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Meh. Solid B
29 October 2010
My little brother (17yrs) asked me to take him to go see this. He's not a huge fan of the series but the movie had piqued his interest. I've never seen the series. He warned me that this would be somewhat of a kids movie and really I didn't care. I like to go see movies for 2 reasons. 1: to think, I like over interpreting and analyzing movies that just me, and 2: To have fun. I like movies period and if it's fun I'll enjoy it. This movie however was just boring. The effects were alright (woo-hoo 3d) but even the previews made more dynamic use of the 3D. Both my brother and I were looking at each other half way through thinking, "how freakin' long have we been here!" Often predictable, the plot takes an excruciatingly long time to develop. I felt sorry for the moms, that had to sit with 8 year old with a 2 second attention span! So why did I give this a 6 not a 2? Because it's not the worst movie out there, it's meh... okay. M Night has been getting a bad rap lately but even his lower quality flicks still have a huge chunk of originality that other film makers just don't bother with. I personally could have never seen this film and never cared, now that I've seen it- I don't have any real need to trash it. Rent it, watch it, forget it.
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Surprisingly Solid Sequel
6 October 2010
BOTToM LINE up top: If you enjoyed the first film see this one; you'll not regret it.

Now with the review: I rented this film on the first day it dropped. I am a fan of the first one and so when I heard that a sequel was coming out my elation was almost a great as my disappointment that it was STV. Usually the a franchise suffers from a dilapidated entropy when they hit the STV crowd however, this film really did deliver. The switch of actresses for Stella gets a little getting used to, but the character shift is exactly what you would think it might be.

Yes there is an ensemble cast which comes with a whole set of clichés that are of course fulfilled. Yes there is a bit of predictability in that kind of dynamic however, the film really does deliver.

The Vamps are exactly what they should be: Monsters. The action is chaotic and intense. The production is good (not as good as the first, but what do you expect from a STV sequel).

I've seem many complain about the plot. I didn't find anything boring about this film at all. Really a great sequel.

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And now for something completely different
3 October 2010
First off I am a fan of the franchise and I loved playing the games. The Good, Bad.

First the Bad

The previous movies had really left the writers in a strange place so the first twenty minutes of this film was them trying to recapture the storyline and the audience (which probably didn't bother to rent other films) really suffers for lack of a unified story. This makes my first beef with this film. Second, the movie didn't have zombies! It was about 90% action movie and 10% zombie movie, the other films did a much better job of balancing that out. Third, the previous two films did a good job of setting up the villain with an unction / drive, this one really drops the bomb on that. The head villain, (if you're familiar with RE3) is not new but he has no back story and his murderous, cold blooded, i-wear-my-sun-glasses-at-night persona is just kinda random and stressed. The other villain, that freaky lookin' ax dude from the preview just shows up out of nowhere also!

Now the Good: The film is entertaining, not worth the premium for 3d and not worth the IMAX price, but certainly worth a rent and a bowl of popcorn. Second: the writers feel free to experiment and manipulate the zombie genre; too often Zflilms are the same recycled plot dipped in a bucket of red corn syrup. Even if I would have liked a few more zombie scenes, I can respect the importance of branching out and expanding the genre.

Bottom Line: If you enjoyed the other films, don't miss it. Don't go dropping $15 bucks for a ticket but it's a good show with some nice action. All in all pretty fun.
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Worth about a Dollar
29 June 2010
Warning: Spoilers
I'll put the bottom line at the top, If you're a fan of the franchise, don't miss it, but don't pay more than a dollar at Redbox for it.

I went to see it at the dollar theatre, (which cost 2 bucks now), and I really felt I would have enjoyed it more at home.

Just to clear the air, this movie isn't all that true to the original. The characters are shallow and since it sticks to the blonde for so long, you feel more for her than you do for Nancy who is now an artsy, emo, recluse. They've done away with the boiler room in favor of a school. They ditched the boyfriend for a love struck drug addict loser.

The real problem, however, is that the old one didn't need to be remade. Instead the franchise needed to be reclaimed. Freddy has consistently become more of a lovable goof-ball in every film. It was good to see Jackie play not a fun loving killer but a demented child rapist with a vengeful hatred. This is probably the best thing the film offers, a menace and villain not a prankster with knives and a mask.

