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Matt Rife: Natural Selection (2023 TV Special)
Matt Rife proved he's just another Pick Me Boy!
30 November 2023
Legitimately the worst comedy special I've ever seen. The man has NO delivery style at all. Like no inflection in his voice that indicates any sort of tone except douchetard jackass struggles to pre arrange a joke.

I understand in standup you can say stuff about women/ domestic violence and i think anyone is fair game in comedy but when it's 9 minutes straight of unfunny jokes towards women to start off the special got me thinking that he got broken up within 24 hours before he wrote this set .lmao like who hurt you??

I'll give Matt Rife about 3 months before he pops up in ben Shapiro's circle and pivots being a "cancelled comedian that isn't afraid to be offensive"
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Matt Rife: Natural Selection (2023 TV Special)
He stinks!!!!
29 November 2023
I was a hardcore fan of Rife's comedy on YouTube and tiktok and I was seriously looking forward to his Netflix special . But i was disappointed to see how all the jokes were cliched- like jokes about masturbation, religion,bullies ..same old typical stuff other comedians been doing for so long ;except the monster/ghost story jokes which were so boring and they carried on for a good chunk of the show. It was very unbearably stupid . The jokes were very bland and i had to watch on 2x speed just to finish the whole show . This didn't look like the kind of jokes Matt Rife would do .. I'm really heart broken to see how this one tanked real bad. I hope he learns from this and write good content for his upcoming specials .
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A modern Classic !
25 November 2023
"The Devil Wears Prada" is a cinematic masterpiece that seamlessly weaves together elements of fashion, ambition, and self-discovery. Meryl Streep's portrayal of the formidable Miranda Priestly is nothing short of spectacular, capturing the essence of a powerful and enigmatic fashion editor. Anne Hathaway's performance as the aspiring journalist, Andy Sachs, is equally compelling, as she navigates the demanding world of high fashion with grace and resilience.

The film's narrative is a delightful blend of wit and drama, offering a captivating glimpse into the cutthroat realm of the fashion industry. The script is sharp and engaging, keeping the audience hooked from start to finish. The character development is skillfully executed, with each role contributing to the overall charm of the story.

Visually stunning, the film's costume design and cinematography transport viewers into the glamorous and fast-paced universe of fashion. The attention to detail in capturing the nuances of the industry adds an extra layer of authenticity to the film. The pacing is impeccable, allowing for a perfect balance between humor, tension, and heartfelt moments.

What truly sets "The Devil Wears Prada" apart is its exploration of themes such as identity, sacrifice, and the price of success. It transcends the typical fashion-centric narrative, offering a thought-provoking commentary on the choices we make in pursuit of our ambitions. The emotional resonance of the film is amplified by a stellar supporting cast, including Emily Blunt and Stanley Tucci, who deliver memorable performances.

The soundtrack complements the storyline beautifully, enhancing the viewing experience and contributing to the film's overall allure. Director David Frankel's adept handling of the material ensures a seamless blend of entertainment and substance, making "The Devil Wears Prada" a timeless classic that resonates with audiences across generations.

In conclusion, "The Devil Wears Prada" is a cinematic gem that transcends its genre, delivering a compelling narrative, outstanding performances, and a visual feast for the senses. It remains a must-watch for anyone appreciative of finely crafted storytelling and a testament to the enduring impact of exceptional filmmaking.
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The Big Bang Theory (2007–2019)
A show Full of Racist Humor
25 November 2023
"The Big Bang Theory" disappoints with its reliance on tired stereotypes and predictable humor. The show leans heavily on portraying its characters as one-dimensional caricatures, perpetuating stereotypes about nerds and geeks without providing any depth or nuance. The overemphasis on awkward social interactions and cringe-worthy moments becomes repetitive, making the humor feel stale over time.

The laugh track feels forced, attempting to compensate for the lackluster jokes and predictable punchlines. The writing often relies on references to pop culture and scientific jargon as a substitute for genuine wit, creating an artificial sense of intelligence without substance. The show's attempts at inclusivity and diversity often feel tokenistic, with characters of different backgrounds reduced to simplistic stereotypes.

