
29 Reviews
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Who was rooting for the dinosaurs?
11 June 2024
Warning: Spoilers

This film is so dumb it made me angry. Saw it when it originally came out and was annoyed, watching it right now and am going to switch it off soon.

Goldblum's black daughter is a pointless annoying addition to this abomination, but what's I wanted more was for Julianne Moore and Vince Vaughn's characters to die horrible, dinosaur eaten deaths for taking that baby T-Rex in. This woman made it clear to observe and not interfere and then these clowns try to set a baby Rex's leg while it's screaming for its mother and take it to their lab.

The poachers were at least honest bad guys, clear in their mission. The scientists were just incompetent boobs.

Couldn't any of the script writers fix the dialogue?

Awful and I'm done watching. Number 3 was better and nothing beats the first movie which was magnificent of these original set of movies.
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If I Stay (2014)
Thought provoking about fate
21 January 2023
I am watching this as a 53 yr old female more identifying with the parents and grandparents than the young female lead. It's a movie about choices and the balance of following your dreams in youth and the reality of obligation and sacrifice as you grow up because some things just need to be done--because of other choices made in your youth. The balance of not living with regret is also presented against selfishness (in the best way) to put yourself first and yes, that is okay. The "other" parallel story about how life can be changed in an instant highlights these issues. I enjoyed the film and it made me reflect on my own life choices and sacrifices. The actors did a very good job in each of their roles. Young love is messy and awkward and hard when your life isn't settled yet. The harsh reviews are unjustified.
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Solace (II) (2015)
Clunky and by the end, boring
24 December 2022
The acting was strange by Hopkins, the rest of the cast fine except Farrell who overacted to the point of absurdity. The music was disjointed to the tone of the film with weird sequences of shots trying to make it edgy. Didn't like it from the start, but stuck it out except by fast forwarding through the climax as it was pointless and drawn out. Terrible plot and terrible film. Disappointing from such talent, but a poorly written script can't be saved by actors trying so hard. And Hopkins paired with Janine Turner grossed me out with 25 yr difference in ages even at their age. Hard pass and save your time.
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Dubai Bling (2022– )
A 10 for the fashion and jewels and cars
2 November 2022
Love this show as guilty pleasure. Am going to Dubai for Christmas holiday and am using the program for activities and restaurant ideas. I do like all the cast (?) as well. The gossip is more interesting than on US shows. Is it Shakespeare? Of course not but I'm enjoying it. The lifestyle is completely different but some of the problems the same.

The women are very beautiful and the men quite fun and even during the heavy talk of surrogacy, you could feel the tension on such a controversial topic for the Middle East. Glad they addressed it and showing empowered women. It is an interesting dynamic. The wedding planning is quite interesting as well.
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The Lost City (2022)
22 May 2022
Everyone did a fine job (especially Brad Pitt in his cameo) in a silly film except whoever cast the actress playing the ridiculous Beth character. The minority casted goofball schtik is tiresome and her enormous size and breasts erupting from her blouse made it even more ridiculous. Glad I didn't pay for this film and it's too predictable to rate higher than 5 even watching free.
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Fun, easy movie
13 March 2022
Enjoyed this film thoroughly and laughed throughout. This film is ultimately is about not wasting time life on the unimportant things.

Ignore the haters. It's a perfect date night or Sunday movie. Is it perfect, no, but it's been a long time since I've seen a film that didn't have something to pick on. This film left me smiling so give it 2 thumbs up.
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Attack on Titan: Hero (2019)
Season 3, Episode 17
16 February 2022
Am a 51 yr old female whose 18 yr old son pestered her for years to watch this show.

This episode had me weeping. It's perfect and this series is incredible.
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The race hammer drops about episode 6
3 May 2021
The show started off pretty well despite some annoying things such as Kerry Washington's facial contortions as if she constantly smells something bad during one of her many sanctimonious speeches but at about episode 6 the race hammer drops too hard.

