The Revenant (I) (2015)
Gory and booooooring!
3 February 2016
One goes to the movies, usually, to be entertained & escape reality... This movie was so gory and graphic that it provided neither an escape from reality nor entertainment. Some of the scenes are stomach turning. The plot is predictable which makes the drawn out length of this horrible movie completely pointless -- the story could've been told in 30 mins. (tops). The acting was pretty mediocre .... Not much acting to be done aside from dragging oneself along on the ground and breathing heavy through half the movie.

I honestly couldn't see any reason for the high rating this movie has on this site nor understand the whole Oscar "buzz" over it... Truly one of the worst movies I've seen in a while.

To sum up... Don't waste your time. Or if you choose to waste it, make sure you're not eating while you watch... UGH!

I'd give this long-winded bit of trash a negative rating if possible.
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