The romantic plotlines lack genuine emotional depth, resorting to clichés and formulaic relationships that do little to elevate the overall narrative. The female characters, in particular, are often relegated to supporting roles, and their development feels secondary to the male protagonists. This dated approach to gender dynamics feels out of touch with modern sensibilities.

Despite the talented cast, the performances feel constrained by the limitations of the material. Even skilled actors like Jim Parsons struggle to breathe life into characters that are hindered by uninspired writing. The show's success seems to stem more from its formulaic approach than from genuine creativity or innovation.

The portrayal of science and academia is also superficial, missing an opportunity to celebrate intellectual pursuits in a meaningful way. Instead, it perpetuates the notion that intelligence equates to social ineptitude, reinforcing harmful stereotypes rather than challenging them.

In essence, "The Big Bang Theory" falls short of its potential, relying on a formulaic and often regressive approach to humor and character development. The show's unwillingness to evolve or break free from its established tropes results in a viewing experience that feels stagnant and uninspiring. For those seeking sitcoms with more depth and originality, "The Big Bang Theory" may leave you longing for a more intellectually satisfying and socially progressive alternative.
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Interstellar (2014)
An emotional rollercoaster!!
25 November 2023
Interstellar is a cinematic masterpiece that transcends the boundaries of traditional science fiction. Christopher Nolan's visionary direction, paired with Hans Zimmer's haunting score, creates an immersive experience that captivates from start to finish. The film's breathtaking visuals, especially in the depiction of space and the wormhole, are awe-inspiring.

Matthew McConaughey delivers a stellar performance, infusing his character with emotional depth and a compelling sense of determination. The exploration of relativity and the impact of time dilation adds a layer of complexity to the narrative, elevating it beyond a mere space adventure. The emotional core of the story, centered around love transcending time and space, resonates profoundly, making Interstellar more than just a sci-fi spectacle.

The scientific accuracy and attention to detail in depicting space phenomena contribute to the film's authenticity. Nolan masterfully weaves together the human element with mind-bending cosmic concepts, creating a narrative that stimulates both intellect and emotion. The ensemble cast, including Anne Hathaway and Jessica Chastain, delivers performances that enhance the richness of the storytelling.

Interstellar's thematic exploration of the survival instinct, environmental crisis, and the resilience of the human spirit adds depth to its narrative. The moral and ethical dilemmas faced by the characters provide food for thought, prompting viewers to reflect on humanity's role in the cosmos. The film's ambitious scope is matched by its philosophical undertones, making it a thought-provoking experience.

The visual effects team deserves commendation for their groundbreaking work, seamlessly blending practical effects with cutting-edge CGI. The realism of the spacecraft, the black hole, and the alien planets contributes to the film's immersive quality. Interstellar's commitment to pushing the boundaries of visual storytelling sets a new standard for sci-fi epics.

Hoyte van Hoytema's cinematography captures the vastness of space and the intimacy of human relationships with equal finesse. The juxtaposition of the grandeur of the cosmos with the vulnerability of the characters amplifies the emotional impact. Zimmer's score serves as a powerful companion, enhancing the emotional beats and intensifying the overall cinematic experience.

In conclusion, Interstellar is a triumph of filmmaking, seamlessly blending science fiction with profound human drama. Christopher Nolan's ambitious vision, coupled with outstanding performances and technical brilliance, elevates this movie to a cinematic milestone. It not only explores the mysteries of the universe but also delves into the complexities of the human heart, leaving an indelible mark on the genre and reaffirming Nolan's status as a cinematic maestro.
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Bullet Train (2022)
Fun ride
25 November 2023
"Bullet Train" delivers an exhilarating ride from start to finish. The pulse-pounding action sequences, coupled with a cleverly woven plot, keep you on the edge of your seat. The ensemble cast, led by charismatic performances from A-list stars, adds depth to the characters. The film's sleek cinematography and seamless editing enhance the overall viewing experience. "Bullet Train" is a thrilling joyride that seamlessly blends suspense, humor, and heart, making it a must-watch for fans of high-octane cinema. Fast-paced and full of surprises, it's a standout addition to the action genre. A must watch for action junkies !!
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Best Fantasy of 2023
25 November 2023
Dungeons and Dragons emerges as a cinematic gem that successfully translates the intricate and captivating world of the iconic role-playing game onto the big screen. With a stellar cast, breathtaking visuals, and a narrative that balances epic quests with character development, this film is a triumphant celebration of the fantasy genre that will leave both fans and newcomers enchanted.

