
5 Reviews
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How do you say 'overrated' in German
15 April 2010
This film is unquestionably well put together. It has all the elements in place, a good story, good actors, good directory of photography, good set design and good music. So how is it that this film is 'overrated'. Simply because it receives overly gracious marks being that it is a foreign language film. This film is quite comprable to "good luck, good night" or other past regime type thrillers. For it to be considered #55 on the IMDb list is too high in my mind. Is it one of the best 200 films of all time, perhaps, I would be forced to say yes, like most people because you just can't think of a better German movie, Run Lola Run was an fantastic and fun film but this is truly a piece of stern and forthright filmaking. If I have to rate the film it is a 7 of 10, losing points for it's somewhat lackluster pace and also for it's lack of humor and exciting events until the finale sequence, I hate to say a film is lacking anything because a story is a story and what it has in it, it has in it, but this film wouldn't have suffered from an exciting or pointed moment of tension if the middle of the film. I believe #55 is a little too high for this film to sit but it was overall a very solid film. (note these comments come after seeing the film 4 times)
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cheesy as a large pizza, but just as good as one too!
8 December 2009
This is the best worst movie of all time. Yeah sure you could say that about any Ed Wood film but this one truly stands out as his masterpiece. It has the worst continuity of any film ever made, not to mention a part when I guy says "It's getting dark out here." when it is already pitch black in the scene. Then when it cuts to his POV shots it's daytime's pathetic. The idea of the plot is the standard aliens taking over the world thing, popular at the time. But the thing is by watching the movie it so hard to follow the plot it gives you a headache. In the beginning there is a narrator but 1/3 of the way through the movie the narrator is never to be heard form again. After you watch this movie you will feel like Mike Tyson has repeatedly punched you in the head. Your IQ may suffer. This film has the worst acting, period, if Tor wasn't enough with his slow walking not-even-close-to-scary zombie attempts, it has the worst cache of talentless hacks that sounds like they're reading their line from hard to read cue-cards. All in all it looks like Ed Wood found a bunch of scraps from his old films, got 2 shots of Bela Lugoisi horsing around in someone's yard, marketed him in the title role and came up with the story last. It is soooooo cheesy, but if you like dairy, it's great!!!
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Bottom (2004)
Worse than childhood home movie attempts at remaking 'goodfellas'
7 December 2009
me and the other person who commented on this title (and anyone who has seen it) can actually talk with holocaust survivors and have something in common. I watched this movie with a buddy of mine and we couldn't even laugh at it. yes, I watched all the way through it because it was so bad I just wanted to prove I could survive the worst kind of torture. I think this could be one of those 'so bad it's good' movies but the terrible sounds and lighting and acting makes Ed Wood look like Orsen Welles. WORST THING I'VE EVER SEEN, PERIOD. do not watch this unless you are terribly depressed and want to kill yourself. There is nothing can even be close to cinematography in this movie because it is shot on a crappy camcorder, also the old man with the glasses clearly was just taken off the street and thrown into the movie because they needed an "old guy". This 'old guy' has the acting skill of a 3rd grader in a school play, and I'm not kidding at all, I just saw my little nieces play 2 weeks ago and she delivered her lines with more practice and believability than this freak. Not to mention the constant abuse of the one special effect the camera had (delay image slow motion). Which went to prove that the person who made this movie "jelese" is the biggest know nothing moron that ever picked up a video camera. when I was 13 years old me and my brothers used to try and remake 'goodfellas' with my grandfather's camcorder and it came out better than this garbage they call 'bottom'. It's ironic they call it bottom because this movie should be at the top of the list of "worst movies ever"...on IMDb's Bottom 100, it's amazing this isn't at the bottom. IT WOULD BE...but I bet only 1 in 100 people can bear to watch more than 10 minutes of this crap.
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A bizarre journey with an illuminating cast
13 August 2008
Featuring an illustrious cast of actors this film falls short of its potential although it is still very original and entertaining. Murray's performance as Zissou is excellent and it seems like the other actors tried a little to hard to mimic Murray's comedic style, which simply can not be done. Owen Wilson gets my nod as one of the TOP 5 WORST accents of all time. His supposed Kentucky accent is a far cry from anything legitimate as he loses and gains it back several times within certain scenes. I don't know how the director could have let that go, but it truly makes his character so unbelievable it threatens to ruin every scene he is in. As usual Willem Dafoe is brilliant. The story itself is rather loose, but it works since the film is sort of shot in a documentary style. It is a little long and parts seem a little drawn out. I've seen other people rate this movie a 8 or 9 and that is way to high. Even compared to other odd-ball comedies I think this movie doesn't quite rank too far up there. The sets are extraordinary the acting is great, minus Owen Wilson and the music is exceptional as well. Overall a good viewing experience especially those in the mood for a fresh and original comedy based on it's quirky and well played characters.
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Good Advice (2001)
7 out of 10
29 July 2008
This little know film is a sure fire sleeper. It stars Sheen as a New York stockbroker who's career is ruined when he follows some bad stock advice. Thus Sheen is forced to move in with his girlfriend Cindy (Richards) who is an advice columnist for a small time newspaper. Ryan then steals Cindy's job in order to keep her paychecks coming in, however his writing makes the column extremely popular. As the story builds Ryan begins to fall for Cindy's boss, Page (Harmon) who is the owner of the newspaper. Of course Ryan's scam falls out from under him when Cindy returns. The ending is surprising and the film ends on an a good note. This film is full of hilarious moments, especially when Ryan and Page go out on a business date and see a performance artist. The acting by Sheen, Lovitz, Arquette and Harmon is very good. Also Angie Harmon is about the best looking woman I've ever seen in my life in this movie. There is no doubt she is one the most gorgeous women on earth.
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