
4 Reviews
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South Park: Krazy Kripples (2003)
Season 7, Episode 2
21 November 2009
Normally, I absolutely LOVE South Park, even supporting unpopular episodes "Eat, Pray, Queef", "Pip", and "Not Without My Anus", but this was HORRIBLE!!! I am fine with South Park making fun of gangs (that part was wonderful), but the Christopher Reeve subplot went TOO far. If they had just had him using stem cells, but NOT eating them, and trying to kill Gene Hackman, and going psychotic, it would have been better. I got SICK watching every scene with him wishing he could rise up and kick Trey and Matt where it hurts, and please do not tell me that his attempt to use stem cells to be superhuman was funny, as it just added to the mockery.

This may seem prudish, which it is, but I LOVE it when South Park goes over the edge ("Pee" and "Go, God Go" being good examples), but knowing a quadriplegic (not Reeve) this episode hit home for me, and my friend cried when he saw the episode feeling it belittled a good cause, and hero, too much.

I guess even South Park have a limit to what they can handle, and this was mine.
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Stick to the German
21 November 2009
Firstly, this version is almost the exact same as the German version, but of course in English. That means it is still wonderful, but with all of the "Unrath" puns removed.

The only reason to just stick with the German is because most of the language in this film is either still German, or hard to understand due to th actors' thick accents, Marlene, surprisingly, is perfectly accent less despite not knowing any English. Since the DVD release does not have subtitles, or even closed captions, it is hard to follow the film without either knowing German, or rewinding to understand what Jannings and everyone else is saying.

Fans of the German version should still just check it out as a historical novelty and to hear Marlene (accent less) and see how similar and/or different the film is.
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South Park: Dead Celebrities (2009)
Season 13, Episode 8
Well done, and original
21 November 2009
While there are many references to old ghost movies, the episode is original in its style. The celebrities, and the whole airplane idea, along with the Chipotle and Beauty Pagant sequences, this is highly good South Park.

Some people may balk at the use of the celebrities (in particular Davi Carridine's "sexy" outfit), but other than that, I found it highly funny, (though they could have given Cronkite some more respect with a better impersonation).

For a season premiere, it was the best choice because of all the celebrities' death, and despite what some may say: MICHAEL JACKSON GOT WHAT HE DESERVED (in this episode, not dying)!!!!!!!!!!
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South Park: Toilet Paper (2003)
Season 7, Episode 3
A Round of Oscars for South Park
21 November 2009
I first saw part the episode on "The Godfather" DVD set which contained a documentary on parodies, this being one of Coppola's favorites, and absolutely LOVED it.

When I saw the entire thing, I LOVED IT EVEN MORE!!!!! The boat scenes, the Hannibal parody, and everything else is wonderful. I felt even without the "Silence of the Lambs" and "The Godfather: Part II" (it mimics Alfredo's death for those who do not get it) bits, it still would have been good. Surprisingly, this is one of the less offensive episodes, but still packs a WONDERFUL wallop. Cartman is relatively subdued, but just as maniacal, and his actions at the end make this one of his best, and most hypocritical, moments.

Any decent fan of South Park will get a kick out of this episode, and for those who saw it on the "Godfather" DVD will certainly make an offer they can't refuse when seeing it.

4 1/2 out of 4 stars.
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