Bottom line. It's not terrible, you'll get a little bored. Freddy is a menace again, don't spend more than a buck or two.
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Nietzsche the punk
13 June 2010
The ascension of The Germs was more of a local buzz of fans obsessed with seeing a self-fatal maniac cut himself on stage and snarl into a cheap mic. I used to be a huge Germs fan, not so much any longer, nevertheless, The film follows Darby's persistent nihilistic struggles as he moves forward with The Germs. I was terrified that this would be a simple boring chronicle with a fade to black at the end with a little blurb about what they're doing now. But I was confronted with a film that bridged an interesting gap between documentary and narrative film. The acting is suburb and the film is easy to watch and mostly accurate, which is surprising! Most 'punk' films are obsessed with a hard and fast sound track filled with the heavy hitting punk bands. This one however sticks mostly with Germs tunes, but fills the void with Bowie (one of Darby's favs) and some fear (they're playing at a club). The film-makers made excellent choices to keep the sound track in a supporting role and let Darby really take the lead, just as his did in the band.

Darby, for me, always summed up the punk world view, which is really angry nihilism (talk about irony)and I think this conflict is what he is ultimately struggling against, and also the reason that Punk as a 'movement' is self-defeating. Darby, as a character, is deep. And is artfully played. In the end, I suppose he would have made Nietzsche proud, Darby the anti-hero, the result of aspiring to the role of Übermensch. He found however, the bleak truth behind that famous graffiti, God is dead ~Nietzsche, Nietzsche is dead ~God.
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Robin Hood (2010)
Much better than these reviews led me to believe
1 June 2010
I didn't know what to expect when I went into this film. The preview looked fantastic but every review I'd read said essentially the same thing.... Gladiator was so much better.

Shocking revelation.... this movie is not Gladiator. Forget gladiator. This is Robin Hood.

Now upon it's own merit, I give this movie an eight or eight point five, not a ten. I voted ten because it has been trashed by people starring it at a one or two.

Fact is the movie is really very good, there is a semi-complex intrigue mixed with a kind of wonder at how the man Robin Hood got his name, outlaw status, enemies, and allies. Crowe does a fantastic job acting along side a great cast of believable characters that really do seem like they could be the real life counterparts to the beloved characters we remember from previous films and books. The action is not non-stop, don't go to this movie expecting an array of massive battles, one after another and you should be fine.

Bottom line: The movie is fun, entertaining, and made a great theater experience for me. No it's not set in a gladiatorial arena but if you're not looking for Roman soldiers you'll find an engaging, original take on an old character. If you don't see it in the theaters, at least rent it, this movie is very much worth it.
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House of Wax (2005)
cliché'd ...predictable... AWESOME.
24 March 2010
I am a fan of many types of cheese but the predictable, cliché'd horror movie type is my favorite. The characters are the usual troupe of clueless, happy-go-lucky twenty-somethings. The soundtrack is designed to sell, with one metal/rap crossover after another. But all in all this is a movie that thrives in the genre.

The plot is fun and there are several creepy moments. This really follows the 80's slasher theme with lots of jumps and a creepy atmosphere however there are many, 'new-school' original kills. This movie gets my recommendation for a rainy, Wednesday night. Pop some corn and enjoy!
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Flick (2008)
I love to be wrong.
22 December 2009
I really didn't expect to enjoy this film, but I love to be wrong.

This movie follows Johnny, the scorned lover finally exhumed from the bottom of the lake, forty years after he slaughtered dozens at a high school dance. Now he is back to find his girl and take revenge. A Memphis detective joins a British flatfoot in the hunt to save the girl and kill the bad guy.

The film is very stylized, so if you don't like that don't watch it. And the sound track is fantastic. I love Rockabilly! The characters are over the top, archetypal (just like a comic book) but it is very evident that this is the intention of the director from the comic style of the film.

Definitely not a high budget film for the masses but a must see for anyone who loves rockabilly and rockabilly themes, or fans of the genre.

I keep seeing this listed as a comedy. There really no reason for that. You have the occasional comedic relief, but genre wise really its more of a surrealistic zombie horror.

