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Dragon Blade (2015)
Somehow ends up being good B Grade for History buffs
28 July 2024
This could have been a great movie, with incredible sets, impressive effects, really great actors and a really compelling premise of a man eager to build a peaceful coexistence of all the world's cast aways who find themselves on the silk road.

But there are quite a few serious flaws with the rushed script and terrible audio dubbing. Someone with a small budget could fix a lot of this and I really hope they consider it. Fifteen minutes into the movie and you realise this should have be a ten hour epic.

Once you accept the movie for its cheesy script and really bad audio, you can enjoy the movie for its celebration of the Silk Road as a refuge for all the world's cast aways eager to make their fortunes. And the rushed script and bad dubbing can become an annoying background issue.
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Catch a Fire (2006)
Guerrilla Resistance against an Authoritarian state
14 July 2024
Well written, brilliantly acted and excellent cinematography.

From a historical perspective, a wonderful piece of history that touches on the wound, but also explores the reality of guerrilla warfare and armed struggle. The thing that most hits home is the reality of choices made by ordinary people and the extent of their commitment.

As a South African who didn't know political struggle, this is a keen insight into heroics and culture of the armed struggle. But also the ingenuity and wits of those young struggle icons.

The capabilities and cruelty of the state apparatus in all it's banality and ordinariness also comes through. The contrast of the regime and the resistance is also quite interesting. A taut emotional drama.
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House of the Dragon (2022– )
Why make a Fantasy, a fake historical drama?
5 July 2024
Warning: Spoilers
Why write a fantasy in the form of a historical drama, when you can actually write a real historical drama? Game of Thrones was groundbreaking because it took traditional elements of fantasy, but used these to reflect on the depravity and contradictions of human relations in a sociological sense.

The fantasy elements became metaphors for dynamic human interactions. And it had the necessary elements of adventurous quests, epic battles, horror and the imaginings of a different world.

If you're going to run a fictional account of a historical drama, then let it be a historical dispute between Romans and Persians or Chinese and Mongols. Otherwise, what's the actual point?
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Honest cinematic take on the Western conquest of the Americas
17 April 2024
Yes the country is beautiful, yes the men are courageous and have incredible stamina, yes they have grasped their liberty and freedom. They also happen to be savagely greedy, unflinchingly violent, driven mad by spitefulness, and cynically proud of it.

A unflinchingly look at the ugliness of the European Colonisation of the Americas through the narrow lense of Buffalo hunting by a small crew of hunters.

Refreshingly honest take that doesn't romanticise the character and nature of the US American settler programme that you might expect from other more traditional Westerns/Pilgrim tales ala Davey Crockett.

The experience is cathartic for anyone who doesn't see the need to humanize the worst programme of continental destruction known to man. Nicolas Cage is frustratingly good.
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Babylon (I) (2022)
This is rollercoaster Cinema
1 January 2024
The movie will leave a lasting impression, despite its sometimes longer cuts and marauding plot. This is not a feel-good theatrical production, but it's very much a cynical celebration of cinema and it's dreamers, with all the theatrical flair you can imagine. Crazy unexpected moments in the movie, ranging from extreme ostentatious and depravity to extreme vulgarity and sentimentality.

It subtly turns a lense on the industry, and exposes how it has dehumanised and objectified people by exploiting every person's vulnerabilities, and how that in turn changes the people, and that in turn changes cinema, which in turn changes people again. And what is particularly good, is that the audience is also brought into the telling as well

The cycle of emotions is felt throughout the film. The promise of the American Dream never fails to deliver on that emotional rollercoaster, even if the dream results in failure.

My thinking is that many bad reviews may have been subconsciously annoyed that it essentially points a finger at every person.
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Blue Beetle (2023)
Some won't like it because it's anti-Imperialist
31 August 2023
Warning: Spoilers
A very un-narcissistic super hero is not going to go down well with mainstream US pop culture audience. But it's going to do really well with everyone else.

An anti-Imperialist pro-Latin American super hero. A communist revolutionary for a grandmother. A illegal immigrant for a father. An anarchist sister breaking all the class norms. Lots of slapstick, lots of heart. A super hero for the people.

A lot of political messaging tucked into the story. Ronald Reagan bombing rural American villages, the CIA funding child soldiers, training mercenaries and political elites at the school of the Americas, islands acquired by multinationals acquired by the CIA from dictators ... The business of war.

