rate and post comments about how they laugh with Recep Ivedik movies and enjoy watching him.

I think Sahan Gökbakar is a brilliant comedian and he knows what Turkish citizen really likes. That's why all Revep Ivedik movies make great money. Characters like Recep Ivedik actually exist in our lives and they are everywhere.

Obsessively hating Recep Ivedik and Sahan Gokbakar became a common reflex among those people who are actually real-life Recep Ivedik personalities themselves.
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Interstellar (2014)
Very overrated
11 March 2017
I have lost interest in the rest of this movie after the scenes where I saw a farmer carrying equipment to hack drones, NASA putting a guy on duty who got issues with his family and crying like a drama queen while driving to work, and an astronaut explaining worm-hole-time-travel to another astronaut using a pen and paper while on the mission.

The bad acting of the leading actor trying to sound 'cool' in every dialog was very annoying. This movie is way too dumb for a standard 'sci-fi'. The production is great though, but not enough to cover the overall dumbness.
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