Anyway, make some popcorn and watch the movie.
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2012 (I) (2009)
okay hype works for ticket sales.
17 December 2009
I won't be shocked if the DVD sales on this one tank.

The preview looked great, but the actual thing wasn't that impressive. The Mayan prophecy wasn't even a part of the script! And I don't know if everyone else noticed this but both myself and a friend with me saw a sharp drop in cinematic quality about two thirds of the way through. It changed from a blockbuster to an episode of Star Trek.

Now that being said, the movie is good, not legendary but well worth a watch, even a theater ticket but don't expect any form of supernatural apocalyptic thing and you'll really enjoy yourself. Don't watch the preview or forget it as much as you can and you'll enjoy it even more.
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Existential, poetic, a little dull...
14 December 2009
Okay, firstly most of the reviews on here are really REALLY terrible, and I agree this movie was okay at best.

I don't care about budgets and such, so the fact that the cinematography had a kind of unfinished feel to it didn't bother me, however I know it bothers some.

Next, and most detrimentally, there is very little forward movement. The plot is severely lacking, in the special features they mention that this was a stage performance before a film and I think the cutting floor scooped up a lot of explanations that could have really helped the audience to understand.

Now that being said this movie had some things that even most blockbuster films don't. One: SOME REALLY GOOD ACTORS. The actors are not wooden and don't pander to the camera (at least not most of them). The character Sara is specifically very convincing and easy to empathize with. Two: ORIGINALITY. This movie was not a typically post-apocalyptic mess. No radiation freaks, no scantily clad bikini babes, no dune-buggy rally... Finally: many of the visuals were stunning. (I'm thinking specifically about the blue bottle tree).

The existential feel of the movie is kind of like Darjeeling Limited, and really I give this movie a six not a seven, but I'd like to see another star on it's rating.
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Totally misses
14 November 2009
Wow... So this film was so boring. I rented it because it looked like it would be up the same alley as Shawn of the Dead, but aside from zombies and jokes they are in NO way comparable.

The production values were low enough to be a distraction for one. The acting was lame for two. The story was boring for three.. ugh! I spent five bucks to rent this film and I feel totally cheated. If I had ANYTHING else to do, I never would have finished it. I was happy when the credits rolled.

Okay, I've ranted I feel better. So why a 3 star not a 1? It's not the worst movie I've ever seen. Also, there were on very seldom occasions a few laughs. Mostly the movie was just laughable though.

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Orphan (2009)
Not so much a horror, more a suspense thriller
8 November 2009
I just finished this film and I have to say, that I was very impressed. There are not a lot of horror films out now that have the kind of creepy suspenseful vibe of the classics, but this one has it! I think the real challenge of the film was that you know from the get go that the orphan is something evil. The trailers show it, the poster implies it. The trick was to make you wonder how the family was going to handle it. They did a great job, I am usually pretty good at guessing the twist, but I didn't guess this one. I wasn't even looking! I also really loved the fact that this film didn't rely on gore or sex to drive the show. So many films are just one strange and brutal kill scene after another (Cough Saw Cough) but this one had a good story, a strong and well thought out back story and brings you along for the ride.

Not so much a horror, more a suspense thriller. Get some popcorn!
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The Best Ghost Story since The Shinning
29 October 2009
I know that is a tall claim but I have to say that it is true. However don't take the idea that I think these two films are similar. They are in no way related except in tone and emotion.

I went to see this movie last night with a good friend and both of us left the theater totally creeped. The actors were phenomenal. The director was hugely successful in creating an atmosphere of real suspense and fear. If I had been watching this movie at home, it would have been one that I turned off for a while about half way through to bring myself back to reality. Keep in mind also, I love scary movies. I watch them all the time and this one was the first in a LONG time to actually send chills down my arms and make my stomach sink from dread.

Okay so why then did I give it a nine not a ten? Two reasons first: the ending while apropos and good could have been stronger. (this is really a nit-pick it was very good). Second: I should have sat farther back in the theater. The shaky-cam stuff gave me a bit of a head-ache until I got used to it.

Other than that go see this movie!! Or at the very least rent it, I think this is one movie that will work very well in either setting.

