
14 Reviews
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Frankenweenie (2012)
A great halloween movie
14 October 2021
Such a joy, Tim Burton's best movie since Edward Scissorhands. I watch it every year for Halloween..

Love this for being a horror fan and for my love of dogs!

Now where is my muffin tin?
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How was this dumb movie made??
22 September 2021
I don't have a lot of words to say about this messed up movie, except to ask was it written by someone that shagged their best friends finance and tried to find a way to justify it??

This movie is off the hook crazy!! I can't believe these actors thought that this could be a hit! Hahaha, idiots!
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Stage Mother (2020)
A delight!
22 August 2020
I know this movie has its flaws and there are many. But if you love drag culture, this is worth a watch.

Jackie Weaver is a delight! And the queens are great too
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7 July 2020
Could've been half enjoyable if someone had have woke Richard Gere up from his sleep walking. But hey, who can really blame him, the whole movie is a snooze fest. Diane Lane, bless her, at least tried to breathe a bit of energy into it, but she can still not do so much. The clearing out the pantry scene is just weird, I felt embarrassed for the both of them.

Favourite character was the house
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30 April 2020
A comfort movie, with beautiful vistas, romance and silky enjoyment.

I love it when the flag hits the dumb stupid boy in the head
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Dolly Parton's Heartstrings: Two Doors Down (2019)
Season 1, Episode 2
30 November 2019
Warning: Spoilers
Melissa Leo is so funny! She chews scenery with her hilarious over the top southern drawl! Her face when "the gays" kiss in the hospital room is priceless!

Does anyone else wish that Bloody Fangs was a real show??
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Downton Abbey (2019)
Not great
28 September 2019
Warning: Spoilers
Who didn't love the TV series, had a mixture of period drama and soap opera, was well written and had interesting characters.

This movie maintains a lot of those elements as well, and there were moments that were purely delightful, however there are problems I can't ignore.

Let's start with Daisy. She's easily the worst character and she's given way too much screen time. I literally hate her.

The stupid servant uprising is both weird and kind of daft. You would think that these royal toffs coming in to take over for a few days might give these downton servants a nice reprieve. I would be like yay you can clean the silver thanks, but no they don't want anyone else to polish their floors. Lame!

The secret daughter subplot was way too predictable, they should've made the servant her secret lesbian lover, that would've made it more interesting.

Does anyone else wish Marys insipid husband would just die?

Overall though still fun, fans of the show will enjoy.
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Tall Girl (2019)
Ooof! What a stinker!
16 September 2019
The problem here is it's not funny so it's not a comedy and it's too unrealistic to be a drama. The characters are mostly irritating and hard to sympathise with. Jody is so bland I could not care less about where she ends up at the end.

PS the musical "number" in the first half of the movie was so cringey I could barely watch it! Stay away from this piece of trash
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Long Shot (2019)
26 July 2019
Might have liked it better if he had not have worn that dumb hat all the way through it.
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Tales of the City: Rainbow Warriors (2019)
Season 1, Episode 9
Melrose place
11 June 2019
Warning: Spoilers
Oh dear god, from such a great episode to this pile of soap opera trash. The "villain" is exposed and boy is it embarassing! It's Melrose place/ days of our lives cringy. For a show to go from such great heights to plumet to such a thud is so so bad!

Should've seen this coming considering that the Barbary lane looks like such a crap set, it actually looks like Days of our lives.

I hope the final episode reigns in an otherwise great show
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9 June 2019
Warning: Spoilers
You've got to admire Dakota Johnson, she really is the best thing in this. The writing is bad, and I mean BAD! I cringed probably about 19 times. But Dakota actually turns crap into gold occasionally, she is such a great leading lady and acts everyone else off the screen.

The biggest gripe? Damon Wayans Jrs character goes from being such an exciting romantic leading guy to a jerk in about 10 seconds. It begs the question, why did they even bother with that storyline to begin with??

Rebel Wilson who I usually enjoy, is just plain obnoxious in this with zero layers.

There's some enjoyment to be had from this little piece of trash, it wasn't as bad as some ensembles (I'm looking at you What to Expect When You're Expecting!!)
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8 June 2019
I'm two episodes in, I'm quite enjoying it, but the flaws are glaringly obvious. I'll start with the biggest one and that is the supposed gap in decades that has occurred. I would have much preferred that it was set in the 90s or early 2000s, with the first series being set in the 70s this just doesn't add up for me. I'm finding it hard to move past it and very distracting.

The second flaw is the constant nods and winks to the younger generation and references to Instagram etc. There was an annoying pause in the flower shop when a customer paid for his purchase using his phone. This approach, which I think is intentional, is incredibly obnoxious.

Aside from these criticisms, I'm still a fan of the original material, and I am hopeful it settles down. Laura Linney rocks
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17 May 2019
Marvel have done such a great job at creating a broad storyline, that pieces together like a puzzle. This truly is a Marvel fans fandream movie. It does sag a bit in the middle. Some characters are a little underwhelming, Thors storyline was dull. I did feel like there was more invested interest in Captain America, because the Russo brothers have already built that character up so much.

But that last battle was amazing. It reminded me of the feeling I got when I first saw the final act of the Attack of the Clones, truly awesome!
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Wine Country (2019)
17 May 2019
I was hopeful, because I enjoy movies about wine and people getting drunk. But this was just cringeworthy.

There were some ok moments, such as the passive aggressive, sorry not sorry bit. The eternal flame karaoke part. Almost the Fran Fine exhibition was fun, but fell so flat.

When they rolled down the hill, was the moment I realised that this movie was just terrible.

The big shame is it could've been good. But too much slapstick (and not good slapstick) destroyed it.

Tina Fey's parts were kind of embarassing to watch, it was a part that would've been suited to another actress, who actually can act perhaps??

Cherry Jones, who I love and is usually a dramatic actress, was the only one who had a bit subtlety, and was actually funny. Something these supposed comedic actresses lack.
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