And it's just a good old super hero movie.
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Camp Theatrical Comic Book fun
11 March 2023
This movie is maligned because the Batman brand carries a certain mature and dark expectation. But if you don't care, then this is a tonne of bubble gum to enjoy.

Geat fun sets, practical special effects, fun musical scores, and over the top characters, strung together on a threadbare story. The limited use of CGI coupled with extensive use of props, lighting and very 60's type styling and 90's neon, make this a treat to watch.

Uma Thurman and Arnold are wonderfully theatrical villains. Watch it just for their fun acts and you won't be disappointed. Heroes not bad either.

Enjoy it for what it is and it won't disappoint.
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Mo (2022– )
Endearing drama wrapped in a barrel of unexpected laughs
24 August 2022
Endearing multifaceted telling of a refugee immigrant family in the US wrapped in a barrel of unexpected laughs

A fun brilliantly-directed expression the ordinariness and complexity of the experience of a refugee/immigrant/Muslim/Palestinian/Arab asylum seeker in the US, who also happens to be thoroughly US American. Told with a touch a humour, lots of nuance, and beautiful insights. A rewatching will reveal tonnes of stuff that can be easily missed. And there are layers that you might only get if you're Palestinian, or Arab, or Muslim, or Brown etc.

While I thought the presentation of a Palestinian, Muslim, Asylum-seeker... Might be difficult to present; the show presents the characters with a charm, honesty and emotional depth. All the cultural peculiarities and challenges along with the contradictions, but not dealt with in a condescending way. The protagonist's own hang-ups allow us to be frustrated but also understand those frustrations.

No perfect people. Just relatable characters who bring you into their circle and who you genuinely empathise with and relate to and want to see succeed in their interpersonal relationships and their life goals.
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Noble Savage Much - embarrassing actually
27 July 2022
Warning: Spoilers
Allow me to set the stage for this racist spectacle:

An all black cast (not even a nose ridge or a pointy ears) Much like ancient human cultures (14th century Chinese according to the show) Dressed the like the cast of Aladdin (they even travel with carpets) Kidnaps the independent white blonde woman To stoke the flames of their polygamous honour In a show of bravado similar to Native Americans And a death challenge to secure a life-saving vaccine and her freedom

This was an excellent show if you want to study white angst and have a good laugh at the implicit desperate insecurity. A pantomime of an episode. Should be watched by anyone who isn't white.
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More refined recollection of the civil war and it's impact
24 June 2022
This movie is excellent with less faulty messaging than more critically celebrated stories. It doesn't valorise one side of the American civil war, but looks instead at the how racial conflict for white men is fundamentally one of serving white elites.

While it does embellish the white saviour symbolism more than it should, but the hero in this instance is not depicted in a very romantic way. I suspect this dependency on the lead is done to appeal to it's mainly white US audience, because the supporting cast are incredibly good and should have been given a more leading role.

This movie also undermines the popular imagination and popular narrative about race created by past, more romantic tellings. This alternative telling is closer to the bone and sorely needed. I suspect it was undermined by critics more because of how it reflects on current political sensibilities. It certainly does take the polish off of US American identity and it's political progress.
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Good Documentary about the US gender discourse, with some clear blindspots
21 June 2022
I was skeptical because of the plethora of often bigoted right wing debates around this issue. But this documentary does set that aside (mostly), and attempts to highlight some of the problematic tendencies within the gender discourse.

Interviews with people are not really patronising, is done with good manners and even genuine respect.

However, it doesn't do well enough to push its audience to admit that some areas are very grey. It imagines that there is no trans-prejudice, and even that the problem lies entirely on the left. It avoids unfortunately that the left is very clearly reacting to something.
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Star Trek: Voyager: Virtuoso (2000)
Season 6, Episode 13
A weak episode but so memorable
8 June 2022
This episode can be underrated because it's not the best executed. But as all Star Trek, it's the interesting idea and the anti-climatic ending that really sticks. I have always remembered this episode and everytime I encounter themes of fame and proclamations of pop-talent, I think back to this episode.
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Mayfair (2018)
Old school crime drama for an old school immigrant city
26 March 2022
If South Africa is a nation of strangers, then Johannesburg is it's Capital. There aren't really that many movies depicting this side of Joburg's old Indian community or its new Somali community. It's not a faithful depiction, but it works as a pop culture depiction.

