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OceanXplorers (2024– )
Needs a disturbing content warning
24 August 2024
If you're an animal lover, you will have a very hard time watching some of this.... They focus a lot (too much for me, I had to forward past most of it) on animals killing animals .... It's understood that "everything needs to eat", however, showing the process and torturous death that one animal has to endure to feed another just goes against one of the main reasons behind this type of show : for people to fall in love with the animals and want to conserve them.... Seeing a Killer Whale hunt and kill, particularly a baby whale, in high def detail does the exact opposite for most folks. There is so much beauty in the natural world, there is no reason to be so obsessively focused on showing the cruelty- particularly if you're not going to warn your audience that some of the material you find so fascinating in your scientific detachment is actually quite upsetting.

Also had to fast forward through much of the tech stuff.... Easily half the first episode, for instance, focused on the technology.... Most viewers want to see the amazing underwater "stuff" not listen to you go on and on about the tech. I get it, it's amazing and groundbreaking, but, to focus on it for half the episode frankly gets boring.

Definitely wouldn't want young kids to see this; they'd likely be in tears. Those who can't stomach seeing the cruelty of the natural world, be warned.

Honestly came away from the first episode thinking that scientists and some nature filmmakers just have no heart with the way they talk about and get excited over a living thing getting killed in such horrible drawn out ways.

Worth watching on a platform that allows the viewer to fast forward. Would give 10 stars for the cinematography, 5 stars overall due to how the episodes are put together, and there really should be a disturbing content warning with some of what's presented.
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Destination Fear (2019–2023)
Destination "I don't want to be here"
11 April 2024
The show's premise would be interesting .... But these fools act like they don't want to be doing what they're doing... They overdramatize every silly noise. Assume everything is paranormal, not bothering to use equipment to check that there isn't a real world explanation for what scared them. That's not confronting fear.... Confront fear by trying to find the source of it despite your fear. It's stupid, and completely unbelievable, to run around in the dark in buildings that are hazardous. Either the locations are sanitized and made safe or the whole premise is BS. Doesn't make one bit of sense to not use night vision equipment.

And the Chelsea chick..... Good grief.... Can a person be any more obnoxious? Screaming and crying and wussing out over a "grandma" voice? C'mon.... Even worse is listening to her speak .... Like this, like that... Like, STFU .... As the series goes on she even takes on the same cadence to he speech as the equally obnoxious Z. Bagans.

Show like this would be far more believable if they went in there blind, not knowing the history. You want to chase fear, go in blind. All the preconception and ramping up fear before even walking into a location makes the fools jump at any little sound or movement. I'm sure most of what they supposedly freak out over in the dark could easily be explained had they taken the time to investigate.

Not even doing a sweep for electromagnetic levels --- high levels of which can cause cause and explain much of the BS they supposedly experience. Don't use thermal cameras to check for wildlife --- especially once you've already run into birds, bats, cats. A skeptic would point out that animals wouldn't be found in locations with "paranormal" activity --- they are extremely sensitive and avoid places with "off" energies --- so running across them is more compelling proof that there's nothing unnatural there than anything else.

Many of the locations are places of untold human suffering.... Idiots like these just going there running around for the sake of getting scared is actually incredibly disrespectful and speaks to a complete lack of empathy or care .... They try to fake tears and sadness, but do it so badly, they shouldn't even bother.

Anyone who believes this BS is real should have their heads examined. Or at least think about the fact that they do nothing to rule out natural explanations to anything they supposedly encounter.

C'mon.... They want you to believe they can see shadows in a pitch black room with the naked eye.... LOL ..... Then take pictures and point out any little shadow caused by the flash as proof and then manipulate the photo(s) with software to "prove" it.... Bunch of wusses trying to prove they're not wusses and failing miserably.
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Bruh.... Bro.... Dawg..... ad nauseam
5 April 2024
Should be called ghetto ghost tales..... Terrible show to begin with, but then they add clowns with questionable ghost detecting toys to the mix to run around cracking jokes where jokes of any kind are inappropriate. "Gangsta Boo"? Seriously? Using "'hood" talk when trying to connect with someone who lived in the 1700's? Seriously? Many modern day people would struggle to understand them ..... Using idioms and slang that didn't exist back then is just ignorant.

Their first show was canceled for good reason.... This show didn't make it too far either, for much the same reason. They had to resort to YouTube, apparently....