One of the standout features of Dungeons and Dragons is the exceptional casting that brings the beloved characters to life. The ensemble, led by a charismatic and committed cast, delivers performances that breathe authenticity into the fantastical realm. Each actor embodies their character with dedication, capturing the essence of the diverse personalities that populate the Dungeons and Dragons universe. The chemistry among the cast is palpable, creating a cohesive ensemble that adds depth to the storytelling and enhances the viewer's immersion in the mystical world.

The screenplay is a testament to the careful consideration and respect given to the source material. Dungeons and Dragons doesn't merely rely on the franchise's name but actively engages with its rich lore, seamlessly blending elements of adventure, magic, and camaraderie. The script masterfully balances moments of high-stakes action with quieter, character-driven scenes, ensuring that the narrative remains both thrilling and emotionally resonant. This thoughtful approach to storytelling elevates Dungeons and Dragons beyond a mere spectacle, establishing it as a film with substance and heart.

Visually, the film is a feast for the eyes. The world-building is nothing short of spectacular, transporting audiences to a realm where imagination knows no bounds. From awe-inspiring landscapes to intricately designed creatures, the attention to detail in the production design and visual effects is commendable. The filmmakers have succeeded in creating a visually stunning experience that pays homage to the vivid imagery that has fueled the imaginations of Dungeons and Dragons players for decades.

Furthermore, Dungeons and Dragons strikes a perfect balance between catering to seasoned fans of the franchise and welcoming newcomers to the fantasy genre. Longtime enthusiasts will appreciate the subtle nods to the game's lore and the inclusion of iconic elements that have become synonymous with the Dungeons and Dragons brand. Simultaneously, the film's narrative is accessible to those unfamiliar with the source material, making it an inviting entry point for those exploring the fantasy genre for the first time.

The pacing of the film is another commendable aspect. Dungeons and Dragons maintains a dynamic rhythm, ensuring that the audience remains engaged from start to finish. The action sequences are expertly choreographed, delivering exhilarating moments that are enhanced by the seamless integration of practical and digital effects. The film's pacing allows for moments of character development and world-building without sacrificing the adrenaline-fueled excitement that fans of fantasy adventure crave.

In addition to its entertainment value, Dungeons and Dragons also explores themes of friendship, courage, and the power of collective storytelling. The characters undergo meaningful arcs, evolving as they face challenges and discover the strength within themselves and their companions. These thematic elements add emotional depth to the narrative, resonating with viewers on a personal level and elevating the film beyond a mere popcorn flick.

In conclusion, Dungeons and Dragons is a triumph in the realm of fantasy cinema. With a stellar cast, a richly crafted narrative, and breathtaking visuals, the film honors its source material while delivering an accessible and immersive experience for audiences of all backgrounds. Whether you're a longtime fan of the iconic role-playing game or a newcomer to the fantasy genre, Dungeons and Dragons invites you on an epic adventure that will leave you spellbound and eager for more.
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Worst movie of 2023
25 November 2023
"No Hard Feelings" is a cinematic endeavor that stumbles from the opening credits and never manages to regain its footing. This film, touted as a drama with a touch of romance, falls prey to a myriad of flaws, from an uninspired plot to lackluster performances, ultimately leaving audiences with a sense of regret for the time invested in this forgettable piece of cinema.

The fundamental issue with "No Hard Feelings" lies in its unoriginal and predictable plot. The storyline follows a tired and clichéd trajectory, tracing the familiar contours of countless romantic dramas that have come before. The narrative fails to offer any refreshing or innovative elements, leaving viewers with a sense of déjà vu as they endure the same tired tropes and predictable twists that have become all too common in the genre.

