South Park: Toilet Paper (2003)
Season 7, Episode 3
A Round of Oscars for South Park
21 November 2009
I first saw part the episode on "The Godfather" DVD set which contained a documentary on parodies, this being one of Coppola's favorites, and absolutely LOVED it.

When I saw the entire thing, I LOVED IT EVEN MORE!!!!! The boat scenes, the Hannibal parody, and everything else is wonderful. I felt even without the "Silence of the Lambs" and "The Godfather: Part II" (it mimics Alfredo's death for those who do not get it) bits, it still would have been good. Surprisingly, this is one of the less offensive episodes, but still packs a WONDERFUL wallop. Cartman is relatively subdued, but just as maniacal, and his actions at the end make this one of his best, and most hypocritical, moments.

Any decent fan of South Park will get a kick out of this episode, and for those who saw it on the "Godfather" DVD will certainly make an offer they can't refuse when seeing it.

4 1/2 out of 4 stars.
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