Three stuck up "brothaz" making a mockery of people's pain resulting from some very tragic events and locations with histories so horrific they should be bulldozed, not opened up for clowns like these to make jokes.

Personality wise, they have their entertaining moments, but, overall, these guys should stick to stand-up ..... And if a guy can barely read, he shouldn't be put on t.v. Reading letters with the reading skill of a below average 10yr. Old.

Don't understand how this show managed to have an above ø rating, TBH. Absolutely ridiculous show.

But, if this kind of show is your thing, look for them on YouTube.
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Read the book
7 February 2024
First off, the script writer, if they read the book the movie is supposed to be based on, did not have a good understanding of the story and completely missed the character development and connections between them. There are some movies based on books where you can get away with not faithfully telling the story and still leave the viewer feeling like the story was told.... That did NOT work for this book to movie combo. While the movie was overly lengthy, it still didn't capture the essence of the story. What it captured was a lot of bad acting, particularly the female lead. Unlike the book, I couldn't get invested in any of the characters in the movie at all; didn't care who lived or died. The evolution of a marginally decent human being to a completely despot wasn't shown well by the movie at all. Maybe emotion behind that transformation is better written and read.... One thing is certain, the lead male actor just wasn't up to that kind of acting - he wasn't particularly good as it was.

As a standalone movie, it's terrible; convoluted, overly lengthy, boring. As a prequel, it falls way short.... As an adaptation of a well written novel, an embarrassment.

Feel sorry for folks who payed to see this poor adaptation.... Read the book! Unfortunately, the movie was so badly done, it likely put ppl off the book if they hadn't already read it.
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Everybody Hates Chris (2005–2009)
Funnier if you don't know what's a blatant lie
17 January 2024
I'll preface this by saying that I grew up in a NYC borough bordering the ones this show supposedly takes place in during the same time period. This changes my view on the show..... A lot of flat out lies depicted as fact to suit the narrative. Without that background knowledge or ignoring said knowledge, the show has more appeal. Fact is, some of the stuff borders on offensive, but hey, as long as it works to tell a distorted story of a rough childhood, it's ok....

First of all...... In the 1980's, NYC was one of the most diverse places in the country, especially the outer boroughs. It was the height of immigration, particularly from iron curtain European countries, Asiatic countries, and South America..... This whole all-white neighborhood in Brooklyn thing is abject falsehood. Outside of Jewish schools, there was absolutely no such thing as a school without black students (as in more than one).... Seems like someone on the production staff knew it because they tossed in an Asian actor here, a hispanic one there to try to cover the lie.... And the level of racism portrayed in the show is a lie.... The REALITY was that areas with predominantly African American and Hispanic populations (like Bedford-Stuyvesant) were the most racist and dangerous places in Brooklyn without equal --- if you were caucasion or Asian, you were taking your life in your hands going into that neighborhood and a few others like it. Yet this show wants you to believe that neighborhood wasn't dangerous, just the supposedly "white" neighborhoods.

More on the schooling..... In NYC in the era depicted, without breaking the law, you didn't have a choice regarding the public school you sent your child to.... The entirety of the city's public school system was zoned.... You went to the school your address was zoned for, period.... There were only two ways out of that, one legal, moving, the other illegal, claiming you live at an address you didn't actually live at in the district you wanted your kid to go to school in.... Wasn't pretty if you got caught. The show wants you to believe they could easily choose where they sent their kids to..... It's a lie.... No way you were sending one kid out of three to a diff't school district without changing their name and address.

The neighborhood..... Bedford-Stuyvesant was one of the "armpit of NYC" neighborhoods.... It was dangerous, garbage everywhere, apartment buildings had bars on the windows (especially the lower floors), and graffiti was EVERYWHERE..... Yet this show wants you to believe white ppl described it that way, but it wasn't true.... Wrong..... No one lived there by choice, it was and still is a ghetto and has one of the highest crime rates in NYC. Cars, buses, trains, buildings (including churches & schools) nothing was exempt from being covered in graffiti. In the show, everything is all nice and clean, cars mostly shiny. Hell, even the post office windows had bar on all the windows!

Doesn't show the reality of the supposed racism either.... According to the show, it only went one way.... It's a lie..... There was soooo much cultural diversity and mixing, there really wasn't much racism and definitely nowhere near the level portrayed. The BIGGEST source of bigotry and such was perpetrated by caucasian ppl who were American born.... They targeted immigrants like nobody's business. They didn't need to mess with African American ppl and risk getting shot or stabbed.