N.B. Yes this film is ALL shaky cam, which means low quality filming. It's part of the show! So many people are highly critical of it on this point, but honestly I didn't care or feel like it went to far. This is supposed to be found footage like Blair Witch. If you didn't like BW don't bother with PA.
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Stan Helsing (2009)
Average Slapstick Lowbrow
27 October 2009

This film was okay. I watched it in two installments due to some time constraints and what I wound was that I neither felt wonderfully compelled to finish it, but I wanted to take the opportunity.

It was pretty funny, not side splitting but not terrible. I'm glad I didn't spend much on it.

If you've got a couple hours to kill and don't mind losing a few IQ points, save your money on the beer and watch this movie. The acting was campy, the plot: mostly pointless, and the ending: dumb. But the ride though was good enough to be enjoyable. In the end, just a good bit of mindless fun.
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Mirrors (I) (2008)
Authentic Horror
20 October 2009
I have to say that I am really impressed with the director. From The Hills have Eyes, nasty gore and no holds barred intensity to a creepy dramatic supernatural thriller like Mirrors. If I had know that they were from the same director I never would have rented it. I don't like over the top non-stop gore, and I don't like a movie so shocking and intense that I can't enjoy it. This movie however was much more like the kind of thing that I like to see in horror. Something not simply nasty but REALLY SCARY! I jumped and felt nervous and yet had a great time watching this! It reminded me of the first Halloween, were you have this creepy overtone and a building of suspense throughout.

The acting was good, I've never been a huge Keefer Sutherland fan, but he was totally convincing. There is always a danger with a picture that has important roles filled by children, but the two little ones here were fantastic. If they don't follow the unfortunate trend of child actors, they'll make it huge.

The effects were very convincing, there are two maybe three scenes that are just gross and gory, but they don't steel the show or become the driving focus.

The setting was awesome, in the many facets of proper usage of that term. Huge, all encompassing, and unsurpassed in realism and intrinsically creepy.

I totally suggest this movie for anyone looking for a real scary movie. The only real reason I don't give it a ten is because of philosophical pot holes, which if you're not in the habit of over analyzing, won't be a problem. Rent it, watch it.
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Meh... Nothing special
13 October 2009
By the third movie, the audience has figured out the general plot.... Someone takes a WRONG TURN, and ends up cannibal fodder.

The acting is wooden, the gore is mediocre and way over the top ( a really bad combo...). The plot and subplots are both very predictable, and the ending was convoluted and left no real closure.

It really feels like a made for TV movie, that has been rewritten for the STV crowd. I barely paid attention and even so never got lost, nor felt as if I was missing our for not giving it more concern.

All and all, if someone else foots the bill, it is watchable but I would not recommend you spend hard earned cash on it.
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The Hills Run Red (2009 Video)
Good for what it is
12 October 2009
Warning: Spoilers
I found this movie to be far better than I really expected. I've read so many BAD reviews that I didn't want to see it, but when I found myself in the mood for a stupid horror movie, I checked it out. It think what I found greatly refreshing is the fact that this film acknowledges that the audience has probably seen this kind of thing before and then flaunts this fact. You have the prime suspects for the killer, you might even be right but since they are making fun of your ability to predict, how sure can you be that you're right? This is the only horror movie that I've ever seen where the cell phones worked! They call 911! (doesn't help really...).

People talked about the pacing of this film and such, I honestly don't care. The film is short (under an hour thirty), the action is fairly fast paced and they don't try to hide anything other than the killer's Identity.

The gore did not live up to expectations, which for me is good. I'm not a fan of straight up gore flicks. The nudity was exactly what I figured. It came and then went, which is exactly what I was hoping for. Pointless nudity is just that... pointless. There is one extended scene of overt sexuality and nudity and then it goes away. The acting was not the greatest of all time but lest remember.... THIS IS A HORROR FILM.

All things considered. Take a rainy night, eat some popcorn, and don't expect some sort of fantastic social commentary and you'll have a good time.
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Book of Blood (2009)
Everything you expect from Clive Barker
5 October 2009
I was so hesitant to watch this movie, all the reviews that I had read were so negative, ranging from pointless to convoluted and boring. But this movie was great, it was suspenseful and interesting. The story was complex and original and very gripping.

Gore was as needed but not excessive. The sex was as it is in most horror movies... pointless and unneeded. Acting was very good, sometimes a bit wooden but it never gets to a point where you can't believe the story.

