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The Amazing love story...with spiderman
17 April 2014
Short and sweet =]

The beautifully done HD shots of Spiderman flying through the air whiles chasing down bad guys is entertaining. When Spidy is taking hits of Electro's blast which have been cleverly mixed with dubstep, so every fight scene i was banging my head along to it, was really entertaining.

in fact every scene with spiderman fighting or just web slinging is simply fun.

Not the same for Peter.

There is some mildly fun scene where Peter is investigating his fathers past and some smile moments which you can see most of in the trailer when he back chats to his aunty and Gwen. Electro's(Jamie Fox) back story and how he gets/keeps his powers is non existence, but still he plays the character rather well and i did enjoy seeing him kick spidermans ass. It was getting better when Harry Osborn (Dane Dehann) popped up and hinted at his interesting back story/on going story. but those scenes are just rushed to get back to the back and forth of 'i love you Gwen, but i don't want to hurt you' , 'i love you Peter you wont hurt me' and so on. it feels like the action was getting in the way of the love between these two, even though they did all this in the first one.

all in all Defiantly better than the first one, If you liked the first one you'll like this one. Ill tell my friends to wait for the DVD, so they can talk about more interesting things while they wait to see the next fight.

Thank you

Side not - SONY should just give in and sell it to FOX so spiderman can audition for the Avengers... :P
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Ugly Americans (2010–2012)
Very good
22 April 2010
I stayed up one late night and saw this come on, at first I was really, really confused, 10 minutes later I forgot about how confused I was and now i cant stop watching it.

Its so smart, and different from all the other cartoons (Family guy, The Simpsons ). Its not doing what most cartoons are doing now by following Family guys Random Jokes system. Which are funny just think people are getting a bit bored. This show you have to think, which is nice.

I am not very happy that its only has 7 episodes in one season and that i have read that its not doing very well in American which probably means that there wont be season 2.

Being English, with our superior sense of humour (big head) I find this show very funny, Give it ago watch 2 or 3 episodes before you make your verdict.

Or watch episode 6 which takes the absolute p*** out of twilight. The best episode so far.

Thanks For Reading

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don't follow the crowed
4 September 2009
Warning: Spoilers
Now I don't know why people hate this film so much. I happen to be a HUGE terminator fan and know everything about it and I thought that this film wasn't as bad as people say! McG a guy I had no idea who this person was until I heard of this film, of course as soon as I heard about him I looked him up and I differently wasn't impressed with the films that he had made. In fact what films he has made? Because there are barely any on there.

But like every director everyone starts from the bottom, and this was his chance to make his name, and I think he has done a good job on it. He must have been under a lot of pressure about this film being the huge scale of terminator franchise. He did a good job compared to terminator 3.

When I first saw terminator I thought it was so good and then I realised there was a second one, Oh My God! The second one I must have watch 20 30 times and I still watch it, it's so good. When thoughts graphic on the t-1000. So good

Then I heard about a third one I thought to myself, right this is it, this is the one where I can go to my kids and say I was there when that great film came out, what a disappointment. It was alright nowhere near as good as T1 or T2. I'm not going to speak of that film because have no time for it.

Back to the Salvation!

when I walk out the cinema I couldn't get the relief out of me I thought that it was quite good, hell I say it very good, I'm sure there's some fan boy out there reading this going, "You know nothing William"

Well I do! (Smug face)

It was good OK, I really don't see whets the big problem with this film is apart from Christian's Bale's voice, which I am disappointed in you Bale! "You're a very good actor Christen stay away from that batman voice!" I haven't seen public enemy yet but if he hasn't dropped the voice by then I'll kill!

Anyway, the CGI in this film was very good, really good on the Sam Worthington face, and the motor terminator's or whatever their called. So it shows that McG has put a lot of work into this film. Or McG's CGI team did but he put it all together very well

I liked that in this film McG has created some of his own terminators such as the mototerminator. The harvester was very cool and then that's when I though "that's what you want" when coming out of a film you want to walk out and go when the harvester came, or when you see the mortorterminator fly under the car that was cool. Which is what you did when you came walking out of T1/ T2 cinema, there something new on both of them , which you had never seen before ! Arnold's T-800 coming out of the fire seeing his robotic body, the T-1000 reforming itself you never had seen that before. I got that from this film!

Sam Worthington who plays Marcus does a really good performance and he kind of steals the show from Christen, when Marcus meets up with Kyle Reese, played by Anton Yelchin does the part so well. There are a few scene where we see Anton plays Kyle so good it was like watching Michael Biehn who played the original Kyle Reese (if you didn't know that stop reading now).