Drugs, weapons, gangs..... Non-existent in Chris' fairytale neighborhood, only the mob in the "Italian" neighborhood. The reality? Bedford-Stuyvesant was rife with gang activity, guns more available than libraries. It was and continues to be one of the most dangerous neighborhoods in NYC.

Depictions of the teachers in the "white neighborhood" school is a flat out lie.... It could never happen --- for one thing, a public school with only one black kid in any neighborhood in Brooklyn, aside from Brooklyn Heights, is a myth. The level of ignorance, outright racism, and apathy by teachers & principles is a lie. It's actually offensive to portray them that way.... NYC Dept. Of Education made substantial efforts to ensure teaching staff was multi-cultural/diverse, going as far as hiring special teachers to address the teaching of English to Chinese-speaking students in certain schools, one of my schools have 5 specialty teachers to address diff't groups of non-American students' needs .... There was no such thing as the level of racism this show wants you to believe existed. There was bullying, sure, but it was equal opportunity -- mostly targeting kids who didn't speak English, actually. African American kids were primarily bullied by their own.... "White" bullies were mostly smart enough not to risk having a gang turned lose on their behinds.

Suspension in NYC public schools.... 3x and you're expelled, 2x expelled and your problem behind needs to find another school (good luck).... Chris gets suspended plenty, but still manages to stay in school.

Anyway.... I don't pretend to know Chris Rock, nor would I care to .... But I'd have to say, having firsthand knowledge of the neighborhoods mentioned, the stories about his childhood neighborhood and school are largely exaggerated for ratings in a time when shows about "black" ppl were a supposed novelty.

If I didn't know the reality, this show would've gotten a higher rating from me.... Ignore the truth, though, and it's pretty funny.... Until the ghetto snob stupidity and spoiled obnoxious attitude little girl get on your nerves ;) The best character is that of Julius, the father =)
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Fast X (2023)
16 January 2024
I've followed the Fast 'n' Furious franchise from the beginning.... The movies were fun, not overly complicated to follow, mostly mindless escape from reality.... That last on in the franchise that I actually enjoyed watching as Fast 5..... It's been going downhill all along, yes, but each one after Five hits a new low....

Then you have something like Fast X..... They drag in footage from previous movies, but they don't really interweave into the story .... So much so that they're virtually pointless with the small exception of using clip from a previous movie to build the background of the new super villain.

And that new villain is more of a psychopathic joke told by a comedian who's had a lobotomy. Not a fan of Momoa, nor do I particularly dislike him... What I can say after having seen about 50% of his See series (got bored with it), is that this type of movie is out of his range as an actor. The character wasn't believable in the first place and his acting didn't help things. The attempts at humor just fell flat..... And the scene with the dead guys propped up in lawn chairs, what was the point? What was funny is how utterly ridiculous Momoa looks in pigtails.

The CGI work in this one, you'd think would have been better as the tech. To create it has gotten better by leaps and bounds..... Nope..... It's terrible! I mean, like 1990's CGI terrible. Doesn't even come close to appearing like a finished product, much less appearing believable..... In some of the gun fight scenes, bullets can be seen ricocheting off people, for pete's sake -- one off the torso and another off a foot.... Didn't anyone edit the movie? C'mon now..... And it's noticeable first because the CGI is so bad and second because the movie is actually boring..... Way too many scenes of blowing stuff up and shoot outs that drag on and on and on and....

Some of the hand-to-hand combat scenes were well done, I'll give them that.

The car crashes and wrecks and bombs that just ONE car survives.... Gimme a break! I get it, action movie, not supposed to be real, but, seriously, there is a line that is supposed to be toed.... Once they crossed it, it looks more like a very bad sci-fi movie attempt. They're not just asking the viewer to suspend reality, but to throw it under a flaming bus. Doesn't work. What made the first few movies fun was the possibility of reality..... The type of driving featured, the effects, could be possible, they worked....

And the scenes where people are leaning out car windows or sticking arms out of said windows during high speed chases..... C'mon.... They're so badly done, that no even the clothing on the ppl ruffle in the breeze.... Seriously? You lean half your body out the window of a car doing 100+ mph, you're not going to survive, period.... No matter how muscle bound you are.