Compounding the film's narrative mediocrity are the lackluster performances by the cast. The lead actors seem to go through the motions, delivering their lines with a level of detachment that fails to evoke any genuine emotion. The chemistry between characters, purportedly the backbone of any successful romantic drama, is conspicuously absent. Viewers are left yearning for a connection that never materializes, rendering the central romance devoid of the passion and authenticity needed to make it believable.

The characters themselves are disappointingly one-dimensional, with little to no development throughout the film. It's as if the scriptwriters relied on superficial archetypes rather than delving into the complexities that make characters relatable and memorable. The result is a cast of forgettable personas whose fates elicit little more than a shrug from the audience.

"No Hard Feelings" attempts to inject humor into the mix, but the comedic elements fall flat. The jokes feel forced, relying on tired and outdated humor that fails to resonate with a modern audience. Rather than providing moments of levity to balance the drama, the humor serves only to accentuate the film's overall lack of wit and originality.

The film's cinematography and visual aesthetic are equally underwhelming. Scenes lack the visual flair needed to elevate the storytelling, and the cinematography fails to capture the beauty or significance of the film's settings. The result is a visual experience that feels as lackluster as the narrative itself, contributing to an overall sense of indifference toward the film's aesthetic presentation.

One cannot overlook the film's pacing issues, which further compound its list of shortcomings. "No Hard Feelings" lurches awkwardly from one scene to the next, with a rhythm that feels disjointed and jarring. The lack of a cohesive pace disrupts the flow of the narrative, making it difficult for viewers to become immersed in the unfolding story. The film's attempts at building tension or emotional resonance are thwarted by its inconsistent pacing, leaving audiences disconnected and uninvested.

Overall "No Hard Feelings" is a cinematic misfire that fails to deliver on multiple fronts. From its lackluster plot and uninspired performances to its feeble attempts at humor and subpar visual presentation, the film offers little to redeem itself. For those seeking a compelling and original romantic drama, "No Hard Feelings" is a regrettable choice that leaves audiences with more disappointment than satisfaction, reminding us all too well that not every cinematic experience is a memorable one.
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The Buccaneers (2023– )
A wanna be Bridgerton!
25 November 2023
Buccaneers is a glaring example of how a promising concept can be marred by poor execution, leaving audiences with a sense of disappointment and frustration. From lackluster performances to a disjointed storyline, this TV show falls short on multiple fronts, ultimately leaving viewers questioning the rationale behind its production.

One of the major pitfalls of Buccaneers is the underwhelming performances by the cast. Despite having a talented ensemble, the characters come off as one-dimensional and fail to evoke any genuine emotional connection. It's as if the actors themselves are disinterested, delivering lines with a lack of conviction that leaves the audience struggling to engage with the narrative. This lack of chemistry among the cast members only serves to highlight the missed potential of what could have been a captivating ensemble piece.

The writing in Buccaneers leaves much to be desired. The plot is riddled with inconsistencies and abrupt shifts that leave viewers bewildered rather than intrigued. Subplots are introduced haphazardly, only to be abandoned without resolution, creating a narrative that feels more like a series of disconnected events rather than a coherent story. Viewers are left wondering if the writers themselves lost track of where they were taking the show, leading to a frustrating viewing experience.

Moreover, the dialogue feels forced and unnatural, leaving characters sounding more like caricatures than real people. The attempts at humor often fall flat, and dramatic moments lack the emotional depth needed to resonate with the audience. It's as if the writers relied on tired clichés and stereotypes rather than crafting authentic and relatable interactions between characters.

The production quality of Buccaneers is another letdown. From poorly choreographed action scenes to lackluster special effects, the show fails to deliver on the visual spectacle that contemporary audiences expect. The sets and costumes appear uninspired, contributing to an overall lack of aesthetic appeal. In a television landscape where production values can make or break a show, this show falls behind its competitors, making it difficult for viewers to stay engaged.