The young actress who plays Pearl did an outstanding job as did the rest of the youth cast.

However the weirdo left wing politics is just too much and the present-day woke dialogue wasn't in the 90s. In the end, I give this a 5.
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Black Box (II) (2020)
Worth a watch
3 May 2021
Interesting movie, good twist, worth a view. Best movie ever? No-and not horror, but enjoyed it to the end-the last scene.
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Paranoid (2016)
Worst police series
13 March 2021
Warning: Spoilers
The writers must have been drunk when putting this together as it's so bad that it is shocking.

Am 5 episodes in and can take it no more. The pathological liar mother of one of the detectives and her lunatic psychiatrist/lover are the only good ones as their manipulative behavior is completely shocking (well acted). The rest of them are supposedly sane people that are completely insane themselves and behave so irrationally that it's gasp inducing at times. The dialogue is cringe inducing.

The Germans are past bizarre as are the American characters.

The writers really were taking the piss and the lead detective woman actress should be ashamed at what she put out it's such an idiotic portrayal of a late 30s supposedly professional woman.

My god it's bad... You've been warned.
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The Windsors (2016– )
13 December 2020
Screamingly funny, the actors are fantastic, and the writing biting and witty.

Watched the three seasons and am not ready to say goodbye to these characters so starting again.

If I have to pick my favorites, Princess Ann (The David Beckham and the Harry dual episodes were my favorites) and Prince Phillip emails absolutely hilarious.

Watch and laugh. It's comedy without being cruel and yet still savage to all.
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28 October 2020
This is an excellent short series. Fantastic and the acting is incredible.
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Awful dreck
10 October 2020
Terrible film, no redeeming qualities. Hoped it'd be a popcorn flick like most of The Rock movies are, but it's so poorly written that I tuned out and scrolled on my phone for a lot of the film. Cast unimpressive. Don't waste your time. 17 yr old just going to run off to Pulau? Stupid.
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Started bad, got interesting, and ended bad
4 October 2020
Warning: Spoilers

From the pointless opening credits sequence, started to regret spending time to watch the film.

There was tension and some interest with the story within a story unfolding, but we got Laura Linney as a tired and unoriginal cliché portrayal of the Texas mother being a Republican Christian bigot disowning her gay son, and Isla Fischer unlikeable the entire cold, never stopped depressing rest of the film.

The ending was absolutely pointless. I'd heard bad things about the film, but pushed ahead with an open mind. The acting was good, but the story total garbage in the end.

Take a pass or expect to leave completely unsatisfied.
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Constantine (2005)
26 July 2020
It's 2020 and am watching this movie for the probably 20th time. . Back when it originally ran, the haters were out for Keanu Reeves because he was one of the hottest actor at the time and they complained his delivery is wooden. It's not a dated film despite the lack of faces immersed in their cell phones.

This is a great story and Reeves portrayal of John Constantine is completely believable considering the burden he has been condemned to live with.

See the film, it's worth the time.
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Dare Me (2019–2020)
Vapid, unlikeable characters
22 June 2020
Warning: Spoilers
I know a show about normal people doing normal things isn't interesting, but I can't get past how outrageously ignorantly the Marines are being portrayed and the fact the cheerleading coach is so morally bankrupt in her own personal life.

Drinking with her teenage squad at her house? Rendezvousing with her lover with a teenage girl in tow?

Bullying, again? Queen Bee cheerleader captain, sociopath? It's all so cliché and this subject matter-done to death but now adding more depravity makes these cheerleaders look even more idiotic as they're children.

Ugh. If you like bankrupt, black souled people with no redeeming qualities whatsoever, this is the show for you. I'm glad I have teenage boys that are not interested in any of this garbage.
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Vacation (I) (2015)
Laughed the entire movie
24 April 2020
Had seriously low expectations of the film, but found myself laughing throughout the movie. It's not a remake, but stands alone as it's comedy respectfully spoofing off the original (such as with the hot woman in the convertible on the highway). The casting is great.