This movie shouldn't have ended in a way that required a sequel..... Really, they need to just stop making movies in this franchise.... It's time to call it quits.... The actors are REALLY showing their age and not in a good way.... It's just not believable to cast them in these types of roles anymore. The G-forces you'd have to survive with so many major car crashes alone --- a body that age wouldn't survive, much less walk away without so much as a limp.

Terrible movie..... Feel sorry for anyone who got suckered into paying to see it.
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The Gilded Age (2022– )
gilded age of snobbery, viciousness and insufferable characters
7 January 2024
Five episodes.... That's as much as I could stand... The characters are insufferable. The take on history REALLY inaccurate. Everything is so clean and "perfect" and FAKE. Perfect teeth, perfectly plastic faces, perfect makeup, perfect interiors.... In a world where horses were the main means of getting around, every street is perfectly clean? Seriously? Stories are predictable.... And frankly, this type of telling of the lives of the rich and disconnected is stomach-turning and unrelatable... .There wasn't ONE character that I could root for success in their ventures. This show only serves to reinforce the reasons that the rich and privileged were despised and reviled by other classes in cities around the growing US. IMO, it's not a story worth telling in the first place and one that is horribly told in this one-dimensional plastic everything series. The characters lack complexity, everything is one-sided. The air-headed, vindictive female characters are actually obnoxious.

2-stars only because of the faithful recreation of the buildings and their interiors (I'm a NYC resident and am familiar with many of the buildings portrayed and their owners' faithful to period interior designs and furnishings).

Unwatchable show for me.
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Archive (2020)
23 October 2020
A story that could've been told in 30 mins. just drags on and on and on and... you get the point. Even visual effects cannot compensate for the excruciatingly slow pace. By the time they got to the plot twist at the end, I didn't even care anymore.

Not worth the time.... I don't know how this managed to get decent ratings to begin with. All them reviews speaking about depth and great sci-fi must've been watching a diff't movie altogether because I didn't find any redeeming elements.

One of those movies where the trailer is better than the movie itself. Would give it a Ø rating if I could.
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20 December 2019
Particularly failed in the remake of the "All in the Family" episode.... The acting was really bad. The portrayal of the Archie and Edith characters in particular was a complete failure --- painfully so.

I think these iconic characters, for one thing, will never be duplicated. That's what made them so special... Secondly, everything is far too politically correct in society today to actually be able to capture the feeling and emotion of the chosen episodes. Folks wouldn't be able to look past their offenses to be able to catch the real meaning behind the scripts.... Certainly not as portrayed by modern actors.

They really shouldn't have bothered.... Waste of time and effort.... Would've been better off showing a live screening of the original episodes.

If you want to watch these episodes, go find a source to stream the originals...
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The Lion King (2019)
More About the Eye Candy
12 October 2019
Unfortunately, this remake is more about the eye candy than the original story... That said, the CGI is amazing! I'd watch it again for that alone.... I don't agree that all the heart and soul of the story has been stripped away, but those who REALLY liked the cartoon versions of TLK for the story aren't likely to like this remake of the movie. For fans of CGI and those who want to be wowed by the visuals in a movie, will at the very least like this movie for that....

To sum up, the loyal fans of TLK should probably stay away from this one.... CGI lovers, enjoy =)
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What if this, what if that.... SciFi nonsense....
11 May 2019
What a waste of time! It wants to be real science, it tries to be science fiction with some real science mixed in, but it fails completely on all counts. As the seasons progressed, the stories got more and more absurd.

Don't waste your time. If you want to watch a show covering real science rather than pseudo-science garbage, look elsewhere.
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Worth watching.....
6 April 2019
First off, like most other reviews, I'll note that the CGI is especially well done...

The plot & characters both lack the depth to really pull you into the story itself, though. So, while a feast for the eyes, it lacks the detail in the story to keep the mind engaged.

More than anything else, it made me go look for the books to add to my reading list. I just feel like the movie simply didn't tell the story as its focus was too much on the CGI aspect.