But of course there are down falls, christen Bale being the main one. It was that batman/Bruce Wayne voice which he uses for every American accent, like I said his good actor just needs to get a better/new American voice. There's a bit when Moon Bloodgood, who plays Blair in it, does something really stupid in it and it makes you shout out "you wouldn't do that!" So why McG put that in I really don't know! I would say that was a scene that they could have got rid of, or written differently. That's probably why people didn't like it because when you see terminator 1 or 2 you just have no problems with it. There are so many condescending questions in this film, 1 main thing being that in number 1 Kyle Reese tells Sarah Connor they stay hidden during the day and they fight at night? But in this one it's like the opposite? I also think this film would have done a lot better if there wasn't so much advertisement, everywhere you went you would see an advert or a bill bored of terminator salvation and I think people got too hyped for it! While I'm speaking of adverts I think they should have kept the Marcus being a robot out of the trailer making it something to tell your friends. That guy from the trailer is different his not a terminator or is he??? You know it would have been a bit better, my view anyway.

And one big point is, like this review you always remember the bad and not the good. You remember that christen playing the whole angry part again, and Blair doing that stupid thing, or some tiny piece of CGI which wasn't perfected! Remember the good not the bad!

Over all the film was very good film, good CGI, very creative, acting was quite good i.e. Sam Worthington, and compared to Terminator 1 and 2, nowhere near but still very good just not as good as the classic's as per. Go see this film and give it a go!

And remember don't follow the crowed!
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A Quentin Tarantino Film
3 September 2009
Warning: Spoilers
The first thing, me and my friend are Tarantino fans and through that this film might flop, but after watching this film in the cinema we both walk out and looked at each other and said... It's a Quentin Tarantino Film.

Now that doesn't mean the only reason we liked this film because it's a Quentin Tarantino production, no.

By the advert it would make it seem like a killing spree of a film with no talking and Brad Pitt showing his 6 pack then chopping Himmler's head of and shoving it up Hitler's ass and they lived happy ever after.

Actually I through this film doesn't have a lot of action scene in it (compared to Kill Bill). There is don't worry about that, and when it happens you really know it's happening, but most the film does a sort of Pulp Fiction telling different stories, But unlike Pulp Fiction all the stories go to the main one, not having their own little ending and you have to assume what happens next. This is no Pulp Fiction don't worry, completely new and original. When I say original, I mean you will not say "oh that scene's like the one out of die hard or dirty dancing" (bad examples I know) but you should know what I mean.

There is a very good opening scene which shows Christoph Waltz who play an excellent part as Col. Hans Landapart aka the Jew hunter who by his name should give it away goes round and finds, you guessed it, Jews, Goes to a small French family and has a very casual at first but then powerful talk with him about hiding Jews. It shows what it must have been like back then to be in that situation the fear of having a horrible Nazi talking to you. But his not shouting or threatening to kill his children he is as I said having a casual talk with him as if he was a old friend, but his a brilliant nasty piece of work ! His one of thought's Gary Oldman bad guys who you really love to hate! You'll find out why when you see it, his very well done! Anyway back to the main film. The film itself is excellent, the action scenes involve the normal Quentin the more blood the better, but not like Kill bill with the watery blood going up in the air when an arm comes flying off. A bit more realistic in Quentin's world anyway. There's a scene in this film which makes you feel how you felt in Reservoir Dogs. When his pouring on the petrol and your thinking "oh s***, Oh S***." the suspense is horrible and your thinking "Just burn him already" whiles his dancing round him, but in that film he gets out of it and doesn't burn to death. In Inglourious Basterds the scene with Eli Roth and a baseball bat, he comes walking out of this room banging the bat against the wall and you can't see him. He does this for about 20 to 30 seconds whiles his slowly walking out... It's the longest 20 to 30 seconds in movie history, and the scene that follows his quite horrific.

There were two great scenes but there is a lot more where that came from. You'll probably walk out the cinema with a lot of things to think about, you might need some counselling of some sort but apart from that a excellent film .....And some great quotes! Go see this film!
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Twilight (I) (2008)
Oh My God
3 September 2009
Warning: Spoilers
I don't think there can be a worse vampire film.

I read the book and thought that was a waste of time too. I was reading it on the train and I fell asleep nearly missing my stop. I don't know how people can say that this is a good Book/film, and I paid £7.99 for that book. Rip off. I think the only reason it actually did so well was because of Robert Pattinson, if he wasn't the main vampire (Edward) I think it would have been a huge flop.

I'm not saying that because, let's face it the film only did so well because the ladies think he is hotter than the sun (He is according to Heat Magazine and the internet) . He is actually a good actor and I can see him playing someone in something apart from vampires. Like in Little Ashes (Which I have not seen yet) did alright.

He has a few films that have nothing to do with the Twilight saga thank god. One with Hugh Jackman which will probably do quite well helping his acting career. The sooner the Twilight films have finished the better.


I'm going to be a bit Hypocritical now when I say I will see how the next one (New Moon) comes out because having stars such as Michael Sheen and Dakota Fanning, two bigger names which will probably make the film a lot better. If you haven't looked up the pictures of them in New Moon then look now! The makeup artist should be sacked for the job He/she's done on Michael and Dakota. If that's how they look in the book then these vampires/werewolf's or what every they are don't want to blend in.

p.s. if i have any of my facts wrong about the film sorry.
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