Furthermore, the pacing of the show is erratic, with episodes veering between sluggish and chaotic without finding a comfortable middle ground. This lack of rhythm contributes to a disjointed viewing experience, making it challenging for viewers to invest in the overarching narrative. A well-paced storyline can carry even a mediocre plot, but Buccaneers fails to find the equilibrium needed to keep audiences hooked.

Overall this show is a disappointment on multiple fronts. Lackluster performances, a poorly crafted narrative, subpar production quality, and erratic pacing contribute to a viewing experience that fails to live up to the expectations set by its premise. For those seeking quality television entertainment, this show is a shipwreck that should be avoided, leaving viewers yearning for the compelling storytelling and engaging characters that the medium is capable of delivering.
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Best Sleuths of TV
25 November 2023
Charles ,Oliver and Mabel are one of the best created characters on Tv right now. I really love how they pull each other's leg and keep annoying each other. I loved all three seasons but the 3rd one is by far the best one . The whole musical theater scenerio with a huge side characters was so perfectly handled. This show is unlike any other professional type detective shows out there. Charles-Mabel-Oliver are as flawless and normal and quirky as anyother normal human being .The humor is top notch . There are so many scenes which make you gag and laugh hysetrically. I haven't found any episode dry or boring . Every episode is superbly written and well crafted. A must watch for crime junkies !!
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The Killer (2023)
What kinda Snoozefest Movie is this??
25 November 2023
Warning: Spoilers
Presented as some clever assassin movie, it was extraordinary medicore.. Netflix really failed to deliver this time . The action scenes were almost non existant and 70% of the movie has scenes in the dark ,its impossible to see whats really happening. I love Micheal Fassbander and i believe this was such a waste of his talent. Only the Paris sequnce of movie was interesting; the rest just fell flat .. No creativity , no cinematic sequences were there -it was super bland!!

I kept waiting for the movie to get interesting but it never came. The stakes were so low in this one, it felt like some low budgeted movie.
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She killed her!
1 October 2023
Warning: Spoilers
I was never familiar with this case so after watching this entire documentary I'm convinced Jessica is the killer. The police and prosecution weren't able to get the evidence and yes i believe there were some wrongdoings by them as well regarding the case handling. But the way Jessica acted after the incident is guilty as hell. The whole footage in the coffee bar is the proof enough if analysed by experts properly. Tbh the way she ordered someone else's coffee long before they arrived-thats fishy as hell.like why would you order in someone's place,even though you've known them for so long. She never showed remorse for her friend's death and was smiling all the way in the court room like a true narcissist. I hope she rots in hell!
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Unique,Refreshing & small town cozy mystery vibes
21 August 2023
If you're in mood for laid back n fun cozy mysteries- then this is the show for you . It really grows on you after initial 20 minutes or so . This show has everything such as small town setting, a main character who wants to redeem themselves and reinvent their life after staying at the small town, simple minded honest side characters, no annoying characters at all & above all tge humor is top notch . Some scenes are laugh out loud funny.. The romance plotline hasn't quite yet build up as I'm just on 4th episode but i do hope there's a cute romance arc in next episodes . Can't wait for next episodes !
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Superstore (2015–2021)
A cheap copy of characters from different sitcoms
21 August 2023
I don't know if any series can make me hate lead characters as much as this series . I'm on 4th season n i can't stand Amy & Jonah anymore!! First 2 seasons were amazing but the next two were so bland esp Amy and Jonah's story arc seemed to be a 'wanna be Ross & Rachel story. Like srsly they have made Amy so annoying and it was extremely frustrating to watch her make stupid decisions- it even compelled a person like me to write a review. The characters which appeared in initial two seasons changed so drastically. Glenn was a sweet n goofy guy and they tried to turn him to Micheal from Office.

Dina seemed like a female version of Dwight Shrutte; if you carefully look at her major character attributes as a nerdy person who knows more abt animals than humans and who is a ASSISTANT to a manager & also the way she is a tattle tale and doesn't compromise on work ethics stuff and doesn't cut slack to anyone-she is a poorly constructed dwight Shrutte!!

So to me it seems like writers were not creative enough to come up with an original character and story arcs. They just borrowed from different sitcoms and thought it was a work of art.
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