Still worth a watch....
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Bully (I) (2011)
Falls Way Short of Really Showing the Extent of the Problem
19 July 2016
This issue of 'bullying' is so much bigger and more ingrained into the psyches of virtually every human being than this documentary could possibly have addressed in its running time. However, they fell way shorter than necessary by picking subjects who are weak and have reason to be picked on --- not that they should be picked on & I'm not unsympathetic, but they don't make good case studies into the larger cultural norms that are the driving force behind the issue of bullying. If they'd wanted this documentary to have real impact, they needed to choose more relatable, realistic examples and shoot in bigger school districts where bullying is far more prevalent and life-changing. They also picked subjects with weak parents in weak towns and weak school districts who do very little to address this behavioral problem. Stopping the behavior is also far more involved than just having a rally here and there and showing pictures of deceased kids who died needlessly because they were not taught how to stand up for themselves -- I mean, seriously, if your child isn't mentally equipped to handle being bullied, do they have any real chance of surviving the real world? And that's the larger issue.... We need to look not just as the poor kids being bullied and just say "poor so-and-so" and force all efforts at changes this behavior onto other children who are no less equipped to handle life if they have to pick on someone weaker than themselves to get by. The documentary does nothing to address educating parents of these weak kids on what they need to do to make their own kids stronger and less likely to be bullied. It also doesn't address dealing with parents of bullies in any way. Change does not begin with rallies and all that goody-goody feel good for the moment crap. To achieve change, people have to be willing to put on the hip waders and slog through the crap that makes up human behavior and figure out why some are bullied and some are bullied. You cannot fix what you don't even understand. You also cannot fix what you are unwilling to punish. Bullying in schools should be treated like the crime it is -- in the adult world it's called harassment and there are laws against it.

Anyway.... The film was a sad attempt at really showing the problem surrounding bullying from all aspects. There were no consequences for the bullies, the victims parents were all pretty pathetic.... Feeling sorry for these kids isn't going to help them -- they need to be educated and strengthened, not coddled and babied and taught that weakness should be a crutch in life. As that one kid pointed out, once he stood up for himself the bullies left him alone. That is the best medicine for this problem -- albeit not the only one. Granted, that is becoming more and more difficult in light of the gun problems in so many schools, too.
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The Revenant (I) (2015)
Gory and booooooring!
3 February 2016
One goes to the movies, usually, to be entertained & escape reality... This movie was so gory and graphic that it provided neither an escape from reality nor entertainment. Some of the scenes are stomach turning. The plot is predictable which makes the drawn out length of this horrible movie completely pointless -- the story could've been told in 30 mins. (tops). The acting was pretty mediocre .... Not much acting to be done aside from dragging oneself along on the ground and breathing heavy through half the movie.

I honestly couldn't see any reason for the high rating this movie has on this site nor understand the whole Oscar "buzz" over it... Truly one of the worst movies I've seen in a while.

To sum up... Don't waste your time. Or if you choose to waste it, make sure you're not eating while you watch... UGH!

I'd give this long-winded bit of trash a negative rating if possible.
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Mindless eye candy
18 September 2014
Visually, this movie is pretty darn amazing. The CGI is pretty flawless; downright jaw-dropping in some scenes. The scenes do move by incredibly quickly at times, though, so it's hard to really absorb what you're looking at; especially at 1080p. The acting is hit and miss..... But, I can't fault the actors too much given the incredibly poorly written script they had to work with. Plot development is almost non-existent. The writers made some pretty big leaps from the previous movie to this one and the back story just doesn't fill in the holes well enough.

The only thing I found kind of annoying about this one is the amt. of product placement in it. To the point where some scenes felt like a commercial -- especially the latter part of the movie supposed to take place in Hong Kong.

That said, if you're up for a movie that will wow your eyes and not require any thinking to understand what's going on... Then this is for you. It will entertain from that POV. If, however, you're looking for great acting, great story, great script, then you might want to pass this one by.

9 out of 10 for the CGI work ..... 2 out of 10 for the movie as a whole.... Gave it a 7 overall 'cause it IS worth seeing for the CGI if nothing else.
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Safe Haven (I) (2013)
Same premise as Sleeping With the Enemy....
5 June 2014
This movie has the same premise as Sleeping With the Enemy, but isn't anywhere nearly as good... While the acting is alright enough, the story lacked the suspense it could have had given the subject matter. Some of the story lacked believability -- granted, it IS just a movie and meant to entertain -- like someone being able to move on so quickly after being so badly abused. The villain didn't lack in creep factor, at least -- though, what happens to him doesn't really fit his level of psychosis (should have been more horrible;)).

