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Interstellar (2014)
Too Much Drama Not Enough SciFi
14 December 2014
Warning: Spoilers
Not up to what I expect from Christopher Nolan. This film had the potential to be a riveting and suspenseful science fiction film but the overly sentimental drama stole that opportunity.

Where the film lost credibility for me was in the special effects near the end. I just could not find a man floating through a black hole in a space suit, landing in our solar system near Saturn without a ship, and then being rescued the least bit believable. It is just too far fetched.

The worm hole scene and much of the effects seem to be a rip off from 2001 A Space Odyssey.

The film was too long.
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Failed at Making Me Laugh
29 November 2014
I gave it 2 stars only because of the good camera work by Thom Best. He is well respected among Canadian independent filmmakers. However for me, that was the film's only saving grace.

FAR TOO MUCH slapstick. There was no IQ requirement to the humour. A Woody Allen, Monty Python, or Mel Brooks fan would find Men with Brooms a dreadful bore very shy on the laughs side. From dreadful Biblical quotes to the cornball beaver scene in the road, I saw no saving graces, other than Best, that would prevent me from plagarizing Roger Ebert's ungraceful tag "Your Film Sucks".

However, if you liked cornball slapstick like Airplane, which I do not, you mind find this funny. For me, humour has to engage my mind and thought processes and this film fails on all levels here. This is not comedy for those with high levels of intelligence.

If you are looking for something to fall asleep with, then this is a perfect yawnfest. With such sensational Canadian film from Egoyan and Cronenberg, to name a few, Men with Brooms destroys our image of being capable of making great film. It actually angers me a bit.
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Men to Kiss (2012)
Remember, its title is Men to Kiss, not Men who Kiss.
30 May 2012
The first vision most people will have when debating whether or not to see Männer zum knutschen (Men to Kiss) is that the film would be more aptly titled Men who Kiss. It is easy to understand why when one considers the fact this films focus is gay lovers. I suggest that any of you who have formed this preconceived notion evict this thought from your minds immediately. This production is not about men who make out and it is entirely free of gratuitous erotica. Men to Kiss is a light-hearted, albeit absurd, comedy starring Frank Christian Marx and Udo Lutz in the lead roles. It is a German production, filmed almost entirely in Berlin, with English subtitles.

I had the opportunity to view this film at the Calgary Fairy Tales Queer Film Festival 2012 which is runs from May 24 to June 2. Producer/Actor Frank Christian Marx is taking this film on a world tour and thus far it has received critical acclaim.

Men to Kiss is about the trials and tribulations of two gay lovers, banker type Ernst (Marx) and Tobias (Lutz), prone to histrionics, who are still unsure of the strength of their relationship only have the ultimate femme fatale, Ernst's sadistic childhood friend Uta (Alexandra Starnitzky), dropped within their midst, hell-bent on splitting this couple up.

What transpires is a refreshing comedy that jumps from genre to genre throughout the film, leaving the audience never bored. It borders on the absurd, takes a helping hand from slapstick and corn, and takes generous helpings of sarcasm and sardonic humour as side dishes. Lead Frank Christian Marx also wrote the script and it is obvious that his influences are diverse and well developed. Be it a Fellini like surrealism, a Monty Pythonesque absurdity, good old fashioned Carry On slapstick, or Marx Brothers style corn, Marx and director Robert Hasfogel morphed these genres into a dramatic comedy, surprisingly, that is uniquely their own.

Early in the film, the couple's friends become aware of Uta's mad desire to break Ernst and Tobias up. What transpires is a hilarious plot to save them from Uta's clutches. Business like Ernst and flamboyantly histrionic Tobias compliment each other well playing off of one another as the serious straight fall guy and the comic who never seems to take things seriously, that is until Uta arrived on their doorstep.

This is the first gay themed film that I have viewed that does not enter into the realm of gay politics and rights. It is strictly a comedy about two lovers that just happen to be gay. If you enjoyed La Cage aux Folles, the probability is high that you will enjoy Men to Kiss. It will appeal to both straight and gay audiences alike. According to Frank Christian Marx, in Germany it is getting better reception in front of non-gay audiences.
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747 Changes Engines Mid Flight???????
5 May 2012
This film has and incredibly far fletched plot. Right from the beginning of the production one sees technical gimmicks that somehow or other are too unbelievable. Not getting into the story I find it unbelievable that the jumbo jet takes off with Rolls Royce engines yet halfway across the Atlantic Ocean the jumbo is sporting Pratt and Whitney engines. That is quite a feat, being able to change engines on a heavy jet while in mid flight. For me that destroyed the credibility of this movie. No matter how good the rest of the special effects were this fatal flaw showed an oversight on the part of the technical consultant and is unbelievable for such a highly experienced director such as Stuart Baird.
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Cody Fitz (2011)
Cody Fitz Sees Life as Absurd!
27 April 2012
Cody Fitz is an excellent character study about a young man who sees himself as having a life without purpose, but not overtly depressed, and being fascinated with methods of committing suicide. However, the film could have benefited from better editing. Each scene was a vignette separated from the previous scene by periods, mostly very short, of a dark screen. Some were long enough, though, to make the film appear slightly disjointed.

