
16 Reviews
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4 February 2003
i love this film! at first i didnt know whether i wanted to see it as it looked a it too bimbo like for me. however i was pleasently surprised! i think that Elle is a very loveable character and that Reese does a great job acting this caharcter.

i thought that all of the characters in this film are great and are well acted. so a big well done to all the cast!
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Pugwall (1989–1991)
how i loved this show!!
26 December 2002
when i was younger i used to love this show! i used to think that the music in it was great and that the guy who played pugwall was dead sexy! although i recently found and episode when i was going through my old videos and to be honest i thought it was pretty tragic! but i guess when you are 10 years old this would seem like a great show.
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California Dreams (1992–1997)
i even have the cd!
26 December 2002
california dreams is one of the best teen tv shows ever in my opinion. it was really funny with a wicked cast. plus the music that the band did was great! i bought the cd soundtrack and play it all these years later! i liked the way the show had it's comedy moments yet still managed to have some more serious issues in it. about a year ago nicelodian uk were doing repeats of it and i taped every episode they showed just so i can still watch this amazing show.
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Mike & Angelo (1989–2000)
yet another classic!
19 December 2002
i used to love this show!!! it was so funny and even though i'm now 18 i still re watch my tapes of it and laugh out loud! my faveourite episode has to be the one where angelo creates the machine to make computer games come to life and the God Thaw attacks the house. this episode also stars one of the most funny characters Brett Douglas.
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very cool
20 November 2002
i wasn't expecting this bond film to be that great but i was surprised! i loved the opening sequence and thought all the action was brilliant!!! i also loved the credit sequence to this film and was impressed by the way it was shot.

the acting in the film was great! i thought that halle did a wicked job and she looked stunning too. as for the main my view he's the second best bond. roger moore is the best in my opinion!

i thought that madonna was unnesssary in the film! ok so she was only in it for a minute but did we have to see her terrible acting?!

overall i give the film 7.5 out of 10. there were some good action scenes, well shot sex scenes and some pretty cool villians.
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Crossroads (I) (2002)
how cute!
3 November 2002
i know that many people do not like this film but i still asked for it for my 18th birthday anyway because i'm a fan of britney (ok you can stop laughing now!)

i thought that the film was actually ok. the storyline was cool because it dealt with issues that teens deal with so we can relate to it. britney's acting was ok in this film. many of my friends laughed at her but i really thought she did ok, or maybe i'm just biased?!

overall i give the film abaout 6 out of 10. what let it down was the ending. i really felt they could have ended it in another way. but i reccomend it to people who are having a girly night in.
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still like it!
30 September 2002
ok so i'm now nearly 18 but i still like it and watch the re runs on fox kids! when it first came out i bought all of the action figures and videos and pretty much anything with the logo on! i loved the storylines and i thought that the values in the show were good. also me and my brother didnt copy the moves or anything and were not affected by the violence in the show. my fave ranger was tommy. i had the biggest crush on him!
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Tales of the Unexpected (1979–1988)
i love this show!
28 September 2002
one evening my dad made me sit down and watch this show with the family and i thought what rubbish it seemed! however once i watched one episode i was hooked! ok so the storylines are silly but they are surprsingly entertaining. unfortunately granarda plus have stopped showing them!
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Blossom (1990–1995)
i loved this show!
21 September 2002
i discovered blossom when i was at home years ago off sick from school and ever since i was hooked! I loved the character of her brother joey. he always made me crack up just because he was so dumb! i also really liked the character vinnie in show (purely because of his good looks!!) i'm surprised that most of the people i talk to either dont like the show or havent even heard of it! I love it and still watch the re runs whenever they were on.
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The in Crowd (2000)
where did the lip gloss come from?!
13 September 2002
call me crazy but i really liked this movie! ok so it was a little predictable but it was quite gripping. I liked susan wards character in the movie. and if anyone knows where that lip gloss came from please email me!

i loved the way that brittany seemed totally normal yet ended up being the weird one. although the film should have had a higher rating what with the nudity scenes and stuff.

all in all i'd give the in crowd 7/10
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Sunset Beach (1997–1999)
bring it back!!!
13 September 2002
i absolutely loved sunset beach! it was the best soap ever! yup, even better than silly old eastenders and boring home and away! i even have the last episode on video as i wanted to keep it so i'd always remember it! (yup sad i know!)

my favourite cahacter has got to be annie! she was so cool and calculating! oh and i also loved cole but thats just because he's a hottie!

anyone else still think of good old sunset beach?
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WWE Smackdown! (1999– )
Smackdown rules!
20 April 2002
WWF Smackdown has really picked up lately now that Vince has total control over it. Smackdown has the better wrestlers now with the likes of The Rock and Hogan. The only thing i'm complaining about is how Shane isn't on it anymore! He needs to come back soon!
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Bring It On (2000)
a surprisingly good film!
19 April 2002
I didn't think that 'Bring It On' would be that good, afteral it is a film about cheerleaders! However when i saw it i was truely amazed. I love the humour in this film and the actors all all really good, especially Eliza.

I also love the way that the cheerleaders are not portrayed as bimbo's. Cheerleading is seen as sport in this film and has enlightened me about it's competiveness. I've always thought of cheerleaders as girls for guys to look at and not as the athleets that they really are.

I think that it was good that the Clovers won the championship because i don't think many people were expecting it. All in all this is a great film and i advise people to watch it not just for the pretty girls but for the actuall story line.
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absolute rubbish!
10 April 2002
I absolutly hated this film. I only watched it because it was for my film studies class! I felt that to make a film about the Dereck Bentley saga was quite unnecessary. If you want to see a decent film about mis justice then watch 'In The Name Of The Father' which is abosolutley brilliant. The only good part of this film is the fabulous acting of Paul Reynolds. If you do make the desision to watch this film, let the reason be for him.
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Ginger Snaps (2000)
best horror flim i've seen in years!
8 April 2002
Warning: Spoilers
CONTAINS SPOILER I only bought GS because it was on sale and didn't really expect it to be very good as i had never heard of it before. However i was surprised to find that this is one of the best horror films i have viewed in a long time. I loved the way the film wasn't just about a werewolf, but about the bond between two sisters being broke.

I thought that all the actors were perfectly chosen and well played, especially the girl who plays Ginger. An added bonus is that the guy who plays Sam the drug dealer with a heart is really cute! It's a shame he came to such a bloody end.

Overall i'd tell people to not only rent this movie, but buy it because it is so good you'll want to watch it again and again. I would advise not to eat while watching this film though because some of the scenes with the dead dogs really grossed me out.

I give this film and A*.
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The Brotherhood (2001 Video)
I love this film!
6 April 2002
How can people say they don't like this? Sure it's kinda strange and cheap looking but i think that the overall story line is pretty good. The ending could have been improved though. I felt that it was rather rushed. I didn't mind at all that the film had lots of scenes where the characters were wearing matching underwear! When the blokes are that good looking does it really matter if it's relevant?! I'd say that if you like vampire films watch this. Even though it has an unusual take on the vampire myth, it is still very intersesting.
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