The youngest son with his use of the plastic bags had me absolutely roaring.

It's not a kids movie (since when is a rated "R" movie considered for families?) so those "shocked" by the raunchy humor must have forgotten the original movie with nudity and it's own sexual jokes and "R" rating.
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Still love it many years later
29 March 2020
Had no expectations of this film and it's firmly rooted my top 5 favorites ever.

Saw it as a 30 yr old female when it came out, and love it still.

It's a hilarious ride of fantastic characters. Crazy, violent, and yet you find yourself rooting for the boys. The cuts to "man in the street" interviews arr perfect.
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Blended (2014)
Garbage embarrassment of a film
29 March 2020
The Wedding Singer and the on-screen chemistry of Sandler and Barrymore was amazing. It's still a fantastic movie to watch even with silly, but clever lines.

This movie, however, is absolute dreck because the writing is infantile. The actors did what they could but the characters were absolutely unlikeable. The young actors were awful as well.

The entire trip to Sun City is so embarrassing, I switched the channel after the basketball court scene with the teen daughter and the African men singing or whatever onto the court.

Thank goodness this was was broadcast on tv vs going to the theater so never spent a dime.

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Jessica Chastain and James McAvoy should have passed on this film
4 January 2020
Warning: Spoilers
I read the book in 1988. Dragged it around from class to class in HS slyly reading because I couldn't put it down. This Part II abomination is an absolute disgrace to the book and even the original mini series from the 90s which was perfectly cast but the ending fell flat only because of the monster spider looked so fake. Otherwise, it was brilliant.

Only the 2 actors named above in this current film (the teens cast for Part I were good) and their talent was so misplaced (except Skarsgård who was brilliant) that the movie was lopsided and became stupid. Only the scenes of Beverly's "journey" were realistic with tension and the storyline strayed so far from the book, the plot was misjointed.

In a nutshell, I paused the movie at 1hr 38 min because I was falling asleep from boredom and watched the rest of this hot mess just now a day later. The actor who played Mike was awful. His character is the binding to bring them back together and the acting failed miserably. And Ben? Dreadful and appeared too young for the rest of the cast by 10 years.

Gah...what a waste of 3 hours.

Best part: didn't waste money paying for a theater ticket
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Funny enough but it's Sam Heughan as a new star
20 June 2019
Silly gags with a few laughs, but Sebastian is the star. Popcorn movie to site-see parts of Europe and a gorgeous Scot playing an Englishman.
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Chernobyl (2019)
25 May 2019
The lead actors should all receive awards. This is an important reminder that during crisis, humanity and sacrifice will rise to fight through the adversity, but an all powerful state will always fight to protect itself and the statists to protect themselves.
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Enjoyed it very much.
28 April 2019
Loved the first movie because the actors did a fantastic job meshing slasher and comedy. This sequel, while not as intense as the first, still was highly entertaining. It's not Citizen Kane, but this genre isn't supposed to be. The acting again made me laugh all the way to the very end while still holding the "who is the killer?!" suspense with all the alternate realities.

The actors make these movie-especially the lead actress. The cast are believable in an unbelievable setting and blend well together.

It's a fun popcorn movie for sure.
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Life of the Party (I) (2018)
Hilarious, screamingly funny restaurant scene.
24 March 2019
Am almost 50 and laughed the entire movie. The restaurant scene alone is worth the price of admission. Loved it. Sorry, sometimes moms need to have a karmic, goofy movie to laugh at. And loved the unapologetic cougar in McCarthy's who constantly always put herself last...for her husband to leave her anyway. Sometimes you just gotta take care of business.
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Us (II) (2019)
Great for a whili
23 March 2019
Was thoroughly enjoying the movie until the last 25 minutes which made no sense. While the plot was all over the place, it was still entertaining and the acting well done with a believable family unit and dark humor that actually worked.

Too bad. It had such an interesting start.
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