The somewhat surprise ending added a bit of fascination to the whole story =)

All in all, not a terrible movie. Not great either. Worth wasting a rainy night on, though.
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Believe (2014)
Wanted to like it....
28 April 2014
... watched 8 episodes waiting for the show to get better -- if it wasn't for the JJ Abrams connection, I wouldn't have stuck with it past the 2nd episode though. BUT, the show is just horrible. It's like another attempt at Touch, but falls far short of the canceled show (which wasn't that great itself). Eight episodes is all I could stomach... Will not be watching it anymore.

The acting is pretty bad... The plot holes are worse... There seems to be a lot of running around in circles -- getting nowhere. The lead character is such a brat that she ends up being more annoying than anything else. By episode 8 she's become insufferable.

If you're a fan of bad acting and pointless story line, this is the show for you... If not, save yourself the trouble ;)
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Don't Get It...
26 February 2014
... boggles my mind why this crappy movie is hailed as such a work of art. It's a terrible movie. Virtually a work of pornography, really... Filth, drug use, irresponsible behavior and all of it a pack of lies. May be based on some true story somewhere, but it certainly doesn't mirror any semblance of reality anywhere.

The acting... Yeah it's great when the script is crap and the actors just have to pretend to hump like rabbits and get high left, right and sideways. Doesn't take much acting skill to pull of a porno.

Horrible waste of time movie! Something is definitely wrong in Hollywood when this type of crap is lauded as a great award worthy movie. Should be ashamed of themselves, honestly...
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Europa Report (2013)
Why did this crap get such great reviews?
30 October 2013
I don't understand why this drivel got such great reviews! Seriously.... The trailer is better than the whole movie! The plot was so predictable as to become completely boring and uninteresting. The acting left much to be desire; as did the overall dialog. The outer space experience was virtually non-existent. The camera work in many parts of it brought back horrible flash backs of the "Blair Witch" movies and were even worse -- to the point of being painful on the eyes.

This is one of those movies where the those who gave it positive reviews must've been watching some other movie than those who gave it the negative reviews it rightfully deserves. It seriously fell short of what the previews hinted at as well as what could've been done with the movie.... I mean, a movie about space with so few space scenes is completely baffling especially when it could've been spectacular! Most of the movie deals with life INSIDE the "shuttle"... I don't know why they even bothered to purchase the stock images & footage from NASA quite frankly.

To sum up.... Don't waste your time. Listen to the negative remarks about this movie -- they're well deserved!

What a complete bore!
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Critics be damned....
29 October 2013
To those who are expecting an exact retelling of the Lone Ranger tale, you'll be disappointed. From that angle there are more holes in the plot than in swiss cheese.

For those who put the preconceptions of the tale aside, you'll be entertained.

I don't understand the critics giving this movie such low ratings quite honestly. Sure it had it's problems --- the CGI work on the buffaloes is laughable & some of the scenic backdrops look every bit as fake as they are -- but overall it's a fun movie to watch. The new spin on the tale alone makes it worth checking out.

Depp shines in this one, as usual. If you enjoyed his performance in the Pirates of the Caribbean movies, you'll enjoy his portrayal on Tonto in this movie, too. Definitely has some laugh out loud moments.

So, ignore the critics and naysayers on this one... This movie's definitely worth watching!
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24 December 2012
Big name, big budget, big actors, terrible movie! The other movies in the series were very good in my opinion.... And then the crap hit the fan with this latest installment. First of all, it's not Bourne without M. Damon -- he's the face of the franchise, he wasn't killed off, there's no reason for making a sequel without him (and if he doesn't want to be in another Bourne movie, then there doesn't need to BE another Bourne movie). Second, the acting was pretty bad in this new installment. The actors aren't necessarily bad themselves generally, but they really didn't fit these roles. Third, the camera work is atrocious to say the least! Most of the action scenes were simply unwatchable! To sum up, this sequel is an insult to the rest of the Bourne series. It didn't add anything to the original 3 movies before it. If you don't want to ruin the Bourne movies for yourself, skip this one.

As a standalone (with a diff't title), it might've (though not likely) been a decent movie, but as a follow-up to the Bourne trilogy it absolutely bombed.
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If you want the full story, read the books... The movie is watchable, but not great
30 September 2012
Pales in comparison to the books it's based on.