Nonetheless this is a landmark achievement of a feature film for 19 year old first time filmmaker Kurtis David Harder. An excellent sound track accompanied the visual and musical background was wonderfully mixed. I found myself on many occasions drifting into it. Kurtis was a pleasure to speak with on opening night and spared no effort in talking about what motivated him to make this film. Great job Kurt.
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Mad or Clairvoyant
23 September 2011
Warning: Spoilers
This film made its world premiere today as the Opening Gala presentation at the Calgary International Film Festival. Starring Danny Glover as Donovan Matheson, a dyslexic nuclear physicist who gave up his career upon the death of his family thirty years prior, and Canadian Bruce Greenwood as an RCMP Staff Sergeant and friend of Donovan's it is essentially a character study into deja vu as Donovan flashes in and out the present and past.

It draw parallels between the tragic death of his wife and daughter and current catastrophes that are too closely similar for comfort, almost as if Donovan was predicting them. Everyone Donovan interacts with throughout the entire film appears to have a connection, what we never quite know until the last five minutes, to the loss of his family.

This suspense film never reveals even a hint of the possibilities of its conclusion until the last ten minutes. The viewer is left with many unanswered questions but with enough closure to be comfortable with the outcome. A good production worth viewing but I would not call it a great production. The problem being it was disjointed for too long a period at the beginning even though it picks up rapidly mid film. Regardless, this atypical role for Glover should bring him honourable mention as he held the viewers' attention throughout and essentially was the only true star of the film, all others being supporting only. This was a great performance by Glover.
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Technically Brilliant
9 July 2011
It is hard to be subjective about a film when the academy award winning editor, Jean (Hans) Oser, was a former of professor of mine when taking film classes some 40 years ago at the University of Saskatchewan, Regina Campus. Jean spent some 40 hours discussing this film in great detail I will address this film strictly for the technical expertise. It is a seamlessly edited film that flows in a way that audience is fully informed as to the direction it takes. Although not superbly acted, the direction keeps the film flowing in a well calculated and orderly manner.

Whether or not the film is worthy of viewing for content, that I will leave to the viewer. I was mesmerized but it is a biased comment because I was equally mesmerized by the talks of a major part of the production team.
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To Faro (2008)
Tender Gender Bender
27 May 2011
Warning: Spoilers
Without destroying the story or climax let me state that this film is not one of erotica nor inappropriateness. I saw it tonight at the Annual Fairy Tales Queer Film Festival in Calgary, Canada. This a mild tragedy of a 22 year old gender confused, but totally innocent and inexperienced, F to M person leading a double life whose colleagues and family are unaware that their dear friend and sister is trans-gendered. She fakes heterosexual love affairs while doubling as a boy in love with an essentially innocent 14 year old girl (played by Lucie Hollmann). Except for a 5 second distance shot, there is no nudity and no nudity whatsoever of Ms. Hollman. The film is about dealing with taboos and discoveries and in many ways a tragic tear jerker. You actually feel for this couple who cannot continue. This film will be of interest to both straight and GLTG viewers alike. It is a love tragedy like no other but nonetheless uses classic Greek techniques. Even Nietzsche would approve.
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Hilarious Fanfare of God Awful Taste
16 May 2011
This film borders on being as offensive of some John Water's earliest films. It is as politically incorrect as a production can be, stereotypes midgets, gives one the impression of a town run by five year old kids. I'm left with the impression that the small freaks escaped from the set of a Todd Browning film and decided chuck to horror films in favour of comedy. The problem is that the script is really not comedy, it is a drama; the outrageousness of a wild west town run by midgets is what makes it funny. Picture a film like For a Few Dollars More with the same script and all midgets for actors and you get the idea. This is great theatre of the absurd.
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Slither (2006)
Pukefest - Shock and Guts, Nothing More!!!
11 February 2011
Warning: Spoilers
This film is a rather pitiful attempt at morphing Alien with John Water's Multiple Maniacs. However, their is a difference, anyone who watches this from beginning to end has to be just as twisted as the person who wrote the screenplay and the director. It lacks the depth and quality the makers put into the products it is trying imitate.

If watching a two hour demented puke fest of man eating worms with all the guts and gore of a fifth grader crude joke is your cup of tea then I highly recommend it. One thing is certain, I do not want you dating my children.

The only plot this film should be building is its grave where all the existing reels on the planet should be buried. Excuse me while I reach for the barf bags. You will need more than one.
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