The characters being portrayed and the setting are also uniquely Johannesburg, if not always 100% authentic. Performances were committed, locations are as real as they get, the communities and the backstories compelling. For all it's shortcomings, a lot of thought has gone in to this movie and it keeps the movie interesting if not cliché, and the story ticking over.

Old school crime drama for an old school immigrant city. For a part of Johannesburg that may not exist in twenty years.
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Well executed popcorn movie
11 January 2022
Enjoyable, light hearted and fun. The lead cast are likeable, the villains are devious, the action sequences are a lot of fun, and the sound track is cool. Just chill and enjoy. It's actually one of the more memorable pop culture films from the time, and the cast are exceptional in creating good film faire. Call it an action pantomime.
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Chi-Raq (2015)
Serious classical theater, improved by hip hop
8 January 2022
This is a near perfect cinema experience. A compelling story, characters and script. Part play, part poetry recitation, part fine art, part farce, part drama. An experience that's greater than the sum of its parts. Spike Lee showing his intellectual greatness, and his relatable voice.
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Don't Look Up (2021)
Good and necessary
30 December 2021
There are NO perfect movies. But this one is both good and NECESSARY. It might be a bit trite and even simplistic. So what, every Oscar nominated movie is. Critics might want it to be more serious. They might want more intense performances. But we've lived through COVID and that is not who we are.
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Cowboy Bebop (2021)
Anime is overrated and real actors inspire
16 December 2021
Purists who believe 80's style anime is more than, are really missing the mark. This takes a good original and makes it accessible to grown ups. The styling, the acting, the filmography and the retro thematic transpositions, are better than a cult show like firefly. It makes the original look like a storyboard that 80's anime ultimately was.
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Wilson (I) (2017)
Not perfect but memorable
9 December 2021
As movies go, an actual story, character arc, humour and drama, social critique ... Just getting more and more rare these days. Woody Harrelson is typically frustrating and endearing.
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Rampart (2011)
Othello for cops - Not a hero cop movie
9 October 2021
Drama exploring the brokenness of the US police through the complex character analysis of a racist, sexist, intelligent and flawed cop, father and lover. Not a fun night out. Definitely an intense and worthwhile drama.
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Raised by Wolves (2020–2022)
Science Fiction in the best tradition
13 March 2021
There's a clear direction with this series. Very much in the league of traditional science fiction/off-world arks. What can we expect to find, how will we respond, where would we succeed and where would we fail as travelers into an unknown realm.

Beautifully filmed, well acted and haunting sets. It doesn't have to conform to any plot direction and exhalt our technology. In fact the lack of excessive digital animation actually improves the qualities of the show.

Enjoy the story for the ambiguity of the characters, their state of mind under pressing circumstances, and the human condition as a species that seeks to dominate and control our environments and each other. The ending will not disappoint because it will be the story of us. Unanswered questions are not bad.
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Post Millennium Clockwork Orange
9 February 2021
Anger and angst of a generation expressed in a visceral and unrepentantly indulgent way. Relevant and creative film making in a swamp of commercial fluff.
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Quirky and offbeat existential comedy
6 January 2021
A funny and engaging story that probably failed with critics because it was also embedded in a critique of the US Capitalism. Interesting well made sets, engaging acting and script, fun and relatable characters, and an all round embrace of late 20th century frustrations with the human condition. I think of this as an unknown classic, probably secretly loved by many.
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3022 (2019)
Not polished, but engaging still
28 November 2020
Well acted drama with an engaging characters. The premise for the science fiction is existential, not the special effects. And the relationships and perspectives held my attention.
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Star Trek: Discovery (2017–2024)
Based on Star Trek but with a more commercial appeal
16 October 2020
The stories are complex and even with a few surprising plot twists. But overly dramatic, rushed and woke to the point of silliness. This is not a classic Star Trek experience. If anything, it might have wider appeal, but will less charm and vision than the original series. Feels like Star Trek meets ER and terminator. Might plot the franchise on a new path to success. Though it does feel very generic and could be lost amongst the myriad of science fiction stories it tries to co-opt.
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City of Lies (2018)
Insightful exposé on the LAPD
13 September 2020
Warning: Spoilers
Not a perfect movie, with a meandering storyline but full of interesting details regarding the murders and lives of the iconic rappers. But like the story of the murders of Biggy and Tupac and so much police violence exposed recently, the questions remain unanswered. Maybe because that's the state of the society these events happened in. Whitaker and Depp gave decent performances.
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