The movie wasn't terrible. It has issues, though. Without nitpicking at the little things, the biggest short-coming is the lack of character development. It's hard to get emotionally invested in any of them because there's very little effort made (or maybe just very little success) to give the characters any real depth or characteristics that a viewer can really identify with. There are just too many holes in the story.... How the world got where it got and so on... You practically have to have read the books to fill in the holes in the plot.

So, in short.... The movie was watchable, but it obviously fell very short of what it could have been. I really feel that they should've gone with better, more extensively detail in their adaptation of the books and taken the R-rating that would obviously have come with it. The teenage drama they tried to make believable just didn't work given the movie's context and the lack of character development.

While I can't call this type of movie "entertainment" given the context, it does make one think and question the depths of depravity people can fall to.... Is such a world so far-fetched? Might not be...
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The Avengers (2012)
Predictable story, visual masterpiece
30 September 2012
I was drawn into watching this movie by the promising graphics more than anything else. I'm not a comic book aficionado in the least, so I went into the movie without any of that background knowledge. Nor did I need it, as I soon found out. There's enough back story inserted to get folks through & the back story of the characters isn't really integral to the story, I thought.

The plot was VERY predictable. There was nothing new or original about it. Can easily see where the story is heading and pretty easy to guess how it will end. So, in that regard, I'd give the movie a 1 out of 10.

Where this film shines -- and is downright amazing -- are the majority of the graphics. Fantastically intricate CGI work! From that aspect, I'd give the movie a 9 out of 10.

So, basically, this is a great one if you're looking for mindless entertainment as the story line isn't a challenge to follow. Definitely a feast for the eyes!
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Beauty and the Beast (1987–1990)
Such depth & superb writing...
14 May 2012
The beauty of this show is multidimensional. On the surface, yes, a love story between two people who fate brought together and their fight to hold onto a love that people wouldn't understand or accept. But there are so many deeper meanings to many of the episodes -- which probably played a large role in dooming the show. In order to understand these nuances you had to be willing to allow yourself to be pulled into the story, while also having a real grasp to the complexity behind the main characters. The stories, poetry and imagery used in the episodes told a story within a story; extended the story beyond the mere visual details and really gave you pause to think.

It also showed -- for those who took the time to really see -- that love isn't always about carnal desires. It showed that sometimes loving someone means that you have to give up everything. For anyone who has known what true, deep love means, they can relate to the heavy price love can exact. This wasn't a story about fly-by-night or whirlwind romance... It was about those quite moments in a loving relationship where people can just enjoy the quiet moments and be fulfilled... In many ways, it was the story of what love should be. The fact that real intimate moments between Catherine and Vincent were left to insinuation, implication, and imagination was no accident -- it was brilliant.

Unfortunately, the two main characters were so well linked with each other, that once L. Hamilton left the show there was no saving it. The way the story of Catherine and Vincent was told made it so the two characters were so completely linked that losing one would change the other so completely that the show would have to completely change around the remaining character in order for the show to survive. When Linda left, the whole premise of the show went with her because, as loyal followers of the story could attest to, Vincent could never love another. They did try to introduce another character like Catherine, but the chemistry and bond just never worked out. Plus, once father and son were reunited, it was the natural end point to the story...

This show still has a lot of followers because of the uniqueness of it. The depth of the story and complexity of those deeper meanings are so fascinating that you want to watch the episodes again and again... And you will usually come away with new tidbits, deeper understanding, things that really make you think and analyze things every time you watch some of the episodes.
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The River (2012)
Get your Dramamine ready....
10 February 2012
They got me to watch the pilot touting Spielberg's name and all that... I didn't expect great things with the whole Paranormal Activity link and actors whom, for the most part, I hadn't heard of before. Made for TV horror and airing on ABC brought the expectations down a bit too.

So, I watched... The acting wasn't horrible; wasn't great either. The storyline did have some intrigue. A few really creepy moments -- mainly surrounding scenes with creepy dolls hung from trees.

Now, with regard to my summary... The camera work is horrendous! I get it... Blair Witch style shooting or amateur documentary style shooting. Whichever... The result was too many unwatchable scenes. Two hours of cameras zooming around aimlessly, ridiculously out of focus, no idea where to look was too much! I was listening more than watching through many sections to keep from getting a headache. Seriously, this made the shoddy camera work in Blair Witch seem fantastic by comparison! Will I continue to watch ? Not likely... Not if the whole series is filmed the way the pilot eps. were.
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