If you are a fan of Hell-raiser (the first couple of them anyway), see this movie, the same suspense and fear pervades this film. If you liked Candy Man, watch this movie. It is every bit as original and scary as Clive's reputation would demand. Miles ahead of the boorish, predictable trappings of the competition.
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100 Feet (2008)
So Much More Than I Expected
28 September 2009
Ghost movies aren't typically my cup of tea; I don't even believe in Ghosts! However, this movie delivered! The acting was believable and good, the effects were very good. The plot while not wonderfully original was unique enough, and suspenseful enough to keep me riveted! There are two things I found noteworthy and unique in this film. First, ghost movies usually try to be Hitchcock'esquire and fail. The Ghost in this film however is prominent and displayed. The suspense is built and genuinely creepy but they aren't afraid to flaunt a shaded nasty. Nextly the film didn't waste the first forty five minutes on the characters trying to figure out what was going on. They ghost came, he was violent and she knew what was happening.

One last thing, this film while violent, really hearkens back to the classic scary movie. It doesn't rely on gore to scare you. You don't have some lame heavy metal sound track. There is no pointless nudity. The film will not excite you eyes but it will raise the hairs on the back of your neck and make you check the house before you go to sleep :)
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In the Classic style...
8 September 2009
I didn't expect to enjoy this flick. Typically, creature feature + STV = mildly entertaining dung heap. However this film was surprisingly good. Not a gore fest but a few nasty bits. This is more of a suspense thriller. It reminds me of the first Halloween or Nightmare on Elm Street. They wanted to scare you not just gross you out. This film was a lot like that.

The overall tone was creepy, I watched it on my computer on a Tuesday morning and was enthralled. It had some really creepy moments and it keeps you guessing until the end if this is just a plum crazy farmer, or a supernatural evil.

I totally recommend this movie. It has nothing to do with the first Messengers which is disappointing although not horrible, but it captures the same kind of classic horror movie genre the first one did.
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Boogeyman 3 (2008)
Falls apart at the end
7 September 2009
So as much as I was hoping that this was going to be so bad that it became comical, i really didn't get it. Was it pretty predictable? Yes. Were the characters clichéd ? Yes. Did it have some pretty good scares? Yes.

This movie reminded me of nineties and late eighties supernatural slashers, not a ton of gore, in stead some good jumps. There was a time when horror movies didn't try to wow you with nasties, they tried to make you jump out of your seat. That was the kind of movie this was trying to be. Now it was not the best but it was entertaining and enjoyable, the only real qualm I have is the ending. The cheese factor goes through the room and there is no real resolution.

Shortly, don't waste more than a buck at the red box for this one, but it'll still make for a good popcorn, pizza and Guinness night provided you don't try to take it so seriously.
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Great Fun! little point....
16 August 2009
I really liked this movie. It had all the antics and clichés of a fifty year old sci-fi movie but with the better acting, picture quality and audio of a newer movie. People may rag on the quality of the acting, but it is supposed to be a bit over the top and clichéd. THAT'S THE POINT! Most of what I read about this film was so negative that I was really reluctant to spend the time to watch it, but I think a lot of people are missing the idea. The movie is supposed to be pretty cheesy and goofy. There is not supposed to be some great contribution to the philosophical understanding of the human condition, nor are you supposed to put this down as an adrenaline pumped thrill ride. It's more like hearing an out of this world tale from your granddad with dementia, you don't take it seriously and just kind of enjoy the ride. This is the kid coaster you take for the nostalgic pleasure NOT the pulse-pounding fear ride you take to prove you're a man.

All in all a great lite cinematic meal.
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Skeleton Crew (2009 Video)
About as much dramatic flair as a video game intro
4 July 2009
The story is about a group of film makers who are shooting in the actual location where the murders they are pretending to portray actually happened. The director is then over come by the power of the evil doctor who still haunts the facility. House on Haunted Hill anyone?

The acting is campy which is exactly what I was looking forward to. I wanted a B-movie. They really needed to pack it in a bit sooner.

The story is a total rip off! The scenery from saw plus the demented doctor from House on Haunted Hill. Add in a bit of predictability and you've passed two kidney stones and an hour plus thirty.
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